7 ODB 值类型 (Value Types)

In Section 3.1, "Concepts and Terminology" we have already discussed the notion of values and value types as well as the distinction between simple and composite values. This chapter covers simple and composite value types in more detail.


7.1 Simple Value Types  简单值类型

A simple value type is a fundamental C++ type or a class type that is mapped to a single database column. For each supported database system the ODB compiler provides a default mapping to suitable database types for most fundamental C++ types, such as int or float as well as some class types, such as std::string. For more information about the default mapping for each database system refer to Part II, Database Systems. We can also provide a custom mapping for these or our own value types using the db type pragma (Section 14.3.1, "type").

一个简单的值类型是一个基本的C++类型或映射到单个数据库列的类类型。对于每个支持的数据库系统,ODB编译器为最基本的C++类型提供了默认映射到合适的数据库类型,例如int或浮点以及一些类类型,例如std::string。有关每个数据库系统的默认映射的更多信息,请参阅第二部分“数据库系统”。我们还可以使用db type pragma(第14.3.1节“类型”)为这些或我们自己的值类型提供自定义映射。

7.2 Composite Value Types  复合值类型

A composite value type is a class or struct type that is mapped to more than one database column. To declare a composite value type we use the db value pragma, for example:

复合值类型是映射到多个数据库列的类或结构类型。要声明复合值类型,我们使用db value pragma,例如:

#pragma db value
class basic_name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

The complete version of the above code fragment and the other code samples presented in this section can be found in the composite example in the odb-examples package.

上述代码片段的完整版本和本节中介绍的其他代码示例可以在odb-examples包中的composite 示例中找到。 

A composite value type does not have to define a default constructor, unless it is used as an element of a container. In this case the default constructor can be made private provided we also make the odb::access class, defined in the <odb/core.hxx> header, a friend of this value type. For example:


#include <odb/core.hxx>

#pragma db value
class basic_name
  basic_name (const std::string& first, const std::string& last);


  friend class odb::access;

  basic_name () {} // Needed for storing basic_name in containers.


The ODB compiler also needs access to the non-transient (Section 14.4.11, "transient") data members of a composite value type. It uses the same mechanisms as for persistent classes which are discussed in Section 3.2, "Declaring Persistent Objects and Values".


The members of a composite value can be other value types (either simple or composite), containers (Chapter 5, "Containers"), and pointers to objects (Chapter 6, "Relationships"). Similarly, a composite value type can be used in object members, as an element of a container, and as a base for another composite value type. In particular, composite value types can be used as element types in set containers (Section 5.2, "Set and Multiset Containers") and as key types in map containers (Section 5.3, "Map and Multimap Containers"). A composite value type that is used as an element of a container cannot contain other containers since containers of containers are not allowed. The following example illustrates some of the possible use cases:


#pragma db value
class basic_name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

typedef std::vector<basic_name> basic_names;

#pragma db value
class name_extras

  std::string nickname_;
  basic_names aliases_;

#pragma db value
class name: public basic_name

  std::string title_;
  name_extras extras_;

#pragma db object
class person

  name name_;

A composite value type can be defined inside a persistent class, view, or another composite value and even made private, provided we make odb::access a friend of the containing class, for example:


#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db value
  class name

    std::string first_;
    std::string last_;

  name name_;

A composite value type can also be defined as an instantiation of a C++ class template, for example:


template <typename T>
struct point
  T x;
  T y;
  T z;

typedef point<int> int_point;
#pragma db value(int_point)

#pragma db object
class object

  int_point center_;

Note that the database support code for such a composite value type is generated when compiling the header containing the db value pragma and not the header containing the template definition or the typedef name. This allows us to use templates defined in other files, such as std::pair defined in the utility standard header file:

请注意,这种复合值类型的数据库支持代码是在编译包含db value pragma的标头时生成的,而不是在编译包含模板定义或typedef名称的标头时生成的。这允许我们使用在其他文件中定义的模板,例如在实用程序标准头文件中定义的std::pair

#include <utility> // std::pair

typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> phone_numbers;
#pragma db value(phone_numbers)

#pragma db object
class person

  phone_numbers phone_;

We can also use data members from composite value types in database queries (Chapter 4, "Querying the Database"). For each composite value in a persistent class, the query class defines a nested member that contains members corresponding to the data members in the value type. We can then use the member access syntax (.) to refer to data members in value types. For example, the query class for the person object presented above contains the name member (its name is derived from the name_ data member) which in turn contains the extras member (its name is derived from the name::extras_ data member of the composite value type). This process continues recursively for nested composite value types and, as a result, we can use the query::name.extras.nickname expression while querying the database for the person objects. For example:


typedef odb::query<person> query;
typedef odb::result<person> result;

transaction t (db.begin ());

result r (db.query<person> (
  query::name.extras.nickname == "Squeaky"));


t.commit ();

7.2.1 Composite Object Ids 复合对象Ids

An object id can be of a composite value type, for example:


#pragma db value
class name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db id
  name name_;

However, a value type that can be used as an object id has a number of restrictions. Such a value type cannot have container, object pointer, or read-only data members. It also must be default-constructible, copy-constructible, and copy-assignable. Furthermore, if the persistent class in which this composite value type is used as object id has session support enabled (Chapter 11, "Session"), then it must also implement the less-than comparison operator (operator<).


7.2.2 Composite Value Column and Table Names 复合值列和表名

Customizing a column name for a data member of a simple value type is straightforward: we simply specify the desired name with the db column pragma (Section 14.4.9, "column"). For composite value types things are slightly more complex since they are mapped to multiple columns. Consider the following example:

为简单值类型的数据成员自定义列名非常简单,我们只需使用 db column pragma(第14.4.9节“列”)指定所需的名称。对于复合值类型,情况稍微复杂一些,因为它们映射到多个列。考虑下面的例子:

#pragma db value
class name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  name name_;

The column names for the first_ and last_ members are constructed by using the sanitized name of the person::name_ member as a prefix and the names of the members in the value type (first_ and last_) as suffixes. As a result, the database schema for the above classes will look like this:


  name_first TEXT NOT NULL,
  name_last TEXT NOT NULL);

We can customize both the prefix and the suffix using the db column pragma as shown in the following example:

我们可以使用db column  pragma自定义前缀和后缀,如下例所示:

#pragma db value
class name

  #pragma db column("first_name")
  std::string first_;

  #pragma db column("last_name")
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db column("person_")
  name name_;

The database schema changes as follows:

  person_first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  person_last_name TEXT NOT NULL);

We can also make the column prefix empty, for example:

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db column("")
  name name_;

This will result in the following schema:

  first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  last_name TEXT NOT NULL);

The same principle applies when a composite value type is used as an element of a container, except that instead of db column, either the db value_column (Section 14.4.36, "value_column") or db key_column (Section 14.4.35, "key_column") pragmas are used to specify the column prefix.

当复合值类型用作容器的元素时,同样的原则也适用,除了使用db value_column (第14.4.36节“value_column ”)或db key_column (第14.4.35节“key_column ”)pragmas 来指定列前缀而不是db column。 

When a composite value type contains a container, an extra table is used to store its elements (Chapter 5, "Containers"). The names of such tables are constructed in a way similar to the column names, except that by default both the object name and the member name are used as a prefix. For example: 


#pragma db value
class name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

#pragma db object
class person

  name name_;

The corresponding database schema will look like this:

CREATE TABLE person_name_nicknames (
  value TEXT NOT NULL)

  name_first TEXT NOT NULL,
  name_last TEXT NOT NULL);

To customize the container table name we can use the db table pragma (Section 14.4.20, "table"), for example:
要自定义容器表名称,我们可以使用db table pragma(第14.4.20节,“表”),例如:

#pragma db value
class name

  #pragma db table("nickname")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db table("person_")
  name name_;

This will result in the following schema changes:

CREATE TABLE person_nickname (
  value TEXT NOT NULL)

Similar to columns, we can make the table prefix empty.


7.3 Pointers and NULL Value Semantics  指针和空值语义

Relational database systems have a notion of the special NULL value that is used to indicate the absence of a valid value in a column. While by default ODB maps values to columns that do not allow NULL values, it is possible to change that with the db null pragma (Section 14.4.6, "null/not_null").

关系数据库系统有一个特殊空值的概念,用于指示列中缺少有效值。虽然默认情况下ODB将值映射到不允许空值的列,但可以使用db null pragma(第14.4.6节“NULL/not_NULL”)更改该值。 

To properly support the NULL semantics, the C++ value type must have a notion of a NULL value or a similar special state concept. Most basic C++ types, such as int or std::string, do not have this notion and therefore cannot be used directly for NULL-enabled data members (in the case of a NULL value being loaded from the database, such data members will be default-initialized).


To allow the easy conversion of value types that do not support the NULL semantics into the ones that do, ODB provides the odb::nullable class template. It allows us to wrap an existing C++ type into a container-like class that can either be NULL or contain a value of the wrapped type. ODB also automatically enables the NULL values for data members of the odb::nullable type. For example:


#include <odb/nullable.hxx>

#pragma db object
class person

  std::string first_;                    // TEXT NOT NULL
  odb::nullable<std::string> middle_;    // TEXT NULL
  std::string last_;                     // TEXT NOT NULL

The odb::nullable class template is defined in the <odb/nullable.hxx> header file and has the following interface:

namespace odb
  template <typename T>
  class nullable
    typedef T value_type;

    nullable ();
    nullable (const T&);
    nullable (const nullable&);
    template <typename Y> explicit nullable (const nullable<Y>&);

    nullable& operator= (const T&);
    nullable& operator= (const nullable&);
    template <typename Y> nullable& operator= (const nullable<Y>&);

    void swap (nullable&);

    // Accessor interface.
    bool null () const;

    T&       get ();
    const T& get () const;

    // Pointer interface.
    operator bool_convertible () const;

    T*       operator-> ();
    const T* operator-> () const;

    T&       operator* ();
    const T& operator* () const;

    // Reset to the NULL state.
    void reset ();

The following example shows how we can use this interface:

  nullable<string> ns;

  // Using the accessor interface.
  if (ns.null ())
    s = "abc";
    string s (ns.get ());
    ns.reset ();

  // The same using the pointer interface.
  if (ns)
    s = "abc";
    string s (*ns);
    ns.reset ();

The odb::nullable class template requires the wrapped type to have public default and copy constructors as well as the copy assignment operator. Note also that the odb::nullable implementation is not the most efficient in that it always contains a fully constructed value of the wrapped type. This is normally not a concern for simple types such as the C++ fundamental types or std::string. However, it may become an issue for more complex types. In such cases you may want to consider using a more efficient implementation of the optional value concept such as the optional class template from Boost (Section 23.4, "Optional Library").

odb::nullable 类模板要求包装类型具有公共默认构造函数和复制构造函数以及复制赋值运算符。还要注意,odb::nullable实现并不是最有效的,因为它总是包含一个完全构造的包装类型的值。这通常不是简单类型的问题,例如C++基本类型或std::String。但是,对于更复杂的类型,这可能会成为一个问题。在这种情况下,您可能需要考虑使用更有效的实现可选值的概念,如Boost中的可选类模板(第23.4节,“可选库”)。

Another common C++ representation of a value that can be NULL is a pointer. ODB will automatically handle data members that are pointers to values, however, it will not automatically enable NULL values for such data members, as is the case for odb::nullable. Instead, if the NULL value is desired, we will need to enable it explicitly using the db null pragma. For example:

另一个可以为NULL的值的另一种常见的C++表示是指针。ODB将自动处理作为值指针的数据成员,但是,它不会像ODB::nullable那样自动为这些数据成员启用空值。相反,如果需要NULL值,我们需要使用db null pragma显式地启用它。例如:

#pragma db object
class person

  std::string first_;

  #pragma db null
  std::auto_ptr<std::string> middle_;

  std::string last_;

The ODB compiler includes built-in support for using std::auto_ptrstd::unique_ptr (C++11), and shared_ptr (TR1 or C++11) as pointers to values. Plus, ODB profile libraries, that are available for commonly used frameworks and libraries (such as Boost and Qt), provide support for smart pointers found in these frameworks and libraries (Part III, "Profiles").


ODB also supports the NULL semantics for composite values. In the relational database the NULL composite value is translated to NULL values for all the simple data members of this composite value. For example:


#pragma db value
struct name
  std::string first_;
  odb::nullable<std::string> middle_;
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class person
  odb::nullable<name> name_;


#pragma db object
class person

  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<std::string> > aliases_;


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