
The QtConcurrent namespace provides high-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives.



1、Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce

The QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped() and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() functions run computations in parallel on the items in a sequence such as a QList or a QVector. QtConcurrent::map() modifies a sequence in-place, QtConcurrent::mapped() returns a new sequence containing the modified content, and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() returns a single result.

 QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped()和QtConcurrent::mappedReduced()函数并行地对序列中的条目(如QList或QVector)执行计算。 QtConcurrent::map()原地修改序列,QtConcurrent::mapped()返回一个包含修改内容的新序列,而QtConcurrent::mappedReduced()返回单个结果。  

Each of the above functions has a blocking variant that returns the final result instead of a QFuture.  You use them in the same way as the asynchronous variants.

上面的每个函数都有一个阻塞变体,它返回最终结果而不是QFuture。 使用它们的方式与异步变量相同。  

  QList<QImage> images = ...;

  // each call blocks until the entire operation is finished
  QList<QImage> future = QtConcurrent::blockingMapped(images, scaled);

  QtConcurrent::blockingMap(images, scale);

  QImage collage = QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced(images, scaled, addToCollage);

Note that the result types above are not QFuture objects, but real result types (in this case, QList<QImage> and QImage).



 Concurrent Map

QtConcurrent::mapped() takes an input sequence and a map function. This map function is then called for each item in the sequence, and a new sequence containing the return values from the map function is returned.

mapped()接受一个输入序列和一个映射函数。 然后对序列中的每一项调用这个map函数,并返回一个包含该map函数返回值的新序列。  

The map function must be of the form:


U function(const T &t);

T and U can be any type (and they can even be the same type), but T must match the type stored in the sequence. The function returns the modified or mapped content.

T和U可以是任何类型(它们甚至可以是相同的类型),但是T必须匹配存储在序列中的类型。 该函数返回修改或映射的内容。  

This example shows how to apply a scale function to all the items in a sequence:


  QImage scaled(const QImage &image)
      return image.scaled(100, 100);

  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> thumbnails = QtConcurrent::mapped(images, scaled);

The results of the map are made available through QFuture. See the QFuture and QFutureWatcher documentation for more information on how to use QFuture in your applications.

地图的结果可以通过QFuture获得。 有关如何在应用程序中使用QFuture的更多信息,请参阅QFuture和QFutureWatcher文档。  

If you want to modify a sequence in-place, use QtConcurrent::map(). The map function must then be of the form:

如果您想就地修改序列,请使用QtConcurrent::map()。 然后,map函数必须是以下形式:  

  U function(T &t);

Note that the return value and return type of the map function are not used.


Using QtConcurrent::map() is similar to using QtConcurrent::mapped():


  void scale(QImage &image)
      image = image.scaled(100, 100);

  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::map(images, scale);

Since the sequence is modified in place, QtConcurrent::map() does not return any results via QFuture. However, you can still use QFuture and QFutureWatcher to monitor the status of the map.

因为序列被修改了,所以QtConcurrent::map()不会通过QFuture返回任何结果。 但是,您仍然可以使用QFuture和QFutureWatcher来监视地图的状态。 

QFuture<void> QtConcurrent::map(Sequence &sequence, MapFunction function)
QFuture<void> QtConcurrent::map(Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunction function)

Calls function once for each item in sequence. The function is passed a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in sequence. 

依次为每个项调用一次函数。 函数会传递一个对该项的引用,因此对该项所做的任何修改都将按顺序出现。  

Concurrent Map-Reduce

QFuture<T> QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(const Sequence &sequence, MapFunction mapFunction, ReduceFunction reduceFunction, QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions reduceOptions = UnorderedReduce | SequentialReduce)
QFuture<T> QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end, MapFunction mapFunction, ReduceFunction reduceFunction, QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions reduceOptions = UnorderedReduce | SequentialReduce)

QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() is similar to QtConcurrent::mapped(), but instead of returning a sequence with the new results, the results are combined into a single value using a reduce function.


The reduce function must be of the form:


 V function(T &result, const U &intermediate)

T is the type of the final result, U is the return type of the map function. Note that the return value and return type of the reduce function are not used.

T是最终结果的类型,U是映射函数的返回类型。 注意,reduce函数的返回值和返回类型没有被使用。  

Call QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() like this:

  void addToCollage(QImage &collage, const QImage &thumbnail)
      QPainter p(&collage);
      static QPoint offset = QPoint(0, 0);
      p.drawImage(offset, thumbnail);
      offset += ...;

  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> collage = QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(images, scaled, addToCollage);

The reduce function will be called once for each result returned by the map function, and should merge the intermediate into the result variable. QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() guarantees that only one thread will call reduce at a time, so using a mutex to lock the result variable is not necessary. The QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions enum provides a way to control the order in which the reduction is done. If QtConcurrent::UnorderedReduce is used (the default), the order is undefined, while QtConcurrent::OrderedReduce ensures that the reduction is done in the order of the original sequence.



Additional API Features

Using Iterators instead of Sequence

Each of the above functions has a variant that takes an iterator range instead of a sequence. You use them in the same way as the sequence variants:


  QList<QImage> images = ...;

  QFuture<QImage> thumbnails = QtConcurrent::mapped(images.constBegin(), images.constEnd(), scaled);

  // map in-place only works on non-const iterators
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::map(images.begin(), images.end(), scale);

  QFuture<QImage> collage = QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(images.constBegin(), images.constEnd(), scaled, addToCollage);

Blocking Variants

Each of the above functions has a blocking variant that returns the final result instead of a QFuture. You use them in the same way as the asynchronous variants.


  QList<QImage> images = ...;

  // each call blocks until the entire operation is finished
  QList<QImage> future = QtConcurrent::blockingMapped(images, scaled);

  QtConcurrent::blockingMap(images, scale);

  QImage collage = QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced(images, scaled, addToCollage);

Note that the result types above are not QFuture objects, but real result types (in this case, QList<QImage> and QImage).


Using Member Functions

QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped(), and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() accept pointers to member functions. The member function class type must match the type stored in the sequence:

QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped()和QtConcurrent::mappedReduced()接受指向成员函数的指针。成员函数类类型必须与序列中存储的类型匹配:

// squeeze all strings in a QStringList
  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<void> squeezedStrings = QtConcurrent::map(strings, &QString::squeeze);

  // swap the rgb values of all pixels on a list of images
  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> bgrImages = QtConcurrent::mapped(images, &QImage::rgbSwapped);

  // create a set of the lengths of all strings in a list
  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<QSet<int> > wordLengths = QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(strings, &QString::length, &QSet<int>::insert);

Note that when using QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(), you can mix the use of normal and member functions freely:


  // can mix normal functions and member functions with QtConcurrent::mappedReduced()

  // compute the average length of a list of strings
  extern void computeAverage(int &average, int length);
  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<int> averageWordLength = QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(strings, &QString::length, computeAverage);

  // create a set of the color distribution of all images in a list
  extern int colorDistribution(const QImage &string);
  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QSet<int> > totalColorDistribution = QtConcurrent::mappedReduced(images, colorDistribution, QSet<int>::insert);

Using Function Objects

QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped(), and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() accept function objects, which can be used to add state to a function call. The result_type typedef must define the result type of the function call operator:

QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped()和QtConcurrent::mappedReduced()接受函数对象,可以用来给函数调用添加状态。result_type类型定义必须定义函数调用操作符的结果类型:

  struct Scaled
      Scaled(int size)
      : m_size(size) { }

      typedef QImage result_type;

      QImage operator()(const QImage &image)
          return image.scaled(m_size, m_size);

      int m_size;

  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> thumbnails = QtConcurrent::mapped(images, Scaled(100));

Wrapping Functions that Take Multiple Arguments

If you want to use a map function that takes more than one argument you can use a lambda function or std::bind() to transform it onto a function that takes one argument.


As an example, we'll use QImage::scaledToWidth():

  QImage QImage::scaledToWidth(int width, Qt::TransformationMode) const;

scaledToWidth takes three arguments (including the "this" pointer) and can't be used with QtConcurrent::mapped() directly, because QtConcurrent::mapped() expects a function that takes one argument. To use QImage::scaledToWidth() with QtConcurrent::mapped() we have to provide a value for the width and the transformation mode:


  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> thumbnails = QtConcurrent::mapped(images, [](const QImage &img) {
      return img.scaledToWidth(100, Qt::SmoothTransformation);



 2、QFuture Class 

The QFuture class represents the result of an asynchronous computation.


To start a computation, use one of the APIs in the Qt Concurrent framework.

要开始一个计算,使用Qt Concurrent框架中的一个api。

QFuture allows threads to be synchronized against one or more results which will be ready at a later point in time. The result can be of any type that has a default constructor and a copy constructor. If a result is not available at the time of calling the result(), resultAt(), or results() functions, QFuture will wait until the result becomes available. You can use the isResultReadyAt() function to determine if a result is ready or not. For QFuture objects that report more than one result, the resultCount() function returns the number of continuous results. This means that it is always safe to iterate through the results from 0 to resultCount().


QFuture provides a Java-style iterator (QFutureIterator) and an STL-style iterator (QFuture::const_iterator). Using these iterators is another way to access results in the future.


QFuture also offers ways to interact with a runnning computation. For instance, the computation can be canceled with the cancel() function. To pause the computation, use the setPaused() function or one of the pause(), resume(), or togglePaused() convenience functions. Be aware that not all asynchronous computations can be canceled or paused. For example, the future returned by QtConcurrent::run() cannot be canceled; but the future returned by QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() can.


Progress information is provided by the progressValue(), progressMinimum(), progressMaximum(), and progressText() functions. The waitForFinished() function causes the calling thread to block and wait for the computation to finish, ensuring that all results are available.


The state of the computation represented by a QFuture can be queried using the isCanceled(), isStarted(), isFinished(), isRunning(), or isPaused() functions.


QFuture is a lightweight reference counted class that can be passed by value.


QFuture<void> is specialized to not contain any of the result fetching functions. Any QFuture<T> can be assigned or copied into a QFuture<void> as well. This is useful if only status or progress information is needed - not the actual result data.

QFuture<void>专门化为不包含任何结果获取函数。任何QFuture<T> 可以被赋值或复制到QFuture<void>,如果只需要状态或进度信息(而不是实际的结果数据),这是很有用的。

To interact with running tasks using signals and slots, use QFutureWatcher.



3、QFutureWatcher Class

The QFutureWatcher class allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots.


QFutureWatcher provides information and notifications about a QFuture. Use the setFuture() function to start watching a particular QFuture. The future() function returns the future set with setFuture().

QFutureWatcher提供关于QFuture的信息和通知。 使用setFuture()函数开始监视特定的QFuture。 函数的作用是:通过setFuture()返回未来集合。  

For convenience, several of QFuture's functions are also available in QFutureWatcher: progressValue(), progressMinimum(), progressMaximum(), progressText(), isStarted(), isFinished(), isRunning(), isCanceled(), isPaused(), waitForFinished(), result(), and resultAt(). The cancel(), setPaused(), pause(), resume(), and togglePaused() functions are slots in QFutureWatcher.

为了方便起见,QFuture的几个函数也可以在QFutureWatcher中使用:progressValue(), progressMinimum(), progressMaximum(), progressText(), isStarted(), isFinished(), isRunning(), isCanceled(), isPaused(), waitForFinished(), result(),和resultAt()。 cancel()、setPaused()、pause()、resume()和togglePaused()函数都是QFutureWatcher中的槽。  

Status changes are reported via the started(), finished(), canceled(), paused(), resumed(), resultReadyAt(), and resultsReadyAt() signals. Progress information is provided from the progressRangeChanged(), void progressValueChanged(), and progressTextChanged() signals.

状态变化通过started()、finished()、canceled()、paused()、resumed()、resultReadyAt()和resultsReadyAt()信号来报告。 进度信息由progressRangeChanged()、void progressValueChanged()和progressTextChanged()信号提供。  

Throttling control is provided by the setPendingResultsLimit() function. When the number of pending resultReadyAt() or resultsReadyAt() signals exceeds the limit, the computation represented by the future will be throttled automatically. The computation will resume once the number of pending signals drops below the limit.

调节控制是由setPendingResultsLimit()函数提供的。 当等待的resultReadyAt()或resultsReadyAt()信号的数量超过限制时,由future表示的计算将被自动控制。 一旦待处理信号的数量低于限制,计算将继续进行。  

Example: Starting a computation and getting a slot callback when it's finished:


  // Instantiate the objects and connect to the finished signal.
  MyClass myObject;
  QFutureWatcher<int> watcher;
  connect(&watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), &myObject, SLOT(handleFinished()));

  // Start the computation.
  QFuture<int> future = QtConcurrent::run(...);

Cancels the asynchronous computation represented by the future(). Note that the cancelation is asynchronous. Use waitForFinished() after calling cancel() when you need synchronous cancelation.

取消future()表示的异步计算。 注意,取消是异步的。 当你需要同步取消时,在调用cancel()之后使用waitForFinished()。  

Currently available results may still be accessed on a canceled QFuture, but new results will not become available after calling this function. Also, this QFutureWatcher will not deliver progress and result ready signals once canceled. This includes the progressValueChanged(), progressRangeChanged(), progressTextChanged(), resultReadyAt(), and resultsReadyAt() signals.

当前可用的结果仍然可以在取消的QFuture上访问,但是在调用这个函数后,新的结果将不可用。 此外,一旦取消,这个QFutureWatcher将不会交付进度和结果就绪信号。 这包括progressValueChanged(), progressRangeChanged(), progressTextChanged(), resultReadyAt()和resultsReadyAt()信号。  

Be aware that not all asynchronous computations can be canceled or paused. For example, the future returned by QtConcurrent::run() cannot be canceled; but the future returned by QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() can.

请注意,并不是所有的异步计算都可以取消或暂停。 例如,QtConcurrent::run()返回的future不能被取消; 但是由QtConcurrent::mappedReduced()返回的future可以。  

QFutureWatcher<void> is specialized to not contain any of the result fetching functions. Any QFuture<T> can be watched by a QFutureWatcher<void> as well. This is useful if only status or progress information is needed; not the actual result data.

QFutureWatcher<void>被专门用于不包含任何结果抓取函数。 任何QFuture<T>也可以被QFutureWatcher<void>监视。 如果只需要状态或进度信息,这很有用; 不是实际的结果数据。  


4、QFutureSynchronizer Class

The QFutureSynchronizer class is a convenience class that simplifies QFuture synchronization.


QFutureSynchronizer is a template class that simplifies synchronization of one or more QFuture objects. Futures are added using the addFuture() or setFuture() functions. The futures() function returns a list of futures. Use clearFutures() to remove all futures from the QFutureSynchronizer.


The waitForFinished() function waits for all futures to finish. The destructor of QFutureSynchronizer calls waitForFinished(), providing an easy way to ensure that all futures have finished before returning from a function:


  void someFunction()
      QFutureSynchronizer<void> synchronizer;


      synchronizer.addFuture(QtConcurrent::map(list, mapFunction));

      return; // QFutureSynchronizer waits for all futures to finish

The behavior of waitForFinished() can be changed using the setCancelOnWait() function. Calling setCancelOnWait(true) will cause waitForFinished() to cancel all futures before waiting for them to finish. You can query the status of the cancel-on-wait feature using the cancelOnWait() function.



QtConcurrent Progress Dialog Example

The QtConcurrent Progress Dialog example shows how to use the QFutureWatcher class to monitor the progress of a long-running operation.

QtConcurrent Progress Dialog示例展示了如何使用QFutureWatcher类来监视一个长时间运行的操作的进度。  

  #include <QtWidgets>
  #include <QtConcurrent>

  #include <functional>

  using namespace QtConcurrent;

  int main(int argc, char **argv)
      QApplication app(argc, argv);

      const int iterations = 20;

      // Prepare the vector.
      QVector<int> vector;
      for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)

      // Create a progress dialog.
      QProgressDialog dialog;
      dialog.setLabelText(QString("Progressing using %1 thread(s)...").arg(QThread::idealThreadCount()));

      // Create a QFutureWatcher and connect signals and slots.
      QFutureWatcher<void> futureWatcher;
      QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, &dialog, &QProgressDialog::reset);
      QObject::connect(&dialog, &QProgressDialog::canceled, &futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::cancel);
      QObject::connect(&futureWatcher,  &QFutureWatcher<void>::progressRangeChanged, &dialog, &QProgressDialog::setRange);
      QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::progressValueChanged,  &dialog, &QProgressDialog::setValue);

      // Our function to compute
      std::function<void(int&)> spin = [](int &iteration) {
          const int work = 1000 * 1000 * 40;
          volatile int v = 0;
          for (int j = 0; j < work; ++j)

          qDebug() << "iteration" << iteration << "in thread" << QThread::currentThreadId();

      // Start the computation.
      futureWatcher.setFuture(QtConcurrent::map(vector, spin));

      // Display the dialog and start the event loop.


      // Query the future to check if was canceled.
      qDebug() << "Canceled?" << futureWatcher.future().isCanceled();


QtConcurrent Word Count Example

The QtConcurrent Word Count example demonstrates the use of the map-reduce algorithm when applied to the problem of counting words in a collection of files.

QtConcurrent Word Count示例演示了当应用于计算文件集合中的单词数量时,如何使用map-reduce算法。  

  #include <QList>
  #include <QMap>
  #include <QTextStream>
  #include <QString>
  #include <QStringList>
  #include <QDir>
  #include <QTime>
  #include <QApplication>
  #include <QDebug>

  #include <qtconcurrentmap.h>

  using namespace QtConcurrent;

      Utility function that recursivily searches for files.
  QStringList findFiles(const QString &startDir, const QStringList &filters)
      QStringList names;
      QDir dir(startDir);

      const auto files = dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files);
      for (const QString &file : files)
          names += startDir + '/' + file;

      const auto subdirs =  dir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
      for (const QString &subdir : subdirs)
          names += findFiles(startDir + '/' + subdir, filters);
      return names;

  typedef QMap<QString, int> WordCount;

      Single threaded word counter function.
  WordCount singleThreadedWordCount(const QStringList &files)
      WordCount wordCount;
      for (const QString &file : files) {
          QFile f(file);
          QTextStream textStream(&f);
          while (!textStream.atEnd()) {
              const auto words =  textStream.readLine().split(' ');
              for (const QString &word : words)
                  wordCount[word] += 1;
      return wordCount;

  // countWords counts the words in a single file. This function is
  // called in parallel by several threads and must be thread
  // safe.
  WordCount countWords(const QString &file)
      QFile f(file);
      QTextStream textStream(&f);
      WordCount wordCount;

      while (!textStream.atEnd()) {
          const auto words =  textStream.readLine().split(' ');
          for (const QString &word : words)
              wordCount[word] += 1;

      return wordCount;

  // reduce adds the results from map to the final
  // result. This functor will only be called by one thread
  // at a time.
  void reduce(WordCount &result, const WordCount &w)
      QMapIterator<QString, int> i(w);
      while (i.hasNext()) {
          result[i.key()] += i.value();

  int main(int argc, char** argv)
      QApplication app(argc, argv);
      qDebug() << "finding files...";
      QStringList files = findFiles("../../", QStringList() << "*.cpp" << "*.h");
      qDebug() << files.count() << "files";

      qDebug() << "warmup";
          WordCount total = singleThreadedWordCount(files);

      qDebug() << "warmup done";

      int singleThreadTime = 0;
          QTime time;
          WordCount total = singleThreadedWordCount(files);
          singleThreadTime = time.elapsed();
          qDebug() << "single thread" << singleThreadTime;

      int mapReduceTime = 0;
          QTime time;
          WordCount total = mappedReduced(files, countWords, reduce);
          mapReduceTime = time.elapsed();
          qDebug() << "MapReduce" << mapReduceTime;
      qDebug() << "MapReduce speedup x" << ((double)singleThreadTime - (double)mapReduceTime) / (double)mapReduceTime + 1;


5、Concurrent Run

The QtConcurrent::run() function runs a function in a separate thread. The return value of the function is made available through the QFuture API.

QtConcurrent::run()函数在单独的线程中运行一个函数。函数的返回值可以通过QFuture API获得。

Running a Function in a Separate Thread 在单独的线程中运行函数

To run a function in another thread, use QtConcurrent::run():


  extern void aFunction();
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(aFunction);

This will run aFunction in a separate thread obtained from the default QThreadPool. You can use the QFuture and QFutureWatcher classes to monitor the status of the function.


To use a dedicated thread pool, you can pass the QThreadPool as the first argument:


  extern void aFunction();
  QThreadPool pool;
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(&pool, aFunction);

Passing Arguments to the Function 传递参数给函数

Passing arguments to the function is done by adding them to the QtConcurrent::run() call immediately after the function name. For example:


  extern void aFunctionWithArguments(int arg1, double arg2, const QString &string);

  int integer = ...;
  double floatingPoint = ...;
  QString string = ...;

  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(aFunctionWithArguments, integer, floatingPoint, string);

A copy of each argument is made at the point where QtConcurrent::run() is called, and these values are passed to the thread when it begins executing the function. Changes made to the arguments after calling QtConcurrent::run() are not visible to the thread.


Returning Values from the Function  函数返回值

Any return value from the function is available via QFuture:


  extern QString functionReturningAString();
  QFuture<QString> future = QtConcurrent::run(functionReturningAString);
  QString result = future.result();

As documented above, passing arguments is done like this:


  extern QString someFunction(const QByteArray &input);

  QByteArray bytearray = ...;

  QFuture<QString> future = QtConcurrent::run(someFunction, bytearray);
  QString result = future.result();

Note that the QFuture::result() function blocks and waits for the result to become available. Use QFutureWatcher to get notification when the function has finished execution and the result is available.


Additional API Features

Using Member Functions

QtConcurrent::run() also accepts pointers to member functions. The first argument must be either a const reference or a pointer to an instance of the class. Passing by const reference is useful when calling const member functions; passing by pointer is useful for calling non-const member functions that modify the instance.


For example, calling QByteArray::split() (a const member function) in a separate thread is done like this:

例如,在一个单独的线程中调用QByteArray::split() (const成员函数)是这样的:

  // call 'QList<QByteArray>  QByteArray::split(char sep) const' in a separate thread
  QByteArray bytearray = "hello world";
  QFuture<QList<QByteArray> > future = QtConcurrent::run(bytearray, &QByteArray::split, ',');
  QList<QByteArray> result = future.result();

Calling a non-const member function is done like this:


  // call 'void QImage::invertPixels(InvertMode mode)' in a separate thread
  QImage image = ...;
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(&image, &QImage::invertPixels, QImage::InvertRgba);
  // At this point, the pixels in 'image' have been inverted

Using Lambda Functions

Calling a lambda function is done like this:


  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run([=]() {
      // Code in this block will run in another thread


6、Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce

The QtConcurrent::filter(), QtConcurrent::filtered() and QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() functions filter items in a sequence such as a QList or a QVector in parallel. QtConcurrent::filter() modifies a sequence in-place, QtConcurrent::filtered() returns a new sequence containing the filtered content, and QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() returns a single result.

QtConcurrent::filter(), QtConcurrent::filtered()和QtConcurrent::filteredReduced()函数并行地按顺序过滤条目,比如QList或QVector。QtConcurrent::filter()原地修改序列,QtConcurrent::filtered()返回一个包含过滤内容的新序列,而QtConcurrent::filteredReduced()返回单个结果。

Each of the above functions have a blocking variant that returns the final result instead of a QFuture. You use them in the same way as the asynchronous variants.


  QStringList strings = ...;

  // each call blocks until the entire operation is finished
  QStringList lowerCaseStrings = QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered(strings, allLowerCase);

  QtConcurrent::blockingFilter(strings, allLowerCase);

  QSet<QString> dictionary = QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced(strings, allLowerCase, addToDictionary);

Note that the result types above are not QFuture objects, but real result types (in this case, QStringList and QSet<QString>).


Concurrent Filter

QtConcurrent::filtered() takes an input sequence and a filter function. This filter function is then called for each item in the sequence, and a new sequence containing the filtered values is returned.


The filter function must be of the form:


bool function(const T &t);

T must match the type stored in the sequence. The function returns true if the item should be kept, false if it should be discarded.


This example shows how to keep strings that are all lower-case from a QStringList:


  bool allLowerCase(const QString &string)
      return string.lowered() == string;

  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<QString> lowerCaseStrings = QtConcurrent::filtered(strings, allLowerCase);

The results of the filter are made available through QFuture. See the QFuture and QFutureWatcher documentation for more information on how to use QFuture in your applications.


If you want to modify a sequence in-place, use QtConcurrent::filter():


  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::filter(strings, allLowerCase);

Since the sequence is modified in place, QtConcurrent::filter() does not return any results via QFuture. However, you can still use QFuture and QFutureWatcher to monitor the status of the filter.


Concurrent Filter-Reduce

QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() is similar to QtConcurrent::filtered(), but instead of returing a sequence with the filtered results, the results are combined into a single value using a reduce function.


The reduce function must be of the form:


V function(T &result, const U &intermediate)

T is the type of the final result, U is the type of items being filtered. Note that the return value and return type of the reduce function are not used.


Call QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() like this:


  void addToDictionary(QSet<QString> &dictionary, const QString &string)

  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<QSet<QString> > dictionary = QtConcurrent::filteredReduced(strings, allLowerCase, addToDictionary);

The reduce function will be called once for each result kept by the filter function, and should merge the intermediate into the result variable. QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() guarantees that only one thread will call reduce at a time, so using a mutex to lock the result variable is not necessary. The QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions enum provides a way to control the order in which the reduction is done.


Additional API Features

Using Iterators instead of Sequence

Each of the above functions has a variant that takes an iterator range instead of a sequence. You use them in the same way as the sequence variants:


  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<QString> lowerCaseStrings = QtConcurrent::filtered(strings.constBegin(), strings.constEnd(), allLowerCase);

  // filter in-place only works on non-const iterators
  QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::filter(strings.begin(), strings.end(), allLowerCase);

  QFuture<QSet<QString> > dictionary = QtConcurrent::filteredReduced(strings.constBegin(), strings.constEnd(), allLowerCase, addToDictionary);

Using Member Functions

QtConcurrent::filter(), QtConcurrent::filtered(), and QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() accept pointers to member functions. The member function class type must match the type stored in the sequence:

QtConcurrent::filter(), QtConcurrent::filtered()和QtConcurrent::filteredReduced()接受指向成员函数的指针。成员函数类类型必须与序列中存储的类型匹配:

  // keep only images with an alpha channel
  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<void> alphaImages = QtConcurrent::filter(images, &QImage::hasAlphaChannel);

  // retrieve gray scale images
  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> grayscaleImages = QtConcurrent::filtered(images, &QImage::isGrayscale);

  // create a set of all printable characters
  QList<QChar> characters = ...;
  QFuture<QSet<QChar> > set = QtConcurrent::filteredReduced(characters, &QChar::isPrint, &QSet<QChar>::insert);

Note that when using QtConcurrent::filteredReduced(), you can mix the use of normal and member functions freely:


  // can mix normal functions and member functions with QtConcurrent::filteredReduced()

  // create a dictionary of all lower cased strings
  extern bool allLowerCase(const QString &string);
  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<QSet<int> > averageWordLength = QtConcurrent::filteredReduced(strings, allLowerCase, QSet<QString>::insert);

  // create a collage of all gray scale images
  extern void addToCollage(QImage &collage, const QImage &grayscaleImage);
  QList<QImage> images = ...;
  QFuture<QImage> collage = QtConcurrent::filteredReduced(images, &QImage::isGrayscale, addToCollage);

Using Function Objects

QtConcurrent::filter(), QtConcurrent::filtered(), and QtConcurrent::filteredReduced() accept function objects, which can be used to add state to a function call. The result_type typedef must define the result type of the function call operator:


  struct StartsWith
      StartsWith(const QString &string)
      : m_string(string) { }

      typedef bool result_type;

      bool operator()(const QString &testString)
          return testString.startsWith(m_string);

      QString m_string;

  QList<QString> strings = ...;
  QFuture<QString> fooString = QtConcurrent::filtered(images, StartsWith(QLatin1String("Foo")));

Wrapping Functions that Take Multiple Arguments

If you want to use a filter function takes more than one argument, you can use a lambda function or std::bind() to transform it onto a function that takes one argument.


As an example, we use QString::contains():


bool QString::contains(const QRegularExpression &regexp) const;

QString::contains() takes 2 arguments (including the "this" pointer) and can't be used with QtConcurrent::filtered() directly, because QtConcurrent::filtered() expects a function that takes one argument. To use QString::contains() with QtConcurrent::filtered() we have to provide a value for the regexp argument:


  QStringList strings = ...;
  QFuture<QString> future = QtConcurrent::filtered(list, [](const QString &str) {
      return str.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\S+$")); // matches strings without whitespace


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