12 Optimistic Concurrency ODB 乐观并发

The ODB transaction model (Section 3.5, "Transactions") guarantees consistency as long as we perform all the database operations corresponding to a specific application transaction in a single database transaction. That is, if we load an object within a database transaction and update it in the same transaction, then we are guaranteed that the object state that we are updating in the database is exactly the same as the state we have loaded. In other words, it is impossible for another process or thread to modify the object state in the database between these load and update operations.


In this chapter we use the term application transaction to refer to a set of operations on persistent objects that an application needs to perform in order to implement some application-specific functionality. The term database transaction refers to the set of database operations performed between the ODB begin() and commit() calls. Up until now we have treated application transactions and database transactions as essentially the same thing.

在本章中,我们使用应用程序事务这个术语来指代应用程序为了实现某些特定于应用程序的功能而需要执行的一组对持久对象的操作。术语数据库事务指的是ODB begin()和commit()调用之间执行的一组数据库操作。到目前为止,我们将应用程序事务和数据库事务视为本质上相同的事情。

While this model is easy to understand and straightforward to use, it may not be suitable for applications that have long application transactions. The canonical example of such a situation is an application transaction that requires user input between loading an object and updating it. Such an operation may take an arbitrary long time to complete and performing it within a single database transaction will consume database resources as well as prevent other processes/threads from updating the object for too long.


The solution to this problem is to break up the long-lived application transaction into several short-lived database transactions. In our example that would mean loading the object in one database transaction, waiting for user input, and then updating the object in another database transaction. For example:


unsigned long id = ...;
person p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.load (id, p);
  t.commit ();

cerr << "enter age for " << p.first () << " " << p.last () << endl;
unsigned short age;
cin >> age;
p.age (age);

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.update (p);
  t.commit ();

This approach works well if we only have one process/thread that can ever update the object. However, if we have multiple processes/threads modifying the same object, then this approach does not guarantee consistency anymore. Consider what happens in the above example if another process updates the person's last name while we are waiting for the user input. Since we loaded the object before this change occured, our version of the person's data will still have the old name. Once we receive the input from the user, we go ahead and update the object, overwriting both the old age with the new one (correct) and the new name with the old one (incorrect).


While there is no way to restore the consistency guarantee in an application transaction that consists of multiple database transactions, ODB provides a mechanism, called optimistic concurrency, that allows applications to detect and potentially recover from such inconsistencies.


In essence, the optimistic concurrency model detects mismatches between the current object state in the database and the state when it was loaded into the application memory. Such a mismatch would mean that the object was changed by another process or thread. There are several ways to implement such state mismatch detection. Currently, ODB uses object versioning while other methods, such as timestamps, may be supported in the future.


To declare a persistent class with the optimistic concurrency model we use the optimistic pragma (Section 14.1.5, "optimistic"). We also use the version pragma (Section 14.4.16, "version") to specify which data member will store the object version. For example:

为了使用乐观并发模型声明一个持久类,我们使用optimistic pragma(第14.1.5节,“乐观”)。我们还使用version pragma(章节14.4.16,"version")来指定哪个数据成员将存储对象的版本。例如:

#pragma db object optimistic
class person

  #pragma db version
  unsigned long version_;

The version data member is managed by ODB. It is initialized to 1 when the object is made persistent and incremented by 1 with each update. The 0 version value is not used by ODB and the application can use it as a special value, for example, to indicate that the object is transient. Note that for optimistic concurrency to function properly, the application should not modify the version member after making the object persistent or loading it from the database and until deleting the state of this object from the database. To avoid any accidental modifications to the version member, we can declare it const, for example:


#pragma db object optimistic
class person

  #pragma db version
  const unsigned long version_;

When we call the database::update() function (Section 3.10, "Updating Persistent Objects") and pass an object that has an outdated state, the odb::object_changed exception is thrown. At this point the application has two recovery options: it can abort and potentially restart the application transaction or it can reload the new object state from the database, re-apply or merge the changes, and call update() again. Note that aborting an application transaction that performs updates in multiple database transactions may require reverting changes that have already been committed to the database. As a result, this strategy works best if all the updates are performed in the last database transaction of the application transaction. This way the changes can be reverted by simply rolling back this last database transaction.


The following example shows how we can reimplement the above transaction using the second recovery option:


unsigned long id = ...;
person p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.load (id, p);
  t.commit ();

cerr << "enter age for " << p.first () << " " << p.last () << endl;
unsigned short age;
cin >> age;
p.age (age);

  transaction t (db.begin ());

    db.update (p);
  catch (const object_changed&)
    db.reload (p);
    p.age (age);
    db.update (p);

  t.commit ();

An important point to note in the above code fragment is that the second update() call cannot throw the object_changed exception because we are reloading the state of the object and updating it within the same database transaction.


Depending on the recovery strategy employed by the application, an application transaction with a failed update can be significantly more expensive than a successful one. As a result, optimistic concurrency works best for situations with low to medium contention levels where the majority of the application transactions complete without update conflicts. This is also the reason why this concurrency model is called optimistic.


In addition to updates, ODB also performs state mismatch detection when we are deleting an object from the database (Section 3.11, "Deleting Persistent Objects"). To understand why this can be important, consider the following application transaction:


unsigned long id = ...;
person p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.load (id, p);
  t.commit ();

string answer;
cerr << "age is " << p.age () << ", delete?" << endl;
getline (cin, answer);

if (answer == "yes")
  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.erase (p);
  t.commit ();

Consider again what happens if another process or thread updates the object by changing the person's age while we are waiting for the user input. In this case, the user makes the decision based on a certain age while we may delete (or not delete) an object that has a completely different age. Here is how we can fix this problem using optimistic concurrency:


unsigned long id = ...;
person p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.load (id, p);
  t.commit ();

string answer;
for (bool done (false); !done; )
  if (answer.empty ())
    cerr << "age is " << p.age () << ", delete?" << endl;
    cerr << "age changed to " << p.age () << ", still delete?" << endl;

  getline (cin, answer);

  if (answer == "yes")
    transaction t (db.begin ());

      db.erase (p);
      done = true;
    catch (const object_changed&)
      db.reload (p);

    t.commit ();
    done = true;

Note that state mismatch detection is performed only if we delete an object by passing the object instance to the erase() function. If we want to delete an object with the optimistic concurrency model regardless of its state, then we need to use the erase() function that deletes an object given its id, for example:


  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.erase (p.id ());
  t.commit ();

Finally, note that for persistent classes with the optimistic concurrency model both the update() function as well as the erase() function that accepts an object instance as its argument no longer throw the object_not_persistent exception if there is no such object in the database. Instead, this condition is treated as a change of object state and the object_changed exception is thrown instead.


For complete sample code that shows how to use optimistic concurrency, refer to the optimistic example in the odb-examples package.

posted @ 2022-02-11 11:27  菜鸟_IceLee  阅读(66)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报