Android Training

Building Apps with Content

Sharing Simple Data --> Intent && ActionProvider 介绍如何让应用程序共享简单的数据,如:文本/URI/图片等

    1. Sending Simple Data to Other Apps

    2. Receiving Simple Data from Other Apps

    3. Adding an Easy Share Action

Sharing Files 介绍Android中的分享文件

    1. Setting Up File Sharing

    2. Sharing a File

    3. Requesting a Shared File

    4. Retrieving File Information

Sharing Files with NFC 使用NFC(Near Field Communication 无线传输)共享文件

    1. Sending Files to Another Device

    2. Receiving Files from Another Device


Building Apps with Multimedia

Managing Audio Playback 音视频输出硬件/管理音频播放

    1. Controlling Your App's Volume and Playback 控制App的音量和播放

    2. Managing Audio Focus 控制音频焦点

    3. Dealing with Audio Output Hardware 处理音频输出设备

Capturing Photos 控制相机/捕获图片

    1. Taking Photos Simply 捕获图片

    2. Recording Videos Simply 记录视频

    3. Controlling the Camera 控制相机

Printing Content 打印任务/通过打印输出App内容

    1. Photos 输出图片

    2. HTML Documents 打印输出HTML文档

    3. Custom Documents 打印输出自定义文档


Building Apps with Graphics & Animation

Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently

    1. Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently 高效载入大图

    2. Processing Bitmaps Off the UI Thread 在子线程处理图片

    3. Caching Bitmaps 缓存图片

    4. Managing Bitmap Memory 管理图片内存

    5. Displaying Bitmaps in Your UI 在UI线程(主线程)显示图片

Displaying Graphics with OpenGL ES 使用OpenGL ES展示图形

    1. Building an OpenGL ES Environment 构建OpenGL ES环境

    2. Defining Shapes 定义形状

    3. Drawing Shapes 绘制形状

    4. Applying Projection an Camera Views 

    5. Adding Motion

    6. Responding to Touch Events 响应触摸事件

Adding Animations

    1. Crossfading Two Views 交替变换两个View

    2. Using ViewPager for Screen Slide 使用ViewPager做出屏幕滑动效果

    3. Displaying Card Flip Animations 展示卡片滑动动画

    4. Zooming a View 缩放View

    5. Animating Layout Changes



Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud

Connecting Devices Wirelessly

    1. Using Network Services Discovery 发现网络服务

    2. Creating P2P Connections with Wi-Fi 使用WIFI创建P2P连接

    3. Using Wi-Fi P2P for Service Discovery 使用WIFI-P2P服务

Performing Network Operations

    1. Connecting to the Network 连接网络

    2. Managing Network Usage 管理网络连接

    3. Parsing XML Data 解析XML数据

Transferring Data Without Draining(耗尽) the Battery

    1. Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access

    2. Minimizing the Effect of Regular Updates

    3. Redundant Downloads are Redundant

    4. Modifying Patterns Based on the Connectivity Type

Syncing to the Cloud

    1. Using the Backup API

    2. Making the Most of Google Cloud Messaging

Resolving Cloud Save Conflicts

Transferring Data Using Sync Adapters

    1. Creating a Stub Authenticator

    2. Creating a Stub Content Provider

    3. Creating a Sync Adapter

    4. Running a Sync Adapter

Transmitting Network Data Using Volley 使用Volley执行网络任务

    1. Sending a Simple Request

    2. Setting Up a RequestQueue

    3. Making a Standard Request

    4. Implementing a Custom Request



Building Apps with User Info & Location

Accessing Contacts Data 获取手机联系人信息

    1. Retrieving a List of Contacts

    2. Retrieving Details for a Contact

    3. Modifying Contacts Using Intents

    4. Displaying the Quick Contact Badge

Making Your App Location-Aware 解析设备的位置信息

    1. Retrieving the Current Location

    2. Receiving Location Updates

    3. Displaying a Location Address

    4. Creating and Monitoring Geofences

    5. Recognizing the User's Current Activity

    6. Testing Using Mock Locations


Best Practices for Interaction & Engagement 人机交互实践

Designing Effective Navigation

    1. Planning Screens and Their RelationShips

    2. Planning for Multiple Touchscreen Sizes

    3. Providing Descendant and Lateral Navigation

    4. Providing Ancestral and Temporal Navigation

    5. Putting it All Together: Wireframing the Example App

Implementing Effective Navigation

    1. Creating Swipe Views with Tabs

    2. Creating a Navigation Drawer

    3. Providing Up Navigation

    4. Providing Proper Back Navigation

    5. Implementing Descendant Navigation

Notifying the User

    1. Building a Notification

    2. Preserving Navigation when Starting an Activity

    3. Updating Notifications

    4. Using Big View Styles

    5. Displaying Progress in a Notification

Adding Search Functionality

    1. Setting up the Search Interface

    2. Storing and Searching for Data

    3. Remaining Backward Compatible

Making Your App Content Searchable by Google

    1. Enabling Deep Links for App Content

    2. Specifying App Content for Indexing


Best Practices for User Interface 用户界面设计

Designing for Multiple Screens

    1. Supporting Different Screen Sizes

    2. Supporting Different Densities

    3. Implementing Adaptive UI Flows

Creating Custom Views

    1. Creating a Custom View Class

    2. Implementing Custom Drawing

    3. Making the View Interactive

    4. Optimizing the View

Creating Backward-Compatible UIs

    1. Abstracting the New APIs

    2. Proxying to the New APIs

    3. Creating an Implementation with Older APIs

    4. Using the Version-Aware Component

Implementing Accessibility

    1. Developing Accessible Applications

    2. Developing Accessibility Services

Managing the System UI

    1. Dimming the System Bars

    2. Hiding the Status Bar

    3. Hiding the Navigation Bar

    4. Using Immersive Full-Screen Mode

    5. Responding to UI Visibility Changes


Best Practices for User Input

Using Touch Gestures

    1. Detecting Common Gesture

    2. Tracking Movement

    3. Animating a Scroll Gesture

    4. Handling Multi-Touch Gestures

    5. Dragging and Scaling

    6. Managing Touch Events in a ViewGroup

Handling Keyboard Input

    1. Specifying the Input Method Type

    2. Handling Input Method Visibility

    3. Supporting Keyboard Navigation

    4. Handling Keyboard Actions

Supporting Game Controllers

    1. Handling Controller Actions

    2. Supporting Controllers Across Android Versions

    3. Supporting Multiple Game Controllers


Best Practices for Background Jobs

Runnning in a Background Service

    1. Creating a Background Service

    2. Sending Work Requests to the Background Service

    3. Reporting Work Status

Loading Data in the Background

    1. Running a Query with a CursorLoader

    2. Handling the Results

Managing Device Awake State

    1. Keeping the Device Awake

    2. Scheduling Repeating Alarms


Best Practices for Background Jobs

Managing Your App's Memory

Performance Tips

Improving Layout Performance

    1. Optimizing Layout Hierarchies

    2. Re-using Layouts with <include/>

    3. Loading Views On Demand

    4. Making ListView Scrolling Smooth

Sending Operations to Multiple Threads

    1. Specifying the Code to Run on a Thread

    2. Creating a Manager for Multiple Threads

    3. Running Code on a Thread Pool Thread

    4. Communicating with the UI Thread

Keeping Your App Responsive

JNI Tips

SMP Primer for Android


Best Practices for Security & Privacy

Security Tips

Security with HTTPS and SSL

Updating Your Security Provider to Protect Against SSL Exploits

Developing for Enterprise


Best Practices for Testing

Testing Your Activity

Setting Up Your Test Environment

Creating and Running a Test Case

Testing UI Components

Creating Unit Tests

Creating Functional Tests

posted @ 2017-02-14 21:41  jamesK4W  阅读(393)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报