6 ODB Relationships ODB依赖关系

6 Relationships  依赖关系

Relationships between persistent objects are expressed with pointers or containers of pointers. The ODB runtime library provides built-in support for shared_ptr/weak_ptr (TR1 or C++11), std::unique_ptr (C++11), std::auto_ptr, and raw pointers. Plus, ODB profile libraries, that are available for commonly used frameworks and libraries (such as Boost and Qt), provide support for smart pointers found in these frameworks and libraries (Part III, "Profiles"). It is also easy to add support for a custom smart pointer as discussed later in Section 6.5, "Using Custom Smart Pointers". Any supported smart pointer can be used in a data member as long as it can be explicitly constructed from the canonical object pointer (Section 3.3, "Object and View Pointers"). For example, we can use weak_ptr if the object pointer is shared_ptr.

持久对象之间的关系用指针或指针容器表示。ODB运行时库提供了对shared_ptr/weak_ptr(TR1或C++11)、std::unique_ptr (C++11), std::auto_ptr 和原始指针的内置支持。另外,ODB概要文件库可用于常用的框架和库(如Boost和Qt),为这些框架和库中的智能指针提供支持(第三部分,“概要文件”)。添加对自定义智能指针的支持也很容易,后面将在第6.5节“使用自定义智能指针”中讨论。任何受支持的智能指针都可以在数据成员中使用,只要它可以从规范对象指针显式构造(第3.3节,“对象和视图指针”)。例如,如果对象指针是 shared_ptr,我们可以使用weak_ptr

When an object containing a pointer to another object is loaded, the pointed-to object is loaded as well. In some situations this eager loading of the relationships is undesirable since it can lead to a large number of otherwise unused objects being instantiated from the database. To support finer control over relationships loading, the ODB runtime and profile libraries provide the so-called lazy versions of the supported pointers. An object pointed-to by a lazy pointer is not loaded automatically when the containing object is loaded. Instead, we have to explicitly request the instantiation of the pointed-to object. Lazy pointers are discussed in detail in Section 6.4, "Lazy Pointers".


As a simple example, consider the following employee-employer relationship. Code examples presented in this chapter will use the shared_ptr and weak_ptr smart pointers from the TR1 (std::tr1) namespace. 


#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  std::string first_name_;
  std::string last_name_;

  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

By default, an object pointer can be NULL. To specify that a pointer always points to a valid object we can use the not_null pragma (Section 14.4.6, "null/not_null") for single object pointers and the value_not_null pragma (Section 14.4.28, "value_null/value_not_null") for containers of object pointers. For example: 

默认情况下,对象指针可以为空。要指定指针始终指向有效对象,我们可以对单个对象指针使用not_null pragma(第14.4.6节“null/not_null”),对对象指针容器使用value_not_nulll pragma(第14.4.28节“value_null/value_not_null”)。例如:

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> current_employer_;

  #pragma db value_not_null
  std::vector<shared_ptr<employer> > previous_employers_;

In this case, if we call either persist() or update() database function on the employee object and the current_employer_ pointer or one of the pointers stored in the previous_employers_ container is NULL, then the odb::null_pointer exception will be thrown.  


We don't need to do anything special to establish or navigate a relationship between two persistent objects, as shown in the following code fragment: 


// Create an employer and a few employees.
unsigned long john_id, jane_id;
  shared_ptr<employer> er (new employer ("Example Inc"));
  shared_ptr<employee> john (new employee ("John", "Doe"));
  shared_ptr<employee> jane (new employee ("Jane", "Doe"));

  john->employer_ = er;
  jane->employer_ = er;

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  db.persist (er);
  john_id = db.persist (john);
  jane_id = db.persist (jane);

  t.commit ();

// Load a few employee objects and print their employer.
  session s;
  transaction t (db.begin ());

  shared_ptr<employee> john (db.load<employee> (john_id));
  shared_ptr<employee> jane (db.load<employee> (jane_id));

  cout << john->employer_->name_ << endl;
  cout << jane->employer_->name_ << endl;

  t.commit ();

The only notable line in the above code is the creation of a session before the second transaction starts. As discussed in Chapter 11, "Session", a session acts as a cache of persistent objects. By creating a session before loading the employee objects we make sure that their employer_ pointers point to the same employer object. Without a session, each employee would have ended up pointing to its own, private instance of the Example Inc employer. 


As a general guideline, you should use a session when loading objects that have pointers to other persistent objects. A session makes sure that for a given object id, a single instance is shared among all other objects that relate to it. 


We can also use data members from pointed-to objects in database queries (Chapter 4, "Querying the Database"). For each pointer in a persistent class, the query class defines a smart pointer-like member that contains members corresponding to the data members in the pointed-to object. We can then use the access via a pointer syntax (->) to refer to data members in pointed-to objects. For example, the query class for the employee object contains the employer member (its name is derived from the employer_ pointer) which in turn contains the name member (its name is derived from the employer::name_ data member of the pointed-to object). As a result, we can use the query::employer->name expression while querying the database for the employee objects. For example, the following transaction finds all the employees of Example Inc that have the Doe last name: 

我们还可以在数据库查询中使用指向对象的数据成员(第4章,“查询数据库”)。对于持久类中的每个指针,查询类定义一个类似于智能指针的成员,该成员包含与指向对象中的数据成员相对应的成员。然后,我们可以通过指针语法(->)使用访问来引用指向对象中的数据成员。例如,employee对象的查询类包含employer成员(其名称源自employer_指针),而employer成员又包含name成员(其名称源自指向对象的employer::name_数据成员)。因此,在查询数据库中的employee对象时,我们可以使用query::employer->name表达式。例如,以下事务将查找example Inc所有拥有Doe姓氏的员工:

typedef odb::query<employee> query;
typedef odb::result<employee> result;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

result r (db.query<employee> (
  query::employer->name == "Example Inc" && query::last == "Doe"));

for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
  cout << i->first_ << " " << i->last_ << endl;

t.commit ();

A query class member corresponding to a non-inverse (Section 6.2, "Bidirectional Relationships") object pointer can also be used as a normal member that has the id type of the pointed-to object. For example, the following query locates all the employee objects that don't have an associated employer object: 


result r (db.query<employee> (query::employer.is_null ()));

An important concept to keep in mind when working with object relationships is the independence of persistent objects. In particular, when an object containing a pointer to another object is made persistent or is updated, the pointed-to object is not automatically persisted or updated. Rather, only a reference to the object (in the form of the object id) is stored for the pointed-to object in the database. The pointed-to object itself is a separate entity and should be made persistent or updated independently. By default, the same principle also applies to erasing pointed-to objects. That is, we have to make sure all the pointing objects are updated accordingly. However, in the case of erase, we can specify an alternative on-delete semantic as discussed in Section 14.4.15, "on_delete"

处理对象关系时要记住的一个重要概念是持久对象的独立性。特别是,当包含指向另一个对象的指针的对象被持久化或更新时,指向的对象不会自动持久化或更新。相反,对于数据库中的指向对象,只存储对对象的引用(以对象id的形式)。指向对象本身是一个单独的实体,应该使其持久化或独立更新。默认情况下,相同的原则也适用于指向对象的擦除。也就是说,我们必须确保所有的定点对象都相应地更新。但是,在擦除的情况下,我们可以指定一个关于删除语义的替代方案,如Section 14.4.15, "on_delete"。 

When persisting or updating an object containing a pointer to another object, the pointed-to object must have a valid object id. This, however, may not always be easy to achieve in complex relationships that involve objects with automatically assigned identifiers. In such cases it may be necessary to first persist an object with a pointer set to NULL and then, once the pointed-to object is made persistent and its identifier assigned, set the pointer to the correct value and update the object in the database. 


Persistent object relationships can be divided into two groups: unidirectional and bidirectional. Each group in turn contains several configurations that vary depending on the cardinality of the sides of the relationship. All possible unidirectional and bidirectional configurations are discussed in the following sections. 



6.1 Unidirectional Relationships  单向关系

In unidirectional relationships we are only interested in navigating from object to object in one direction. Because there is no interest in navigating in the opposite direction, the cardinality of the other end of the relationship is unimportant. As a result, there are only two possible unidirectional relationships: to-one and to-many. Each of these relationships is described in the following sections. For sample code that shows how to work with these relationships, refer to the relationship example in the odb-examples package. 


6.1.1 To-One Relationships  一对一关系

An example of a unidirectional to-one relationship is the employee-employer relationship (an employee has one employer). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship: 


#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:


CREATE TABLE employer (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  employer VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES employer (name));

6.1.2 To-Many Relationships  一对多关系

An example of a unidirectional to-many relationship is the employee-project relationship (an employee can be involved in multiple projects). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship: 


#pragma db object
class project

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db value_not_null unordered
  std::vector<shared_ptr<project> > projects_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:


CREATE TABLE project (

CREATE TABLE employee (

CREATE TABLE employee_projects (
  value VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES project (name));

To obtain a more canonical database schema, the names of tables and columns above can be customized using ODB pragmas (Chapter 14, "ODB Pragma Language"). For example: 

为了获得更规范的数据库模式,可以使用ODB Pragma(第14章,“ODB Pragma语言”)定制上述表和列的名称。例如:

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db value_not_null unordered \
             id_column("employee_id") value_column("project_name")
  std::vector<shared_ptr<project> > projects_;

The resulting employee_projects table would then look like this:


CREATE TABLE employee_projects (
  project_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES project (name));

6.2 Bidirectional Relationships 双向关系

In bidirectional relationships we are interested in navigating from object to object in both directions. As a result, each object class in a relationship contains a pointer to the other object. If smart pointers are used, then a weak pointer should be used as one of the pointers to avoid ownership cycles. For example: 


class employee;

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

Note that when we establish a bidirectional relationship, we have to set both pointers consistently. One way to make sure that a relationship is always in a consistent state is to provide a single function that updates both pointers at the same time. For example: 


#pragma db object
class position: public enable_shared_from_this<position>

  fill (shared_ptr<employee> e)
    employee_ = e;
    e->positions_ = shared_from_this ();

  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  friend class position;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

At the beginning of this chapter we examined how to use a session to make sure a single object is shared among all other objects pointing to it. With bidirectional relationships involving weak pointers the use of a session becomes even more crucial. Consider the following transaction that tries to load the position object from the above example without using a session:


transaction t (db.begin ())
shared_ptr<position> p (db.load<position> (1));
t.commit ();

When we load the position object, the employee object, which it points to, is also loaded. While employee is initially stored as shared_ptr, it is then assigned to the employee_ member which is weak_ptr. Once the assignment is complete, the shared pointer goes out of scope and the only pointer that points to the newly loaded employee object is the employee_ weak pointer. And that means the employee object is deleted immediately after being loaded. To help avoid such pathological situations ODB detects cases where a newly loaded object will immediately be deleted and throws the odb::session_required exception.

加载position对象时,也会加载它所指向的employee对象。当 employee 最初存储为 shared_ptr 时,它将被分配给 weak_ptr employee_  成员。分配完成后,共享指针将超出范围,并且指向新加载的employee对象的唯一指针是弱指针employee_ 。这意味着employee对象在加载后立即被删除。为了帮助避免这种病态情况,ODB检测到新加载的对象将立即被删除的情况,并抛出ODB::session_required异常。

As the exception name suggests, the easiest way to resolve this problem is to use a session:


session s;
transaction t (db.begin ())
shared_ptr<position> p (db.load<position> (1));
t.commit ();

In our example, the session will maintain a shared pointer to the loaded employee object preventing its immediate deletion. Another way to resolve this problem is to avoid immediate loading of the pointed-to objects using lazy weak pointers. Lazy pointers are discussed in Section 6.4, "Lazy Pointers" later in this chapter.


Above, to model a bidirectional relationship in persistent classes, we used two pointers, one in each object. While this is a natural representation in C++, it does not translate to a canonical relational model. Consider the database schema generated for the above two classes:


CREATE TABLE position (
  employee BIGINT UNSIGNED REFERENCES employee (id));

CREATE TABLE employee (
  position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES position (id));

While this database schema is valid, it is unconventional. We have a reference from a row in the position table to a row in the employee table. We also have a reference from this same row in the employee table back to the row in the position table. From the relational point of view, one of these references is redundant since in SQL we can easily navigate in both directions using just one of these references.


To eliminate redundant database schema references we can use the inverse pragma (Section 14.4.14, "inverse") which tells the ODB compiler that a pointer is the inverse side of a bidirectional relationship. Either side of a relationship can be made inverse. For example:

为了消除冗余的数据库模式引用,我们可以使用inverse pragma(第14.4.14节,“反向”),它告诉ODB编译器指针是双向关系的反向端。关系的任何一边都可以反转。例如:

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db inverse(position_)
  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

The resulting database schema looks like this:

CREATE TABLE position (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES position (id));

As you can see, an inverse member does not have a corresponding column (or table, in case of an inverse container of pointers) and, from the point of view of database operations, is effectively read-only. The only way to change a bidirectional relationship with an inverse side is to set its direct (non-inverse) pointer. Also note that an ordered container (Section 5.1, "Ordered Containers") of pointers that is an inverse side of a bidirectional relationship is always treated as unordered (Section 14.4.19, "unordered") because the contents of such a container are implicitly built from the direct side of the relationship which does not contain the element order (index).


There are three distinct bidirectional relationships that we will cover in the following sections: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. We will only talk about bidirectional relationships with inverse sides since they result in canonical database schemas. For sample code that shows how to work with these relationships, refer to the inverse example in the odb-examples package.


6.2.1 One-to-One Relationships 一对一关系

An example of a bidirectional one-to-one relationship is the presented above employee-position relationship (an employee fills one position and a position is filled by one employee). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:


class employee;

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db inverse(position_)
  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:

CREATE TABLE position (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES position (id));

If instead the other side of this relationship is made inverse, then the database tables will change as follows:


CREATE TABLE position (
  employee BIGINT UNSIGNED REFERENCES employee (id));

CREATE TABLE employee (

6.2.2 One-to-Many Relationships 一对多关系

An example of a bidirectional one-to-many relationship is the employer-employee relationship (an employer has multiple employees and an employee is employed by one employer). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:


class employee;

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

  #pragma db value_not_null inverse(employer_)
  std::vector<weak_ptr<employee> > employees_

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

The corresponding database tables differ significantly depending on which side of the relationship is made inverse. If the one side (employer) is inverse as in the code above, then the resulting database schema looks like this:


CREATE TABLE employer (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  employer VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES employer (name));

If instead the many side (employee) of this relationship is made inverse, then the database tables will change as follows:


CREATE TABLE employer (

CREATE TABLE employer_employees (
  object_id VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE employee (

6.2.3 Many-to-Many Relationships  多对多关系

An example of a bidirectional many-to-many relationship is the employee-project relationship (an employee can work on multiple projects and a project can have multiple participating employees). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:


class employee;

#pragma db object
class project

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

  #pragma db value_not_null inverse(projects_)
  std::vector<weak_ptr<employee> > employees_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db value_not_null unordered
  std::vector<shared_ptr<project> > projects_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:

CREATE TABLE project (

CREATE TABLE employee (

CREATE TABLE employee_projects (
  value VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES project (name));

If instead the other side of this relationship is made inverse, then the database tables will change as follows:


CREATE TABLE project (

CREATE TABLE project_employees (
  object_id VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE employee (

6.3 Circular Relationships  循环关系

A relationship between two persistent classes is circular if each of them references the other. Bidirectional relationships are always circular. A unidirectional relationship combined with inheritance (Chapter 8, "Inheritance") can also be circular. For example, the employee class could derive from person which, in turn, could contain a pointer to employee.


We don't need to do anything extra if persistent classes with circular dependencies are defined in the same header file. Specifically, ODB will make sure that the database tables and foreign key constraints are created in the correct order. As a result, unless you have good reasons not to, it is recommended that you keep persistent classes with circular dependencies in the same header file.


If you have to keep such classes in separate header files, then there are two extra steps that you may need to take in order to use these classes with ODB. Consider again the example from Section 6.2.1, "One-to-One Relationships" but this time with the classes defined in separate headers:

如果您必须将这些类保存在单独的头文件中,那么为了在ODB中使用这些类,您可能需要采取两个额外的步骤。再次考虑第Section 6.2.1, "One-to-One Relationships",但这一次使用在单独的标题中定义的类:

/ position.hxx
class employee;

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db inverse(position_)
  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

// employee.hxx
#include "position.hxx"

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

Note that the position.hxx header contains only the forward declaration for employee. While this is sufficient to define a valid, from the C++ point of view, position class, the ODB compiler needs to "see" the definitions of the pointed-to persistent classes. There are several ways we can fulfil this requirement. The easiest is to simply include employee.hxx at the end of position.hxx: 

注意这个 position.hxx 标题仅包含员工的转发声明。虽然这足以定义一个有效的,从C++的观点来看,position class,ODB编译器需要“看到”指向指向持久类的定义。我们有几种方法可以满足这一要求。最简单的方法是简单地包括 employee.hxx 位于 position.hxx 的末尾。

// position.hxx
class employee;

#pragma db object
class position

#include "employee.hxx"

We can also limit this inclusion only to the time when position.hxx is compiled with the ODB compiler:

我们也可以将此列入仅限时间当 position.hxx 是用ODB编译器编译的:

// position.hxx


#  include "employee.hxx"

Finally, if we don't want to modify position.hxx, then we can add employee.hxx to the ODB compilation process with the --odb-epilogue option. For example:

最后,如果我们不想改变 position.hxx,我们就可以添加 employee.hxx 到ODB编译过程中使用——ODB -epilogue选项。例如:

odb ... --odb-epilogue "#include \"employee.hxx\"" position.hxx

Note also that in this example we didn't have to do anything extra for employee.hxx because it already includes position.hxx. However, if instead it relied only on the forward declaration of the position class, then we would have to handle it in the same way as position.hxx. 

还要注意,在这个例子中,我们不必为 employee.hxx 做任何额外的事情。因为它已经包含 position.hxx 。然而,如果它只依赖于position类的forward声明,那么我们必须以与 position.hxx 相同的方式处理它。

The other difficulty with separately defined classes involving circular relationships has to do with the correct order of foreign key constraint creation in the generated database schema. In the above example, if we generate the database schema as standalone SQL files, then we will end up with two such files: position.sql and employee.sql. If we try to execute employee.sql first, then we will get an error indicating that the table corresponding to the position class and referenced by the foreign key constraint corresponding to the position_ pointer does not yet exist. 

涉及循环关系的单独定义类的另一个困难与生成的数据库模式中外键约束创建的正确顺序有关。在上面的示例中,如果我们将数据库模式生成为独立的SQL文件,那么我们将得到两个这样的文件:position.sql 和 employee.sql 。如果我们试图先执行 employee.sql ,然后我们将得到一个错误,表明与position类相对应的表以及由与position_ pointer 相对应的外键约束引用的表还不存在。

Note that there is no such problem if the database schema is embedded in the generated C++ code instead of being produced as standalone SQL files. In this case, the ODB compiler is able to ensure the correct creation order even if the classes are defined in separate header files. 


In certain cases, for example, a bidirectional relationship with an inverse side, this problem can be resolved by executing the database schema creation files in the correct order. In our example, this would be position.sql first and employee.sql second. However, this approach doesn't scale beyond simple object models. 

在某些情况下,例如,反向的双向关系,这个问题可以通过以正确的顺序执行数据库模式创建文件来解决。在我们的例子中,我们需要先执行 position.sql然后再执行employee.sql。然而,这种方法不能扩展到简单的对象模型之外。

A more robust solution to this problem is to generate the database schema for all the persistent classes into a single SQL file. This way, the ODB compiler can again ensure the correct creation order of tables and foreign keys. To instruct the ODB compiler to produce a combined schema file for several headers we can use the --generate-schema-only and --at-once options. For example:

这个问题的一个更健壮的解决方案是将所有持久类的数据库模式生成到一个SQL文件中。这样,ODB编译器可以再次确保表和外键的正确创建顺序。为了指示ODB编译器为多个头生成一个组合模式文件,我们可以使用--generate schema only和--at once选项。例如:

odb ... --generate-schema-only --at-once --input-name company \
position.hxx employee.hxx

The result of the above command is a single company.sql file (the name is derived from the --input-name value) that contains the database creation code for both position and employee classes.

上述命令的结果是只有一个company.sqll文件(名称派生自--input name值),其中包含position和employee类的数据库创建代码。

6.4 Lazy Pointers 惰性指针

Consider again the bidirectional, one-to-many employer-employee relationship that was presented earlier in this chapter:


class employee;

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

  #pragma db value_not_null inverse(employer_)
  std::vector<weak_ptr<employee> > employees_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

Consider also the following transaction which obtains the employer name given the employee id:


unsigned long id = ...
string name;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employee> e (db.load<employee> (id));
name = e->employer_->name_;

t.commit ();

While this transaction looks very simple, it actually does a lot more than what meets the eye and is necessary. Consider what happens when we load the employee object: the employer_ pointer is also automatically loaded which means the employer object corresponding to this employee is also loaded. But the employer object in turn contains the list of pointers to all the employees, which are also loaded. A a result, when object relationships are involved, a simple transaction like the above can load many more objects than is necessary.


To overcome this problem ODB offers finer grained control over the relationship loading in the form of lazy pointers. A lazy pointer does not automatically load the pointed-to object when the containing object is loaded. Instead, we have to explicitly load the pointed-to object if and when we need to access it. 


The ODB runtime library provides lazy counterparts for all the supported pointers, namely: odb::lazy_shared_ptr/lazy_weak_ptr for C++11 std::shared_ptr/weak_ptr, odb::tr1::lazy_shared_ptr/lazy_weak_ptr for TR1 std::tr1::shared_ptr/weak_ptr, odb::lazy_unique_ptr for C++11 std::unique_ptr, odb::lazy_auto_ptr for std::auto_ptr, and odb::lazy_ptr for raw pointers. The TR1 lazy pointers are defined in the <odb/tr1/lazy-ptr.hxx> header while all the others — in <odb/lazy-ptr.hxx>. The ODB profile libraries also provide lazy pointer implementations for smart pointers from popular frameworks and libraries (Part III, "Profiles"). 

ODB运行时库为所有受支持的指针提供了惰性对应项,即:odb::lazy_shared_ptr/lazy_weak_ptr for C++11 std::shared_ptr/weak_ptr, odb::tr1::lazy_shared_ptr/lazy_weak_ptr,ODB::lazy_unique_ptr for C++11 std::unique_ptr,ODB::lazy_auto_ptr for std::auto_ptr for std::auto_ptr,和odb::lazy_ptr for 原始指针。TR1惰性指针定义在<odb/tr1/lazy-ptr.hxx>头文件中,而所有其他定义在在<odb/lazy-ptr.hxx>。ODB概要文件库还为来自流行框架和库的智能指针提供了惰性指针实现(第三部分,“概要文件”)。

While we will discuss the interface of lazy pointers in more detail shortly, the most commonly used extra function provided by these pointers is load(). This function loads the pointed-to object if it hasn't already been loaded. After the call to this function, the lazy pointer can be used in the the same way as its eager counterpart. The load() function also returns the eager pointer, in case you need to pass it around. For a lazy weak pointer, the load() function also locks the pointer.


The following example shows how we can change our employer-employee relationship to use lazy pointers. Here we choose to use lazy pointers for both sides of the relationship.


class employee;

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db value_not_null inverse(employer_)
  std::vector<lazy_weak_ptr<employee> > employees_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null
  lazy_shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

And the transaction is changed like this:

unsigned long id = ...
string name;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employee> e (db.load<employee> (id));
e->employer_.load ();
name = e->employer_->name_;

t.commit ();

As a general guideline we recommend that you make at least one side of a bidirectional relationship lazy, especially for relationships with a many side. 


A lazy pointer implementation mimics the interface of its eager counterpart which can be used once the pointer is loaded. It also adds a number of additional functions that are specific to the lazy loading functionality. Overall, the interface of a lazy pointer follows this general outline:


template <class T>
class lazy_ptr
  // The eager pointer interface.

  // Initialization/assignment from an eager pointer.
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr (const eager_ptr<Y>&);
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr& operator= (const eager_ptr<Y>&);

  // Lazy loading interface.
  //  NULL      loaded()
  //  true       true      NULL pointer to transient object
  //  false      true      valid pointer to persistent object
  //  true       false     unloaded pointer to persistent object
  //  false      false     valid pointer to transient object
  bool loaded () const;

  eager_ptr<T> load () const;

  // Unload the pointer. For transient objects this function is
  // equivalent to reset().
  void unload () const;

  // Get the underlying eager pointer. If this is an unloaded pointer
  // to a persistent object, then the returned pointer will be NULL.
  eager_ptr<T> get_eager () const;

  // Initialization with a persistent loaded object.
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr (database&, Y*);
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr (database&, const eager_ptr<Y>&);

  template <class Y> void reset (database&, Y*);
  template <class Y> void reset (database&, const eager_ptr<Y>&);

  // Initialization with a persistent unloaded object.
  template <class ID> lazy_ptr (database&, const ID&);

  template <class ID> void reset (database&, const ID&);

  // Query object id and database of a persistent object.
  template <class O /* = T */>
  // C++11: template <class O = T>
  object_traits<O>::id_type object_id () const;

  odb::database& database () const;

In a lazy weak pointer interface, the load() function returns the strong (shared) eager pointer. The following transaction demonstrates the use of a lazy weak pointer based on the employer and employee classes presented earlier.


typedef std::vector<lazy_weak_ptr<employee> > employees;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employer> er (db.load<employer> ("Example Inc"));
employees& es (er->employees ());

for (employees::iterator i (es.begin ()); i != es.end (); ++i)
  // We are only interested in employees with object id less than
  // 100.
  lazy_weak_ptr<employee>& lwp (*i);

  if (lwp.object_id<employee> () < 100)
  // C++11: if (lwp.object_id () < 100)
    shared_ptr<employee> e (lwp.load ()); // Load and lock.
    cout << e->first_ << " " << e->last_ << endl;

t.commit ();

Notice that inside the for-loop we use a reference to the lazy weak pointer instead of making a copy. This is not merely to avoid a copy. When a lazy pointer is loaded, all other lazy pointers that point to the same object do not automatically become loaded (though an attempt to load such copies will result in them pointing to the same object, provided the same session is still in effect). By using a reference in the above transaction we make sure that we load the pointer that is contained in the employer object. This way, if we later need to re-examine this employee object, the pointer will already be loaded. 


As another example, suppose we want to add an employee to Example Inc. The straightforward implementation of this transaction is presented below:

作为另一个示例,假设我们想向example Inc.添加一名员工。下面给出了该事务的简单实现:

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employer> er (db.load<employer> ("Example Inc"));
shared_ptr<employee> e (new employee ("John", "Doe"));

e->employer_ = er;
er->employees ().push_back (e);

db.persist (e);
t.commit ();

Notice here that we didn't have to update the employer object in the database since the employees_ list of pointers is an inverse side of a bidirectional relationship and is effectively read-only, from the persistence point of view.

 注意,这里我们不必更新数据库中的employer对象,因为employees_ list指针列表是双向关系的反面,从持久性的角度来看,它实际上是只读的。

A faster implementation of this transaction, that avoids loading the employer object, relies on the ability to initialize an unloaded lazy pointer with the database where the object is stored as well as its identifier:


lazy_shared_ptr<employer> er (db, std::string ("Example Inc"));
shared_ptr<employee> e (new employee ("John", "Doe"));

e->employer_ = er;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

db.persist (e);

t.commit ();

For the interaction of lazy pointers with lazy-loaded object sections, refer to Section 9.3, "Sections and Lazy Pointers".


6.5 Using Custom Smart Pointers  使用自定义智能指针

While the ODB runtime and profile libraries provide support for the majority of widely-used pointers, it is also easy to add support for a custom smart pointer. 


To achieve this you will need to implement the pointer_traits class template specialization for your pointer. The first step is to determine the pointer kind since the interface of the pointer_traits specialization varies depending on the pointer kind. The supported pointer kinds are: raw (raw pointer or equivalent, that is, unmanaged), unique (smart pointer that doesn't support sharing), shared (smart pointer that supports sharing), and weak (weak counterpart of the shared pointer). Any of these pointers can be lazy, which also affects the interface of the pointer_traits specialization. 


Once you have determined the pointer kind for your smart pointer, use a specialization for one of the standard pointers found in the common ODB runtime library (libodb) as a base for your own implementation.


Once the pointer traits specialization is ready, you will need to include it into the ODB compilation process using the --odb-epilogue option and into the generated header files with the --hxx-prologue option. As an example, suppose we have the smart_ptr smart pointer for which we have the traits specialization implemented in the smart-ptr-traits.hxx file. Then, we can create an ODB compiler options file for this pointer and save it to smart-ptr.options:

一旦指针特性专门化就绪,您将需要使用--ODB epilogue选项将其包含到ODB编译过程中,并使用--hxx prologue选项将其包含到生成的头文件中。例如,假设我们有smart_ptr智能指针,我们在smart ptr traits中为其实现了traits专门化。hxx文件。然后,我们可以为该指针创建一个ODB编译器选项文件,并将其保存到smart ptr。选项:

# Options file for smart_ptr.
--odb-epilogue '#include "smart-ptr-traits.hxx"'
--hxx-prologue '#include "smart-ptr-traits.hxx"'

Now, whenever we compile a header file that uses smart_ptr, we can specify the following command line option to make sure it is recognized by the ODB compiler as a smart pointer and the traits file is included in the generated code:


--options-file smart-ptr.options

It is also possible to implement a lazy counterpart for your smart pointer. The ODB runtime library provides a class template that encapsulates the object id management and loading functionality that is needed to implement a lazy pointer. All you need to do is wrap it with an interface that mimics your smart pointer. Using one of the existing lazy pointer implementations (either from the ODB runtime library or one of the profile libraries) as a base for your implementation is the easiest way to get started.


posted @ 2022-01-14 14:11  菜鸟_IceLee  阅读(257)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报