RobotFramework自动化框架RequestsLibrary之Post Request




alias, uri, data={}, headers=None, files={}, allow_redirects=None(其中alias为接口别名,uri为url后半段:注:可以为空(有些Url地址直接为http://ip:port的形式),data为接口传递的参数,headers为接口请求头信息)


2、接口导入的库:requestsLibrary,Collections(可以通过python自带工具pip install +库名安装),新建robot套件,然后点击右侧“库”,在弹出窗口添加如下两个库名












(4)设置post请求方式以及请求参数:Post request(session别名)、uri、data=${data}、headers=${headers}(请求方式及请求参数设置)


(6)设置断言(Should Be equal As Strings);断言的作用不懂得可以问百度0.0.

(7)执行完成后,删除所有session(Delete All Sessions);






Starting test: BlockChain.Rfcode.GetAccount.test_GetAccount
20190525 10:12:35.913 : INFO : ${headers} = {'Content-Type': u'application/json'}
20190525 10:12:35.914 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=AccountJsonget, url=, headers={'Content-Type': u'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
20190525 10:12:35.914 : DEBUG : Creating session: AccountJsonget
20190525 10:12:35.915 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
20190525 10:12:35.917 : INFO : ${method} = GetAccount
20190525 10:12:35.918 : INFO : ${chainId} = 2
20190525 10:12:35.920 : INFO : ${address} = 0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23
20190525 10:12:35.920 : INFO : ${params} = {'chainId': '2', 'address': '0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}
20190525 10:12:35.920 : INFO : {'chainId': '2', 'address': '0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}
20190525 10:12:35.922 : INFO : ${data} = {'params': {'chainId': '2', 'address': '0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}, 'method': 'GetAccount'}
20190525 10:12:35.929 : DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20190525 10:12:35.932 : DEBUG : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 129
20190525 10:12:35.933 : DEBUG : post response: {"address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23","balance":9.999999998e+26,"codeHash":null,"nonce":175,"storageRoot":null}
20190525 10:12:35.933 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=AccountJsonget, uri=, data={"params": {"chainId": "2", "address": "0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23"}, "method": "GetAccount"}, headers={'Content-Type': u'application/json'}, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20190525 10:12:35.934 : INFO : ${response} = <Response [200]>
20190525 10:12:35.935 : INFO : {"address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23","balance":9.999999998e+26,"codeHash":null,"nonce":175,"storageRoot":null}
20190525 10:12:35.936 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20190525 10:12:35.937 : INFO : To JSON using : content={"address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23","balance":9.999999998e+26,"codeHash":null,"nonce":175,"storageRoot":null}
20190525 10:12:35.937 : INFO : To JSON using : pretty_print=
20190525 10:12:35.937 : INFO : ${respdata} = {u'nonce': 175, u'storageRoot': None, u'balance': 9.999999998e+26, u'codeHash': None, u'address': u'0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}
20190525 10:12:35.938 : INFO : {u'nonce': 175, u'storageRoot': None, u'balance': 9.999999998e+26, u'codeHash': None, u'address': u'0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}
20190525 10:12:35.939 : INFO : ${address} = 0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23
20190525 10:12:35.940 : INFO : ${balance} = 9.999999998e+26
20190525 10:12:35.941 : INFO : ${codeHash} = None
20190525 10:12:35.942 : INFO : ${nonce} = 175
20190525 10:12:35.943 : INFO : ${storageRoot} = None
20190525 10:12:35.943 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
Ending test: BlockChain.Rfcode.GetAccount.test_GetAccount

Starting test: BlockChain.Rfcode.GetAccount.test_getAccountData
20190525 10:12:35.949 : INFO : ${headers} = {'Content-Type': u'application/json'}
20190525 10:12:35.950 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=AccountJson, url=, headers={'Content-Type': u'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
20190525 10:12:35.950 : DEBUG : Creating session: AccountJson
20190525 10:12:35.950 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
20190525 10:12:35.951 : INFO : ${data} = { "method": "GetAccount","params": {"chainId":"2", "address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23"}}
20190525 10:12:35.955 : DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20190525 10:12:35.958 : DEBUG : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 129
20190525 10:12:35.958 : DEBUG : post response: {"address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23","balance":9.999999998e+26,"codeHash":null,"nonce":175,"storageRoot":null}
20190525 10:12:35.958 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=AccountJson, uri=, data={ "method": "GetAccount","params": {"chainId":"2", "address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23"}}, headers={'Content-Type': u'application/json'}, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20190525 10:12:35.959 : INFO : ${response} = <Response [200]>
20190525 10:12:35.960 : INFO : {"address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23","balance":9.999999998e+26,"codeHash":null,"nonce":175,"storageRoot":null}
20190525 10:12:35.961 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20190525 10:12:35.963 : INFO : To JSON using : content={"address":"0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23","balance":9.999999998e+26,"codeHash":null,"nonce":175,"storageRoot":null}
20190525 10:12:35.963 : INFO : To JSON using : pretty_print=
20190525 10:12:35.963 : INFO : ${respdata} = {u'nonce': 175, u'storageRoot': None, u'balance': 9.999999998e+26, u'codeHash': None, u'address': u'0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}
20190525 10:12:35.964 : INFO : {u'nonce': 175, u'storageRoot': None, u'balance': 9.999999998e+26, u'codeHash': None, u'address': u'0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23'}
20190525 10:12:35.965 : INFO : ${address} = 0x2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23
20190525 10:12:35.966 : INFO : ${balance} = 9.999999998e+26
20190525 10:12:35.968 : INFO : ${codeHash} = None
20190525 10:12:35.969 : INFO : ${nonce} = 175
20190525 10:12:35.970 : INFO : ${storageRoot} = None
20190525 10:12:35.971 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
Ending test: BlockChain.Rfcode.GetAccount.test_getAccountData



posted @ 2019-05-25 10:15  Calainkey  阅读(2673)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报