3 Working with Persistent Objects ODB使用持久对象
The previous chapters gave us a high-level overview of ODB and showed how to use it to store C++ objects in a database. In this chapter we will examine the ODB object persistence model as well as the core database APIs in greater detail. We will start with basic concepts and terminology in Section 3.1 and Section 3.3 and continue with the discussion of the odb::database
class in Section 3.4, transactions in Section 3.5, and connections in Section 3.6. The remainder of this chapter deals with the core database operations and concludes with the discussion of ODB exceptions.
In this chapter we will continue to use and expand the person
persistent class that we have developed in the previous chapter.
3.1 Concepts and Terminology 概念和术语
The term database can refer to three distinct things: a general notion of a place where an application stores its data, a software implementation for managing this data (for example MySQL), and, finally, some database software implementations may manage several data stores which are usually distinguished by name. This name is also commonly referred to as a database.
In this manual, when we use the word database, we refer to the first meaning above, for example, "The update()
function saves the object's state to the database." The term Database Management System (DBMS) is often used to refer to the second meaning of the word database. In this manual we will use the term database system for short, for example, "Database system-independent application code." Finally, to distinguish the third meaning from the other two, we will use the term database name, for example, "The second option specifies the database name that the application should use to store its data."
在本手册中,当我们使用单词database时,我们引用上面的第一个意思,例如,“update()函数将对象的状态保存到数据库中。”术语数据库管理系统(DBMS)通常用于指代“数据库”一词的第二种含义。在本手册中,我们将简称“数据库系统”,例如,“与数据库系统无关的应用程序代码”最后,为了区分第三种含义与其他两种含义,我们将使用术语database name,例如,“第二个选项指定应用程序应用于存储其数据的数据库名称。”
In C++ there is only one notion of a type and an instance of a type. For example, a fundamental type, such as int
, is, for the most part, treated the same as a user defined class type. However, when it comes to persistence, we have to place certain restrictions and requirements on certain C++ types that can be stored in the database. As a result, we divide persistent C++ types into two groups: object types and value types. An instance of an object type is called an object and an instance of a value type — a value.
An object is an independent entity. It can be stored, updated, and deleted in the database independent of other objects. Normally, an object has an identifier, called object id, that is unique among all instances of an object type within a database. In contrast, a value can only be stored in the database as part of an object and doesn't have its own unique identifier.
An object consists of data members which are either values (Chapter 7, "Value Types"), pointers to other objects (Chapter 6, "Relationships"), or containers of values or pointers to other objects (Chapter 5, "Containers"). Pointers to other objects and containers can be viewed as special kinds of values since they also can only be stored in the database as part of an object.
An object type is a C++ class. Because of this one-to-one relationship, we will use terms object type and object class interchangeably. In contrast, a value type can be a fundamental C++ type, such as int
or a class type, such as std::string
. If a value consists of other values, then it is called a composite value and its type — a composite value type (Section 7.2, "Composite Value Types"). Otherwise, the value is called simple value and its type — a simple value type (Section 7.1, "Simple Value Types"). Note that the distinction between simple and composite values is conceptual rather than representational. For example, std::string
is a simple value type because conceptually string is a single value even though the representation of the string class may contain several data members each of which could be considered a value. In fact, the same value type can be viewed (and mapped) as both simple and composite by different applications.
While not strictly necessary in a purely object-oriented application, practical considerations often require us to only load a subset of an object's data members or a combination of members from several objects. We may also need to factor out some computations to the relational database instead of performing them in the application's process. To support such requirements ODB distinguishes a third kind of C++ types, called views (Chapter 10, "Views"). An ODB view is a C++ class
that embodies a light-weight, read-only projection of one or more persistent objects or database tables or the result of a native SQL query execution.
Understanding how all these concepts map to the relational model will hopefully make these distinctions clearer. In a relational database an object type is mapped to a table and a value type is mapped to one or more columns. A simple value type is mapped to a single column while a composite value type is mapped to several columns. An object is stored as a row in this table and a value is stored as one or more cells in this row. A simple value is stored in a single cell while a composite value occupies several cells. A view is not a persistent entity and it is not stored in the database. Rather, it is a data structure that is used to capture a single row of an SQL query result.
Going back to the distinction between simple and composite values, consider a date type which has three integer members: year, month, and day. In one application it can be considered a composite value and each member will get its own column in a relational database. In another application it can be considered a simple value and stored in a single column as a number of days from some predefined date.
Until now, we have been using the term persistent class to refer to object classes. We will continue to do so even though a value type can also be a class. The reason for this asymmetry is the subordinate nature of value types when it comes to database operations. Remember that values are never stored directly but rather as part of an object that contains them. As a result, when we say that we want to make a C++ class persistent or persist an instance of a class in the database, we invariably refer to an object class rather than a value class.
到目前为止,我们一直使用术语persistent class来指代对象类。我们将继续这样做,即使值类型也可以是类。这种不对称的原因是在数据库操作中,值类型的从属性质。请记住,值从不直接存储,而是作为包含它们的对象的一部分存储。因此,当我们说要让C++类持久化或在数据库中保存类的实例时,我们总是引用对象类而不是值类。
Normally, you would use object types to model real-world entities, things that have their own identity. For example, in the previous chapter we created a person
class to model a person, which is a real-world entity. Name and age, which we used as data members in our person
class are clearly values. It is hard to think of age 31 or name "Joe" as having their own identities.
A good test to determine whether something is an object or a value, is to consider if other objects might reference it. A person is clearly an object because it can be referred to by other objects such as a spouse, an employer, or a bank. On the other hand, a person's age or name is not something that other objects would normally refer to.
Also, when an object represents a real entity, it is easy to choose a suitable object id. For example, for a person there is an established notion of an identifier (SSN, student id, passport number, etc). Another alternative is to use a person's email address as an identifier.
Note, however, that these are only guidelines. There could be good reasons to make something that would normally be a value an object. Consider, for example, a database that stores a vast number of people. Many of the person
objects in this database have the same names and surnames and the overhead of storing them in every object may negatively affect the performance. In this case, we could make the first name and last name each an object and only store pointers to these objects in the person
An instance of a persistent class can be in one of two states: transient and persistent. A transient instance only has a representation in the application's memory and will cease to exist when the application terminates, unless it is explicitly made persistent. In other words, a transient instance of a persistent class behaves just like an instance of any ordinary C++ class. A persistent instance has a representation in both the application's memory and the database. A persistent instance will remain even after the application terminates unless and until it is explicitly deleted from the database.
3.2 Declaring Persistent Objects and Values 声明持久对象和值
To make a C++ class a persistent object class we declare it as such using the db object
pragma, for example:
为了使C++类成为持久对象类,我们使用db object
#pragma db object class person { ... };
The other pragma that we often use is db id
which designates one of the data members as an object id, for example:
我们经常使用的另一个pragma是db id,它将其中一个数据成员指定为对象id,例如:
#pragma db object class person { ... #pragma db id unsigned long id_; };
The object id can be of a simple or composite (Section 7.2.1, "Composite Object Ids") value type. This type should be default-constructible, copy-constructible, and copy-assignable. It is also possible to declare a persistent class without an object id, however, such a class will have limited functionality (Section 14.1.6, "no_id
对象id可以是简单或复合(第7.2.1节“复合对象id”)值类型。此类型应为默认可构造、可复制可构造和可复制可分配。也可以在没有对象id的情况下声明持久类,但是,此类类的功能有限(第14.1.6节,“no id”)。
The above two pragmas are the minimum required to declare a persistent class with an object id. Other pragmas can be used to fine-tune the database-related properties of a class and its members (Chapter 14, "ODB Pragma Language").
上述两个pragmas 是声明具有对象id的持久类所需的最低要求。其他pragmas 可用于微调类及其成员的数据库相关属性(第14章,“ODB pragma语言”)。
Normally, a persistent class should define the default constructor. The generated database support code uses this constructor when instantiating an object from the persistent state. If we add the default constructor only for the database support code, then we can make it private provided we also make the odb::access
class, defined in the <odb/core.hxx>
header, a friend of this object class. For example:
通常,持久类应该定义默认构造函数。生成的数据库支持代码在从持久状态实例化对象时使用此构造函数。如果我们只为数据库支持代码添加默认构造函数,那么我们可以将其设置为私有的,同时我们还设置了odb::access类,定义在<odb/core. hxx>头中,此对象类的友元类。例如:
#include <odb/core.hxx> #pragma db object class person { ... private: friend class odb::access; person () {} };
It is also possible to have an object class without the default constructor. However, in this case, the database operations will only be able to load the persistent state into an existing instance (Section 3.9, "Loading Persistent Objects", Section 4.4, "Query Result").
The ODB compiler also needs access to the non-transient (Section 14.4.11, "transient
") data members of a persistent class. The ODB compiler can access such data members directly if they are public. It can also do so if they are private or protected and the odb::access
class is declared a friend of the object type. For example:
#include <odb/core.hxx>
#pragma db object class person { ... private: friend class odb::access; person () {} #pragma db id unsigned long id_; std::string name_; };
If data members are not accessible directly, then the ODB compiler will try to automatically find suitable accessor and modifier functions. To accomplish this, the ODB compiler will try to lookup common accessor and modifier names derived from the data member name. Specifically, for the name_
data member in the above example, the ODB compiler will look for accessor functions with names: get_name()
, getName()
, getname()
, and just name()
as well as for modifier functions with names: set_name()
, setName()
, setname()
, and just name()
. You can also add support for custom name derivations with the --accessor-regex
and --modifier-regex
ODB compiler options. Refer to the ODB Compiler Command Line Manual for details on these options. The following example illustrates automatic accessor and modifier discovery:
如果无法直接访问数据成员,那么ODB编译器将尝试自动找到合适的访问器和修改器函数。为了实现这一点,ODB编译器将尝试查找从数据成员名称派生的公共访问器和修饰符名称。具体地说,对于上面示例中的name_ 数据成员,ODB编译器将查找具有以下名称的访问器函数:get_name()、getName()、getName()和 name(),以及具有以下名称的修改器函数:set_name()、setName()、setName()和 name()。您还可以使用--accessor regex和--modifier regex ODB编译器选项添加对自定义名称派生的支持。有关这些选项的详细信息,请参阅ODB编译器命令行手册。以下示例演示了自动访问器和修改器发现:
#pragma db object class person { public: person () {} ... unsigned long id () const; void id (unsigned long); const std::string& get_name () const; std::string& set_name (); private: #pragma db id unsigned long id_; // Uses id() for access. std::string name_; // Uses get_name()/set_name() for access. };
Finally, if a data member is not directly accessible and the ODB compiler was unable to discover suitable accessor and modifier functions, then we can provide custom accessor and modifier expressions using the db get
and db set
pragmas. For more information on custom accessor and modifier expressions refer to Section 14.4.5, "get
最后,如果数据成员不能直接访问,并且ODB编译器无法发现合适的访问器和修饰符函数,那么我们可以使用db get和db set pragmas提供自定义访问器和修饰符表达式。有关自定义访问器和修饰符表达式的更多信息,请参阅第14.4节。5,“获取/设置/访问”。
Data members of a persistent class can also be split into separately-loaded and/or separately-updated sections. For more information on this functionality, refer to Chapter 9, "Sections".
You may be wondering whether we also have to declare value types as persistent. We don't need to do anything special for simple value types such as int
or std::string
since the ODB compiler knows how to map them to suitable database types and how to convert between the two. On the other hand, if a simple value is unknown to the ODB compiler then we will need to provide the mapping to the database type and, possibly, the code to convert between the two. For more information on how to achieve this refer to the db type
pragma description in Section 14.3.1, "type
您可能想知道我们是否还必须将值类型声明为持久的。对于简单的值类型,例如int或std::string,我们不需要做任何特殊的操作,因为ODB编译器知道如何将它们映射到合适的数据库类型,以及如何在两者之间进行转换。另一方面,如果ODB编译器不知道一个简单的值,那么我们将需要提供到数据库类型的映射,可能还需要提供在两者之间转换的代码。有关如何实现此目的的更多信息,请参阅第14.3节中的db类型db type
Similar to object classes, composite value types have to be explicitly declared as persistent using the db value
pragma, for example:
与对象类类似,复合值类型必须使用db value pragma显式声明为持久,例如:
#pragma db value class name { ... std::string first_; std::string last_; };
Note that a composite value cannot have a data member designated as an object id since, as we have discussed earlier, values do not have a notion of identity. A composite value type also doesn't have to define the default constructor, unless it is used as an element of a container. The ODB compiler uses the same mechanisms to access data members in composite value types as in object types. Composite value types are discussed in more detail in Section 7.2, "Composite Value Types".
3.3 Object and View Pointers 对象和视图指针
As we have seen in the previous chapter, some database operations create dynamically allocated instances of persistent classes and return pointers to these instances. As we will see in later chapters, pointers are also used to establish relationships between objects (Chapter 6, "Relationships") as well as to cache persistent objects in a session (Chapter 11, "Session"). While in most cases you won't need to deal with pointers to views, it is possible to a obtain a dynamically allocated instance of a view using the result_iterator::load()
function (Section 4.4, "Query Results").
By default, all these mechanisms use raw pointers to return objects and views as well as to pass and cache objects. This is normally sufficient for applications that have simple object lifetime requirements and do not use sessions or object relationships. In particular, a dynamically allocated object or view that is returned as a raw pointer from a database operation can be assigned to a smart pointer of our choice, for example std::auto_ptr
, std::unique_ptr
from C++11, or shared_ptr
from TR1, C++11, or Boost.
However, to avoid any possibility of a mistake, such as forgetting to use a smart pointer for a returned object or view, as well as to simplify the use of more advanced ODB functionality, such as sessions and bidirectional object relationships, it is recommended that you use smart pointers with the sharing semantics as object pointers. The shared_ptr
smart pointer from TR1, C++11, or Boost is a good default choice. However, if sharing is not required and sessions are not used, then std::unique_ptr
or std::auto_ptr
can be used just as well.
ODB provides several mechanisms for changing the object or view pointer type. To specify the pointer type on the per object or per view basis we can use the db pointer
pragma, for example:
ODB提供了几种更改对象或视图指针类型的机制。要基于每个对象或每个视图指定指针类型,我们可以使用db pointer pragma,例如:
#pragma db object pointer(std::tr1::shared_ptr) class person { ... };
We can also specify the default pointer for a group of objects or views at the namespace level:
#pragma db namespace pointer(std::tr1::shared_ptr) namespace accounting { #pragma db object class employee { ... }; #pragma db object class employer { ... }; }
Finally, we can use the --default-pointer
option to specify the default pointer for the whole file. Refer to the ODB Compiler Command Line Manual for details on this option's argument. The typical usage is shown below:
最后,我们可以使用--default pointer选项为整个文件指定默认指针。有关此选项参数的详细信息,请参阅ODB编译器命令行手册。典型用法如下所示:
--default-pointer std::tr1::shared_ptr
An alternative to this method with the same effect is to specify the default pointer for the global namespace
#pragma db namespace() pointer(std::tr1::shared_ptr)
请注意,我们始终可以使用db pointer对象或view pragma覆盖在命名空间级别指定的默认指针,或使用命令行选项。例如:
#pragma db object pointer(std::shared_ptr) namespace accounting { #pragma db object class employee { ... }; #pragma db object pointer(std::unique_ptr) class employer { ... }; }
Refer to Section 14.1.2, "pointer
(object)", Section 14.2.4, "pointer
(view)", and Section 14.5.1, "pointer
(namespace)" for more information on these mechanisms.
Built-in support that is provided by the ODB runtime library allows us to use shared_ptr
(TR1 or C++11), std::unique_ptr
(C++11), or std::auto_ptr
as pointer types. Plus, ODB profile libraries, that are available for commonly used frameworks and libraries (such as Boost and Qt), provide support for smart pointers found in these frameworks and libraries (Part III, "Profiles"). It is also easy to add support for our own smart pointers, as described in Section 6.5, "Using Custom Smart Pointers".
3.4 Database 数据库
Before an application can make use of persistence services offered by ODB, it has to create a database class instance. A database instance is the representation of the place where the application stores its persistent objects. We create a database instance by instantiating one of the database system-specific classes. For example, odb::mysql::database
would be such a class for the MySQL database system. We will also normally pass a database name as an argument to the class' constructor. The following code fragment shows how we can create a database instance for the MySQL database system:
#include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/mysql/database.hxx> auto_ptr<odb::database> db ( new odb::mysql::database ( "test_user" // database login name "test_password" // database password "test_database" // database name ));
The odb::database
class is a common interface for all the database system-specific classes provided by ODB. You would normally work with the database instance via this interface unless there is a specific functionality that your application depends on and which is only exposed by a particular system's database
class. You will need to include the <odb/database.hxx>
header file to make this class available in your application.
The odb::database
interface defines functions for starting transactions and manipulating persistent objects. These are discussed in detail in the remainder of this chapter as well as the next chapter which is dedicated to the topic of querying the database for persistent objects. For details on the system-specific database
classes, refer to Part II, "Database Systems".
Before we can persist our objects, the corresponding database schema has to be created in the database. The schema contains table definitions and other relational database artifacts that are used to store the state of persistent objects in the database.
There are several ways to create the database schema. The easiest is to instruct the ODB compiler to generate the corresponding schema from the persistent classes (--generate-schema
option). The ODB compiler can generate the schema as a standalone SQL file, embedded into the generated C++ code, or as a separate C++ source file (--schema-format
option). If we are using the SQL file to create the database schema, then this file should be executed, normally only once, before the application is started.
Alternatively, if the schema is embedded directly into the generated code or produced as a separate C++ source file, then we can use the odb::schema_catalog
class to create it in the database from within our application, for example:
#include <odb/schema-catalog.hxx> odb::transaction t (db->begin ()); odb::schema_catalog::create_schema (*db); t.commit ();
Refer to the next section for information on the odb::transaction
class. The complete version of the above code fragment is available in the schema/embedded
example in the odb-examples
The odb::schema_catalog
class has the following interface. You will need to include the <odb/schema-catalog.hxx>
header file to make this class available in your application.
namespace odb { class schema_catalog { public: static void create_schema (database&, const std::string& name = "", bool drop = true); static void drop_schema (database&, const std::string& name = ""); static bool exists (database_id, const std::string& name = ""); static bool exists (const database&, const std::string& name = "") }; }
The first argument to the create_schema()
function is the database instance that we would like to create the schema in. The second argument is the schema name. By default, the ODB compiler generates all embedded schemas with the default schema name (empty string). However, if your application needs to have several separate schemas, you can use the --schema-name
ODB compiler option to assign custom schema names and then use these names as a second argument to create_schema()
. By default, create_schema()
will also delete all the database objects (tables, indexes, etc.) if they exist prior to creating the new ones. You can change this behavior by passing false
as the third argument. The drop_schema()
function allows you to delete all the database objects without creating the new ones.
create_schema()函数的第一个参数是要在其中创建模式的数据库实例。第二个参数是模式名称。默认情况下,ODB编译器使用默认模式名称(空字符串)生成所有嵌入式模式。但是,如果您的应用程序需要有多个单独的模式,则可以使用--schema name ODB 编译选项来分配自定义模式名称,然后将这些名称用作create_schema()
If the schema is not found, the create_schema()
and drop_schema()
functions throw the odb::unknown_schema
exception. You can use the exists()
function to check whether a schema for the specified database and with the specified name exists in the catalog. Note also that the create_schema()
and drop_schema()
functions should be called within a transaction.
ODB also provides support for database schema evolution. Similar to schema creation, schema migration statements can be generated either as standalone SQL files or embedded into the generated C++ code. For more information on schema evolution support, refer to Chapter 13, "Database Schema Evolution".
Finally, we can also use a custom database schema with ODB. This approach can work similarly to the standalone SQL file described above except that the database schema is hand-written or produced by another program. Or we could execute custom SQL statements that create the schema directly from our application. To map persistent classes to custom database schemas, ODB provides a wide range of mapping customization pragmas, such as db table
, db column
, and db type
(Chapter 14, "ODB Pragma Language"). For sample code that shows how to perform such mapping for various C++ constructs, refer to the schema/custom
example in the odb-examples
最后,我们还可以在ODB中使用自定义数据库模式。除了数据库模式是手工编写或由另一个程序生成之外,这种方法的工作原理与上述独立SQL文件类似。或者我们可以执行自定义SQL语句,直接从应用程序创建模式。为了将持久类映射到自定义数据库模式,ODB提供了一系列映射自定义pragmas,例如db table、db column和db type(第14章,“ODB Pragma Language”)。对于显示如何为各种C++构造执行这种映射的示例代码,请参阅odb-examples
3.5 Transactions 事务
A transaction is an atomic, consistent, isolated and durable (ACID) unit of work. Database operations can only be performed within a transaction and each thread of execution in an application can have only one active transaction at a time.
By atomicity we mean that when it comes to making changes to the database state within a transaction, either all the changes are applied or none at all. Consider, for example, a transaction that transfers funds between two objects representing bank accounts. If the debit function on the first object succeeds but the credit function on the second fails, the transaction is rolled back and the database state of the first object remains unchanged.
By consistency we mean that a transaction must take all the objects stored in the database from one consistent state to another. For example, if a bank account object must reference a person object as its owner and we forget to set this reference before making the object persistent, the transaction will be rolled back and the database will remain unchanged.
By isolation we mean that the changes made to the database state during a transaction are only visible inside this transaction until and unless it is committed. Using the above example with the bank transfer, the results of the debit operation performed on the first object is not visible to other transactions until the credit operation is successfully completed and the transaction is committed.
By durability we mean that once the transaction is committed, the changes that it made to the database state are permanent and will survive failures such as an application crash. From now on the only way to alter this state is to execute and commit another transaction.
A transaction is started by calling either the database::begin()
or connection::begin()
function. The returned transaction handle is stored in an instance of the odb::transaction
class. You will need to include the <odb/transaction.hxx>
header file to make this class available in your application. For example:
#include <odb/transaction.hxx> transaction t (db.begin ()) // Perform database operations. t.commit ();
namespace odb { class transaction { public: typedef odb::database database_type; typedef odb::connection connection_type; explicit transaction (transaction_impl*, bool make_current = true); transaction (); void reset (transaction_impl*, bool make_current = true); void commit (); void rollback (); database_type& database (); connection_type& connection (); bool finilized () const; public: static bool has_current (); static transaction& current (); static void current (transaction&); static bool reset_current (); // Callback API. // public: ... }; }
The commit()
function commits a transaction and rollback()
rolls it back. Unless the transaction has been finalized, that is, explicitly committed or rolled back, the destructor of the transaction
class will automatically roll it back when the transaction instance goes out of scope. If we try to commit or roll back a finalized transaction, the odb::transaction_already_finalized
exception is thrown.
The database()
accessor returns the database this transaction is working on. Similarly, the connection()
accessor returns the database connection this transaction is on (Section 3.6, "Connections").
The static current()
accessor returns the currently active transaction for this thread. If there is no active transaction, this function throws the odb::not_in_transaction
exception. We can check whether there is a transaction in effect in this thread using the has_current()
static function.
The make_current
argument in the transaction
constructor as well as the static current()
modifier and reset_current()
function give us additional control over the nomination of the currently active transaction. If we pass false
as the make_current
argument, then the newly created transaction will not automatically be made the active transaction for this thread. Later, we can use the static current()
modifier to set this transaction as the active transaction. The reset_current()
static function clears the currently active transaction. Together, these mechanisms allow for more advanced use cases, such as multiplexing two or more transactions on the same thread. For example:
事务构造函数中的make_current参数以及static current()修饰符和reset_current()函数为我们提供了对当前活动事务的指定的额外控制。如果我们将false作为make_current参数传递,那么新创建的事务将不会自动成为该线程的活动事务。稍后,我们可以使用static current()修饰符将此事务设置为活动事务。reset_current()静态函数用于清除当前活动的事务。这些机制一起支持更高级的用例,例如在同一线程上多路复用两个或多个事务。例如:
transaction t1 (db1.begin ()); // Active transaction. transaction t2 (db2.begin (), false); // Not active. // Perform database operations on db1. transaction::current (t2); // Deactivate t1, activate t2. // Perform database operations on db2. transaction::current (t1); // Switch back to t1. // Perform some more database operations on db1. t1.commit (); transaction::current (t2); // Switch to t2. // Perform some more database operations on db2. t2.commit ();
The reset()
modifier allows us to reuse the same transaction
instance to complete several database transactions. Similar to the destructor, reset()
will roll the current transaction back if it hasn't been finalized. The default transaction
constructor creates a finalized transaction which can later be initialized using reset()
. The finilized()
accessor can be used to check whether the transaction has been finalized. Here is how we can use this functionality to commit the current transaction and start a new one every time a certain number of database operations has been performed:
transaction t (db.begin ()); for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i) { // Perform a database operation, such as persist an object. // Commit the current transaction and start a new one after // every 100 operations. // if (i % 100 == 0) { t.commit (); t.reset (db.begin ()); } } t.commit ();
For more information on the transaction callback support, refer to Section 15.1, "Transaction Callbacks".
Note that in the above discussion of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, all of those guarantees only apply to the object's state in the database as opposed to the object's state in the application's memory. It is possible to roll a transaction back but still have changes from this transaction in the application's memory. An easy way to avoid this potential inconsistency is to instantiate persistent objects only within the transaction scope. Consider, for example, these two implementations of the same transaction:
void update_age (database& db, person& p) { transaction t (db.begin ()); p.age (p.age () + 1); db.update (p); t.commit (); }
In the above implementation, if the update()
call fails and the transaction is rolled back, the state of the person
object in the database and the state of the same object in the application's memory will differ. Now consider an alternative implementation which only instantiates the person
object for the duration of the transaction:
void update_age (database& db, unsigned long id) { transaction t (db.begin ()); auto_ptr<person> p (db.load<person> (id)); p.age (p.age () + 1); db.update (p); t.commit (); }
Of course, it may not always be possible to write the application in this style. Oftentimes we need to access and modify the application's state of persistent objects out of transactions. In this case it may make sense to try to roll back the changes made to the application state if the transaction was rolled back and the database state remains unchanged. One way to do this is to re-load the object's state from the database, for example:
void update_age (database& db, person& p) { try { transaction t (db.begin ()); p.age (p.age () + 1); db.update (p); t.commit (); } catch (...) { transaction t (db.begin ()); db.load (p.id (), p); t.commit (); throw; } }
See also Section 15.1, "Transaction Callbacks" for an alternative approach.
3.6 Connections 连接
The odb::connection
class represents a connection to the database. Normally, you wouldn't work with connections directly but rather let the ODB runtime obtain and release connections as needed. However, certain use cases may require obtaining a connection manually. For completeness, this section describes the connection
class and discusses some of its use cases. You may want to skip this section if you are reading through the manual for the first time.
Similar to odb::database
, the odb::connection
class is a common interface for all the database system-specific classes provided by ODB. For details on the system-specific connection
classes, refer to Part II, "Database Systems".
To make the odb::connection
class available in your application you will need to include the <odb/connection.hxx>
header file. The odb::connection
class has the following interface:
namespace odb { class connection { public: typedef odb::database database_type; transaction begin () = 0; unsigned long long execute (const char* statement); unsigned long long execute (const std::string& statement); unsigned long long execute (const char* statement, std::size_t length); database_type& database (); }; typedef details::shared_ptr<connection> connection_ptr; }
The begin()
function is used to start a transaction on the connection. The execute()
functions allow us to execute native database statements on the connection. Their semantics are equivalent to the database::execute()
functions (Section 3.12, "Executing Native SQL Statements") except that they can be legally called outside a transaction. Finally, the database()
accessor returns a reference to the odb::database
instance to which this connection corresponds.
函数用于启动连接上的事务。 execute()函数允许我们在连接上执行本机数据库语句。它们的语义与database::execute()函数(第3.12节,“执行本机SQL语句”)相同,只是它们可以在事务外部合法调用。最后,database()访问器返回对此连接所对应的odb::database
To obtain a connection we call the database::connection()
function. The connection is returned as odb::connection_ptr
, which is an implementation-specific smart pointer with the shared pointer semantics. This, in particular, means that the connection pointer can be copied and returned from functions. Once the last instance of connection_ptr
pointing to the same connection is destroyed, the connection is returned to the database
instance. The following code fragment shows how we can obtain, use, and release a connection:
using namespace odb::core; database& db = ... connection_ptr c (db.connection ()); // Temporarily disable foreign key constraints. // c->execute ("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0"); // Start a transaction on this connection. // transaction t (c->begin ()); ... t.commit (); // Restore foreign key constraints. // c->execute ("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1"); // When 'c' goes out of scope, the connection is returned to 'db'.
Some of the use cases which may require direct manipulation of connections include out-of-transaction statement execution, such as the execution of connection configuration statements, the implementation of a connection-per-thread policy, and making sure that a set of transactions is executed on the same connection.
3.7 Error Handling and Recovery 错误处理和恢复
ODB uses C++ exceptions to report database operation errors. Most ODB exceptions signify hard errors or errors that cannot be corrected without some intervention from the application. For example, if we try to load an object with an unknown object id, the odb::object_not_persistent
exception is thrown. Our application may be able to correct this error, for instance, by obtaining a valid object id and trying again. The hard errors and corresponding ODB exceptions that can be thrown by each database function are described in the remainder of this chapter with Section 3.14, "ODB Exceptions" providing a quick reference for all the ODB exceptions.
The second group of ODB exceptions signify soft or recoverable errors. Such errors are temporary failures which normally can be corrected by simply re-executing the transaction. ODB defines three such exceptions: odb::connection_lost
, odb::timeout
, and odb::deadlock
. All recoverable ODB exceptions are derived from the common odb::recoverable
base exception which can be used to handle all the recoverable conditions with a single catch
第二组ODB异常表示软错误或可恢复错误。这些错误是暂时的故障,通常可以通过简单地重新执行事务来纠正。ODB定义了三个这样的异常:ODB::connection_lost、ODB::timeout和ODB::deadlock。所有可恢复的ODB异常都派生自公共ODB::recoverable base exception,该异常可用于使用单个catch块处理所有可恢复条件。
The odb::connection_lost
exception is thrown if a connection to the database is lost in the middle of a transaction. In this situation the transaction is aborted but it can be re-tried without any changes. Similarly, the odb::timeout
exception is thrown if one of the database operations or the whole transaction has timed out. Again, in this case the transaction is aborted but can be re-tried as is.
If two or more transactions access or modify more than one object and are executed concurrently by different applications or by different threads within the same application, then it is possible that these transactions will try to access objects in an incompatible order and deadlock. The canonical example of a deadlock are two transactions in which the first has modified object1
and is waiting for the second transaction to commit its changes to object2
so that it can also update object2
. At the same time the second transaction has modified object2
and is waiting for the first transaction to commit its changes to object1
because it also needs to modify object1
. As a result, none of the two transactions can be completed.
The database system detects such situations and automatically aborts the waiting operation in one of the deadlocked transactions. In ODB this translates to the odb::deadlock
recoverable exception being thrown from one of the database functions.
The following code fragment shows how to handle the recoverable exceptions by restarting the affected transaction:
const unsigned short max_retries = 5; for (unsigned short retry_count (0); ; retry_count++) { try { transaction t (db.begin ()); ... t.commit (); break; } catch (const odb::recoverable& e) { if (retry_count > max_retries) throw retry_limit_exceeded (e.what ()); else continue; } }
3.8 Making Objects Persistent 使对象持久化
A newly created instance of a persistent class is transient. We use the database::persist()
function template to make a transient instance persistent. This function has four overloaded versions with the following signatures:
template <typename T> typename object_traits<T>::id_type persist (const T& object); template <typename T> typename object_traits<T>::id_type persist (const object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type& object); template <typename T> typename object_traits<T>::id_type persist (T& object); template <typename T> typename object_traits<T>::id_type persist (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object);
Here and in the rest of the manual, object_traits<T>::pointer_type
and object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type
denote the unrestricted and constant object pointer types (Section 3.3, "Object and View Pointers"), respectively. Similarly, object_traits<T>::id_type
denotes the object id type. The odb::object_traits
template is part of the database support code generated by the ODB compiler.
The first persist()
function expects a constant reference to an instance being persisted. The second function expects a constant object pointer. Both of these functions can only be used on objects with application-assigned object ids (Section 14.4.2, "auto
The second and third persist()
functions are similar to the first two except that they operate on unrestricted references and object pointers. If the identifier of the object being persisted is assigned by the database, these functions update the id member of the passed instance with the assigned value. All four functions return the object id of the newly persisted object.
If the database already contains an object of this type with this identifier, the persist()
functions throw the odb::object_already_persistent
exception. This should never happen for database-assigned object ids as long as the number of objects persisted does not exceed the value space of the id type.
When calling the persist()
functions, we don't need to explicitly specify the template type since it will be automatically deduced from the argument being passed. The following example shows how we can call these functions:
person john ("John", "Doe", 33); shared_ptr<person> jane (new person ("Jane", "Doe", 32)); transaction t (db.begin ()); db.persist (john); unsigned long jane_id (db.persist (jane)); t.commit (); cerr << "Jane's id: " << jane_id << endl;
Notice that in the above code fragment we have created instances that we were planning to make persistent before starting the transaction. Likewise, we printed Jane's id after we have committed the transaction. As a general rule, you should avoid performing operations within the transaction scope that can be performed before the transaction starts or after it terminates. An active transaction consumes both your application's resources, such as a database connection, as well as the database server's resources, such as object locks. By following the above rule you make sure these resources are released and made available to other threads in your application and to other applications as soon as possible.
Some database systems support persisting multiple objects with a single underlying statement execution which can result in significantly improved performance. For such database systems ODB provides bulk persist()
functions. For details, refer to Section 15.3, "Bulk Database Operations".
3.9 Loading Persistent Objects 加载持久对象
Once an object is made persistent, and you know its object id, it can be loaded by the application using the database::load()
function template. This function has two overloaded versions with the following signatures:
template <typename T> typename object_traits<T>::pointer_type load (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id); template <typename T> void load (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id, T& object);
Given an object id, the first function allocates a new instance of the object class in the dynamic memory, loads its state from the database, and returns the pointer to the new instance. The second function loads the object's state into an existing instance. Both functions throw odb::object_not_persistent
if there is no object of this type with this id in the database.
When we call the first load()
function, we need to explicitly specify the object type. We don't need to do this for the second function because the object type will be automatically deduced from the second argument, for example:
transaction t (db.begin ()); auto_ptr<person> jane (db.load<person> (jane_id)); db.load (jane_id, *jane); t.commit ();
In certain situations it may be necessary to reload the state of an object from the database. While this is easy to achieve using the second load()
function, ODB provides the database::reload()
function template that has a number of special properties. This function has two overloaded versions with the following signatures:
template <typename T> void reload (T& object); template <typename T> void reload (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object);
The first reload()
function expects an object reference, while the second expects an object pointer. Both functions expect the id member in the passed object to contain a valid object identifier and, similar to load()
, both will throw odb::object_not_persistent
if there is no object of this type with this id in the database
The first special property of reload()
compared to the load()
function is that it does not interact with the session's object cache (Section 11.1, "Object Cache"). That is, if the object being reloaded is already in the cache, then it will remain there after reload()
returns. Similarly, if the object is not in the cache, then reload()
won't put it there either.
The second special property of the reload()
function only manifests itself when operating on an object with the optimistic concurrency model. In this case, if the states of the object in the application memory and in the database are the same, then no reloading will occur. For more information on optimistic concurrency, refer to Chapter 12, "Optimistic Concurrency".
If we don't know for sure whether an object with a given id is persistent, we can use the find()
function instead of load()
, for example:
template <typename T> typename object_traits<T>::pointer_type find (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id); template <typename T> bool find (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id, T& object);
If an object with this id is not found in the database, the first find()
function returns a NULL
pointer while the second function leaves the passed instance unmodified and returns false
If we don't know the object id, then we can use queries to find the object (or objects) matching some criteria (Chapter 4, "Querying the Database"). Note, however, that loading an object's state using its identifier can be significantly faster than executing a query.
3.10 Updating Persistent Objects 更新持久对象
If a persistent object has been modified, we can store the updated state in the database using the database::update()
function template. This function has three overloaded versions with the following signatures:
template <typename T> void update (const T& object); template <typename T> void update (const object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type& object); template <typename T> void update (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object);
The first update()
function expects an object reference, while the other two expect object pointers. If the object passed to one of these functions does not exist in the database, update()
throws the odb::object_not_persistent
exception (but see a note on optimistic concurrency below).
Below is an example of the funds transfer that we talked about in the earlier section on transactions. It uses the hypothetical bank_account
persistent class:
void transfer (database& db, unsigned long from_acc, unsigned long to_acc, unsigned int amount) { bank_account from, to; transaction t (db.begin ()); db.load (from_acc, from); if (from.balance () < amount) throw insufficient_funds (); db.load (to_acc, to); to.balance (to.balance () + amount); from.balance (from.balance () - amount); db.update (to); db.update (from); t.commit (); }
The same can be accomplished using dynamically allocated objects and the update()
function with object pointer argument, for example:
transaction t (db.begin ()); shared_ptr<bank_account> from (db.load<bank_account> (from_acc)); if (from->balance () < amount) throw insufficient_funds (); shared_ptr<bank_account> to (db.load<bank_account> (to_acc)); to->balance (to->balance () + amount); from->balance (from->balance () - amount); db.update (to); db.update (from); t.commit ();
If any of the update()
functions are operating on a persistent class with the optimistic concurrency model, then they will throw the odb::object_changed
exception if the state of the object in the database has changed since it was last loaded into the application memory. Furthermore, for such classes, update()
no longer throws the object_not_persistent
exception if there is no such object in the database. Instead, this condition is treated as a change of object state and object_changed
is thrown instead. For a more detailed discussion of optimistic concurrency, refer to Chapter 12, "Optimistic Concurrency".
In ODB, persistent classes, composite value types, as well as individual data members can be declared read-only (see Section 14.1.4, "readonly
(object)", Section 14.3.6, "readonly
(composite value)", and Section 14.4.12, "readonly
(data member)").
If an individual data member is declared read-only, then any changes to this member will be ignored when updating the database state of an object using any of the above update()
functions. A const
data member is automatically treated as read-only. If a composite value is declared read-only then all its data members are treated as read-only.
If the whole object is declared read-only then the database state of this object cannot be changed. Calling any of the above update()
functions for such an object will result in a compile-time error.
Similar to persist()
, for database systems that support this functionality, ODB provides bulk update()
functions. For details, refer to Section 15.3, "Bulk Database Operations".
与persist()类似,对于支持此功能的数据库系统,ODB提供了bulk update()函数。有关详细信息,请参阅第15.3节“批量数据库操作”。
3.11 Deleting Persistent Objects 删除持久对象
To delete a persistent object's state from the database we use the database::erase()
or database::erase_query()
function templates. If the application still has an instance of the erased object, this instance becomes transient. The erase()
function has the following overloaded versions:
template <typename T> void erase (const T& object); template <typename T> void erase (const object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type& object); template <typename T> void erase (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object); template <typename T> void erase (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id);
The first erase()
function uses an object itself, in the form of an object reference, to delete its state from the database. The next two functions accomplish the same result but using object pointers. Note that all three functions leave the passed object unchanged. It simply becomes transient. The last function uses the object id to identify the object to be deleted. If the object does not exist in the database, then all four functions throw the odb::object_not_persistent
exception (but see a note on optimistic concurrency below).
We have to specify the object type when calling the last erase()
function. The same is unnecessary for the first three functions because the object type will be automatically deduced from their arguments. The following example shows how we can call these functions:
person& john = ... shared_ptr<jane> jane = ... unsigned long joe_id = ... transaction t (db.begin ()); db.erase (john); db.erase (jane); db.erase<person> (joe_id); t.commit ();
If any of the erase()
functions except the last one are operating on a persistent class with the optimistic concurrency model, then they will throw the odb::object_changed
exception if the state of the object in the database has changed since it was last loaded into the application memory. Furthermore, for such classes, erase()
no longer throws the object_not_persistent
exception if there is no such object in the database. Instead, this condition is treated as a change of object state and object_changed
is thrown instead. For a more detailed discussion of optimistic concurrency, refer to Chapter 12, "Optimistic Concurrency".
Similar to persist()
and update()
, for database systems that support this functionality, ODB provides bulk erase()
functions. For details, refer to Section 15.3, "Bulk Database Operations".
The erase_query()
function allows us to delete the state of multiple objects matching certain criteria. It uses the query expression of the database::query()
function (Chapter 4, "Querying the Database") and, because the ODB query facility is optional, it is only available if the --generate-query
ODB compiler option was specified. The erase_query()
function has the following overloaded versions:
erase_query() 函数的作用是:删除符合特定条件的多个对象的状态。它使用database::query()函数(第4章,“查询数据库”)的查询表达式,并且由于ODB查询功能是可选的,因此只有在指定--generate query ODB compiler选项时才可用。erase_query()函数具有以下重载版本:
template <typename T> unsigned long long erase_query (); template <typename T> unsigned long long erase_query (const odb::query<T>&);
The first erase_query()
function is used to delete the state of all the persistent objects of a given type stored in the database. The second function uses the passed query instance to only delete the state of objects matching the query criteria. Both functions return the number of objects erased. When calling the erase_query()
function, we have to explicitly specify the object type we are erasing. For example:
typedef odb::query<person> query; transaction t (db.begin ()); db.erase_query<person> (query::last == "Doe" && query::age < 30); t.commit ();
Unlike the query()
function, when calling erase_query()
we cannot use members from pointed-to objects in the query expression. However, we can still use a member corresponding to a pointer as an ordinary object member that has the id type of the pointed-to object (Chapter 6, "Relationships"). This allows us to compare object ids as well as test the pointer for NULL
. As an example, the following transaction makes sure that all the employee
objects that reference an employer
object that is about to be deleted are deleted as well. Here we assume that the employee
class contains a pointer to the employer
class. Refer to Chapter 6, "Relationships" for complete definitions of these classes.
typedef odb::query<employee> query; transaction t (db.begin ()); employer& e = ... // Employer object to be deleted. db.erase_query<employee> (query::employer == e.id ()); db.erase (e); t.commit ();
3.12 Executing Native SQL Statements 执行本机SQL语句
In some situations we may need to execute native SQL statements instead of using the object-oriented database API described above. For example, we may want to tune the database schema generated by the ODB compiler or take advantage of a feature that is specific to the database system we are using. The database::execute()
function, which has three overloaded versions, provides this functionality:
unsigned long long execute (const char* statement); unsigned long long execute (const std::string& statement); unsigned long long execute (const char* statement, std::size_t length)
The first execute()
function expects the SQL statement as a zero-terminated C-string. The last version expects the explicit statement length as the second argument and the statement itself may contain '\0'
characters, for example, to represent binary data, if the database system supports it. All three functions return the number of rows that were affected by the statement. For example:
transaction t (db.begin ()); db.execute ("DROP TABLE test"); db.execute ("CREATE TABLE test (n INT PRIMARY KEY)"); t.commit ();
While these functions must always be called within a transaction, it may be necessary to execute a native statement outside a transaction. This can be done using the connection::execute()
functions as described in Section 3.6, "Connections".
3.13 Tracing SQL Statement Execution 跟踪SQL语句执行
Oftentimes it is useful to understand what SQL statements are executed as a result of high-level database operations. For example, we can use this information to figure out why certain transactions don't produce desired results or why they take longer than expected.
While this information can usually be obtained from the database logs, ODB provides an application-side SQL statement tracing support that is both more convenient and finer-grained. For example, in a typical situation that calls for tracing we would like to see the SQL statements executed as a result of a specific transaction. While it may be difficult to extract such a subset of statements from the database logs, it is easy to achieve with ODB tracing support:
transaction t (db.begin ());
t.tracer (stderr_tracer);
t.commit ();
ODB allows us to specify a tracer on the database, connection, and transaction levels. If specified for the database, then all the statements executed on this database will be traced. On the other hand, if a tracer is specified for the connection, then only the SQL statements executed on this connection will be traced. Similarly, a tracer specified for a transaction will only show statements that are executed as part of this transaction. All three classes (odb::database
, odb::connection
, and odb::transaction
) provide the identical tracing API:
void tracer (odb::tracer&); void tracer (odb::tracer*); odb::tracer* tracer () const;
The first two tracer()
functions allow us to set the tracer object with the second one allowing us to clear the current tracer by passing a NULL
pointer. The last tracer()
function allows us to get the current tracer object. It returns a NULL
pointer if there is no tracer in effect. Note that the tracing API does not manage the lifetime of the tracer object. The tracer should be valid for as long as it is being used. Furthermore, the tracing API is not thread-safe. Trying to set a tracer from multiple threads simultaneously will result in undefined behavior.
The odb::tracer
class defines a callback interface that can be used to create custom tracer implementations. The odb::stderr_tracer
and odb::stderr_full_tracer
are built-in tracer implementations provided by the ODB runtime. They both print SQL statements being executed to the standard error stream. The full tracer, in addition to tracing statement executions, also traces their preparations and deallocations. One situation where the full tracer can be particularly useful is if a statement (for example a custom query) contains a syntax error. In this case the error will be detected during preparation and, as a result, the statement will never be executed. The only way to see such a statement is by using the full tracing.
The odb::tracer
class is defined in the <odb/tracer.hxx>
header file which you will need to include in order to make this class available in your application. The odb::tracer
interface provided the following callback functions:
namespace odb { class tracer { public: virtual void prepare (connection&, const statement&); virtual void execute (connection&, const statement&); virtual void execute (connection&, const char* statement) = 0; virtual void deallocate (connection&, const statement&); }; }
The prepare()
and deallocate()
functions are called when a prepared statement is created and destroyed, respectively. The first execute()
function is called when a prepared statement is executed while the second one is called when a normal statement is executed. The default implementations for the prepare()
and deallocate()
functions do nothing while the first execute()
function calls the second one passing the statement text as the second argument. As a result, if all you are interested in are the SQL statements being executed, then you only need to override the second execute()
In addition to the common odb::tracer
interface, each database runtime provides a database-specific version as odb::<database>::tracer
. It has exactly the same interface as the common version except that the connection
and statement
types are database-specific, which gives us access to additional, database-specific information.
As an example, consider a more elaborate, PostgreSQL-specific tracer implementation. Here we rely on the fact that the PostgreSQL ODB runtime uses names to identify prepared statements and this information can be obtained from the odb::pgsql::statement
作为一个例子,考虑一个更详细的、PostgreSQL特定的示踪剂实现。这里我们依赖于这样一个事实,即PostgreSQL ODB运行时使用名称来标识准备好的语句,并且可以从ODB::pgsql::statement对象获取此信息:
#include <odb/pgsql/tracer.hxx> #include <odb/pgsql/database.hxx> #include <odb/pgsql/connection.hxx> #include <odb/pgsql/statement.hxx> class pgsql_tracer: public odb::pgsql::tracer { virtual void prepare (odb::pgsql::connection& c, const odb::pgsql::statement& s) { cerr << c.database ().db () << ": PREPARE " << s.name () << " AS " << s.text () << endl; } virtual void execute (odb::pgsql::connection& c, const odb::pgsql::statement& s) { cerr << c.database ().db () << ": EXECUTE " << s.name () << endl; } virtual void execute (odb::pgsql::connection& c, const char* statement) { cerr << c.database ().db () << ": " << statement << endl; } virtual void deallocate (odb::pgsql::connection& c, const odb::pgsql::statement& s) { cerr << c.database ().db () << ": DEALLOCATE " << s.name () << endl; } };
Note also that you can only set a database-specific tracer object using a database-specific database instance, for example:
pgsql_tracer tracer; odb::database& db = ...; db.tracer (tracer); // Compile error. odb::pgsql::database& db = ...; db.tracer (tracer); // Ok.
3.14 ODB Exceptions ODB异常
In the previous sections we have already mentioned some of the exceptions that can be thrown by the database functions. In this section we will discuss the ODB exception hierarchy and document all the exceptions that can be thrown by the common ODB runtime.
The root of the ODB exception hierarchy is the abstract odb::exception
class. This class derives from std::exception
and has the following interface:
namespace odb { struct exception: std::exception { virtual const char* what () const throw () = 0; }; }
Catching this exception guarantees that we will catch all the exceptions thrown by ODB. The what()
function returns a human-readable description of the condition that triggered the exception.
The concrete exceptions that can be thrown by ODB are presented in the following listing:
namespace odb { struct null_pointer: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Transaction exceptions. // struct already_in_transaction: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct not_in_transaction: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct transaction_already_finalized: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Session exceptions. // struct already_in_session: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct not_in_session: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct session_required: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Database operations exceptions. // struct recoverable: exception { }; struct connection_lost: recoverable { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct timeout: recoverable { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct deadlock: recoverable { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct object_not_persistent: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct object_already_persistent: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct object_changed: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct result_not_cached: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct database_exception: exception { }; // Polymorphism support exceptions. // struct abstract_class: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct no_type_info: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Prepared query support exceptions. // struct prepared_already_cached: exception { const char* name () const; virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct prepared_type_mismatch: exception { const char* name () const; virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Schema catalog exceptions. // struct unknown_schema: exception { const std::string& name () const; virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct unknown_schema_version: exception { schema_version version () const; virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Section exceptions. // struct section_not_loaded: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; struct section_not_in_object: exception { virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; // Bulk operation exceptions. // struct multiple_exceptions: exception { ... virtual const char* what () const throw (); }; }
The null_pointer
exception is thrown when a pointer to a persistent object declared non-NULL
with the db not_null
or db value_not_null
pragma has the NULL
value. See Chapter 6, "Relationships" for details.
当指向声明为非null且带有db not_null或db value not_null pragma的持久对象的指针具有null值时,将引发null_pointer
The next three exceptions (already_in_transaction
, not_in_transaction
, transaction_already_finalized
) are thrown by the odb::transaction
class and are discussed in Section 3.5, "Transactions".
The next two exceptions (already_in_session
, and not_in_session
) are thrown by the odb::session
class and are discussed in Chapter 11, "Session".
The session_required
exception is thrown when ODB detects that correctly loading a bidirectional object relationship requires a session but one is not used. See Section 6.2, "Bidirectional Relationships" for more information on this exception.
The recoverable
exception serves as a common base for all the recoverable exceptions, which are: connection_lost
, timeout
, and deadlock
. The connection_lost
exception is thrown when a connection to the database is lost. Similarly, the timeout
exception is thrown if one of the database operations or the whole transaction has timed out. The deadlock
exception is thrown when a transaction deadlock is detected by the database system. These exceptions can be thrown by any database function. See Section 3.7, "Error Handling and Recovery" for details.
The object_already_persistent
exception is thrown by the persist()
database function. See Section 3.8, "Making Objects Persistent" for details.
The object_not_persistent
exception is thrown by the load()
, update()
, and erase()
database functions. Refer to Section 3.9, "Loading Persistent Objects", Section 3.10, "Updating Persistent Objects", and Section 3.11, "Deleting Persistent Objects" for more information.
The object_changed
exception is thrown by the update()
database function and certain erase()
database functions when operating on objects with the optimistic concurrency model. See Chapter 12, "Optimistic Concurrency" for details.
The result_not_cached
exception is thrown by the query result class. Refer to Section 4.4, "Query Result" for details.
The database_exception
exception is a base class for all database system-specific exceptions that are thrown by the database system-specific runtime library. Refer to Part II, "Database Systems" for more information.
database_exception exception是数据库系统特定运行库引发的所有数据库系统特定异常的基类。有关更多信息,请参阅第二部分“数据库系统”。
The abstract_class
exception is thrown by the database functions when we attempt to persist, update, load, or erase an instance of a polymorphic abstract class. For more information on abstract classes, refer to Section 14.1.3, "abstract
The no_type_info
exception is thrown by the database functions when we attempt to persist, update, load, or erase an instance of a polymorphic class for which no type information is present in the application. This normally means that the generated database support code for this class has not been linked (or dynamically loaded) into the application or the discriminator value has not been mapped to a persistent class. For more information on polymorphism support, refer to Section 8.2, "Polymorphism Inheritance".
The prepared_already_cached
exception is thrown by the cache_query()
function if a prepared query with the specified name is already cached. The prepared_type_mismatch
exception is thrown by the lookup_query()
function if the specified prepared query object type or parameters type does not match the one in the cache. Refer to Section 4.5, "Prepared Queries" for details.
The unknown_schema
exception is thrown by the odb::schema_catalog
class if a schema with the specified name is not found. Refer to Section 3.4, "Database" for details. The unknown_schema_version
exception is thrown by the schema_catalog
functions that deal with database schema evolution if the passed version is unknow. Refer to Chapter 13, "Database Schema Evolution" for details.
异常。有关详细信息,请参阅第3.4节“数据库”。如果传递的版本未知,则处理数据库模式演变的模式目录函数会引发 unknown_schema_version
The section_not_loaded
exception is thrown if we attempt to update an object section that hasn't been loaded. The section_not_in_object
exception is thrown if the section instance being loaded or updated does not belong to the corresponding object. See Chapter 9, "Sections" for more information on these exceptions.
The multiple_exceptions
exception is thrown by the bulk API functions. Refer to Section 15.3, "Bulk Database Operations" for details.
The odb::exception
class is defined in the <odb/exception.hxx>
header file. All the concrete ODB exceptions are defined in <odb/exceptions.hxx>
which also includes <odb/exception.hxx>
. Normally you don't need to include either of these two headers because they are automatically included by <odb/database.hxx>
. However, if the source file that handles ODB exceptions does not include <odb/database.hxx>
, then you will need to explicitly include one of these headers.
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