11 ODB Session 会话

A session is an application's unit of work that may encompass several database transactions. In this version of ODB a session is just an object cache. In future versions it may provide additional functionality, such as delayed database operations and automatic object state change tracking. As discussed later in Section 11.2, "Custom Sessions", it is also possible to provide a custom session implementation that provides these or other features.


Session support is optional and can be enabled or disabled on the per object basis using the db session pragma, for example:

 会话支持是可选的,在每个对象的基础上使用db session pragma可以启用或禁用,例如:

#pragma db object session
class person

We can also enable or disable session support for a group of objects at the namespace level:


#pragma db namespace session
namespace accounting
  #pragma db object                // Session support is enabled.
  class employee

  #pragma db object session(false) // Session support is disabled.
  class employer

Finally, we can pass the --generate-session ODB compiler option to enable session support by default. With this option session support will be enabled for all the persistent classes except those for which it was explicitly disabled using the db session. An alternative to this method with the same effect is to enable session support for the global namespace:

最后,我们可以传递——generate-session ODB编译器选项,默认情况下启用会话支持。有了这个选项,会话支持将对所有持久类启用,除了那些使用db session 显式禁用的类。另一个具有相同效果的方法是启用全局命名空间的会话支持:

#pragma db namespace() session

Each thread of execution in an application can have only one active session at a time. A session is started by creating an instance of the odb::session class and is automatically terminated when this instance is destroyed. You will need to include the <odb/session.hxx> header file to make this class available in your application. For example:


#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/session.hxx>
#include <odb/transaction.hxx>

using namespace odb::core;

  session s;

  // First transaction.
    transaction t (db.begin ());
    t.commit ();

  // Second transaction.
    transaction t (db.begin ());
    t.commit ();

  // Session 's' is terminated here.

The session class has the following interface:


namespace odb
  class session
    session (bool make_current = true);
    ~session ();

    // Copying or assignment of sessions is not supported.
    session (const session&);
    session& operator= (const session&);

    // Current session interface.
    static session&
    current ();

    static bool
    has_current ();

    static void
    current (session&);

    static void
    reset_current ();

    static session*
    current_pointer ();

    static void
    current_pointer (session*);

    // Object cache interface.
    template <typename T>
    struct cache_position {...};

    template <typename T>
    cache_insert (database&,
                  const object_traits<T>::id_type&,
                  const object_traits<T>::pointer_type&);

    template <typename T>
    cache_find (database&, const object_traits<T>::id_type&) const;

    template <typename T>
    cache_erase (const cache_position<T>&);

    template <typename T>
    cache_erase (database&, const object_traits<T>::id_type&);

The session constructor creates a new session and, if the make_current argument is true, sets it as a current session for this thread. If we try to make a session current while there is already another session in effect for this thread, then the constructor throws the odb::already_in_session exception. The destructor clears the current session for this thread if this session is the current one.


The static current() accessor returns the currently active session for this thread. If there is no active session, this function throws the odb::not_in_session exception. We can check whether there is a session in effect in this thread using the has_current() static function.


The static current() modifier allows us to set the current session for this thread. The reset_current() static function clears the current session. These two functions allow for more advanced use cases, such as multiplexing two or more sessions on the same thread.


The static current_pointer() overloaded functions provided the same functionality but using pointers. Specifically, the current_pointer() accessor can be used to test whether there is a current session and get a pointer to it all with a single call.


We normally don't use the object cache interface directly. However, it could be useful in some cases, for example, to find out whether an object has already been loaded. Note that when calling cache_insert()cache_find(), or the second version of cache_erase(), you need to specify the template argument (object type) explicitly. It is also possible to access the underlying cache data structures directly. This can be useful if, for example, you want to iterate over the objects store in the cache. Refer to the ODB runtime header files for more details on this direct access.



11.1 Object Cache   对象缓存

A session is an object cache. Every time a session-enabled object is made persistent by calling the database::persist() function (Section 3.8, "Making Objects Persistent"), loaded by calling the database::load() or database::find() function (Section 3.9, "Loading Persistent Objects"), or loaded by iterating over a query result (Section 4.4, "Query Result"), the pointer to the persistent object, in the form of the canonical object pointer (Section 3.3, "Object and View Pointers"), is stored in the session. For as long as the session is in effect, any subsequent calls to load the same object will return the cached instance. When an object's state is deleted from the database with the database::erase() function (Section 3.11, "Deleting Persistent Objects"), the cached object pointer is removed from the session. For example:


shared_ptr<person> p (new person ("John", "Doe"));

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

unsigned long id (db.persist (p));            // p is cached in s.
shared_ptr<person> p1 (db.load<person> (id)); // p1 same as p.

t.commit ();

The per-object caching policies depend on the object pointer kind (Section 6.5, "Using Custom Smart Pointers"). Objects with a unique pointer, such as std::auto_ptr or std::unique_ptr, as an object pointer are never cached since it is not possible to have two such pointers pointing to the same object. When an object is persisted via a pointer or loaded as a dynamically allocated instance, objects with both raw and shared pointers as object pointers are cached. If an object is persisted as a reference or loaded into a pre-allocated instance, the object is only cached if its object pointer is a raw pointer.


Also note that when we persist an object as a constant reference or constant pointer, the session caches such an object as unrestricted (non-const). This can lead to undefined behavior if the object being persisted was actually created as const and is later found in the session cache and used as non-const. As a result, when using sessions, it is recommended that all persistent objects be created as non-const instances. The following code fragment illustrates this point:


void save (database& db, shared_ptr<const person> p)
  transaction t (db.begin ());
  db.persist (p); // Persisted as const pointer.
  t.commit ();

session s;

shared_ptr<const person> p1 (new const person ("John", "Doe"));
unsigned long id1 (save (db, p1)); // p1 is cached in s as non-const.

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  shared_ptr<person> p (db.load<person> (id1)); // p == p1
  p->age (30); // Undefined behavior since p1 was created const.
  t.commit ();

shared_ptr<const person> p2 (new person ("Jane", "Doe"));
unsigned long id2 (save (db, p2)); // p2 is cached in s as non-const.

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  shared_ptr<person> p (db.load<person> (id2)); // p == p2
  p->age (30); // Ok, since p2 was not created const.


11.2 Custom Sessions  自定义会话

ODB can use a custom session implementation instead of the default odb::session. There could be multiple reasons for an application to provide its own session. For example, the application may already include a notion of an object cache or registry which ODB can re-use. A custom session can also provide additional functionality, such as automatic change tracking, delayed database operations, or object eviction. Finally, the session-per-thread approach used by odb::session may not be suitable for all applications. For instance, some may need a thread-safe session that can be shared among multiple threads. For an example of a custom session that implements automatic change tracking by keeping original copies of the objects, refer to the common/session/custom test in the odb-tests package.


To use a custom session we need to specify its type with the --session-type ODB compiler command line option. We also need to include its definition into the generated header file. This can be achieved with the --hxx-prologue option. For example, if our custom session is called app::session and is defined in the app/session.hxx header file, then the corresponding ODB compiler options would look like this:

要使用自定义会话,我们需要使用 --session-type ODB编译器命令行选项指定它的类型。我们还需要在生成的头文件中包含它的定义。这可以通过——hxx-prologue选项实现。例如,如果我们的自定义会话名为app::session,并且在app/session中定义。hxx头文件,则对应的ODB编译器选项如下所示:

odb --hxx-prologue "#include \"app/session.hxx\"" \
--session-type ::app::session ...

A custom session should provide the following interface:


class custom_session
  template <typename T>
  struct cache_position

  // Cache management functions.
  template <typename T>
  static cache_position<T>
  _cache_insert (odb::database&,
                 const typename odb::object_traits<T>::id_type&,
                 const typename odb::object_traits<T>::pointer_type&);

  template <typename T>
  static typename odb::object_traits<T>::pointer_type
  _cache_find (odb::database&,
               const typename odb::object_traits<T>::id_type&);

  template <typename T>
  static void
  _cache_erase (const cache_position<T>&);

  // Notification functions.
  template <typename T>
  static void
  _cache_persist (const cache_position<T>&);

  template <typename T>
  static void
  _cache_load (const cache_position<T>&);

  template <typename T>
  static void
  _cache_update (odb::database&, const T& obj);

  template <typename T>
  static void
  _cache_erase (odb::database&,
                const typename odb::object_traits<T>::id_type&);

The cache_position class template represents a position in the cache of the inserted object. It should be default and copy-constructible as well as copy-assignable. The default constructor shall create a special empty/NULL position. A call of any of the cache management or notification functions with such an empty/NULL position shall be ignored.


The _cache_insert() function shall add the object into the object cache and return its position. The _cache_find() function looks an object up in the object cache given its id. It returns a NULL pointer if the object is not found. The _cache_erase() cache management function shall remove the object from the cache. It is called if the database operation that caused the object to be inserted (for example, load) failed. Note also that after insertion the object state is undefined. You can only access the object state (for example, make a copy or clear a flag) from one of the notification functions discussed below.


The notification functions are called after an object has been persisted, loaded, updated, or erased, respectively. If your session implementation does not need some of the notifications, you still have to provide their functions, however, you can leave their implementations empty.


Notice also that all the cache management and notification functions are static. This is done in order to allow for a custom notion of a current session. Normally, the first step a non-empty implementation will perform is lookup the current session.


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