http://www.kekenet.com/index.html 不錯的英語聽力網站 阅读全文
如果是跳槽,面试的时候通常都会被问到为什么要离开现在的工作。怎样回答才能得体圆满呢?看了下面的对话,你就会有启示哦! Q--Interviewer A--Interviewee Q: Why do you want to leave your current job? 你为什么要离开目前这份工作? A: There is no room for the career growth and ad... 阅读全文
如何提高口语能力 Tips on Improving Your Spoken English One of the English teachers at my university got into a taxi one day, and as she talked with the driver, she noticed that he ha... 阅读全文