浅析 x86 架构中 cache 的组织结构-每个程序员都应该了解的 CPU 高速缓存
Why is transposing a matrix of 512×512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513×513 ?
不过我们不知道提问者测试机器的硬件架构,不过我的测试环境就是我这台笔记本了,x86架构,处理器是Intel Core i3-2310M 2.10GHz。顺便啰嗦一句,在linux下,直接用cat命令查看/proc/cpuinfo这个虚拟文件就可以查看到当前CPU的很多信息。
首先,我们将提问者给出的代码修改为C语言版,然后编译运行进行测试。提问者所给出的这段代码有逻辑问题,但是这和我们的讨论主题无关,所以请无视这些细节吧 :),代码如下:
Average for a matrix of 513 : 0.003879 s
Average for a matrix of 512 : 0.004570 s
512×512的矩阵转置确实慢于513×513的矩阵,但是有意思的是我并没有提问者那么悬殊的执行结果。不过在编译命令行加上参数 -O2 优化后差异很明显了:
Average for a matrix of 513 : 0.001442 s
Average for a matrix of 512 : 0.005469 s
- 如果真是cache的缘故,那么cache又是如何影响代码执行的效率呢?
- 如果是因为cache具体的组织方式带来的特殊现象,那cache究竟是怎么组织的呢?
- 除此之外,仅仅是512×512的矩阵转置慢吗?其它的数字又会怎样呢?
- 搞明白了cache的组织方式之后,能给我们平时写代码定义变量有怎样的启示呢?
可以看到,我的机器拥有L1d(L1数据cache)和L1i(L1指令cache)各32KB、L2 cache 256KB、L3 cache 3072KB(3MB)。
CPU和cache是以字为单位进行数据交换的,而cache却是以行(块)(即Cache Block,或Cache Line)为单位进行数据交换的。在cache中划分若干个字为一行,在内存中划分若干个字为一块,这里的行和块是大小相等的。CPU要获取某内存地址的数据时会先检查该地址所在的块是否在cache中,如果在称之为cache命中,CPU很快就可以读取到所需数据;反之称为cache未命中,此时需要从内存读取数据,同时会将该地址所在的整个内存块复制到cache里存储以备再次使用。
那么如何判断cache是否命中呢?由于内存和cache是多对一的映射,所以必须在cache存储一行数据的同时标示出这些数据在内存中的确切位置。简单的说,在cache每一行中都有一个Index,这个Index记录着该行数据来自内存的哪一块(其实还有若干标志位,包括有效位(valid bit)、脏位(dirty bit)、使用位(use bit)等。这些位在保证正确性、排除冲突、优化性能等方面起着重要作用)。那么在进行一个地址的判断时,采用全相联方式的话,因为任意一行都有可能存在所需数据,所以需要比较每一行的索引值才能确定cache中是否存在所需数据。这样的电路延迟较长,设计困难且复杂性高,所以一般只有在特殊场合,比如cache很小时才会使用。
内存块放置行号 = 内存块号 % cache总行数
综上,最终的解决方案是最后的组相联映射方式(Set Associativity),这个方案结合了以上两种映射方式的优点。具体的方法是先将cache的行进行分组,然后内存块按照组号求模来决定该内存块放置到cache的哪一个组。但是具体放置在组内哪一行都可以,具体由cache替换算法决定。
我们刚说过组相联映射方式的行号可以通过 块号 % 分组个数 的公式来计算,那么直接给出一个内存地址的话如何计算呢?其实内存地址所在的块号就是 内存地址值 / 分块字节数,那么直接由一个内存地址计算出所在cache中的行分组的组号计算公式就是:
内存地址所在cache组号 = (内存地址值 / 分块字节数) % 分组个数
标志位是有效位(valid bit)、脏位(dirty bit)、使用位(use bit)等,用于该cache行的写回算法,替换算法使用。这里简单期间我就画了一个2路组相联映射的例子出来。现在大家应该大致明白cache工作的流程了吧?首先由给出的内存地址计算出所在cache的组号(索引),再由判断电路逐一比较标签(tag)值来判断是否命中,若命中则通过行(块)内偏移返回所在字数据,否则由cache替换算法决定换出某一行(块),同时由内存调出该行(块)数据进行替换。
我们继续分析转置问题。每个cache行(块)拥有64个字节,正好是16个int变量的大小。一个n阶矩阵的一个行正好填充n / 16个cache行。512阶矩阵的话,每个矩阵的行就填充了32个组中的行,2个矩阵的行就覆盖了64个组。之后的行若要使用,就必然牵扯到cache的替换了。如果此时二维数组的array[0][0]开始从cache第一行开始放置。那么当进入第二重for循环之后,由于内存地址计算出的cache组号相同,导致每一个组中的正在使用的cache行发生了替换,不断发生的组内替换使得cache完全没有发挥出效果,所以造成了512×512的矩阵在转置的时候耗时较大的原因。具体的替换点大家可以自行去计算,另外513×513矩阵大家也可以试着去分析没有过多cache失效的原因。不过这个问题是和CPU架构有关的,所以假如你的机器没有产生同样的效果,不妨自己研究研究自己机器的cache结构。
原本想把这篇作为上篇,再去写一个下篇讲述一些编程中要注意的问题。不过偶然间看到了微软大牛Igor Ostrovsky的博文《Gallery of Processor Cache Effects》,瞬间感觉自己不可能写的更好了。所以推荐大家去读这篇文章。如果感觉英文吃力的话,耗子叔这里有@我的上铺叫路遥做的翻译解释《7个示例科普CPU Cache》。
另外,开源中国这里的一篇译文也有参考价值:《每个程序员都应该了解的 CPU 高速缓存》。
One quick request: in a document of this length there are bound to be a few typographical errors remaining. If you find one, and wish to see it corrected, please let us know via mail to lwn@lwn.net rather than by posting a comment. That way we will be sure to incorporate the fix and get it back into Ulrich's copy of the document and other readers will not have to plow through uninteresting comments.]
[编者按:这是Ulrich Drepper写“程序员都该知道存储器”的第二部。那些没有读过第一部 的读者可能希望从这一部开始。这本书写的非常好,并且感谢Ulrich授权我们出版。
一点说明:书籍出版时可能会有一些印刷错误,如果你发现,并且想让它在后续的出版中更正,请将意见发邮件到lwn@lwn.net ,我们一定会更正,并反馈给Ulrich的文档副本,别的读者就不会受到这些困扰。]
CPUs are today much more sophisticated than they were only 25 years ago. In those days, the frequency of the CPU core was at a level equivalent to that of the memory bus. Memory access was only a bit slower than register access. But this changed dramatically in the early 90s, when CPU designers increased the frequency of the CPU core but the frequency of the memory bus and the performance of RAM chips did not increase proportionally. This is not due to the fact that faster RAM could not be built, as explained in the previous section. It is possible but it is not economical. RAM as fast as current CPU cores is orders of magnitude more expensive than any dynamic RAM.
If the choice is between a machine with very little, very fast RAM and a machine with a lot of relatively fast RAM, the second will always win given a working set size which exceeds the small RAM size and the cost of accessing secondary storage media such as hard drives. The problem here is the speed of secondary storage, usually hard disks, which must be used to hold the swapped out part of the working set. Accessing those disks is orders of magnitude slower than even DRAM access.
Fortunately it does not have to be an all-or-nothing decision. A computer can have a small amount of high-speed SRAM in addition to the large amount of DRAM. One possible implementation would be to dedicate a certain area of the address space of the processor as containing the SRAM and the rest the DRAM. The task of the operating system would then be to optimally distribute data to make use of the SRAM. Basically, the SRAM serves in this situation as an extension of the register set of the processor.
While this is a possible implementation, it is not viable. Ignoring the problem of mapping the physical resources of such SRAM-backed memory to the virtual address spaces of the processes (which by itself is terribly hard) this approach would require each process to administer in software the allocation of this memory region. The size of the memory region can vary from processor to processor (i.e., processors have different amounts of the expensive SRAM-backed memory). Each module which makes up part of a program will claim its share of the fast memory, which introduces additional costs through synchronization requirements. In short, the gains of having fast memory would be eaten up completely by the overhead of administering the resources.
So, instead of putting the SRAM under the control of the OS or user, it becomes a resource which is transparently used and administered by the processors. In this mode, SRAM is used to make temporary copies of (to cache, in other words) data in main memory which is likely to be used soon by the processor. This is possible because program code and data has temporal and spatial locality. This means that, over short periods of time, there is a good chance that the same code or data gets reused. For code this means that there are most likely loops in the code so that the same code gets executed over and over again (the perfect case for spatial locality). Data accesses are also ideally limited to small regions. Even if the memory used over short time periods is not close together there is a high chance that the same data will be reused before long (temporal locality). For code this means, for instance, that in a loop a function call is made and that function is located elsewhere in the address space. The function may be distant in memory, but calls to that function will be close in time. For data it means that the total amount of memory used at one time (the working set size) is ideally limited but the memory used, as a result of the random access nature of RAM, is not close together. Realizing that locality exists is key to the concept of CPU caches as we use them today.
A simple computation can show how effective caches can theoretically be. Assume access to main memory takes 200 cycles and access to the cache memory take 15 cycles. Then code using 100 data elements 100 times each will spend 2,000,000 cycles on memory operations if there is no cache and only 168,500 cycles if all data can be cached. That is an improvement of 91.5%.
The size of the SRAM used for caches is many times smaller than the main memory. In the author's experience with workstations with CPU caches the cache size has always been around 1/1000th of the size of the main memory (today: 4MB cache and 4GB main memory). This alone does not constitute a problem. If the size of the working set (the set of data currently worked on) is smaller than the cache size it does not matter. But computers do not have large main memories for no reason. The working set is bound to be larger than the cache. This is especially true for systems running multiple processes where the size of the working set is the sum of the sizes of all the individual processes and the kernel.
What is needed to deal with the limited size of the cache is a set of good strategies to determine what should be cached at any given time. Since not all data of the working set is used at exactly the same time we can use techniques to temporarily replace some data in the cache with other data. And maybe this can be done before the data is actually needed. This prefetching would remove some of the costs of accessing main memory since it happens asynchronously with respect to the execution of the program. All these techniques and more can be used to make the cache appear bigger than it actually is. We will discuss them in Section 3.3. Once all these techniques are exploited it is up to the programmer to help the processor. How this can be done will be discussed in Section 6.
3.1 CPU Caches in the Big Picture
Before diving into technical details of the implementation of CPU caches some readers might find it useful to first see in some more details how caches fit into the “big picture” of a modern computer system.
Figure 3.1: Minimum Cache Configuration
Figure 3.1 shows the minimum cache configuration. It corresponds to the architecture which could be found in early systems which deployed CPU caches. The CPU core is no longer directly connected to the main memory. {In even earlier systems the cache was attached to the system bus just like the CPU and the main memory. This was more a hack than a real solution.} All loads and stores have to go through the cache. The connection between the CPU core and the cache is a special, fast connection. In a simplified representation, the main memory and the cache are connected to the system bus which can also be used for communication with other components of the system. We introduced the system bus as “FSB” which is the name in use today; see Section 2.2. In this section we ignore the Northbridge; it is assumed to be present to facilitate the communication of the CPU(s) with the main memory.
3.1 高速缓存的位置
图3.1: 最简单的高速缓存配置图
Even though computers for the last several decades have used the von Neumann architecture, experience has shown that it is of advantage to separate the caches used for code and for data. Intel has used separate code and data caches since 1993 and never looked back. The memory regions needed for code and data are pretty much independent of each other, which is why independent caches work better. In recent years another advantage emerged: the instruction decoding step for the most common processors is slow; caching decoded instructions can speed up the execution, especially when the pipeline is empty due to incorrectly predicted or impossible-to-predict branches.
Soon after the introduction of the cache, the system got more complicated. The speed difference between the cache and the main memory increased again, to a point that another level of cache was added, bigger and slower than the first-level cache. Only increasing the size of the first-level cache was not an option for economical reasons. Today, there are even machines with three levels of cache in regular use. A system with such a processor looks like Figure 3.2. With the increase on the number of cores in a single CPU the number of cache levels might increase in the future even more.
Figure 3.2: Processor with Level 3 Cache
Figure 3.2 shows three levels of cache and introduces the nomenclature we will use in the remainder of the document. L1d is the level 1 data cache, L1i the level 1 instruction cache, etc. Note that this is a schematic; the data flow in reality need not pass through any of the higher-level caches on the way from the core to the main memory. CPU designers have a lot of freedom designing the interfaces of the caches. For programmers these design choices are invisible.
图3.2: 三级缓存的处理器
In addition we have processors which have multiple cores and each core can have multiple “threads”. The difference between a core and a thread is that separate cores have separate copies of (almost {Early multi-core processors even had separate 2nd level caches and no 3rd level cache.}) all the hardware resources. The cores can run completely independently unless they are using the same resources—e.g., the connections to the outside—at the same time. Threads, on the other hand, share almost all of the processor's resources. Intel's implementation of threads has only separate registers for the threads and even that is limited, some registers are shared. The complete picture for a modern CPU therefore looks like Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3: Multi processor, multi-core, multi-thread
In this figure we have two processors, each with two cores, each of which has two threads. The threads share the Level 1 caches. The cores (shaded in the darker gray) have individual Level 1 caches. All cores of the CPU share the higher-level caches. The two processors (the two big boxes shaded in the lighter gray) of course do not share any caches. All this will be important, especially when we are discussing the cache effects on multi-process and multi-thread applications.
图3.3 多处理器、多核心、多线程
3.2 Cache Operation at High Level
To understand the costs and savings of using a cache we have to combine the knowledge about the machine architecture and RAM technology from Section 2 with the structure of caches described in the previous section.
By default all data read or written by the CPU cores is stored in the cache. There are memory regions which cannot be cached but this is something only the OS implementers have to be concerned about; it is not visible to the application programmer. There are also instructions which allow the programmer to deliberately bypass certain caches. This will be discussed in Section 6.
3.2 高级的缓存操作
If the CPU needs a data word the caches are searched first. Obviously, the cache cannot contain the content of the entire main memory (otherwise we would need no cache), but since all memory addresses are cacheable, each cache entry is tagged using the address of the data word in the main memory. This way a request to read or write to an address can search the caches for a matching tag. The address in this context can be either the virtual or physical address, varying based on the cache implementation.
Since the tag requires space in addition to the actual memory, it is inefficient to chose a word as the granularity of the cache. For a 32-bit word on an x86 machine the tag itself might need 32 bits or more. Furthermore, since spatial locality is one of the principles on which caches are based, it would be bad to not take this into account. Since neighboring memory is likely to be used together it should also be loaded into the cache together. Remember also what we learned in Section 2.2.1: RAM modules are much more effective if they can transport many data words in a row without a new CAS or even RAS signal. So the entries stored in the caches are not single words but, instead, “lines” of several contiguous words. In early caches these lines were 32 bytes long; now the norm is 64 bytes. If the memory bus is 64 bits wide this means 8 transfers per cache line. DDR supports this transport mode efficiently.
When memory content is needed by the processor the entire cache line is loaded into the L1d. The memory address for each cache line is computed by masking the address value according to the cache line size. For a 64 byte cache line this means the low 6 bits are zeroed. The discarded bits are used as the offset into the cache line. The remaining bits are in some cases used to locate the line in the cache and as the tag. In practice an address value is split into three parts. For a 32-bit address it might look as follows:
With a cache line size of 2O the low O bits are used as the offset into the cache line. The next S bits select the “cache set”. We will go into more detail soon on why sets, and not single slots, are used for cache lines. For now it is sufficient to understand there are 2S sets of cache lines. This leaves the top 32 - S - O = T bits which form the tag. These T bits are the value associated with each cache line to distinguish all the aliases {All cache lines with the same S part of the address are known by the same alias.} which are cached in the same cache set. The S bits used to address the cache set do not have to be stored since they are the same for all cache lines in the same set.
如果缓存线长度为2O,那么地址的低O位用作线内偏移量。上面的S位选择“缓存集”。后面我们会说明使用缓存集的原因。现在只需要明白一共有2S个缓存集就够了。剩下的32 - S - O = T位组成标签。它们用来区分别名相同的各条线{有相同S部分的缓存线被称为有相同的别名。}用于定位缓存集的S部分不需要存储,因为属于同一缓存集的所有线的S部分都是相同的。
When an instruction modifies memory the processor still has to load a cache line first because no instruction modifies an entire cache line at once (exception to the rule: write-combining as explained in Section 6.1). The content of the cache line before the write operation therefore has to be loaded. It is not possible for a cache to hold partial cache lines. A cache line which has been written to and which has not been written back to main memory is said to be “dirty”. Once it is written the dirty flag is cleared.
To be able to load new data in a cache it is almost always first necessary to make room in the cache. An eviction from L1d pushes the cache line down into L2 (which uses the same cache line size). This of course means room has to be made in L2. This in turn might push the content into L3 and ultimately into main memory. Each eviction is progressively more expensive. What is described here is the model for an exclusive cache as is preferred by modern AMD and VIA processors. Intel implements inclusive caches {This generalization is not completely correct. A few caches are exclusive and some inclusive caches have exclusive cache properties.} where each cache line in L1d is also present in L2. Therefore evicting from L1d is much faster. With enough L2 cache the disadvantage of wasting memory for content held in two places is minimal and it pays off when evicting. A possible advantage of an exclusive cache is that loading a new cache line only has to touch the L1d and not the L2, which could be faster.
为了装入新数据,基本上总是要先在缓存中清理出位置。L1d将内容逐出L1d,推入L2(线长相同)。当然,L2也需要清理位置。于是L2将内容推入L3,最后L3将它推入主存。这种逐出操作一级比一级昂贵。这里所说的是现代AMD和VIA处理器所采用的独占型缓存(exclusive cache)。而Intel采用的是包容型缓存(inclusive cache),{并不完全正确,Intel有些缓存是独占型的,还有一些缓存具有独占型缓存的特点。}L1d的每条线同时存在于L2里。对这种缓存,逐出操作就很快了。如果有足够L2,对于相同内容存在不同地方造成内存浪费的缺点可以降到最低,而且在逐出时非常有利。而独占型缓存在装载新数据时只需要操作L1d,不需要碰L2,因此会比较快。
The CPUs are allowed to manage the caches as they like as long as the memory model defined for the processor architecture is not changed. It is, for instance, perfectly fine for a processor to take advantage of little or no memory bus activity and proactively write dirty cache lines back to main memory. The wide variety of cache architectures among the processors for the x86 and x86-64, between manufacturers and even within the models of the same manufacturer, are testament to the power of the memory model abstraction.
In symmetric multi-processor (SMP) systems the caches of the CPUs cannot work independently from each other. All processors are supposed to see the same memory content at all times. The maintenance of this uniform view of memory is called “cache coherency”. If a processor were to look simply at its own caches and main memory it would not see the content of dirty cache lines in other processors. Providing direct access to the caches of one processor from another processor would be terribly expensive and a huge bottleneck. Instead, processors detect when another processor wants to read or write to a certain cache line.
If a write access is detected and the processor has a clean copy of the cache line in its cache, this cache line is marked invalid. Future references will require the cache line to be reloaded. Note that a read access on another CPU does not necessitate an invalidation, multiple clean copies can very well be kept around.
More sophisticated cache implementations allow another possibility to happen. If the cache line which another processor wants to read from or write to is currently marked dirty in the first processor's cache a different course of action is needed. In this case the main memory is out-of-date and the requesting processor must, instead, get the cache line content from the first processor. Through snooping, the first processor notices this situation and automatically sends the requesting processor the data. This action bypasses main memory, though in some implementations the memory controller is supposed to notice this direct transfer and store the updated cache line content in main memory. If the access is for writing the first processor then invalidates its copy of the local cache line.
如果CPU检测到一个写访问,而且该CPU的cache中已经缓存了一个cache line的原始副本,那么这个cache line将被标记为无效的cache line。接下来在引用这个cache line之前,需要重新加载该cache line。需要注意的是读访问并不会导致cache line被标记为无效的。
更精确的cache实现需要考虑到其他更多的可能性,比如第二个CPU在读或者写他的cache line时,发现该cache line在第一个CPU的cache中被标记为脏数据了,此时我们就需要做进一步的处理。在这种情况下,主存储器已经失效,第二个CPU需要读取第一个CPU的cache line。通过测试,我们知道在这种情况下第一个CPU会将自己的cache line数据自动发送给第二个CPU。这种操作是绕过主存储器的,但是有时候存储控制器是可以直接将第一个CPU中的cache line数据存储到主存储器中。对第一个CPU的cache的写访问会导致本地cache line的所有拷贝被标记为无效。
Over time a number of cache coherency protocols have been developed. The most important is MESI, which we will introduce in Section 3.3.4. The outcome of all this can be summarized in a few simple rules:
- A dirty cache line is not present in any other processor's cache.
- Clean copies of the same cache line can reside in arbitrarily many caches.
If these rules can be maintained, processors can use their caches efficiently even in multi-processor systems. All the processors need to do is to monitor each others' write accesses and compare the addresses with those in their local caches. In the next section we will go into a few more details about the implementation and especially the costs.
- 一个脏缓存线不存在于任何其他处理器的缓存之中。
- 同一缓存线中的干净拷贝可以驻留在任意多个其他缓存之中。
Finally, we should at least give an impression of the costs associated with cache hits and misses. These are the numbers Intel lists for a Pentium M:
To Where Cycles Register <= 1 L1d ~3 L2 ~14 Main Memory ~240
These are the actual access times measured in CPU cycles. It is interesting to note that for the on-die L2 cache a large part (probably even the majority) of the access time is caused by wire delays. This is a physical limitation which can only get worse with increasing cache sizes. Only process shrinking (for instance, going from 60nm for Merom to 45nm for Penryn in Intel's lineup) can improve those numbers.
最后,我们至少应该关注高速缓存命中或未命中带来的消耗。下面是英特尔奔腾 M 的数据:
To Where | Cycles |
Register | <= 1 |
L1d | ~3 |
L2 | ~14 |
Main Memory | ~240 |
The numbers in the table look high but, fortunately, the entire cost does not have to be paid for each occurrence of the cache load and miss. Some parts of the cost can be hidden. Today's processors all use internal pipelines of different lengths where the instructions are decoded and prepared for execution. Part of the preparation is loading values from memory (or cache) if they are transferred to a register. If the memory load operation can be started early enough in the pipeline, it may happen in parallel with other operations and the entire cost of the load might be hidden. This is often possible for L1d; for some processors with long pipelines for L2 as well.
There are many obstacles to starting the memory read early. It might be as simple as not having sufficient resources for the memory access or it might be that the final address of the load becomes available late as the result of another instruction. In these cases the load costs cannot be hidden (completely).