HJ Recite之_《英语四级核心词汇》71~80关



damp            //humidity, moisture, wet
n.  潮湿, 湿气
a.  潮湿的
vt.  使潮湿, 使阻尼, 抑止
vi.  变潮湿, 衰减
[化] 脱氧腺苷酸
[医] 矿内毒气, 矿井恶气, 阻尼, 挫抑, 减幅
damp off
damp sth down

a damp coat    一件湿外套
damp your towel    打湿你的毛巾
Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.    用湿布擦一下表面.
n.  差异, 多样性
[化] 多样性
a great diversity of...

species diversity    物种多样性
We need more diversity in the education system.    我们需要教育系统更加多元化.
n.  马刺, 刺激物, 鼓舞
vt.  刺激, 激励, 用马刺策(马)前进
vi.  用马刺驱马, 疾驰
[化] 径迹; 刺点; 刺迹
[医] 骨刺, 骨距; 金属突出片; 刺(牙)
[经] 马刺; 鼓励
on the spur of the moment

spur economic growth    刺激经济增长
a spur to efficiency        一个促进提高效率的刺激
He bought the car on the spur of the moment.    他一时冲动下买了这辆车.
n.  打洞器, 钻孔机, 冲压机, 冲床, 潘趣酒
vt.  以拳重击, 开洞, 冲压
vi.  用拳猛击
[医] 打孔凿, 钻孔器
punch out
punch in

give hime a punch on the nose    对他的鼻子打了一拳
punch the thief    用拳猛击小偷
He figured out a new way to make a punch look real.    他想出了一种可以让拳击动作很真实的新方法.
leave in haste    匆忙地离开
Haste makes waste.    【谚】欲速则不达

[ad·e·quate || 'ædɪkwət]    adj.  足够的, 能满足需要的; 胜任的; 适当的; 差强人意的, 尚可的

an adequate reason    一个充分的理由
She had adequate grounds for a divorce.    她有充分的理由离婚.
ground        [graʊnd]
            n.  土地, 场地, 战场
            v.  放在地上, 打基础, 使搁浅; 搁浅; 落地; 依靠, 基于, 根据
[vac·u·um || 'vækjʊəm]
n.  真空, 空间, 真空吸尘器
a.  真空的, 产生真空的, 利用真空的
vt.  用吸尘器打扫
[化] 真空
[医] 真空尘器打扫

vacuum cleaner    真空吸尘器
Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum.    道德价值观的教育不能脱离实际.

/ ˈvækjuəm; ˋvækjʊəm/ n (pl 复数作 ~s or, in scientific use, 科技用语复数作 vacua / -juə; -jʊə/)
 (a) space that is completely empty of all matter orgas(es) 真空. (b) space in a container from which the air has been completely or partly pumped out (容器的)真空状态: create a perfect vacuum 形成完全的真空状态.
 (usu sing 通常作单数) (fig 比喻) situation or environment characterized by emptiness (情况或环境的)空洞状态: There has been a vacuum in his life since his wife died. 他妻子去世後他的生活很空虚.
 (infml 口) = vacuum cleaner.
 (idm 习语) in a `vacuum isolated from other people, facts, events, etc 与其他的人﹑ 事等脱离或隔绝: live, work, etc in a vacuum 在与外界隔绝的环境中生活﹑ 工作等.
> vacuum v [I, Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (infml 口) clean (sth) with a vacuum cleaner 用真空吸尘器清扫(某物): vacuum the stairs, carpet 用吸尘器清扫楼梯﹑ 地毯等 * vacuum (out) the car 用吸尘器打扫汽车.
# `vacuum cleaner electrical appliance that takes up dust, dirt, etc by suction 真空吸尘器.
`vacuum flask (also flask, US `vacuum bottle) containerwith a double wall that encloses a vacuum, used forkeeping the contents hot or cold 保温瓶. Cf 参看 Thermos.
`vacuum-packed adj (esp of perishable foods) sealed in a pack from which most of the air has been removed (尤指易腐败的食物)真空包装的.
`vacuum pump pump that creates a partial vacuum in a vessel 真空泵.
`vacuum tube (US) (Brit radio valve) sealed glass tube with an almost perfect vacuum to enable an electriccharge to pass through, formerly used in radios, televisions,etc 真空管; 电子管.
[where'by || hwer'baɪ /weə-]    adv.  凭什么, 为何

Whereby shall we find fault with him?        我们凭什么指责他呢?
[por·tion || 'pɔrʃn /'pɔː-]
n.  部分; 一份遗产; 一份, 一客; 命运, 定数
v.  把...分成多份; 给...一份嫁妆; 分配

a major portion of the profit    利润的一大部分
portion the territories        分配领地
The major portion of the budget is spent on people below the age of 25.    大部分经费用于25岁以下的人.
['crit·i·cal || 'krɪtɪkl]    adj.  批评的, 危险的, 决定性的; 临界的
[doz·en || 'dʌzn]    n.  打, 十二个
n.  脉搏; 有节奏的跳动; 脉的一次跳动; 意向, 心态#豆类植物; 豆
v.  搏动; 拍打; 跳动; 振动

pulse faster    加快地跳动起来
strong pulse    强脉搏
The blood was pulsing through his veins.    血液在他的血管中涌动.
vein    [veɪn]    n.  血管, 叶脉, 静脉
[al·to·geth·er || ‚ɔːltə'geðə]    adv.  完全地, 全然; 总而言之, 总之; 合计, 全部,总共

stop public smoking altogether            完全禁止公共场所吸烟
I'm not altogether happy with your work.    我对你的工作不怎么满意.

[cham·pi·on || 'tʃæmpjən]
n.  冠军; 战士; 拥护者
v.  保卫, 拥护
adj.  优胜的, 冠军的; 第一流的

champion children's rights    捍卫孩子们的权益
a national champion        一位全国冠军
She was a champion of the poor all her life.    她终身都是穷苦人的卫士.
[con·test || 'kɒntest]
n.  竞赛, 争论,就...提出异议;争夺,竞争
v.  竞赛, 争辩, 争取; 争夺

contest a seat
a speech contest
Her late husband's family are contesting the will.        她已故夫的家人正对这份遗嘱提出异议.
 [dis·pute || dɪ'spjuːt]
n.  争论
v.  争论; 对...提出质疑; 争执; 阻止, 抵抗; 争论; 争执

a heated dispute    一场激烈的争执
dispute with the teacher privately    和老师私下讨论
There is, in our view, no real dispute here.    在我们看来,并不存在真正的争端.
[nɔrm /nɔːm]    n.  基准, 标准, 模范

abide by the norms        遵守社会准则
We conform to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they exist.    
[e·ra || 'ɪərə]    n.  时代; 时期; 纪元

a hard era    一个艰难的时期
He started the era of personal technology.        他开创了个人技术时代.
cancer    [can·cer || 'kænsə]    n.  癌, 恶性肿瘤; 弊端, 病根, 痼疾; 癌症; 巨蟹星座
career    [ca·reer || kə'rɪə]    n.  事业; 速度; 生涯    v.  猛冲, 飞跑   adj.  职业的, 专业的

prevent cancer    预防癌症
Sadly,he was diagnosed with cancer.    不幸地是他被诊断出了癌症.
[su·pe·ri·or || sʊ'pɪrɪə(r) /suː'pɪərɪə]
n.  上司; 长辈; 长官; 优势者, 优胜者
adj.  上好的, 高傲的, 出众的

superior quality    优良的品质
direct superior    直属上级
Beethoven is my favorite musician I regard him superior to other musicians.    

[or·gan·ic || ɔr'gænɪk /ɔː'g-]
adj.  器官的, 组织的, 有机的
wave a farewell    挥手告别
farewell, my love    别了,我的爱人
We gave him a farewell dinner.        我们设宴为他饯行.
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lea      [li:]        n.  草地
lease    [lɪːs]        n.  租约, 租, 租期
                v.  出租; 租得; 租出
leasable        adj.  可出租的

a 10-year-lease on the house    这个房子的10年租约
lease the cottage            出租一个小屋
The lease on this house expires at the end of the year.    这房子的租约年底到期.

/ liːs; lis/ n
 contract by which the owner of land, a building, etc allows another person to use it for a specified time, usu in return for rent (土地﹑ 房屋等的)租约, 租契: take out a lease on a holiday home 租妥一所度假住宅 * When does the lease expire? 租约什麽时候期满? * The lease has four years left to run. 租约还有四年到期. * (esp Brit) have a flat on a 99-year lease 有一套租期为99年的单元. =>Usage at tenant 用法见tenant.
 (idm 习语) a new lease of life => new.
> lease v [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth (to/from sb) grant or obtain the use of (sth) in this way 出租; 租得: lease a car, building, field 租汽车﹑ 房子﹑ 土地 * The firm leases an office with views over the river. 公司租一个带临河风景的办事处.
# `leasehold n ~ (of/on sth) (esp Brit) holding of property by means of a lease 租赁; 租赁权; 租赁期: have the leasehold on a house, etc 租得一所房子等. adj, adv: a leasehold property 租赁的房地产 * own a flat leasehold 对一套住房有租赁权. `leaseholder n. Cf 参看 freehold (free1).
n.  脚底; 袜底; 鞋底; 底部#比目鱼, 鲽鱼; 比目鱼的肉
v.  上以鞋底, 触底
adj.  单独的; 专用的, 独占的; 唯一的; 独身的, 未婚的
[医] 足底, 跖

soul    [səʊl]    n.  灵魂, 精神, 心灵

my sole objective    我唯一的目的
rubber soles        橡胶鞋底
I am the sole child of my parents.    我是父母的独生子(女).

/ səul; sol/ n (pl unchanged or ~s 复数或不变或作 soles) [C, U] flat sea-fish that is eaten as food 鳎; 鳎目鱼: sole cooked in white sauce 奶油沙司鳎目鱼 * Would you like some more sole? 再来点鳎目鱼好吗?

/ səul; sol/ n
 bottom surface of the human foot, the part on which one walks and stands 脚掌. =>illus at foot 见foot插图.
 part of a sock, shoe, etc covering this (usu not including the heel) 袜子﹑ 鞋等的底部(通常不包括後跟); 袜底; 鞋底: holes in the soles of his socks 他袜子底部的洞 * leather soles 皮制的鞋底 * The soles of his boots needed repairing. 他那双靴子的底该补了. =>illus at shoe 见shoe插图.
> sole v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] put a sole on (a shoe, etc) 给(鞋等)上底: have a pair of shoes soled and heeled 给一双鞋换底及打後掌.
-soled (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) with soles of the specified kind 有某类型的脚掌﹑ 袜底或鞋底的: rubber-soled boots. sole 3  
/ səul; sol/ adj [attrib 作定语]
 one and only; single 唯一的; 单独的: the sole cause of the accident 事故的唯一原因 * the sole survivor of the crash 那次车祸的唯一幸存者.
 belonging to or restricted to one person or group; not shared 属於或限於一人或一组人的; 专有的; 独用的: have sole responsibility 单独负责 * We have the sole right to sell this range of goods. 我们有独家经销这类货物的权利.
> solely / ˈsəullɪ; ˋsollɪ/ adv alone; only 唯一地; 单独地; 只; 仅: solely responsible 单独负责的 * solely because of you 仅仅由於你的缘故.
[dis·guise || dɪs'gaɪz]
n.  假面目, 假装
v.  假装, 隐瞒

disguise his shame        掩饰他的羞耻
a perfect disguise        一次完美的伪装
The raider disguised himself as a security guard.    袭击者装扮成了一名保安.
raider    n.  突袭者; 特攻队; 侵入者; 劫掠者
radar        [ra·dar || 'reɪdɑr /'reɪdɑː]    n.  雷达, 电波探测器
revenue        [rev·e·nue || 'revənuː / -nju-]    n.  岁入; 收入, 收益; 税收; 各项收入, 总收入

the government's revenue    政府收入
The government was short of money because of falling oil revenues.    

/ ˈrevənjuː; US -ənuː; ˋrɛvəˏnu/ n
 [U] income, esp the total annual income of the State from taxes, etc 收入; (尤指)岁入:
sources, channels of revenue 岁入的来源﹑ 渠道
* public/private revenue 公共的[私人的]收入
* [attrib 作定语] a `revenue tax, ie one producing revenue contrasted with one protecting a country's trade 财政税.
 revenues [pl] separate items of revenue put together 各项收入; 总收入:
the revenues of the City Council 市议会的总收入
* rising/falling oil revenues 逐渐增加的[逐渐减少的]石油收入.
[sta·di·um || 'steɪdɪəm]    n.  露天大型运动场

go to the new stadium    去新的体育场
Wembley is the showpiece stadium in this country.    温步利球场是该国最具代表性的体育场.
showpiece        n.  展出品, 样品

/ ˈsteɪdɪəm; ˋstedɪəm/ n (pl ~s or -dia / -dɪə; -dɪə/) enclosed area of land for games, athletic contests, etc, usu with seats for spectators 体育场, 运动场(通常有看台): build a new stadium for the Olympic Games 为奥林匹克运动会建造新的体育场.
['domi·nate || 'dɑmɪneɪt /'dɒm]    v.  支配, 控制, 统治; 高耸于, 俯视; 在...中占主要地位; 处于支配地位, 拥有压倒优势; 处于较
devote    [de·vote || dɪ'vəʊt]    v.  投入于; 献身高的位置, 高耸

dominate emotions effectively        有效地控制情感
It is now dominated by professional "power sellers".    如今,它已被专业的“强力卖家“控制.
accord with the reports    与这些报告一致
the new accord        这份新协议
The praise accorded him was fully deserved.    对他的赞扬他完全受之无愧.
 [dis·cour·age || dɪ'skʌrɪdʒ]    v.  使气馁, 阻碍
discourage the athlete a lot     使那位运动员十分灰心
Don't let one failure discourage you,try again.    不要因一次失败而气馁,再试一次.
['con·stant || 'kɑnstənt /'kɒn-]
n.  常数; 恒量
adj.  不变的; 坚决的; 持续的
an important constant            一个重要的常数
suffer from constant headache        忍受不断的头疼
Constant dripping wears away the stone.    【谚】水滴石穿
[dis·charge || dɪs'tʃɑːdʒ]
n.  卸货; 放电; 流出
v.  卸下, 解雇, 放出; 卸货; 流注

discharge civil responsibilities        履行公民的职责
the discharge from the army        退役
He was discharged from hospital.    他获准出院


excessive    [ex·ces·sive || ɪk'sesɪv]    adj.  过度的, 极端的, 格外的
exceed        [ex·ceed || ɪk'siːd]        v.  超过, 胜过, 超越

excessive demands    过多的需求
Excessive internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but "in terms of losses".

/ ɪkˈsiːd; ɪkˋsid/ v [Tn] (a) be greater or more numerous than (esp a quantity) 超过(尤指数量): The price will not exceed 100. 价格不会超过100英镑. * The number admitted must not exceed 200. 容纳的数目不得超过200. * Their success exceeded all expectations, ie was greater than anyone expected. 他们的成功出乎一切预料. (b) go beyond what is allowed, necessary or advisable 超出(所允许的﹑ 必需的或合理的)界线: exceed the speed limit, ie drive faster than is allowed 超速(超过驾驶速度限制) * exceed one's instructions/authority, ie do more than one has permission to do 越权.
> exceedingly adv extremely; to an unusual degree 极端地; 非常; 极其: an exceedingly difficult problem 极其困难的问题.
adopt    [a·dopt || ə'dɒpt]        v.  采取; 吸收; 采纳; 过继, 收养
adapt    [a·dapt || ə'dæpt]    v.  使适应, 使适合; 改建, 改造; 改编, 改写; 适应

adopt a kid    收养一个孩子
Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas.    多数人更喜欢从海外收养孩子.
[e·mer·gen·cy || ɪ'mɜːdʒənsɪ]    n.  紧急状况, 紧急需要, 紧急事件

emergency exits    紧急出口
We may encounter emergencies and personal crises.        我们或许会遭遇紧急情况和个人危机.
[ex·clude || ɪk'skluːd]        v.  除外, 拒绝, 排除

excluded him from joining the club    不准他参加俱乐部
He was excluded from joining the tennis team.    他被拒绝加入网球队.
[as·set || 'æset]            n.  资产; 有用的东西

freeze assets        冻结资产
The firm's assets were taken over by the government.        该公司的资产被政府没收了.
[i'den·ti·cal || aɪ'dentɪkl]        adj.  同一的; 一卵的, 同卵的; 完全相同的, 完全相似的; 同源的

identical views    完全相同的意见
All eggs look similar, but no two eggs are identical.    

/ aɪˈdentɪkl; aɪˋdɛntɪkl/ adj
 the ~ [attrib 作定语] the same 同一的: This is the identical room we stayed in last year. 这是我们去年住过的(同一间)房间.
 ~ (to/with sb/sth) similar in every detail; exactly alike 完全相同的; 一模一样的: They're wearing identical clothes. 他们穿着完全相同的衣服.
* Their clothes are identical. 他们的衣服完全一样.
* This picture is identical to one my mother has. 这张照片和我母亲的那张一模一样. > identically / -klɪ; -klɪ/ adv.
# i,dentical `twins twins born from a single egg andtherefore of the same sex and very similar in appearance同卵双生(同性双胎)(由一个受精卵发育而成, 性别相同, 外貌酷似).
[in·quire || ɪn'kwaɪə(r)]        v.  询问,打听; 调查; 讯问; 调查; 查问

inquire about train times        查询列车时刻表
He inquired after you when I met him in the US.    我在美国见到他时,他问起你的情况.
['ræŋkɪŋ]    n.  等级, 顺序

improve my ranking        提高我的排名
He was one of the highest ranking people in the company.    他是这家公司地位最高的人之一.
[mo·tion || 'məʊʃn]
n.  运动; 动作,提议,动议;(物体的)运动
v.  向...打手势; 向...摇头示意; 打手势; 摆动, 走; 摇头示意

veto the motion        否决这个提议        
motion him forward        打手势让他向前走
He opened the door and motioned me to come in.    他打开门,招手让我进去.

/ ˈviːtəu; ˋvito/ n (pl ~es) (a) [C, U] constitutional right to reject or forbid a legislative proposal or action 否决权:
the ministerial veto 内阁的否决权
* exercise the power/right of veto 行使否决权
* Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国对一切提案均有否决权.
* Japan used her veto to block the resolution. 日本使用了否决权反对该项决议. (b) [C] statement that rejects or forbids sth 否决或禁止某事物的声明.
> veto v (pres p vetoing) [Tn] reject or forbid (sth) authoritatively 否决或禁止(某事物):
The President vetoed the tax cuts. 总统否决了削减税收的议案. * (joc 谑)
John's parents vetoed his plan to buy a motor bike. 约翰的父母不同意他买摩托车.
[vi·sion || 'vɪʒn]
n.  视觉, 眼光, 先见之明
v.  梦见, 显示, 想象

a poor vision    糟糕的视力
My vision is perfect.    我的视力很好.

/ ˈvɪʒn; ˋvɪʒən/ n
 [U] (a) power of seeing; sight 视力; 视觉: have perfect, poor, blurred, etc vision 视力极好﹑ 不好﹑ 模糊等 * The blow on the head impaired (iedamaged) his vision. 他头部受击後损害了视力. * within/outside my field of vision, ie that I can/cannot see from a certain point 在我的视野以内[以外]. (b) (fig 比喻) ability to view a subject, problem, etc imaginatively; foresight and wisdom in planning 观察力; 想像力; 远见; 洞察力: a statesman of (great breadth of) vision (很)有远见的政治家.
 [C] (a) dream or similar trance-like state, often associated with a religious experience 梦幻, 幻象, 幻觉, 异象(常带有宗教色彩): Jesus came to Paul in a vision. 耶稣在异象中向保罗显现. * I had/saw a vision of the end of the world. 我在梦幻中见到了世界末日. (b) (esp pl 尤作复数) thing seen vividly in the imagination 想像中的活生生的事物; 幻想: the romantic visions of youth 青年人浪漫的幻想 * conjure up visions of married bliss 悬想婚姻生活的幸福情景 * I had visions of us going on strike. 我想像我们正进行罢工.
 [C] ~ of sth (rhet 修辞) person or sight of unusualbeauty 异常漂亮的人或景象: She was a vision of loveliness.她是个可爱的美人儿.
 [U] what is seen on a televisionor cinema screen; picture 电视或电影上的画面; 图象: We get good vision but poor sound on this set. 这台电视机图象清晰, 但声音不好.

76关        2021-02-16 09:54:20

[in·tact || ɪn'tækt]        adj.  尚未被人碰过的, 完整的, 原封不动的,未受损的;完整无缺的

remain intact    保存玩好
Al the goods were received intact.     所有商品收到时都完好无损.

/ ɪnˈtækt; ɪnˋtækt/ adj undamaged; complete 无损伤的; 完整的: a box recovered from an accident with its contents intact 从事故中抢救出来的箱子, 里面的东西完好无损 * He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact. 他经此丑闻名誉很难不受损.
['com·pe·tent || 'kɑmpətənt /'kɒmpət(ə)nt]    adj.  能干的, 有权能的, 胜任的; 有法定资格的

a competent layer    一个有能力的律师
He is competent for this job.    他有能力胜任这项工作.
[be·neath || bɪ'niːθ]        adv.  在...之下;在...覆盖下;在...的表面之下

beneath a pile of leaves    在一堆树叶下
Route 66 runs directly beneath that building.    66号公路直接从那座楼下面穿过。 《越狱》
  [del·e·ga·tion || ?del?'ge??n]    n.  代表团, 派遣代表, 派遣委员团

a cultural delegation    一个文化代表团
She refused to meet the union delegation.        他咀嚼见工会代表团
['eth·i·cal || 'eθɪkl]    adj.  伦理的, 民族特有的, 民族的

an ethical question    一个道德问题
They rely on her ethical standards.    他们依赖于她的道德标准.
[fluː]        n.  流行性感冒

have a flu    得了流感
This spring, I got flu twice.    这个春天我得了两次流感.
n.  骗子; 背叛者; 欺诈者

a female cheater    一位女性骗子
Cheating in a test makes you a cheater.    在开始中作弊意味着你是一个骗子.
adv. 稍微,有点

somewhat abnormal    有点反常
Later Ann dances with a somewhat remote gentleman again.     后来安又和一个有点冷漠的男士跳舞.    《罗马假日》
remote     [re·mote || rɪ'məʊt]    adj.  遥远的, 疏远的, 偏僻的
['aʊtset]    n.  着手, 最初, 开头

at the outset of her career    在她事业开始的时候
We should explain this to him at the outset.    我们一开始就应将这一点向他解释清楚.
[bal·ance || 'bæləns]
n.  平衡, 均衡; 平静, 镇定; 协调, 和谐; 天平, 秤
v.  使平衡; 权衡, 比较; 保持...的平衡; 使相称; 得到平衡; 相称; 保持平衡; 被抵消

balance on one leg        单脚站
balance between work nad relaxation    工作和休闲间的平衡
Try to keep a balance between work and play.        尽量包吃工作与娱乐均衡.


[ac·a·dem·ic || ‚ækə'demɪk]
n.  大学教师; 学者; 大学生; 学究
adj.  学院的, 大学的; 学术的; 纯理论的

an important academic problem    一个重要的学术问题
The author has settled for a more academic approach.    那位作者已确定采用更为学术的方法.
approach    [ap·proach || ə'prəʊtʃ]
        n.  门径, 接近
        v.  靠近; 动手处理; 接近
 [ad·dic·tion || æ'dɪkʃən]    n.  沉溺; 上瘾; 入迷

morphine addiction    吗啡瘾
Some weight problems are caused by an addiction to sugar and fat.    有些超重问题源于对糖和脂肪成瘾.
fat    [fæt]
    n.  脂肪, 肥肉
    v.  养肥; 在...中加入脂肪; 长胖, 长肥
    adj.  肥的, 油腻的, 胖的
inevitable    [in·ev·i·ta·ble || ɪn'evɪtəbl]    adj.  不可避免的; 必然的
inevitably                          adv.  不可避免地; 必然地

an inevitable accident    一场不可避免的事故
This outcome has become virtually inevitable.    这个结果已几乎不可避免.
[saɪt]                v.  引用; 提名表扬; 引证

cite another example    举出另一个例子
It's no use citing the Bible to somebody who doesn't believe in God.    

/ saɪt; saɪt/ v [Tn]
 (a) speak or write (words taken from a passage, a book, an author, etc); quote 引用; 引述: She cited (a verse from) (a poem by) Keats. 她引述济慈(诗中的)词句. (b) mention (sth) as an example or to support an argument; refer to 引证(某事物)(为例或以支持一论点): She cited the high unemployment figures as evidence of the failure of government policy. 她引证庞大的失业数字以证明政府政策的失误.
 (US) officially commend (esp a soldier) for bravery; mention 表扬(尤指士兵)勇敢; 嘉奖; 表彰: He was cited in dispatches. 他在战报中受到表扬.
 (law 律) summon (sb) to appear in a court of law 召(某人)出庭; 传讯: be cited in divorce proceedings 因离婚案被传讯.
> citation / saɪˈteɪʃn; saɪˋteʃən/ n
1 (a) [U] action of citing sth 引用; 引述; 引证. (b) [C] passage cited; quotation 引文; 引语; 语录: Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义.
2 [C] (US) (a) official commendation of a soldier for bravery (对某士兵的勇敢的)表扬, 表彰, 嘉奖. (b) written description of the reasons for this (说明某士兵勇敢的)嘉奖令.
[ap·pe·tite || 'æpɪtaɪt]    n.  爱好, 食欲, 欲望,胃口

have a bad appetite    没有食欲
A study suggested that short-term memory also may play a role in appetite.    

/ ˈæpɪtaɪt; ˋæpəˏtaɪt/ n
 [U] physical desire, esp for food or pleasure 肉体的慾望(尤指对食物或享乐); 食慾; 胃口: When I was ill I completely lost my appetite. 我生病时完全没有食慾. * Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals. 饭前不要吃糖以免影响食慾. * (fig 比喻) He had no appetite for the fight. 他毫无斗志.
 [C] instance of a natural desire for sth (对某事物的)自然的慾望: The long walk has given me a good appetite. 走了长路使我食慾大振.
* He has an amazing appetite for hard work. 他出奇地喜爱艰巨的工作.
* a person of gross sexual appetites 性慾旺盛的人.
[com·prise || kəm'praɪz]    v.  包含, 包括,构成,由...组成,由...构成;

comprise Italian and French students    由意大利和法国学生组成
Twelve departments comprise this university.    这所大学由十二个院系组成.

compose    [kәm'pәuz]
            vt.  组成, 写作, 作曲, 使平静
            vi.  创作, 排字
            [计] 编写
[com·mit || kə'mɪt]        v.  委托, 押往, 犯罪

commit a crime    犯罪
Identity theft is the number one fraud committed on the internet.    窃取个人信息是头号网络欺诈犯罪.

    identical        [i'den·ti·cal || aɪ'dentɪkl]    adj.  同一的; 一卵的, 同卵的; 完全相同的, 完全相似的; 同源的
fraud          [frɔːd]                n.  欺骗; 骗局; 诡计; 骗子
[ex·pense || ɪk'spens]    n.  费用; 损失; 代价

afford the expense    承担费用
Most children in Britain are educated at public expense.    英国大多数儿童接受公费教育.
[re'sist·ance || rɪ'zɪstəns]    n.  抵抗, 反抗; 抗性; 抵抗力; 耐性

resistance to disease    抗病
There has been a lot of resistance to his new law.    反对这项新法律的人很多.
[grænt /grɑːnt]
n.  授予, 奖助金, 允许
v.  允许, 授与, 承认

a special grant    一项特别补助金
grant political asylum    给予政治庇护
asylum     [a·sy·lum || ə'saɪləm]    n.  避难; 庇护所, 避难所; 政治避难权, 庇护权; 救济院, 收容所
You can got a grant to repair your house.    你可以得到补助金来修缮住房.

[e·vap·o·rate || ɪ'væpəreɪt]    v.  使蒸发; 蒸发, 消失, 失去水分

evaporate the water    蒸发水
When water boils, it evaporates.    水开了会蒸发为气体.

/ ɪˈvæpəreɪt; ɪˋvæpəˏret/ v
 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) change into vapour and disappear (使某物)蒸发掉: The water soon evaporated in the sunshine. 水在阳光下不久就蒸发了. * Heat evaporates water into steam. 水受热变成水蒸气. =>Usage at water1 用法见water1.
 [I] (fig 比喻) be lost or cease to exist 消失; 不复存在: His hopes evaporated, ie he no longer felt any hope.他的希望破灭了. > evaporation / ɪˏvpəˈreɪʃn; ɪˏvæpəˋreʃən/ n [U].
# e,vaporated `milk thick unsweetened milk, usu bought in tins, which has had some of the liquid removed by evaporation 淡炼乳(通常为罐装): The pudding was made with evaporated milk. 这布丁是用淡炼乳做的.
[har·ness || 'hɑrnɪs /'hɑːn-]
n.  马具; 甲胄; 系在身上的绳子
v.  上马具; 利用产生动力; 披上甲胄

put on the harness        套上挽具
harness the resources    利用资源
They will harness solar energy to heat homes.    他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖.
solar energy    注解: energy that uses the power of the Sun's light and heat
[in·cred·i·ble || ɪn'kredəbl]        adj.  难以置信的

an incredible story    一个不可思议的故事
It is incredible that he survived the fall.    她跌下去竟然还活着,真不可思议.

survive     [sur·vive || sər'vaɪv /sə'-]    v.  活下来, 幸存; 残留; 在...之后仍然生存, 从...中逃生; 丧失; 比...活得长
[in'ten·sive || ɪn'tensɪv]
adj.  加强的; 精深的; 密集的; 透彻的
n.  加强器

a one-week intensive course in English    为期一周的英语强化课程    
They have to carry out intensive surveys of colleges before children make an application.
survey    [sur·vey || s?r've? /s?'][s?'vei]
        n.  调查; 民意调查; 调查报告; 全面的考察
        v.  调查, 测量, 审视, 勘定; 测量土地
[wis·dom || 'wɪzdəm]    n.  智慧, 学识, 明智的行为

a man of wisdom    一个有智慧的人
Doubts were expressed about the wisdom of the visit.        有人对这次访问是否明智表示怀疑.
n.  带, 皮带
v.  用皮带捆扎

strap a seat into the car    把椅子困在车上
a loose strap            一条宽松的皮带
A small child should be strpped into a special car seat.    应该用皮带把小孩子系到专用汽车座椅里.
[in·di·cate || 'ɪndɪkeɪt]        v.  指出; 象征; 显示

indicate a change in policy    表明了政策的一种变化
Students are not asked to indicate race when applying for housing.    学生在申请住宿时不要求表名种族.
race        [reɪs]
        n.  人种; 民族; 种族; 属, 类, 种#赛跑; 赛马大会; 比赛, 竞赛; 急流
        v.  比速度; 参加赛马; 参加竞赛; 疾走; 与...赛跑, 使空转, 使疾走
civilization    [civ·i·li·za·tion || ‚sɪvɪlaɪ'zeɪʃn]    n.  文明, 教化
citizen        [cit·i·zen || 'sɪtɪzn]            n.  市民; 公民

ancient civilization    古代文明
Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.    中华文明是世界上最古老的文明之一.
bold        [bəʊld]        adj.  大胆的, 引人注目的, 无耻的
boldface                  n.  黑体字, 粗体活字

a bold warrior        一个很应用无畏的战士
He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.
[ro·tate || rəʊ'teɪt]    v.  旋转, 转动; 轮换调防; 循环, 轮流; 使旋转, 使转动; 轮换; 使轮流; 把轮换调防

rotate the handle gently    轻轻地转动手柄
The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.    地球每24小时绕地轴自转一周.


['con·jur·er || 'kəndʒərə]    n.  魔术师; 行妖术者; 巫师;恳求者, 施魔术者, 变戏法的人, 魔术师, 念咒的人, 非常聪明的人

a Chinese conjurer     一名中国的魔术师
The conjurer waved his magic wand.        那个魔术师挥动魔杖.
wand        [wɑnd /wɒnd]    n.  棒, 杖, 棍
[prɪ'zuːməblɪ /-'zju-]        adv.  推测上, 大概, 假定上
presumably correct        可能正确                                           
It's raining, which presumably means that your football match will be cancelled.    
    //cancer    [can·cer || 'kænsə]    n.  癌, 恶性肿瘤; 弊端, 病根, 痼疾; 癌症; 巨蟹星座                
    //cancel    [can·cel || 'kænsl]    v.  取消; 删去; 相互抵销
    //career    [ca·reer || kə'rɪə]        n.  事业; 速度; 生涯    v.  猛冲, 飞跑    adj.  职业的, 专业的
[e'rad·i·cate || -keɪt]        v.  根除, 根绝, 扑灭

v 根除=uproot;扑灭=exterminate=destroy=abolish=eliminate
【记】e出,radic根 -使根出来-根除
【参】radical(adj 激进的;基本的);radix(n 基数;根本);eradication(n 根除;消灭)
【反】engender(v 造成;产生)"

eradicate the virus    消灭病毒
These insects are very difficult to eradicae.    这些昆虫很难全部消灭.
insect    [in·sect || 'ɪnsekt]        n.  昆虫; 卑鄙的人
delicate        ['del·icate || 'delɪkət]    adj.  细致优雅的, 美味的, 微妙的
delicious     [di'liʃәs]            a.  美味的

a delicate present    一份精美的礼物
Each motion must be delicate and precise.    每个动作都要精准到位.

[fea·si·ble || 'fɪːzəbl]        adj.  能实行的, 适宜的, 可行的

a feasible plan    一个可行的计划
You present a feasible argument.    你提出了一个很可行的论点.

/ ˈfiːzəbl; ˋfizəbl/ adj that can be done; practicable; possible 可做的; 可实行的; 可能的: a feasible idea, suggestion, scheme, etc 切实可行的主意﹑ 建议﹑ 计画等 * It's not feasible to follow your proposals. 按照你的建议去做是行不通的. > feasibility / ˏfiːzə-ˈbɪlətɪ; ˏfizəˋbɪlətɪ/ n [U]: [attrib 作定语] We should do a feasibility study before adopting the new proposals. 我们在采用这些新建议之前应进行可行性研究. feasibly/-EblI; -EblI/ adv.
estimate    [es·ti·mate || 'estɪmeɪt]        n.  估计, 判断    v.  估计, 判断, 评价
eliminate      [e·lim·i·nate || ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]    v.  除去, 剔除, 排除   ECRS(Eliminate,Compile,Rearrange,Simplify)

estimate the cost        估算成本
a conservative estimate    一个保守的估计
He is highly estimated among his colleagues.    同事们对他评价很高.
[in·teg·ri·ty || ɪn'tegrətɪ]    n.  正直; 诚实; 廉正; 完整, 完全
n.  正直, 廉正, 完整
[计] 完整性
[化] 整体性
[医] 完整

uphold integrity    坚持正直诚实
I'm torn between my integrity and my desire to avoid a beating.    
我内心充满矛盾,既想正直诚实,又不想挨打.        《老友记》
torn    [tɔrn /tɔː-]    v.  扯; 撕破; 撕; 被撕裂; 飞跑; 被扯破; 狂奔; 流泪; 含泪    // = tear
[wor·ship || 'wɜrʃɪp /'wɜː-]
n.  崇拜, 尊敬, 礼拜
v.  崇拜, 尊敬; 敬神, 拜神

worship celebrities    崇拜名人
deserve worship    值得崇拜
She worshipped her father.    她崇拜她的父亲.
[jour·nal || 'dʒɜrnl /'dʒɜːnl]    n.  日记, 日报, 杂志

a lost joural     一本丢失的日记
Every day that they write in their journals puts them a step closer to command of the foriegn language.    
[ra·tion·al || 'ræʃənl]        adj.  理性的, 推理的, 合理的

a rational woman                    一个理性的女人
Are men more rational than women?        男子比女子更有理性吗?

80关            主要2个生词:    confess(坦白、忏悔)、erect(使竖立、直立)

n.  窒息, 阻气门, 噎
v.  窒息, 噎, 阻塞

choke to death    窒息而死
The smoke almost choked me.        烟几乎使我窒息.
[con·fess || kən'fes]    v.  坦白, 承认, 供认; 听取...忏悔; 向...忏悔; 表明信仰...; 供认, 承认, 交代; 忏悔

confess his crime    坦白他的罪行
He confess to cheating in the exam.    他承认考试作弊
[e·rect || ɪ'rekt]
v.  使竖立, 树立, 使直立
adj.  直立的; 笔直的; 竖立的

erect a camp        搭建一个帐篷        //camp, tent  帐篷
an erect pine        一颗挺拔的松树
    [paɪn]    n.  松树; 凤梨, 菠萝; 松木
            v.  消瘦, 憔悴, 衰弱; 渴望; 痛苦, 悲哀
/ ɪˈrekt; ɪˋrɛkt/ adj
 standing on end; upright; vertical 直立的; 竖直的; 垂直的: stand erect 笔直地站着 * hold a banner erect 将旗子举直.
 (of a part of the body, esp the penis) swollen and stiff from sexual excitement (指身体的某部, 尤指阴茎)因性刺激而勃起的. > erectness n [U]. erect 2  
/ ɪˈrekt; ɪˋrɛkt/ v [Tn] (fml 文)
 build; set up; establish 建造; 设立; 创立: erect a monument 竖立纪念碑 * A statue was erected to (ie to honour the memory of) Queen Victoria. 为纪念维多利亚女王建起了一座雕像.
 set upright; put up 竖起; 搭起: erect a tent, a flagstaff 搭起帐篷﹑ 竖起旗杆.
> erection / ɪˈrekʃn; ɪˋrɛkʃən/ n
1 [U] (fml 文) action of erecting; state of being erected 建造; 设立; 创立: The erection of the building took several months. 建造这座建筑物花了好几个月的时间.
2 [C] (fml sometimes derog 文, 有时作贬义) thing that has been erected; building or structure 竖立物; 建筑物: She calls the new opera house `that hideous erection'. 她把新歌剧院称作‘那讨厌的庞然大物’.
3 [C] hardening and swelling (esp of the penis) in sexual excitement (性兴奋时, 尤指阴茎之)勃起: get/have an erection 产生勃起.

tent    [tent]
        n.  帐篷, 帐棚; 携带暗室; 住处, 寓所; 帷幕#塞条, 塞子
        v.  住帐蓬, 暂时居住, 宿营; 用帐篷遮盖; 使在帐篷里住宿; 将塞条等嵌出; 注意
[vi·o·la·tion || ‚vaɪə'leɪʃn]    n.  违反; 违犯; 违背; 违反行为

violation of traffic regulations    违反交通规则
To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law.    不让这个男孩受教育是违反国家法律(的行为)
deprive    [de·prive || dɪ'praɪv]    v.  剥夺; 使丧失
[in·i·tial || ɪ'nɪʃl]
n.  起首字母; 首字母
v.  签姓名的首字母
adj.  开始的, 字首的, 最初的

initial request        最初的要求
sign your initials    签你名字的首字母
You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 5 dollars.    
[ver·i·fy || 'verɪfaɪ]    v.  查证, 检验, 证实

verify the news officially    官方证实这个消息
The prisoner's statement was verified by serveral witnesses.    犯人的供述得到了几个证人的证实.
witness    [wit·ness || 'wɪtnɪs]    n.  证人, 证据, 目击者
                        v.  目击, 证明, 作证; 作证人, 成为证据
[pro·vi·sion || prə'vɪʒn]
n.  供应; 防备; 预备; 食物
v.  向...供应粮食

provision of food    食物供应
The government is responsible for the provision of medical services.    政府负责提供医疗服务.
[pro·ce·dure || prə'sɪːdʒə(r)]    n.  程序, 手续, 过程, 规律, 草案, 协议; 动作过程; 子程序, 一序列指令 (计算机用语)

legal procedure    合法程序
The vet said it's a simple procedure.    兽医说这是一个简单的手术.    《老友记》
vet     [vet]   n.  兽医#老兵   v.  诊断, 检审; 当兽医
interfere        [in·ter·fere || ‚ɪntə(r)'fɪr /-'fɪə]        v.  妨碍; 抵触; 冲突; 介入
interference    [,in·ter'fer·ence || ‚ɪntə(r)fərəns]    n.  冲突; 干涉

interfere with my work    妨碍我的工作
It interferes with the body's metabolism.    它妨碍人体的新陈代谢.    
metabolism    [me·tab·o·lism || mɪ'tæbəlɪzm]    n.  新陈代谢, 变形
phrase    [freɪz]    n.  片语, 成语, 惯用语
                v.  用短语表达
learn a new phrase    学习一个新的短语
phrase carefully    措辞谨慎
That's exactly the phrase I was looking for myself.    这就是我一直找的那个短语.

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