Chrome,iisExpress 创建的SSL网站显示安全正式错误Error:net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
Posted on 2017-05-17 09:41 Cavalry 阅读(919) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
Hello everybody, this week we found out that after rolling new update on Google Chrome (version 58), couple of our websites started to give error to users:
I found out that our certificates (generated by our local Windows CA) didn't contain SAN (SubjectAltName). I generated new certificates for all affected websites and now everything works fine, so this is just small heads up for everybody.
Little bit about issue:
大家好,这周我们发现了谷歌的chrome升级到58版本后,由于本地local生成的Windows CA不包含SAN(subjectaltname)而导致在访问相应网站时会包安全证书的错误
这目前看起来是Google Chrome的一个Bug 尚未发现有解决办法