8 ODB 继承 (Inheritance)

In C++ inheritance can be used to achieve two different goals. We can employ inheritance to reuse common data and functionality in multiple classes. For example:


class person
  const std::string& first () const;
  const std::string& last () const;

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

class employee: public person

class contractor: public person
In the above example both the employee and contractor classes inherit the first_ and last_ data members as well as the first() and last() accessors from the person base class.
在上面的例子中,employee类和contractor类都继承了first_和last_ data成员以及person基类的first()和last()访问器。 
A common trait of this inheritance style, referred to as reuse inheritance from now on, is the lack of virtual functions and a virtual destructor in the base class. Also with this style the application code is normally written in terms of the derived classes instead of the base.
The second way to utilize inheritance in C++ is to provide polymorphic behavior through a common interface. In this case the base class defines a number of virtual functions and, normally, a virtual destructor while the derived classes provide specific implementations of these virtual functions. For example:
class person
  enum employment_status

  virtual employment_status
  employment () const = 0;

  ~person ();

class employee: public person
  virtual employment_status
  employment () const
    return temporary_ ? temporary : permanent;

  bool temporary_;

class contractor: public person
  virtual employment_status
  employment () const
    return self_employed;

With this inheritance style, which we will call polymorphism inheritance, the application code normally works with derived classes via the base class interface. Note also that it is very common to mix both styles in the same hierarchy. For example, the above two code fragments can be combined so that the person base class provides the common data members and functions as well as defines the polymorphic interface.


The following sections describe the available strategies for mapping reuse and polymorphism inheritance styles to a relational data model. Note also that the distinction between the two styles is conceptual rather than formal. For example, it is possible to treat a class hierarchy that defines virtual functions as a case of reuse inheritance if this results in the desired database mapping and semantics.


Generally, classes that employ reuse inheritance are mapped to completely independent entities in the database. They use different object id spaces and should always be passed to and returned from the database operations as pointers or references to derived types. In other words, from the persistence point of view, such classes behave as if the data members from the base classes were copied verbatim into the derived ones.


In contrast, classes that employ polymorphism inheritance share the object id space and can be passed to and returned from the database operations polymorphically as pointers or references to the base class.


For both inheritance styles it is sometimes desirable to prevent instances of a base class from being stored in the database. To achieve this a persistent class can be declared abstract using the db abstract pragma (Section 14.1.3, "abstract"). Note that a C++-abstract class, or a class that has one or more pure virtual functions and therefore cannot be instantiated, is also database-abstract. However, a database-abstract class is not necessarily C++-abstract. The ODB compiler automatically treats C++-abstract classes as database-abstract.

对于这两种继承样式,有时最好避免将基类实例存储在数据库中。为了实现这一点,可以使用db abstract pragma(章节14.1.3,"abstract")将一个持久化类声明为抽象类。请注意,c++抽象类,或者具有一个或多个纯虚函数,因此不能实例化的类,也是数据库抽象类。然而,数据库抽象类不一定是c++抽象类。ODB编译器自动地将c++抽象类视为数据库抽象类

8.1 Reuse Inheritance 重用继承

Each non-abstract class from the reuse inheritance hierarchy is mapped to a separate database table that contains all its data members, including those inherited from base classes. An abstract persistent class does not have to define an object id, nor a default constructor, and it does not have a corresponding database table. An abstract class cannot be a pointed-to object in a relationship. Multiple inheritance is supported as long as each base class is only inherited once. The following example shows a persistent class hierarchy employing reuse inheritance:


// Abstract person class. Note that it does not declare the
// object id.
#pragma db object abstract
class person

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

// Abstract employee class. It derives from the person class and
// declares the object id for all the concrete employee types.
#pragma db object abstract
class employee: public person

  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

// Concrete permanent_employee class. Note that it doesn't define
// any data members of its own.
#pragma db object
class permanent_employee: public employee

// Concrete temporary_employee class. It adds the employment
// duration in months.
#pragma db object
class temporary_employee: public employee

  unsigned long duration_;

// Concrete contractor class. It derives from the person class
// (and not employee; an independent contractor is not considered
// an employee). We use the contractor's external email address
// as the object id.
#pragma db object
class contractor: public person

  #pragma db id
  std::string email_;

The sample database schema for this hierarchy is shown below.

CREATE TABLE permanent_employee (
  first TEXT NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE temporary_employee (
  first TEXT NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE contractor (
  first TEXT NOT NULL,

The complete version of the code presented in this section is available in the inheritance/reuse example in the odb-examples package.


8.2 Polymorphism Inheritance多态继承

There are three general approaches to mapping a polymorphic class hierarchy to a relational database. These are table-per-hierarchytable-per-difference, and table-per-class. With the table-per-hierarchy mapping, all the classes in a hierarchy are stored in a single, "wide" table. NULL values are stored in columns corresponding to data members of derived classes that are not present in any particular instance.


In the table-per-difference mapping, each class is mapped to a separate table. For a derived class, this table contains only columns corresponding to the data members added by this derived class.


Finally, in the table-per-class mapping, each class is mapped to a separate table. For a derived class, this table contains columns corresponding to all the data members, from this derived class all the way down to the root of the hierarchy.


The table-per-difference mapping is generally considered as having the best balance of flexibility, performance, and space efficiency. It also results in a more canonical relational database model compared to the other two approaches. As a result, this is the mapping currently implemented in ODB. Other mappings may be supported in the future.


A pointer or reference to an ordinary, non-polymorphic object has just one type — the class type of that object. When we start working with polymorphic objects, there are two types to consider: the static type, or the declaration type of a reference or pointer, and the object's actual or dynamic type. An example will help illustrate the difference:


class person {...};
class employee: public person {...};

person p;
employee e;

person& r1 (p);
person& r2 (e);

auto_ptr<person> p1 (new employee);

In the above example, the r1 reference's both static and dynamic types are person. In contrast, the r2 reference's static type is person while its dynamic type (the actual object that it refers to) is employee. Similarly, p1 points to the object of the person static type but employee dynamic type.


In C++, the primary mechanisms for working with polymorphic objects are virtual functions. We call a virtual function only knowing the object's static type, but the version corresponding to the object's dynamic type is automatically executed. This is the essence of runtime polymorphism support in C++: we can operate in terms of a base class interface but get the derived class' behavior. Similarly, the essence of the runtime polymorphism support in ODB is to allow us to persist, load, update, and query in terms of the base class interface but have the derived class actually stored in the database.


To declare a persistent class as polymorphic we use the db polymorphic pragma. We only need to declare the root class of a hierarchy as polymorphic; ODB will treat all the derived classes as polymorphic automatically. For example:

要将一个持久化类声明为多态类,我们使用db polymorphic pragma。我们只需要声明一个层次结构的根类是多态的;ODB将自动地将所有派生类视为多态类。例如:

#pragma db object polymorphic
class person

  ~person () = 0; // Automatically abstract.

  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class employee: public person

  bool temporary_;

#pragma db object
class contractor: public person

  std::string email_;

A persistent class hierarchy declared polymorphic must also be polymorphic in the C++ sense, that is, the root class must declare or inherit at least one virtual function. It is recommended that the root class also declares a virtual destructor. The root class of the polymorphic hierarchy must contain the data member designated as object id (a persistent class without an object id cannot be polymorphic). Note also that, unlike reuse inheritance, abstract polymorphic classes have a table in the database, just like non-abstract classes.


Persistent classes in the same polymorphic hierarchy must use the same kind of object pointer (Section 3.3, "Object and View Pointers"). If the object pointer for the root class is specified as a template or using the special raw pointer syntax (*), then the ODB compiler will automatically use the same object pointer for all the derived classes. For example:


#pragma db object polymorphic pointer(std::shared_ptr)
class person

#pragma db object // Object pointer is std::shared_ptr<employee>.
class employee: public person

#pragma db object // Object pointer is std::shared_ptr<contractor>.
class contractor: public person

Similarly, if we enable or disable session support (Chapter 11, "Session") for the root class, then the ODB compiler will automatically enable or disable it for all the derived classes.


For polymorphic persistent classes, all the database operations can be performed on objects with different static and dynamic types. Similarly, operations that load persistent objects from the database (load()query(), etc.), can return objects with different static and dynamic types. For example:


unsigned long id1, id2;

// Persist.
  shared_ptr<person> p1 (new employee (...));
  shared_ptr<person> p2 (new contractor (...));

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  id1 = db.persist (p1); // Stores employee.
  id2 = db.persist (p2); // Stores contractor.
  t.commit ();

// Load.
  shared_ptr<person> p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  p = db.load<person> (id1); // Loads employee.
  p = db.load<person> (id2); // Loads contractor.
  t.commit ();

// Query.
  typedef odb::query<person> query;
  typedef odb::result<person> result;

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  result r (db.query<person> (query::last == "Doe"));

  for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
    person& p (*i); // Can be employee or contractor.

  t.commit ();

// Update.
  shared_ptr<person> p;
  shared_ptr<employee> e;

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  e = db.load<employee> (id1);
  e->temporary (false);
  p = e;
  db.update (p); // Updates employee.

  t.commit ();

// Erase.
  shared_ptr<person> p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  p = db.load<person> (id1); // Loads employee.
  db.erase (p);              // Erases employee.
  db.erase<person> (id2);    // Erases contractor.
  t.commit ();

in addition to those corresponding to the data members. The first, called discriminator, is added to the table corresponding to the root class of the hierarchy. This column is used to determine the dynamic type of each object. The second column is added to tables corresponding to the derived classes and contains the object id. This column is used to form a foreign key constraint referencing the root class table.


When querying the database for polymorphic objects, it is possible to obtain the discriminator value without instantiating the object. For example:


typedef odb::query<person> query;
typedef odb::result<person> result;

transaction t (db.begin ());

result r (db.query<person> (query::last == "Doe"));

for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
  std::string d (i.discriminator ());

t.commit ();

In the current implementation, ODB has limited support for customizing names, types, and values of the extra columns. Currently, the discriminator column is always called typeid and contains a namespace-qualified class name (for example, "employee" or "hr::employee"). The id column in the derived class table has the same name as the object id column in the root class table. Future versions of ODB will add support for customizing these extra columns.


The sample database schema for the above polymorphic hierarchy is shown below.


  typeid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  first TEXT NOT NULL,
  last TEXT NOT NULL);

CREATE TABLE employee (
  temporary TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,

  CONSTRAINT employee_id_fk
    FOREIGN KEY (id)
    REFERENCES person (id)

CREATE TABLE contractor (
  email TEXT NOT NULL,

  CONSTRAINT contractor_id_fk
    FOREIGN KEY (id)
    REFERENCES person (id)

The complete version of the code presented in this section is available in the inheritance/polymorphism example in the odb-examples package.

8.2.1 Performance and Limitations性能和限制

A database operation on a non-polymorphic object normally translates to a single database statement execution (objects with containers and eager object pointers can be the exception). Because polymorphic objects have their data members stored in multiple tables, some database operations on such objects may result in multiple database statements being executed while others may require more complex statements. There is also some functionality that is not available to polymorphic objects.


The first part of this section discusses the performance implications to keep in mind when designing and working with polymorphic hierarchies. The second part talks about limitations of polymorphic objects.


The most important aspect of a polymorphic hierarchy that affects database performance is its depth. The distance between the root of the hierarchy and the derived class translates directly to the number of database statements that will have to be executed in order to persist, update, or erase this derived class. It also translates directly to the number of SQL JOIN clauses that will be needed to load or query the database for this derived class. As a result, to achieve best performance, we should try to keep our polymorphic hierarchies as flat as possible.

影响数据库性能的多态层次结构最重要的方面是它的深度。层次结构根与派生类之间的距离直接转换为为了持久化、更新或删除这个派生类而必须执行的数据库语句的数量。它还直接转换为加载或查询此派生类的数据库所需的SQL JOIN子句的数量。因此,为了获得最好的性能,我们应该尽量保持我们的多态层次结构尽可能的扁平。 

When loading an object or querying the database for objects, ODB will need to execute two statements if this object's static and dynamic types are different but only one statement if they are the same. This example will help illustrate the difference:


unsigned long id;

  employee e (...);

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  id = db.persist (e);
  t.commit ();

  shared_ptr<person> p;

  transaction t (db.begin ());
  p = db.load<person> (id);   // Requires two statement.
  p = db.load<employee> (id); // Requires only one statement.
  t.commit ();

As a result, we should try to load and query using the most derived class possible.


Finally, for polymorphic objects, erasing via the object instance is faster than erasing via its object id. In the former case the object's dynamic type can be determined locally in the application while in the latter case an extra statement has to be executed to achieve the same result. For example:


shared_ptr<person> p = ...;

transaction t (db.begin ());
db.erase<person> (p.id ()); // Slower (executes extra statement).
db.erase (p);               // Faster.
t.commit ();

Polymorphic objects can use all the mechanisms that are available to ordinary objects. These include containers (Chapter 5, "Containers"), object relationships, including to polymorphic objects (Chapter 6, "Relationships"), views (Chapter 10, "Views"), session (Chapter 11, "Session"), and optimistic concurrency (Chapter 12, "Optimistic Concurrency"). There are, however, a few limitations, mainly due to the underlying use of SQL to access the data.


When a polymorphic object is "joined" in a view, and the join condition (either in the form of an object pointer or a custom condition) comes from the object itself (as opposed to one of the objects joined previously), then this condition must only use data members from the derived class. For example, consider the following polymorphic object hierarchy and a view:


#pragma db object polymorphic
class employee

#pragma db object
class permanent_employee: public employee

#pragma db object
class temporary_employee: public employee

  shared_ptr<permanent_employee> manager_;

#pragma db object
class contractor: public temporary_employee
  shared_ptr<permanent_employee> manager_;

#pragma db view object(permanent_employee) \
                object(contractor: contractor::manager_)
struct contractor_manager

This view will not function correctly because the join condition (manager_) comes from the base class (temporary_employee) instead of the derived (contractor). The reason for this limitation is the JOIN clause order in the underlying SQL SELECT statement. In the view presented above, the table corresponding to the base class (temporary_employee) will have to be joined first which will result in this view matching both the temporary_employee and contractor objects instead of just contractor. It is usually possible to resolve this issue by reordering the objects in the view. Our example, for instance, can be fixed by swapping the two objects:

这个视图不能正常工作,因为连接条件(manager_)来自基类(temporary_employee),而不是派生类(contractor)。这个限制的原因是底层SQL SELECT语句中的JOIN子句顺序。在上面的视图中,对应于基类(temporary_employee)的表必须首先被连接,这将导致这个视图同时匹配temporary_employee和contractor对象,而不仅仅是contractor对象。通常可以通过重新排序视图中的对象来解决这个问题。例如,我们的例子可以通过交换两个对象来修复:

#pragma db view object(contractor) \
                object(permanent_employee: contractor::manager_)
struct contractor_manager

The erase_query() database function (Section 3.11, "Deleting Persistent Objects") also has limited functionality when used on polymorphic objects. Because many database implementations do not support JOIN clauses in the SQL DELETE statement, only data members from the derived class being erased can be used in the query condition. For example:

erase_query()数据库函数(章节3.11,“删除持久化对象”)在多态对象上使用时也有一定的功能限制。因为许多数据库实现在SQL DELETE语句中不支持JOIN子句,所以只有派生类中被擦除的数据成员才能在查询条件中使用。例如:

typedef odb::query<employee> query;

transaction t (db.begin ());
db.erase_query<employee> (query::permanent);     // Ok.
db.erase_query<employee> (query::last == "Doe"); // Error.
t.commit ();

8.3 Mixed Inheritance混合继承

It is possible to mix the reuse and polymorphism inheritance styles in the same hierarchy. In this case, the reuse inheritance must be used for the "bottom" (base) part of the hierarchy while the polymorphism inheritance — for the "top" (derived) part. For example:


#pragma db object
class person

#pragma db object polymorphic
class employee: public person // Reuse inheritance.

#pragma db object
class temporary_employee: public employee // Polymorphism inheritance.

#pragma db object
class permanent_employee: public employee // Polymorphism inheritance.


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