HJ Recite之_《英语四级核心词汇》81~90关 (2021-02-28)

HJ Recite之_《英语四级核心词汇》81~90关    (2021-02-28)



[pen·e·trate || 'penɪtreɪt]        v.  穿透, 看穿, 渗透; 刺入, 渗透, 看穿

penetrate the Earth's atmosphere    穿透地球大气层
Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.    西方观念逐渐传入东方.
[ex·cur·sion || ɪk'skɜːʃn]        n.  远足; 短程旅行; 游览

enjoy an excursion        享受一次短途旅行
On weekends I sometimes make an excursion to the suburbs with my family.        

/ ɪkˈskɜːʃn; US ʒn; ɪkˋskəʒən/ n (a) short journey, esp one made by a group of people together for pleasure 短程旅行; 远足: go on/make a day excursion to the mountains, ie there and back in one day 到山上游玩一天 * Many excursions had been arranged by the holiday company. 短程旅游原先多由度假服务公司安排的. * [attrib 作定语] an excursion train 游览火车 * an excursion ticket, ie one issued at a reduced fare 旅游特惠票. (b) short journey made for a particular purpose 短途行程: a shopping excursion 购物之行. =>Usage at journey 用法见journey.
[ex·ploit || ɪk'splɔɪt]
n.  功绩, 勋绩
v.  开拓; 开采; 开发,利用,剥削

He is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe.    他希望好好利用欧洲的新机遇.
[com·e·dy || 'kɒmɪdɪ]        n.  喜剧; 喜剧性事件; 喜剧性, 喜剧成分

romantic comedy    浪漫喜剧
The secret of good comedy is timing.    出色的喜剧的秘诀在于节奏的把握.
democracy    [de·moc·ra·cy || dɪ'mɒkrəsɪ]        n.  民主政治; 民主主义;民主国家
demonstrate    [dem·on·strate || 'demənstreɪt]    v.  论证, 证明; 示范操作, 展示; 说明, 教; 显示, 表露; 示威

demonstrate democracy in action        以实际行动体现了民主
A true democracy allows free speech.    真正民主的国家允许言论自由.
n.  酱油, 果酱, 调味料
v.  调味, 使增加趣味

soy sauce    酱油
This sauce uses chili as its seasoning.    这酱汁使用了红辣椒作为调料.
chili  n.  红辣椒
[e'mo·tion·al || -ʃənl]            adj.  感情(上)的,情绪的; 情感的;敏感的;情绪激动的

emotional distress    感情上的痛苦
What you're seeking is emotional energy.        你寻求的是情感能量.
['fault·y || 'fɔːltɪ]            adj.  有过失的; 不完美的; 有缺点的

complain about fauty goods        对劣质商品投诉
The washing machine was fauty.    洗衣机坏了.
[var·i·a·tion || ‚verɪ'eɪʃn /‚veər-]    n.  变更, 变种, 变化

seasonal variation    季节性变化
There was great variation between individuals.    个体之间差异很大.
[rec·og·nize || 'rekəgnaɪz]        v.  认出, 识别; 正式承认; 认识; 认可, 认定

recognize an old friend    认出一位老朋友
His mother hardly recognized him after many year's service in the military.    

deliberate  [de·lib·er·ate || dɪ'lɪbərət] v.  仔细考虑, 思考; 商议; 仔细考虑, 深思熟虑; 商议   adj.  深思熟虑的, 从容的, 故意的
celebrate   [cel·e·brate || 'selɪbreɪt]   v.  庆祝; 主持; 举行; 颂扬, 赞美; 庆祝, 过节; 欢乐; 举行宗教仪式

a deliberate touch    故意摸了一下
Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour.        着手前要深思熟虑,执行时要果断有力.

(US vigor) / ˈvɪgə(r); ˋvɪɡɚ/ n [U] (a) physical strength or energy; vitality 体力; 精力; 活力: At 40, he was in his prime and full of vigour. 他40岁时正年富力强. * work with renewed vigour and enthusiasm 以更加充沛的精力和热情工作. (b) forcefulness of thought, language, style, etc (思想﹑ 语言﹑ 风格等的)力量, 气势: withstand the vigour of her protest, defence, attack, etc 抵挡住她进行抗议﹑ 抗辩﹑ 攻击等的气势 * music, poetry, etc of tremendous vigour 气势磅?的音乐﹑ 诗歌等. =>Usage at strength 用法见strength.
> vigorous / ˈvɪgərəs; ˋvɪɡərəs/ adj (a) strong, active or energetic 强壮的; 积极的; 有力的: avoid vigorousexercise, exertion, etc 避免强度大的锻炼﹑ 劳动等 * vigoroussupporters of human rights 积极拥护人权运动的人.(b) using forceful language, etc 语言犀利的: vigorous debate, criticism, opposition, etc 有力的争辩﹑ 批评﹑ 反对等 * the poem's vigorous rhythms 这首诗铿锵的韵律. vigorously adv: shake sb's hand vigorously 用力握某人的手 * argue vigorously in support of sth 为某事物奋力争辩.
humble    [hum·ble || 'hʌmbl]    v.  使...卑下; 贬抑; 挫    adj.  卑下的, 粗陋的, 谦逊的
hum    [hʌm]                n.  嗡嗡声, 杂声, 哼声    v.  发嗡嗡声; 哼曲子; 发哼哼声; 忙碌, 活跃; 闭口哼歌, 嗡嗡叫

humble the worker's importance    贬低工作者的重要性
a humble fisherman                一个卑微的渔夫
He started his career as a humble farmer.        他从一个卑微的农名起家.
n.  至高, 霸权
a.  至高的, 终极的, 极端的, 最大的

supreme leader    最高领导人
Cordial friendship has a supreme taste.    诚挚的友谊味道绝佳.
cordial    [cor·di·al || 'kɔːdjəl]    adj.  热忱的; 兴奋的; 诚恳的
                        n.  兴奋剂, 补品
peculiar        [pi'kju:ljә]    a.  奇特的, 罕见的, 特殊的, 特别的    n.  特有财产, 特权
                    [法] 专有的特权或私产, 特殊教会
                be peculiar to
particular    [pә'tikjulә]    n.  一项(或条、点), 个别项目, 详细说明
                    a.  特别的, 独有的, 挑剔的, 详尽的
                    [经] 特别的, 特定的, 特有的

a peculiar sense of humor        一种特有的幽默感
Language is peculiar to mankind.    语言是人类特有的.
n.  基因
[化] 基因(遗传因子)
[医] 基因, 遗传因子

good gene    良好的基因
We all know we are the product of our genes.    我们都知道我们是基因的产物.
[de·rive || dɪ'raɪv]        v.  得自,获得,得到; 起源;

derive pleasure from video games    从电子游戏中获得乐趣
All of the present is pregnant with the future, and all of the future is derived from the past.
pregnant    ['preg·nant || 'pregnənt]    adj.  怀孕的, 怀胎的#充满的, 富有的; 意味深长的, 含蓄的; 富于想象力的

/ dɪˈraɪv; dəˋraɪv/ v
 [Tn.pr] ~ sth from sth (fml 文) obtain sth from sth; get sth from sth 得到; 获取: derive great pleasure from one's studies 从学习中获得极大乐趣 * She derived no benefit from the course of drugs. 她用药经此疗程後并无好转.
 (a) [Ipr] ~ from sth have sth as a starting-point, source or origin; originate from sth 源自; 源於: Thousands of English words derive from Latin. 英语中有成千上万的词源自拉丁文. (b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth from sth trace sth from (a source) 对某事物追本穷源: We can derive the word `derelict' from the Latin `derelictus'. derelict这一词的起源可以追溯到拉丁文的derelict
[dec·ade || 'dekeɪd]        n.  十年; 十

next decade    下一个十年
After a decade, we are still friends.    十年之后,我们还是朋友.
vt.  识别, 认为...等同于, 确定, 使参与
vi.  一致, 认同
[电] 认明
identify sb with sth
identify with sb
identify A with B
identify with sth
identify oneself with

identify a criminal    识别犯罪分子
You cannot identify happiness with wealth.    你不能把幸福和财富混为一谈.
n.  容量, 能力, 才能, 资格
[计] 容量
[化] 能力; 容量; (生产)规模; 扬量; 电容
[医] 容量, 能量, 能力
[经] 生产, 能量, 生产能力
in the capacity of
a fuel tank with capacity of 50 litres    可装50升油的油箱
fuel        [fu·el || 'fjuːəl /'fjʊəl]
        n.  燃料
        v.  加燃料; 供以燃料; 得到燃料
tank        [tæŋk]
        n.  柜, 箱, 罐; 池塘; 贮水池; 坦克, 战车
Nuclear power currently accounts for only 2% of the total generating capacity.
n.  商业, 商务, 贸易
[经] 商业, 贸易, 商务

leaders of industry and commerce    工商界领导人
E-commerce refers to all commercial transactions conducted over the Internet.    


[com·bat || 'kɒmbæt]
n.  争斗, 战斗;搏斗,格斗
v.  与...战斗, 反对; 战斗, 搏斗,抑制

a fierce combat    一次激烈的战斗
combat terrorism    打击恐怖主义
To combat inflation, the government raised interest rates.    为了抑制通货膨胀,政府提高了利率.
[spaʊz ,-s]            n.  配偶, 夫妻

an ideal spouse                一个理想的配偶
Fill in your spouse name here.        在这里填上你配偶的名字.
levy                        // tax
[lev·y || 'levɪ]
n.  征税, 课税; 征收额; 征兵; 税款
v.  征收; 征集; 强索; 扣押; 征税; 扣押

begin to levy among local people    开始再当地征兵
food levy                    食品税
A direct food levy was imposed by the local government.    地方政府征收了食品税.
[cham·ber || 'tʃeɪmbə]
n.  室, 枪膛, 厅,房间
v.  放在枪膛内, 关在室内

council chamber    会议厅
The member left the council chamber.    议员们离开了会议厅.
[fi'lɒsәfi]                n.  哲学, 人生观, 哲学思想, 哲理, 基本原理, 见解, 达观, 沉着

modern philosophy        现代哲学
To be a real philosopher, one must be able to laugh at philosophy(Pascal).    
要成为真正的哲学家,必须能够嘲笑哲学.    (帕斯卡)
n.  推进, 增加, 支援
v.  举, 抬; 推动; 推; 促进

boost the economy                            推动经济
a needed boost to the economy                经济所需要的的推动力
Social contact can boost development of the brain.    社会接触可以促进大脑发育.
[mag·net || 'mægnɪt]    n.  磁铁,磁石, 有吸引力之物, 有吸引力之人

buy a magnet        买一块磁铁
He picked all the pins up with a magnet.    他用磁铁吸起了所有的大头针.
n.  漂流; 漂流物; 漂移; 堆积物
v.  漂, 漂流; 吹积; 漂泊, 游荡; 渐渐趋向; 使漂流; 使吹积

drift down the river            顺河漂流而下
the drift towards the cities        涌向城市的趋势
The ship began to drift along the river after the engine was broken.    
 [af·fect || ə'fekt]
v.  影响, 爱好, 假装; 影响; 使感动, 使震动; 对...发生作用; 侵袭

/ əˈfekt; əˋfɛkt/ v [Tn]
 have an influence on (sb/sth); produce an effect on 影响: The tax increases have affected us all. 加税已经影响了我们大家. * The change in climate may affect your health, ie be bad for you. 气候的变化可能影响你的健康. * Their opinion will not affect my decision. 他们的意见不会影响我的决定.
 (of disease) attack (sb/sth); infect (指疾病)侵袭(某人[某物]); 感染: Cancer had affected his lungs. 癌已侵及他的肺脏.
 cause (sb) to have feelings of sadness or sympathy; touch 使(某人)有悲伤或同情的感觉; 感动: We were deeply affected by the news of her death. 她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤.
> affecting moving or touching 动人的; 感人的: an affecting appeal for help 感人的求助. affectingly adv.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Affect is a verb meaning `have an influence on' *affect是动词, 意为‘影响’: Alcohol affects drivers' concentration. 酒精能影响司机的注意力. Effect is a noun meaning `result or influence'*effect是名词, 意为‘效果’或‘影响’: Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers. 酒精对司机的影响很大. It is also a (formal) verb meaning `accomplish' *effect这个词还是个(文雅的)动词, 意为‘完成’: They effected their escape in the middle of the night. 他们半夜逃脱了. affect 2  
/ əˈfekt; əˋfɛkt/ v
 [Tn] (often derog 常作贬义) make an obvious show of using, wearing or liking (sth) 炫耀(所使用﹑ 穿戴或爱好的事物): affect bright colours, bow ties 炫耀鲜艳的颜色﹑ 蝶形领结 * He affects a pretentious use of language, ie tries to impress people by using obscure words, etc. 他爱卖弄词藻.
 (a) [Tn, Tt] pretend to have or feel (sth) 装作; 假装: affect not to know sth/affect ignorance of sth 装作不知道某事[装作对某事物一无所知] * She affected a foreign accent. 她装出外国腔调. (b) [Ln] (fml 文) pretend to be (sth); pose as 装成; 扮成: She affects the helpless female. 她装成柔弱女性.
> affected / əˈfektɪd; əˋfɛktɪd/ adj not natural or genuine; pretended; artificial 不自然的; 不真实的; 装扮的; 做作的: an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc 虚伪的礼貌﹑ 强作欢颜 * a highly affected style of writing 极为矫揉造作的写作风格 * Do try not to be so affected. 千万别这麽装模作样的.

operate factories    经营工厂
He operate an enormous winery.    他经营一个大型酒店.
affect children's health    影响孩子的健康
The economic downturn affects us all.    经济衰退影响着我们所有的人.
downturn    n.  低迷时期


[rep·u·ta·tion || ‚repjə'teɪʃn /-jʊ-]    n.  名誉, 名声; 信誉; 好名声, 声望

an excellent reputation    一个好名声
Mount Tai has a reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains.    泰山有“五岳独尊”的盛名.
 holy        [ho·ly || 'həʊlɪ]
        adj.  神圣的, 至善的, 圣洁的
/ ˏrepjuˈteɪʃn; ˏrɛpjəˋteʃən/ n [U, C] ~ (for sth) what is generally said or believed about the abilities, qualities, etc of sb/sth 名声; 名誉; 名气: a school with an excellent, enviable, fine, etc reputation 享有盛誉的学校 * a good/bad reputation as a doctor 医疗信誉好[坏] * have a reputation for laziness/for being lazy 以懒惰出名 * compromise, ruin sb's reputation 损害﹑ 败坏某人的名誉 * establish, build up, make a reputation (for oneself) (为自己)树立声誉, 博得名声 * live up to one's reputation, ie behave, perform, etc as one is expected to 不负盛名(行为﹑ 表现等与声誉相符)
dictate        [dic·tate || dɪk'teɪt]    n.  命令, 指令, 指挥
                            v.  口授, 使听写, 口述; 命令, 要求, 规定; 口授, 口述; 命令, 支配
delicate      ['del·icate || 'delɪkət]    adj.  细致优雅的, 美味的, 微妙的
decade        ['dekeid]            n.  十年, 十

dictate life standards    规定生活标准
a compulsive dictate    一个强制的命令
Government and unions came to dictate pay standard.    政府和工会过来规定了工资标准.

/ dɪkˈteɪt; US ˈdɪkteɪt; ˋdɪktet/ v
 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sb) say or read aloud (words to be typed, written down or recorded on tape) 口授; 读出(文字, 作听写或录音): dictate a letter to one's secretary 向秘书口授信稿 * The teacher dictated a passage to the class. 教师读出一段文章让全班听写.
 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) state or order sth with the force of authority 强行规定; 指令; 指定: dictate terms to a defeated enemy 向战败的敌人指定条件.
 (phr v) dictate to sb (esp passive 尤用於被动语态) give orders to sb, esp in an officious way 指使某人; (尤指)向某人发号施令: I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的. * You can't dictate to people how they should live. 不能强行规定人们应该怎样生活. =>Usage at decree 用法见decree.
> dictate n / ˈdɪkteɪt; ˋdɪktet/ (usu pl 通常作复数) command (esp one that reason, conscience, etc prompts one to obey) (尤指在理智﹑ 良心等驱使下必须执行的)命令, 指令: Follow the dictates of common sense, ie Do what common sense tells you to do. 按常识行事.
[per·ceive || pər'sɪːv /pə'-]    v.  察觉; 意识到; 感知; 看待,理解;

perceive him as disabled        把他看成残疾人
Many of us have had encounters with behaviors we perceive as different.    
proceed        [pro·ceed || prə'sɪːd]    v.  继续进行; 前进;开始, 出发, 着手; 继续做下去; 进行, 开展
process        [pro·cess || 'prɑses /'prəʊses]
                            n.  过程; 程序; 步骤; 工序; 动作程序; 进程, 改进; 唤到法院;
                                使用部分系统源的多重任务计算机上的程序运转 (计算机用语)
                              v.  加工; 用计算机处理; 处理, 办理; 对...起诉; 列队行进
seed        [sɪːd]
                            n.  种子, 籽; 种子选手; 原因, 根源; 子孙, 后代
                            v.  播种, 成熟, 结实; 结实, 播种

proceed with the case    继续打官司
Let us proceed to the next item on the agenda.    

/ prəˈsiːd, prəu-; prəˋsid, pro-/ v
 (a) [I, Ipr, It] ~ (to sth) go to a further or the next stage; go on 继续前进; 继续进行; 继续下去: Work is proceeding slowly. 工作正在慢慢地继续进行着. * What is the best way of proceeding? 最好采取什麽方式继续下去?
* Let us proceed (to the next item on the agenda). 让我们继续进行(下一个议程)吧.
* Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to criticize the way I'd done it. 她先表明她非常喜欢这个, 然後批评我方法不当.
 (b) [Ipr](fml 文) make one's way; go 前进; 行进: I was proceedingalong the High Street in a northerly direction when... 我那时正沿着大街向北去, 走着走着.... (c) [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) begin or continue (sth) 开始或继续做(某事物): Please proceed with your report. 请继续作你的报告吧.
* Shall we proceed with the planned investment? 我们着手进行有计画的投资好吗?
 [Ipr] ~ against sb (law 律) take legal action against sb; start a lawsuit against sb 起诉某人; 对某人提起诉讼.
 [Ipr] ~ from sth (fml 文) arise or originate from sth 由某事物引起; 源於某事物: the evils that proceed from war 战争所带来的灾祸.
 [Ipr] ~ to sth (fml 文) go on to obtain a higher university degree after obtaining a first degree (获得学士学位後)攻读高级学位: He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位.
[ren·der || 'rendə(r)]
v.  给; 给予, 提供; 做; 转化; 使得, 使...成为; 表示, 描述; 翻译; 根据计算机里的模型自动创造三维图片 (计算机用语)

render me speechless    让我无言以对
His fatness renders him unable to touch his toes.    
n.  租金, 租费; 出租的财产#裂缝, 破洞
v.  租用, 租入; 租出; 出租

rent a car    租一辆车
I decided that it would in fact be cheaper to buy than rent.    我认为实际上买可能比租更便宜.
[as·sume || ə'sjuːm]            v.  以为; 认为; 假定为; 承担

assume the worst    往最坏处想
The problem has assumed a new aspect.    问题已呈现出新的局面.
aspect    [as·pect || 'æspekt]    n.  外观, 方向, 方面
[re·tail·er || rɪː'teɪlə(r)]        n.  零售商; 零售店

online retailer    网上零售商
With Reform and Open,China has more and more retailers dealing with foreign goods and service.    
[e·lim·i·nate || ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]        v.  除去, 剔除, 排除

eliminae racial discriminations        消除宗族歧视
race        [reɪs]
        n.  人种; 民族; 种族; 属, 类, 种#赛跑; 赛马大会; 比赛, 竞赛; 急流
        v.  比速度; 参加赛马; 参加竞赛; 疾走; 与...赛跑, 使空转, 使疾走
racial        [ra·cial || 'reɪʃl]
        adj.  人种的, 种族的; 种族之间的
    interracial    /ˌɪn.təˈreɪ.ʃəl/ US /-ţɚ-/
            adj.  人种间的, 人种混合的
discrimination    [dis·crim·i·na·tion || dɪ‚skrɪmɪ'neɪʃn]
            n.  差别, 辨别力, 岐视
You should consider eliminating the name of your current employer.    你应该考虑删除现在雇主的姓名.
[en·gage || ɪn'geɪdʒ]        v. 参加,参与;吸引(某人的兴趣); 使忙碌; 预定; 雇佣; 答应; 交战; 从事

engage in the business meeting    参加此次商务会谈
I have no time to engage in gossip.    我没空闲聊.
gossip    [gos·sip || 'gɑsɪp /'gɒs-]
        n.  闲话, 聊天; 社会新闻, 小道传闻; 流言蜚语; 爱传流言蜚语的人
        v.  闲聊; 传播流言蜚语


[de·par·ture || dɪ'pɑːtʃə]        n.  离开; 背离, 变更, 违背; 出发, 起程; 偏移, 偏差

a sudden departure        一次突然的离开
He probably guessed the real reason for my departure. because he insisted that I should stay.
他可能猜出了我离开的真实原因,因为他坚持要我留下.        《茶花女》    
[sanc·tion || 'sæŋkʃn]
n.  核准, 约束力, 处罚
v.  认可; 赞许; 批准; 支持

without the sanction of the author    未经作者许可
sanction the work                批准了这项工作

The Bishop refused to sanction racial discrimination.        主教拒绝种族歧视.
Bishop        [bish·op || 'bɪʃɒp]                    n.  主教, 葡萄酒, 僧帽形棋子
discrimination    [dis·crim·i·na·tion || dɪ‚skrɪmɪ'neɪʃn]    n.  差别, 辨别力, 岐视

/ ˈbɪʃəp; ˋbɪʃəp/ n
 senior clergyman in charge of the work of the Church in a city or district 主教: the Bishop of Durham 达勒姆市主教.
 chess piece shaped like a bishop's hat (国际象棋中的)象. =>illus at chess 见 chess.
> bishopric / ˈbɪʃəprɪk; ˋbɪʃəprɪk/ n
1 position of a bishop 主教的职位.
2 district under a bishop's control; diocese 主教的管区; 主教辖区.
[cor·di·al || 'kɔːdjəl]
adj.  热忱的; 兴奋的; 诚恳的,友好的
n.  兴奋剂, 补品

have quite cordial relations                    保持很友好关系
He has striven to maintain cordial relations with Tom.    他一直努力维持和汤姆之间的友好关系.
strive        [straɪv]    v.  努力, 奋斗, 苦干; 反抗, 斗争
[skers /skeəs]
adj.  缺乏的; 稀有的, 珍贵的; 不足的;难得的, 稀罕的, 缺乏的
adv.  仅仅; 几乎没有; 几乎不

make oneself scarce

scarce resources    稀缺资源
Food and fuel were scarce in this region.    这个地区食物和燃料都很缺乏.
n.  排水沟; 排水; 消耗
v.  排出沟外; 耗尽; 喝干; 排水; 流干

a big drain on resources        资源的大量消耗
drain the marsh            把沼泽中的水排干
Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain.
n.  架子; 网架; 挂物架; 肢刑架, 拷问台#伸长快步#饲草架#毁灭, 荒废#颈脊肉; 缓冲垫#行迹; 小路
v.  把...放在架子上; 使受极大痛苦, 折磨; 对...施肢刑; 尽力使用; 作伸长快步跑; 在饲草架装满干草; 把...注入容器

the luggage rack                行李架                // luggage [lug·gage || 'lʌgɪdʒ] n.  行李; 皮箱
rack my body                    使我全身痛苦
I was racked with doubt and pain.    我满腹疑虑,痛苦万分.
[a'lert·ness || -nɪs]        n.  警觉; 活泼; 机警; 灵活, 敏捷

improve mental alertness                提高警戒
The drug improved mental alertness.        这种药提高了精神警觉性.
n.  时期, 阶段, 局面
v.  使调整相位, 实行, 逐步执行,分阶段进行

the crucial phase                            关键阶段
the phased withdrawal of troops                分期逐步的撤军
The disease was discovered in an early phase.        这种疾病是在早期发现的.
breadth        [bredθ]    n.  宽度; 幅; 幅宽    [法] 违背, 违犯, 未遵守
to a hair's breadth
by a hair's breadth
breathe        [briːð]    v.  呼吸; 吸气; 呼气; 通气, 透气; 呼吸; 吸入; 呼出; 使喘息

estimate the breadth of the lake    估计湖面的宽度
Someone with more breadth might have shown greater tolerance.    
['cap·ture || 'kæpɪtɪtʃə]
n.  抓取; 捕获之物, 战利品; 把屏幕的所有或部分拷贝到暂时记忆区 (计算机用语); 俘虏
v.  俘获; 夺取; 捕获

escape capture        逃离捕获
capture the murderer    捕捉杀人犯
Humanity also has been obsessed with trying to capture the meaning of time.
obsessed          [əb'sest]    adj.          心神不宁的
obsess          [ob·sess || əb'ses]    v.  迷住, 使困扰

[con·ceal || kən'siːl]        v.  隐蔽, 隐藏; 隐瞒
                    vt.  隐藏, 掩盖, 隐瞒
                    [法] 隐瞒, 隐匿, 保守秘密
                        conceal sth from sb
conceal the facts    隐藏事实
You should not conceal the fact from your teacher.    你不该对你的老师隐瞒事实.
/ kənˈsiːl; kənˋsil/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth/sb (from sb/sth) keep sth/sb from being seen or known about; hide sth/sb 隐藏﹑ 掩盖或隐瞒某事物[某人]: a tape recorder concealed in a drawer 藏在抽屉里的录音机
* He tried to conceal his heavy drinking from his family. 他极力对家人隐瞒自己酗酒的事.
* There's a concealed entrance just round the corner. 拐角处有个隐蔽入口.
* He spoke with ill-concealed contempt for his audience. 他讲话时流露出对听众的蔑视.
> concealment n [U] acton of concealing or state of being concealed 隐藏; 掩盖; 隐瞒: Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 藏着别动, 等危险过後再出来.
ill-concealed     adjective
            (formal) (of feelings or expressions of feeling) not hidden well from other people: She looked at me with ill-concealed contempt.
contempt        [con·tempt || kən'tempt]    n.  轻视; 耻辱; 轻蔑
[mu·tu·al || 'mjuːtʃʊəl]    adj.  相互的; 共有的

mutual benefits    共同的利益
Mutual respect is crucial to both parties.    相互尊重对双方而言至关重要.
/ ˈmjuːtʃuəl; ˋmjutʃʊəl/ adj
 (of a feeling or an action) felt or done by each towards the other (指感想或行为)相互的, 彼此的: mutual affection, suspicion, etc, ie A is fond/suspicious of B, and B is fond/suspicious of A 彼此间的爱﹑ 猜疑等 * mutual aid, assistance, etc 相互的援助﹑ 帮助等.
 [attrib 作定语] (of people) having the same specified relationship to each other (指人)有相同关系的: We are mutual friends, enemies, etc. 我们彼此是朋友﹑ 敌人等.
 [attrib 作定语] (infml 口) shared by two or more people (人与人之间)共同的, 共有的, 共享的: our mutual friend, Smith, ie Smith, a friend of both of us 我们两人共同的朋友史密斯.
 (idm 习语) a mutual admiration society (derog 贬) situation in which two or more people praise or openly admire each other 互相吹棒. > mutually / -uəlɪ; -ʊəlɪ/ adv: The two assertions are mutually exclusive, ie cannot both be true. 这两种说法相互排斥.
# ,mutual `funds (US) = unit trusts (unit).
,mutual in`surance company one in which some or all of the profits are divided among the policy-holders 相互保险公司(部分或全部利润由投保人分享者).
[van·ish || 'vænɪʃ]        v.  消失, 成为零, 突然不见

vanish mysteriously                        神秘地消失
The vision slowly vanished from his sight.        幻影慢慢在他面前消失了.
/ ˈvænɪʃ; ˋvænɪʃ/ v [I] (a) disappear completely and suddenly 突然完全消失: The thief vanished into the crowd. 那小偷消失在人群中. * vanish into thin air, ie completely 消失得无影无踪. (b) (fig 比喻) cease to exist or fade away 不复存在; 消逝: My prospects/hopes of success have vanished. 我的成功前景[希望]已破灭.
# `vanishing-point n [sing] (in perspective) point at which all parallel lines in the same plane appear to meet (透视法的)灭点, 消失点: (fig 比喻) Our morale had almost reached vanishing-point, ie disappeared. 我们的士气已丧失殆尽.
['ar·chi·tec·ture || 'ɑːkɪtektʃə(r)]
n.  建筑学, 设计建造结构的科学; 布置, 格局, 安排; 建筑风格, 建筑方法, 建筑式样; 建筑术; 建筑物; 电脑的设计及其成分 (计算机用语)

the architecture of this building                这栋建筑的结构
The city has some breathtaking architecture.    这座城市有一些令人惊叹的建筑.        
breathtaking adj.  惊人的, 惊险的
[gen·er·ate || 'dʒenəreɪt]    v.  产生, 导致, 发生

generate electricity        发电
If a home generate more power than it uses, the bill is zero.    
n.  摘要, 公事包, 简报
v.  作简报, 节录, 摘要
adj.  简短的; 短暂的

a brief message        一则简短的消息
the brief of his speech    他演讲的简介
To be brief, we should participate in more campus activities.    简单地说,我们应该多参加校园活动.
['op·ti·cal || 'ɑptɪkl /'ɒp-]    adj.  眼睛的, 光学的, 视觉的
[val·id || 'vælɪd]        adj.  有确实根据的, 正当的, 有效的
n.  外套, 包裹, 围巾
v.  包装, 缠绕, 卷; 缠绕, 穿外衣, 重叠

carefully wrap the presents    自喜地包好礼物
the plastic wrap            塑料包装
She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm to protect it.    他用手帕包扎住流血的手掌来保护它.
handkerchief    [hand·ker·chief || 'hæŋkə(r)tʃɪf ,tʃɪːf]    n.  手帕; 颈巾; 围巾
kerchief        [ker·chief || 'kɜrtʃɪf /'kɜːt-]            n.  头巾, 手帕, 围巾
chief             [tʃiːf]                            n.  领袖, 长官, 酋长    adj.  主要的, 首位的
palm            [pɑ(l)m /pɑːm]
            n.  手掌, 手心; 一手宽; 前足掌; 一手长#棕榈; 胜利; 棕榈叶; 荣誉勋章
            v.  把...藏于手中; 与...握手; 用手掌触摸; 把...硬塞给

/ pɑːm; pɑm/ n
 (a) inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers 掌; 手掌; 掌心; 手心: sweaty palms 有汗的手掌 * read sb's palm, ie tell sb's fortune by looking at the lines on his palm 看某人的手相 * He held the mouse in the palm of his hand. 他把那老鼠放在手心上. =>illus at hand 见hand插图. (b) part of a glove that covers this (手套的)掌部: gloves with leather palms 掌部为皮革的手套.
 (idm 习语) cross sb's palm with silver => cross2. grease sb's palm => grease v. have sb in the ,palm of one's `hand have complete power or control over sb 完全掌握某人; 完全控制某人. have an itching palm => itch v.
> palm v
1 [Tn] hide (a coin, card, etc) in the hand when performing a conjuring trick (变戏法时)将(硬币﹑ 纸牌等)藏於手中.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] hit (a ball) with the palm of the hand 用手掌击(球): The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar. 守门员用手掌勉强把球挡过球门横木.
3 (phr v) palm sb off (with sth) (infml 口) dishonestly persuade sb to accept sth 诓骗某人接受某事物: He tried to palm me off with some excuse about the bus being late. 他托词公共汽车晚点骗我原谅他. palm sb/sth off (on sb) (infml 口) get rid of (an unwanted person or thing) by persuading sb else to accept him/it 将(自己不想要的人或物)劝说别人接受: They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours. 他们花言巧语哄得邻居同意, 便把不喜欢的客人打发到他们那里去了.


cease    [siːs]                n.  停止
                        v.  停止, 结束; 停止, 终止
a sudden cease                    突然的终止
cease conflicts                    停止冲突
He ceased to be a member of the club.    他不再是该俱乐部的会员.
[com·pel || kəm'pel]            v.  强迫; 迫使

compel a change in policy    迫使政策上发生改变
We cannot compel you to do it,but we think you should.    我们不能强迫你去做,但认为你应该做.
[tran·scend || træn'send]        v.  超越, 胜过; 超越; 优于

transcend barriers        跨越障碍
barrier    [bar·ri·er || 'bærɪə]    n.  障碍, 栅栏
These issues transcend the limits of language study.        这些问题超出了语言研究的范围.
n.  抑制, 边石, 勒马绳
v.  抑制, 勒住, 束缚

curb the temper            控制脾气                                            
a strict curb on immigration    对移民的一种严格控制                                
If he succeeds in curbing costs, it would be a huge gain for America.    
[e·lab·o·rate || ɪ'læbərət]
v.  精心制作; 详细阐述; 详细说明; 变得复杂; 详尽计划
adj.  精细的, 精心的, 详尽的

elaborate her argument
an elaborate math problem
The Prime Minister frequently wandered from his text to elaborate on a point that had obviously caught his audience's interest.    
n.  陷阱, 捕捉器, 罗网; U形弯管, 防臭瓣; 圈套, 阴谋, 诡计; 嘴#个人衣物, 杂物, 行李#暗色岩, 火山岩; 储油地质构造
v.  设陷阱捕捉; 阻止, 抑制; 使落入圈套; 堵塞; 设陷阱; 诱捕野兽; 设圈套; 飞靶射击练习; 装饰, 打扮

set a trap                    设置一个陷进
trap the killer                    诱捕那个凶手
He fell into the trap of his opponent.    他落入对手的陷阱.
opponent    [op·po·nent || ə'pəʊnənt]    n.  对手, 反对者, 敌手
                            adj.  敌对的, 反对的

/ træp; træp/ n
 device for catching animals, etc 捕动物等的器具; 陷阱: a `mouse-trap 老鼠夹 * a `fly-trap 捕蝇器 * lay/set a trap (for rabbits) 设置(捉兔子的)器具 * caught in a trap 落入陷阱.
 (fig 比喻) (a) plan for capturing or detecting sb (为擒拿或侦获某人的)计策: The thieves were caught in a police trap. 窃贼遭警方用计擒获. (b) trick or device to make sb betray himself, reveal a secret, etc (诱人暴露自己﹑ 泄露秘密等的)圈套, 诡计: You fell right into my trap. 你恰恰中了我的计. * Is this question a trap? 这个问题是不是个圈套? (c) unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape (难以摆脱的)困境: For some women marriage is a trap.对有的妇女来说, 婚姻就是一种?绊.
 U-shaped or S-shaped section of a drain-pipe that holds liquid and so prevents unpleasant gases entering from the drain 存水 弯(排水管道中的U形或S形弯管, 用以阻止臭气外溢).
 light two-wheeled carriage drawn by a horse or pony 轻便双轮马车.
 (a) compartment from which a greyhound is released at the start of a race 赛狗开始时把狗放出的隔栏. (b) device for sending clay pigeons, balls, etc into the air to be shot at 抛靶器(可将泥鸽﹑ 球等弹射至空中作为活靶).
 = trapdoor.
 (sl 俚) mouth 嘴: Shut your trap! 住嘴!
> trap v (-pp-)
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] keep (sb) in a place from which he wants to move but cannot 使(某人)陷入困境: Help! I'm trapped open the door! 救命啊! 我出不来了--快开门! * They were trapped in the burning hotel. 他们被困在发生火灾的旅馆里. * The lift broke down and we were trapped inside (it). 电梯出故障了, 我们困在里面出不来.
2 [Tn] keep (sth) in a particular place, usu so that it can be easily removed, used later, etc 使(某物)留在某处(通常为易於除去﹑ 以待使用等): A filter traps dust from the air. 过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃. * a special fabric that traps body heat 对体温有良好保暖性能的织物.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (into sth/doing sth) catch sb by a trick 用计捕捉某人或使某人上当: trapped into an unhappy marriage 陷入不幸的婚姻中 * I was trapped into telling the police all I knew. 我中计了, 把所知道的一切全都告诉了警方.
4 [Tn] catch (a creature) in a trap 用捕捉器捕捉(动物): It'scruel to trap birds. 诱捕鸟是很残忍的. trapper n personwho traps animals, esp for their fur (用捕捉器)捕捉动物的人(尤指为获得毛皮).
# ,trap`door (also trap) n door in a floor, ceiling or roof (地板﹑ 天花板或房顶上的)活板门, 地板门, 活动天窗.
`trap-shooting n [U] sport of shooting at objects released into the air from a trap(5b) 飞靶射击; 多向飞碟射击.
stuff    [stʌf]        n.  材料, 原料; 物品, 东西; 木料; 纺织品
                v.  塞满, 填充, 填满; 饱食, 吃得过多
stuff a bag            填满包包
sticky stuff            黏黏的东西
She stuffed the cushion.    她往垫子里塞满东西.
The storeroom held the trunks and other household stuff.    储藏室里放着衣箱及其他家用物品.


n.  伸展, 连绵, 张开
v.  伸直; 伸长; 伸出; 拉直; 伸缩, 延伸; 连绵; 延续; 舒展肢体, 伸懒腰

a long stretch                        很长一段时间
stretch muscles                    伸展肌肉
I couldn't stand for hours at a stretch.        我不能连续站几个小时
observe the bad situation        注意到不好的情况
The study echoed something I'd observed many times.    该研究不过是重复了我已多次注意过的问题.
the dimension of space    空间维度
The dimension of this difficulty have only recently been recognized.    这一困难的程度直到最近才被人们所认识.

realm        [relm]                                n.  王国; 界, 领域; 国土, 领土; 范围

the realm of art                艺术领域
Defense of the realm is crucial.        王国的国防至关重要.
rivalry        ['ri·val·ry || 'raɪvlrɪ]                    n.  敌对, 对抗, 竞争

a fair rivalry    一场公平的竞争
There's a lot of rivalry between the two schools.        这两所学校之间竞争激烈.    
[ra·tion·ale || ‚ræʃə'næl /-'nɑːl]                        n.  基本原理

the rationale behind these new exams        新测试的理论依据
What is the rational behind these new exams?    这些新测试的理论依据是什么?
psychologist    [psy·chol·o·gist || saɪ'kɑlədʒɪst /saɪ'kɒ-]        n.  心理学者
philosophy    [phi'los·o·phy || fɪ'lɑsəfɪ /-ɒ-]                n.  哲学, 原理, 人生观

a brilliant psychologist            一位杰出的心理学家
brilliant    ['bril·liant || brɪljənt]    adj.  灿烂的, 有才气的
She was refered to a psychologist.    她被介绍到一位心理学家那里就诊.
fuel        [fu·el || 'fjuːəl /'fjʊəl]        n.  燃料
                                v.  加燃料; 供以燃料; 得到燃料  
lack fuel        缺乏燃料
His comments are going to add fuel to the debate.    他的评论将给这场辩论火上加油.
ultimate        [ul·ti·mate || 'ʌltɪmət]        n.  终极, 顶点, 根本
                                adj.  终极的, 极限的, 根本的
reach an ultimage    到达终极
Hard work is the ultimate source of success.    努力工作是成功之本 。

/ ˈʌltɪmət; ˋʌltəmɪt/ adj [attrib 作定语]
 beyond which no other exists or is possible; last or final达到极限的; 最後的; 终极的: the ultimate outcome, result,conclusion, etc 最终的结局﹑ 结果﹑ 结论等 * Managementmust take ultimate responsibility for the strike. 资方对此次罢工该负完全的责任. * Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent. 核武器是终极的威慑力量.
 from which everything else is derived; basic or fundamental 基本的; 根本的; 首要的: ultimate principles, questions, causes 基本原理﹑ 问题﹑ 原因 * the ultimate truths of philosophy and science 哲学和科学的基本原则.
 (infml 口) that cannot be surpassed or improved upon; greatest 无法超越的; 极好的; 最大的: The ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in Concorde. 这一行程中最大的享受就是乘坐协和式飞机.
> ultimate n [sing] the ~ (in sth) (infml 口) the greatest, most advanced, etc of its kind 最大的或最先进的事物: These ceramic tiles are the ultimate in modern kitchen design. 这种瓷砖是现代厨房装修中的极品.
ultimately adv
1 in the end; finally 最後; 终於: Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent. 所有的殖民地最终均将独立.
2 at the most basic level; fundamentally 根本; 基本上: All matter ultimately consistsof atoms. 一切物质从根本上说都是由原子组成的.
stroke        [strəʊk]                n.  打, 敲, 击; 一抽, 打法, 一击; 一划, 划法; 敲声, 鸣声#抚, 捋, 摸
                                v.  画短线于; 击, 抽; 勾销, 删掉; 勾销, 删掉; 抚, 捋, 摸;中风
strike        [straɪk]                n.  打击; 空袭; 攻击; 罢工, 罢市, 罢课
                                v.  打, 攻击, 击; 咬伤; 抓伤; 侵袭; 打, 抓, 打击
a minor stroke            轻度中风
stroke the cat                抚摸这只猫
It's on the stroke of twelve.    钟敲12响.
concede    [con·cede || kən'siːd]        v.  勉强; 退让; 承认; 让步
concession    [con·ces·sion || kən'seʃn]    n.  特许, 认可, 让步

concede that it might be a good idea            不得不承认这也许是个好主意
You must concede that I have tried my best.    你必须承认我已经尽力了.
conduct an expirement    实施一个实验
a brave conduct        一个勇敢的行为
prompt him to leave    促使他离开
prompt actions        及时的行动
give a prompt            提词
Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated.        如能立即支付发票款项将不胜感激.


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