1. select模块的基本使用(以socket为例)

1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Wong Du 3 4 import select 5 import socket 6 import queue 7 8 HOST_PORT = ("", 9000) 9 print("\033[31;1mServer Addr:{0}\033[0m".format(HOST_PORT)) 10 11 server = socket.socket() 12 server.bind(HOST_PORT) 13 server.listen(10) 14 15 inputs = [server, ] # 监测服务端socket的活跃状态和新socket连接活跃状态列表 16 outputs = [] # 发送数据给客户端的socket连接列表 17 msg_queue = {} # 发送给客户端的信息数据字典 18 19 # 断开socket连接函数 20 def disconnect(): 21 print("\033[41;1mClient [{0}] disconnected...\033[0m".format(r.getpeername())) 22 if r in outputs: 23 outputs.remove(r) 24 inputs.remove(r) # 移除select监测连接 25 del msg_queue[r] # 删除消息队列 26 27 28 29 if __name__ == '__main__': 30 while True: 31 print("Waiting for socket to active...") 32 33 # 如果在select监测的对象里没有活跃状态的socket,则卡在这里; 34 # 当有活跃的socket对象时,把socket对象赋给readable,writeable,excetional; 35 readable, writeable, exceptional =, outputs, inputs) 36 print("active connect:", readable, writeable, exceptional) 37 38 for r in readable: # 循环readable里活跃的socket对象 39 if r is server: # 如果活跃的是server的socket对象,则代表有新客户端socket连接进来了 40 conn, client_addr = server.accept() # 接收client对象 41 print("\033[32;1mConnected client addr:{0}\033[0m".format(client_addr)) # 打印连接进来的对象身份 42 inputs.append(conn) # 加入到inputs列表让select监测处理 43 msg_queue[conn] = queue.Queue() # 接收到的客户端连接,不立即返回,暂存在队列里,以后发送 44 else: # 如果活跃的不是server的socket对象,则代表客户端socket有数据发过来了 45 try: 46 data = r.recv(1024).decode() # 接收客户端数据 47 if data: 48 # r.getpeername()获取客户端连接的身份信息 49 print("\033[33;1mReceived [{0}] from the {1}\033[0m".format(data, r.getpeername())) 50 if r not in outputs: 51 outputs.append(r) # 把客户端连接加到outputs列表里 52 msg_queue[r].put(data.upper().encode()) # 把想要返回给客户端的数据放到相应的客户端连接队列里 53 else: 54 disconnect() # 连接断开 55 except ConnectionResetError as e: # 抓取客户端断开错误 56 disconnect() # 连接断开 57 58 for w in writeable: 59 # print("\033[34;1mReading to send to client {0}\033[0m".format(w.getpeername())) 60 try: 61 data = msg_queue[w].get_nowait() # 获取队列中的数据 62 w.send(data) # 发送给客户端 63 print("\033[34;1mSend [{0}] to client {1}\033[0m".format(data, w.getpeername())) 64 except queue.Empty as e: 65 print("No data to send to the client [{0}]".format(w.getpeername())) 66 67 outputs.remove(w) # 移除列表中需要发送数据的连接 68 69 for e in exceptional: 70 print("\033[41;1mClient [{0}] handles exception\033[0m".format(e.getpeername())) #select处理异常连接 71 if e in outputs: 72 outputs.remove(e) 73 74 inputs.remove(e) 75 del msg_queue[e]

1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Wong Du 3 4 import socket 5 6 HOST_PORT = ("localhost", 9000) 7 client = socket.socket() 8 client.connect(HOST_PORT) 9 10 while True: 11 cmd = input("%s#" % HOST) 12 if not cmd: 13 continue 14 client.send(cmd.encode()) 15 data = client.recv(1024) 16 print(data.decode())

1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Wong Du 3 4 import socket 5 import time 6 7 server_addr = ("localhost", 9000) 8 client_socket = [socket.socket() for i in range(100)] 9 10 msg_data = "如果我是dj,你会爱我吗?" 11 count = 0 12 13 14 for client in client_socket: 15 try: 16 client.connect(server_addr) 17 print("Success to connected...") 18 client.send(msg_data.encode()) 19 data = client.recv(1024) 20 print(data.decode()) 21 count += 1 22 except ConnectionResetError: 23 print(count) 24 time.sleep(10)
2. selector模块的基本使用(以socket为例)

1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Wong Du 3 4 import selectors 5 import socket, queue 6 7 sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() # 生成一个sel对象 8 send_msg = {} # 返回信息列表 9 10 # 接收客户端连接函数 11 def accept(sock, mask): 12 conn, client_addr = sock.accept() 13 print("\033[33;1mClient {0} is connected...\033[0m".format(client_addr)) 14 # sock.setbloking(False) 15 # 将客户端socket对象和read方法注册到sel里面 16 sel.register(conn, selectors.EVENT_READ, read) 17 send_msg[conn] = queue.Queue() 18 19 # 接收客户端发来数据函数 20 def read(r, mask): 21 try: 22 data = r.recv(1024).decode() 23 if data: 24 print("Received [{0}] from the client {1}".format(data, r.getpeername())) 25 # conn.send(data.upper()) 26 send_msg[r].put(data.upper().encode()) 27 sel.modify(r, selectors.EVENT_WRITE, write) 28 else: 29 disconnect(r) 30 except ConnectionResetError: 31 disconnect(r) 32 33 # 发送数据给客户端函数 34 def write(w, mask): 35 # print("\033[34;1mReading to send to client {0}\033[0m".format(w.getpeername())) 36 try: 37 data = send_msg[w].get_nowait() # 获取队列中的数据 38 w.send(data) # 发送给客户端 39 print("\033[34;1mSend [{0}] to client {1}\033[0m".format(data.decode(), w.getpeername())) 40 except queue.Empty as e: 41 print("No data to send to the client [{0}]".format(w.getpeername())) 42 43 sel.modify(w, selectors.EVENT_READ, read) 44 45 # 断开socket连接函数 46 def disconnect(conn): 47 print("\033[41;1mClient {0} disconnected...\033[0m".format(conn.getpeername())) 48 sel.unregister(conn) 49 conn.close() 50 51 # 初始化服务端连接 52 HOST_PORT = ("localhost", 20000) 53 server = socket.socket() 54 server.bind(HOST_PORT) 55 server.listen(10) 56 print("\033[31;1mServer Address: {0}\033[0m".format(HOST_PORT)) 57 # 将服务端socket对象和accept方法注册到sel里面 58 sel.register(server, selectors.EVENT_READ, accept) 59 60 while True: 61 # 开启事件监测(阻塞),类似select的, outputs, inputs),当有活跃连接时, 62 # 返回一个元组,元组内有SelectorKey对象和events事件编号 63 # SelectorKey对象内包含fileobj嵌套字对象,fd柄, events事件编号,data回调函数内存空间指针 64 print("\033[32;1mWaiting to connections...\033[0m") 65 events = 66 print("Active events: %s" % events) 67 68 for key, mask in events: 69 # 获取socket回调函数内存指针,即accept函数 70 callback = 71 # 调用函数并把socket和events传进去 72 callback(key.fileobj, mask)

1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Wong Du 3 4 import socket 5 HOST = "localhost" 6 Port = 20000 7 client = socket.socket() 8 client.connect((HOST, Port)) 9 10 while True: 11 cmd = input("%s#" % HOST) 12 if not cmd: 13 continue 14 client.send(cmd.encode()) 15 data = client.recv(1024) 16 print(data.decode())