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1.Appreciate SQL Server as a database server

2.Identify the SQL Server tools

Instance:  1.Default Instance  2.Named Instance

1.Database Engine:  

(1).Service Broker:



(3)Full-text search:

(4)Notification services:


2.Integration(集成) Services:
3.Analysis Services:

4.Reporting Services:

5.Master Data Services:



Types of SQL Statements


1.Data Definition Language(DDL):

DDL(data definition language)是数据定义语言:DDL比DML要多,主要的命令有CREATE、ALTER、DROP等,DDL主要是用在定义或改变表(TABLE)的结构,数据类型,表之间的链接和约束等初始化工作上,他们大多在建立表时使用。


2.Data Manipulation Language(DML):

DML(data manipulation language)是数据操纵语言:它们是SELECT、UPDATE、INSERT、DELETE,就象它的名字一样,这4条命令是用来对数据库里的数据进行操作的语言。


3.Data Control Language(DCL):


4.Data Query Language(DQL):是数据库查询语言。






1.A business application can have three elements:user interface,business logic ,and data storage.

2.A  database server is used to store and manage the database in a business application.

3.SQL Server consists of the five core components :database engine, intergration services, analysis services, reporting services, and master data services.

4.A database engine provides support to store,query ,process,and secure(保护) data on a database  server. Integration services allow you to gather(收集) and integrate(集合) this varied (多样的) data in a  consistent format in a  common database called the data warehouse.(


posted on 2017-12-03 16:11  kkkshiki  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报