HJ Recite之_《英语四级核心词汇》61~70关



condense     [con·dense || kən'dens]    v.  使浓缩, 缩短, 摘要; 浓缩, 凝结
dense    [dens]    adj.  密集的; 浓厚的
(a) very heavy in relation to each unit of volume 密度大的: a dense substance, rock, star 密度大的物质﹑ 岩石﹑ 星星. (b) (of liquids or vapour) not easily seen through (指液体﹑ 水气或烟雾)不易看透的, 浓的: dense fog/smoke 大雾[浓烟].
 (of people and things) crowded together in great numbers (指人和物)稠密的, 密集的: a dense crowd, forest 密集的人群﹑ 茂密的森林.
 (infml 口) stupid 愚蠢的: How can you be so dense? 你怎麽能如此愚蠢?> densely adv: a densely populated country 人口稠密的国家 * densely wooded, ie covered with trees growing close together 森林茂密的. denseness n [U].
condense ten pages of comments into two        把十页的评论浓缩成了2页
Can you condense this paragraph into a few sentences?    你能把这段话压缩成几个句子吗?

[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (into/to sth) (a) (cause sth to) become thicker or more concentrated (使某物)变稠或变浓; 浓缩: Soup condenses when boiled, ie by losing most of the water. 汤煮过後就浓了(失去大量的水分). * condensed milk, soup, etc 炼乳﹑ 浓缩汤等. (b) (cause sth to) change from gas or vapour to a liquid (使某物)由气体或蒸气变成液体; 凝结: Steam condenses/is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface. 蒸气接触冷的表面而凝结成水珠. =>Usage at water1 用法见water1.
 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) put sth into fewer words 简缩; 摘要; 简述: condense a long report into a brief summary 将长篇报告简缩为摘要.
n.  商标; 烙印; 牌子
v.  打火印; 污辱

popular brand    受欢迎的品牌
brand him a thief    给他加上贼的污名
As diners thirst for leading brands, restaurateurs salivate over the profits.    
    restaurateus    ['restərə'tɜr /'restrə'tɜː]        n.  餐馆老板
thirst            [θɜrst /θɜːst]
            n.  口渴, 渴望
            v.  口渴, 渴望
salivate        [sal·i·vate || 'sælɪveɪt]
            v.  分泌唾液; 流口水; 使分泌唾液
arouse    [a·rouse || ə'raʊz]    v.  唤起; 激起...的情欲; 激动, 使奋发; 叫醒; 发奋, 激动; 醒来
rouse    [raʊz]            v.  弄醒, 叫醒; 激怒; 激起; 使激动; 被唤醒; 奋发起来; 醒来; 被惊起
(a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from/out of sth) cause sb to wake 唤醒某人: I was roused by the sound of a bell. 钟声把我吵醒了. * It's time to rouse the children. 该叫醒孩子们了. * (fig 比喻) rouse him from his depression 使他不再消沉. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (from/out of sth) (fml 文) wake (oneself) 醒来: I roused slowly from a deep sleep. 我从熟睡中慢慢地醒来.
 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sth) (to sth) cause sb/sth to become active, interested, etc 使某人[某事物]活跃起来﹑ 产生兴趣等: rouse sb/oneself to action 激励某人[自己]行动起来 * roused to anger by their insults 被他们的侮辱所激怒 * When he's roused, he can get very angry. 要是惹着了他, 他有时大发脾气. Cf 参看 arouse.
> rousing adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] vigorous; giving encouragement (esp to action) 充满活力的; 激励人的(尤指使之付诸行动): a rousing speech 振奋人心的讲话 * three rousing cheers for the winner 向获胜者热烈地表示祝贺的三次欢呼声.
arouse a child        唤醒孩子
The doctor aroused me from my deep sleep.    医生把我从熟睡中叫醒.
[av·e·nue || 'ævənjuː]    n.  大街, 途径, 林荫路;途径,方法;大街

a sure avenue to success    可靠的成功之道
We must explore every avenue before admitting defeat.    在想尽一切办法之前,决不能认输.   //admitting defeat 认输
admit        [ad·mit || əd'mɪt]
        v.  允许进入, 承认, 接纳; 承认; 通向; 有余地, 容许
defeat    [de·feat || dɪ'fiːt]
        n.  败北, 失败
        v.  击败; 使失败; 战胜
[rad·i·cal || 'rædɪkl]
n.  根部; 基本原理; 基础; 激进分子
adj.  根本的, 基本的; 原本的, 与生俱来的; 彻底的; 极端的, 过激的

the radical wing of the party    党内的激进派
political radicals            政治激进分子
The most radical will become a conservative on the day after the revolution(Hannah Arendt,汉娜·阿伦特)
[trans'ac·tion || træn'zækʃn]    n.  交易, 执行, 办理

exchange transaciton    外汇交易
Payments by cheque easily outnumber cash transaction.    用支票付款在数量上大大超过现金交易.
cheque     [tʃek]    n.  支票
[at'ten·tive || -ntɪv]    adj.  注意的, 留意的

an attentive listener        一名认真的听众
The vast majority of the attentive audience applauded these sentiments.    
vast        [væst /vɑːst]    adj.  巨大的, 非常的, 广大的
majority    [ma·jor·i·ty || mə'dʒɒrətɪ /-'dʒɒr-]
        n.  多数, 大多数, 过半数; 多得的票数; 多数党, 多数派; 成人
applaud    [ap·plaud || ə'plɔːd]
        v.  鼓掌欢迎; 喝彩; 向...鼓掌; 称赞; 向...喝彩; 赞成
sentiment    [sen·ti·ment || 'sentɪmənt]
        n.  感情, 心情; 情绪; 情操; 感伤, 多愁善感
[ap·pre·ci·ate || ə'priːʃɪeɪt]    v.  赏识; 鉴赏; 感激; 涨价; 增值
[ar·gu·ment || 'ɑːgjʊmənt]    n.  论据; 辩论; 争论; 缘由; 被应用到程序以及决定程序结果的可变物 (计算机用语)

an heated argument    一场激烈的辩论
The issue has caused heated political argument.    这个问题已经引发了激烈的政治辩论.
[con·tin·u·al || kən'tɪnjʊəl]    adj.  持续不断的, 继续的  

continual commands    连续指令
The figures show an almost continual increase.    数字几乎是在不断上升.
fingure    [fig·ure || 'fɪgjər /'fɪgə]
        n.  图形, 形状, 数字
        v.  描绘, 演算, 表示; 出现, 出名, 估计

[bu·reau || 'bjʊərəʊ]    n.  局, 办公处

weather bureau    气象局
He is an FBI(Federal Bureau Investigation) agent.    他是一名联邦调查局特工.

/ ˈbjuərəu; US ˈbjurəu; ˋbjʊro/ n (pl -reaux or -reaus / -rəuz; -roz/)
 (Brit) writing desk with drawers (有抽屉的)办公桌, 写字台. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xvi.
 (US) = chest of drawers (chest).
 (esp US) government department 政府机关; 局; 司; 处: Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局.
 office; agency 办公室; 办事处: a travel bureau 旅行社 * an information bureau 询问处.
[dʒɜrm /dʒɜːm]    n.  细菌, 根源, 种子

kill germs    杀菌
This germ is found on things used by the patients.    这种细菌附着在病人使用过的东西上

[ob·li·ga·tion || ‚ɑblɪ'geɪʃn /‚ɒb-]    n.  义务, 债务, 职责

fulfill your legal obligation    履行你的法律义务
fulfill          v 履行(义务等)=perform;执行(命令等);使满足=satisfy
        【参】fulfillment(n 履行;实行)
        【反】default(n 不履行责任)-fulfill an obligation(履行一个义务)"
In China, the children should fulfill the obligations to look after their parents.   
[re·ces·sion || rɪ'seʃn]    n.  后退, 不景气, 凹入的地方

experience a severe recession    经历严重的衰退
severe    [se·vere || sɪ'vɪr /-'vɪə]    adj.  严厉的, 剧烈的, 严格的
America's recession began quietly at the end of 2007.    美国的经济衰退在2007年末就悄声无息地开始了.
[ob·sta·cle || 'ɑbstəkl /'ɒb-]    n.  障碍, 阻碍, 妨害物

psychological obstacle    心理障碍
Lack of hands is the major obstacle to our work.        缺乏人手是我们工作的主要障碍.
[cas·u·al || 'kæʒjʊəl]    n.  临时工人; 便鞋; 便装
                    adj.  偶然的, 便装的, 不经意的
casual clothes     便装
John is a casual worker, he can't find a proper job.    约翰是个临时工,他找不到正式工作.
n.  广告#优势

an interesting ad    一条有趣的广告
Nowadays every website is full of ads.    现在每一个网站都充斥着广告.
adj.  分布广泛的, 普遍的

a widespread phenomenon    一个普遍的现象
The practice is widespread.    这种做法很普遍.
[dens]    adj.  密集的; 浓厚的

the dense crowd    密集的人群
The crowd was so dense that they could hardly move.    人群非常拥挤,他们几乎无法动弹.

n.  连接处, 关节, 接合
v.  连接; 使有接头; 接合
adj.  共同的; 连接的; 联合的

a joint statement    一项联合声明
a permanently damaged knee joint    永久性损伤的膝关节
His right arm is out of joint.    他的右臂脱臼了.

permanently    ['pɜrmənəntlɪ /'pɜːm-]    adv.  永存地; 不变地

astound        [as·tound || ə'staʊnd]    v.  使震惊; 使大惊
astonish        [as·ton·ish || ə'stɒnɪʃ]    v.  使惊讶, 使吃惊

/ əˈstaund; əˋstaʊnd/ v [Tn usu passive 通常用 於被动语态] overcome (sb) with surprise or shock; amaze 使震惊; 使大吃一惊; 使惊奇: We were astounded to read your letter. 我们看了你的信大吃一惊.
> astounding adj amazing 使人震惊的: The figures revealed by the report are astounding. 这份报告透露的数字使人震惊.

/ əˈstɔnɪʃ; əˋstɑnɪʃ/ v [Tn] surprise (sb) greatly 使(某人)惊讶, 吃惊, 震惊: The news astonished everyone. 这消息使大家感到惊讶. * It astonishes me that no one has thought of this before. 以前谁也没想到这一点, 使我感到惊讶. * He was astonished to hear he had got the job. 他听到获得了那份工作而感到惊讶.
> astonished adj [usu pred 通常作表语] very surprised 感到惊讶; 吃惊: She looked astonished when she heard the news. 她听到那消息显得很吃惊.
astonishing adj very surprising 使人惊讶的; 惊人的: I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play. 我感到惊讶的是你们谁都不喜欢那个剧. * There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job. 申请这份工作的人数多得惊人. astonishingly adv.
astonishment n [U] great surprise 惊讶; 惊奇: Imagine my astonishment when Peter walked in! 你可以想像, 当彼得进来的时候, 我是多麽惊奇. * To my astonishment it had completely disappeared. 使我惊讶的是, 它消失得无影无踪了. * He looked at me in astonishment. 他惊奇地看着我.

astound the audience    使观众大吃一惊
He used to astound his friends with his physical endurance.
endurance    [en·dur·ance || ɪn'djʊərəns]    n.  忍耐, 耐性, 忍耐力

[su·perb || suː'pɜrb /-'pɜːb]    adj.  堂皇的, 宏伟的; 极好的, 超级的;杰出的;一流的, 上乘的; 华丽的

a superb player    一名杰出的运动员
My wife and I discovered some superb places to eat.        我和妻子发现了一些就餐的极好去处.
['tæblit]        n.  平板, 门牌, 笔记簿, 碑, 匾, 药片
            [化] 片剂
            [医] 片剂
take some tablets    吃药
It's time for your tablets,dear.    该吃药了,亲爱的.
[col·lapse || kə'læps]
n.  倒塌; 失败; 崩溃; 压缩, 现有图书馆下属子目录或图书馆的隐藏 (计算机用语)
v.  倒塌; 瓦解; 崩溃; 使倒塌

the collapse of a building    
collapse under the weight of snow
They feared that the property prices would collapse.    他们担心房地产价格会暴跌.
property    [prop·er·ty || 'prɑpə(r)tɪ /'prɒ-]    n.  财产, 性质, 所有权
n.  痕迹; 丝毫, 微量; 遗迹; 图形, 记录#挽绳, 缰绳
v.  跟踪; 查出, 探出; 调查; 一个一个主题地跟踪一个程序过程 (计算机用语)

leave no trace    不留痕迹
trae the escaped prisoner    追踪逃犯
The problems can be traced back to the Second World War.    这些问题可追溯到二战.

[as'sign·ment || -mənt]    n.  功课, 作业; 工作; 分配;(分派的)任务

complete and assignment    完成任务
He is the best candidate to finish the assignment.    他是完成这项任务的最佳人选.
[rec·om·mend || ‚rekə'mend]    v.  推荐, 劝告, 介绍; 推荐; 提出建议

recommend the special food    推荐这道特色菜
Ryan ate more saturated fat than the dietary guidelines recommend.    瑞安摄取的饱和脂肪比膳食指南建议的要多.
[en·coun·ter || ɪn'kaʊntə]
n.  相会, 遭遇, 相遇
v.  遇见, 会战, 邂逅; 偶然相遇

encounter a lot of difficulties    遇到许多困难
a casual encounter with my teacher    与我老师的一次偶然相遇
They've never encountered any difficulties.    他们从没遇到任何困难.
[con·quest || 'kɒŋkwest]    n.  战胜, 战利品, 征服

the conquest of poverty    战胜贫困
poverty    [pov·er·ty || 'pɑvə(r)tɪ /'pɒ-]    n.  贫穷, 缺乏, 贫困
He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939.    1939年,他指挥了攻占波兰南部的行动.
[in·vis·i·ble || ɪn'vɪzəbl]    adj.  看不见的; 无形的

invisible hands    看不见的双手
Cheaters often feel invisible.    作弊的人常常觉得自己不会被看到.

[fa·tigue || fə'tɪːg]    n.  疲乏, 疲劳
                v.  使疲劳; 使心智衰弱; 疲劳
feel the fatigue    感觉疲劳
fatigue easily        容易疲劳
She continued to have severe stomachaches, fatigue, and depression.    
factual    [fac·tu·al || 'fæktʃʊəl]        adj.  事实的; 实际的
actual    [ac·tu·al || 'æktʃʊəl]        adj.  实际的; 现行的; 真实的

a factual account of events.    事件的如实报道
This should help to provide solid and factual information.    这应有助于提供可靠真实的信息.
n.  摇动, 摇摆; 统治; 支配; 影响
v.  摇动, 摇摆; 动摇; 歪, 倾斜; 转向; 摇动, 使摇摆; 使动摇; 弄歪, 使倾斜; 影响

sway in the wind                在风中摇晃
the sway of a general principle        普遍性的支配原则
He didn't fall, but swayed a little.    他打了个趔趄,但没有摔倒.
[in'hab·it·ant || ɪn'hæbɪtənt]    n.  居民; 居住者

the habitants of this building    这幢楼的主户
The inhabitants of the viliage are fighting the decision to close the school.
[with'stand || wɪð'stænd ,wɪθ-]    v.  抵抗, 经得起, 对抗

withstand high temperatures     耐高温
Sturdy grass withstands high winds, true gold stands the test of fire.
presentation    [pres·en·ta·tion || ‚prɪːzən'teɪʃn /‚prezən-]    n.  介绍, 赠送, 陈述

a short presentation
The presentation of prizes will begin at three o'clock
[in·cline || ɪn'klaɪn]
n.  倾斜; 斜面; 斜坡
v.  倾斜; 弯腰; 屈身; 点头; 使倾向于; 使倾斜

incline a post against the wall    使柱子向墙倾斜
Given your lack of prior criminal conduct, I am inclined toward probation.    
鉴于你没有前科,我很想给你判缓刑.  《越狱》
probation    [pro·ba·tion || prə'beɪʃn]    n.  试用, 鉴定, 见习
n.  裂缝, 爆裂声
vt.  (使)爆裂, (使)裂开, (使)发出爆裂声
vi.  (使)爆裂, (使)裂开, (使)发出爆裂声
a.  第一流的
ad.  啪地一声
[化] 裂缝; 龟裂
crack wise
crack on
crack up
crack sb up
crack sth up

cause a crack
crack the glass
If he continues to work at that pace, he'll certainly crack up.    
[de·fine || dɪ'faɪn]    v.  定义; 详细说明;规定,限定;给...下定义

define a good man
Norms define how people "ought" to behave under particular circumstances.    
the perfect option        完美的选择
Inaction is not an option    不作为不是一种选择
in+action    [in·ac·tion || ɪn'ækʃn]    n.  不活动; 怠惰; 无为

[de'fla·tion || -eɪʃn]    n.  放气; 通货紧缩; 缩小

avoid deflation    避免通货膨胀
Deflation is beginning to influence the clothing industry.    通货紧缩开始影响服装业.
n.  王冠, 顶点, 王权
v.  加冕; 表彰; 顶上有

have a crown on the head    头戴王冠
She says the crown must be presserved.        她说这项王冠必须珍藏.
[op·po·nent || ə'pəʊnənt]
n.  对手, 反对者, 敌手
adj.  敌对的, 反对的

violent opponent    暴利的对手
He easily defeated his opponent in the election.        他在选举中轻松击败了对手.
[ep·i·sode || 'epɪsəʊd]    n.  插曲, 有趣的事件, 插话

the final episode    最后一集
The rest episode of this series will be broadcast next week.        这部电视连续剧的最后几集将于下周播出.

/ ˈepɪsəud; ˋɛpəˏsod/ n [C]
 (description of an) event occurring as part of a long series of events as in a novel, one's life, etc (小说或人生等的)片段, 插曲: That's an episode in my life I'd rather forget! 那是我一生中但愿忘却的经历! * One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in Chapter 6. 书中最有趣的部分是在第6章.
 part of a TV or radio serial broadcast at one time (电视或无线电广播的)一集: the final episode 大结局 * Listen to the next exciting episode tomorrow night. 请於明晚收听精采的下一集.
> episodic / ˏepɪˈsɔdɪk; ˏɛpəˋsɑdɪk/ adj (a) occurring irregularly; sporadic 偶然发生的; 分散性的: episodic fits of depression 阵发性抑郁症. (b) (of a story, novel, etc) containing or consisting of a series of events (指故事﹑ 小说等)由一系列片段组成的: an episodic style 描述一系列片段故事的写作风格.

[sin·gu·lar || 'sɪŋgjələ(r) /-jʊl-]
n.  单数
adj.  单数的; 独个的; 单一的; 非凡的, 卓越的

a singular experience    非同寻常的体验
teh sigular forms        单数形式
The Mormon's religion is singular, and his wives are plural (Artemus Ward)
[plu·ral || 'plʊrəl /'plʊərəl]
n.  复数
adj.  复数的, 复性的, 两个以上的
[e·mit || ɪ'mɪt]
v.  发出; 吐露; 放射

[bles]    v.  祝福; 哎呀!我的天哪!; 保佑

God bless you    愿上帝保佑你
He considers himself a blessed man.    他认为自己是一个受到保佑的人.
[e'nor·mous || -məs]        adj.  巨大的, 庞大的

Begin able to speak but not write is like living in an enormous mansion and never leaving one small room.
mansion    [man·sion || 'mænʃn]    n.  大厦; 公寓; 官邸


[symp·tom || 'sɪmptəm]    n.  症状, 征兆, 征候

cardinal symptom    主要症状
One prominent symptom of depression is lack of sleep.    抑郁症的一个显著症状就是失眠.
n.  煞车#揉碎机; 揉面机; 麻梳; 重型耙#阻碍, 约束#草丛, 灌木丛#蕨, 羊齿类#泵柄, 泵杆
v.  煞住; 抑制, 约束; 煞车, 制动; 揉碎

brake his car    刹车
slam on the brake    猛踩刹车
He brake sharply to avoid an accident.    他急刹车,避免了一次事故.
n.  品种; 种类, 类型
v.  产, 孵; 养育; 使繁殖, 饲养; 培育; 生产; 繁殖, 育种; 孕育; 滋生, 产生

breed cattle    饲养奶牛
a breed of dog    狗的一个品种
Hard times breed hard feelings.    时事艰难,人心亦然.

/ briːd; brid/ v (pt, pp bred / bred; brɛd/)
 [I] (of animals) produce young (指动物)生育, 繁殖: How often do lions breed? 狮子多长时间产一次仔?
 [Tn] keep (animals) for the purpose of producing young, esp by selecting the best parents for mating 饲养(动物)(尤指为选种繁殖的): breed cattle, dogs, horses, etc 养牛﹑ 狗﹑ 马等.
 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a, Cn.t] ~ sb (as sth) bring up; train; educate 养育; 训练; 教育: a well-bred child 有教养的孩子 * Spartan youths were bred as warriors. 斯巴达青年被培养成战士.
 [Tn] lead to (sth); cause 导致(某事物); 造成: Dirt breeds disease. 污秽导致疾病丛生. * Unemployment breeds social unrest. 失业能造成社会不安定.
 (idm 习语) born and bred => born. familiarity breeds contempt => familiarity.
> breed n
1 family or variety of animals, etc having a similar appearance and usu developed by deliberate selection (动物等的)品种(通常为特意繁殖的): a breed of cattle, sheep, etc 牛﹑ 羊等的品种 * What breed is your dog? 你的狗是什麽品种的?
2 type; kind 类型; 种类: a new breed of politician 新式的政治家.
breeder n person who breeds animals 饲养员: a dog, horse, cattle, etc breeder 狗﹑ 马﹑ 牛等的饲养员 * a breeder of racehorses 赛马马匹的饲养员.
`breeder reactor type of nuclear reactor that produces more radio-active material than is put into it 增殖反应堆.
breeding n [U] 1 producing of young by animals (动物的)生育, 繁殖, 生殖: [attrib 作定语] the breeding season 繁殖季节. 2 keeping of animals for breeding (为繁殖)饲养动物: the breeding of horses 马的饲养. 3 (good manners resulting from) training or family background 教养; 有教养的举止: a man of good breeding 有良好教养的人.
`breeding-ground n
1 place where wild animals go to produce their young (野生动物的)繁殖地: Some birds fly south to find good breeding-grounds. 有些鸟飞到南方去寻找适合产卵的地方.
2 (fig 比喻) place where sth (usu harmful) can develop 某事物(通常指有害事物)的滋生地: Damp, dirty houses are a breeding ground for disease. 房屋潮湿﹑ 肮脏可滋生疾病.
[stim·u·late || 'stɪmjəleɪt /-jʊl-]    v.  刺激, 鼓舞, 激励; 有刺激之作用; 起促进作用

stimulate interests    激发兴趣
TV, if properly used, can stimulate a child's imagination.    电视如果使用得当能激发孩子的想象力.
[cu·mu·la·tive || 'kjuːmjʊlətɪv]    adj.  累积的

a cumulative process
The process of improvement is a cumculative one.    取得进步的过程是循序渐进的.
n.  趋势, 方位, 倾向
v.  伸向, 通向, 倾向

a growing trend    一个增长的趋势
She always follows the latest trends in fashion.    她总是追求最流行的款式.
Should I alter my dress, or change my mind to say no to junk food?    
organize an exhibition    组织一次展览
It's the first time farmers have decided to organize.    这是头一次农场主们决定组织起来.
resign my position    辞职
He was forced to resign his post from the committee.    
There is a tactile pleasure in books necessarily lost in e-book versions.

[in·gen·ious || ɪn'dʒɪːnɪəs]    adj.  灵敏的, 聪明的, 精巧的

an ingenious cook    一位心灵手巧的厨师
His solution to the puzzle is ingenious.    这破解这道难题的方法非常巧妙.
puzzle    [puz·zle || 'pʌzl]
        n.  难题, 迷惑
        v.  使迷惑; 苦思而得出; 使为难, 使窘困; 感到迷惑; 苦思, 冥思苦想

bacteria                //germ   [dʒɜrm /dʒɜːm] n.  细菌, 根源, 种子
[bac·te·ri·a || bæk'tɪərɪə]    n.  细菌

cultivate bacteria                    培养细菌
Many bacteria could cause diseases.    许多细菌会引起疾病.

/ bækˈtɪərɪə; bækˋtɪrɪə/ n [pl] (sing -ium / -ɪəm; -ɪəm/) simplest and smallest forms of plant life, microscopic organisms that exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease 细菌.
> bacterial / -rɪəl; -rɪəl/ adj of or caused by bacteria 细菌的; 由细菌引起的: bacterial contamination 细菌感染.
bacteriology / bækˏtɪərɪˈɔlədʒɪ; ˋbækˏtɪrɪˋɑlədʒɪ/ n[U] scientific study of bacteria 细菌学. bacteriologist/-dVIst; -dVIst/ n person specializing in bacteriology 细菌学家.
n.  吐司, 烤面包片#祝酒; 祝颂词; 敬酒; 被敬酒的人
v.  烤; 烘

a piece of toast    一片吐司
toast beef    烤牛肉
Toast the bread lightly on both sides.    把面包片两面都稍稍烤一下.
integrate theory with practice    把理论与实践结合
Do they really want to integrate with us?    他们真想和我们联合吗?

[bun·dle || 'bʌndl]
n.  捆; 包; 束
v.  包扎, 胡乱塞进; 匆忙离去, 匆匆移动

bundle up his arm    把他的胳膊包扎好
a bundle of sticks    一捆棍子
He sold a bundle of old magazines.    他卖了一捆旧杂志.


her remarks on the employment question    她对就业问题的评论
remark on her apperance                评论她的外貌
Everyone remarked on his resignation.    大家谈论起他的辞职.

compile a book                    编撰一本书
The book took 10 years to compile.        这部书的编撰工作花了十年时间.

concern myself with the news        这个新闻使我非常担心
concern for two missing teenagers    对两个失踪青少年的担心
Their top safety concerns are emissions and wireless radio waves.    他们最关心的安全问题是放射和无线电波.


[hɑrʃ /hɑːʃ]    adj.  粗糙的, 严厉的, 刺耳的

harsh punishment    严厉的处罚
Her theory met with harsh criticism from her colleagues.    她的理论遭到了同事们的严厉批评.
[en·force || ɪn'fɔːs]    v.  强迫; 坚持; 执行

enforce him to quit the job    强迫他辞职
Government make laws and police enforce them.    政府立法,警察执法.
 [pro·voke || prə'vəʊk]    v.  激怒, 煽动, 挑拨

provoke an outcry    激起抗议
His arguing provoked them.    它的争论激怒了他们.
[spon·sor || 'spɑnsə(r) /'spɒn-]
n.  发起者; 倡议者; 主办者; 保证人
v.  发起; 倡议; 主办; 为...做保证人

sponsor a game    暂住一场比赛
local sponsors    本地的发起人
The project was sponsored by local government.    该项目由当地政府赞助.
adj.  人种间的, 人种混合的

interracial marriage    种族间的通婚
Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family.    
a temporary job
I refer specially to permanent residents, in contradiction to temporary vistors.    
contradiction    [,con·tra'dic·tion || ‚kɑntrə'dɪkʃn /'kɒn-]   n.  矛盾; 反驳; 否认; 抵触
contra  [con·tra || 'kɒntrə]    prep.  反对; 相反
diction  [dic·tion || 'dɪkʃn]    n.  措词, 用语; 发音法; 发音


adv.  按时地; 如期地
punctual        [punc·tu·al || 'pʌŋ(k)tʃʊəl]    adj.  严守时刻的, 准时的
punctuate    [punc·tu·ate || 'pʌŋ(k)tʃʊeɪt]    v.  在...中间加标点; 强调, 突出; 不时打断; 使用标点; 加标点
pun          [pʌn]
            n.  双关语, 押韵, 俏皮话
            v.  说双关语; 说俏皮话
[ral·ly || 'rælɪ]
n.  大集会, 大会; 重整旗鼓; 集合; 重新振作
v.  集合, 重整; 团结; 召集; 重新振作; 集合, 重整; 恢复, 复元; 团结; 连续对打; 嘲弄, 开玩笑, 挖苦
[e'quiv·a·lent || -nt]
n.  同等物, 相等物, 等价物
adj.  相等的; 同意义的; 相当的
[ra·ti·o || 'reɪʃəʊ /-ʃɪəʊ]    n.  比, 比率
[ar·gue || 'ɑːgjuː]    v.  辩论; 认为, 主张; 议论; 说服; 辩论; 争论
[fed·er·al || 'fedərəl]    adj.  联邦的, 同盟的, 联合的
[a·wake || ə'weɪk]
v.  唤醒, 使醒过来; 使意识到; 使觉醒; 唤起, 激起; 醒来; 意识到; 觉醒; 被唤起, 被激起
adj.  醒着的; 认识到的, 意识到的; 清醒的; 警惕的
[sub'mit || səb'mɪt]    v.  使服从, 使屈服; 提交, 呈递; 使经受, 使受到; 建议, 认为; 屈服, 服从
[,in·ter'ac·tive || ‚ɪntə(r)æktɪv]    adj.  交互式的, 相互的行动, 互相的行为; 交流的 (计算机用语)


[stɪr /stɪə]
n.  指点, 建议#小公牛; 食用牛; 阉牛
v.  掌舵, 驾驶; 带领; 指导; 操纵; 驾驶, 掌舵; 被驾驶, 驾驶起来; 行驶, 行进

They tired to steer clear of the iceberg but failed.    他们试图避开那座冰山,但失败了.
[in·fi·nite || 'ɪnfɪnət]
n.  无限, 神
adj.  无穷的, 极大的, 无限的

infinite patience    极大的耐心
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.    [谚]天才出自勤奋
[ban·quet || 'bæŋkwɪt]
n.  宴会, 盛宴; 宴请, 款待
v.  宴请, 设宴款待; 参加宴会
n.  垃圾场, 垃圾堆; 仓库; 集成; 拷贝记忆部分到输出或存储装置 (计算机用语)
v.  倾倒; 倾卸; 倒垃圾, 倾销商品
[cor·re·spond || ‚kɒrɪ'spɒnd]
v.  符合; 通信; 协调
adj.  最初的, 最重要的
[i·so·late || 'aɪsəleɪt]        v.  使隔离; 使绝缘; 使孤立


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