c++11 std::condition_variable


  • 需要配合unique_lock使用,wait(unique_lock<mutex>&)
  • notify_one()调用时,只有随机一个wait()线程会得到通知
  • notify_all(),所有wait()线程会被通知并得到执行
  • wait()调用会阻塞当前线程
// condition_variable example
#include <iostream>           // std::cout
#include <thread>             // std::thread
#include <mutex>              // std::mutex, std::unique_lock
#include <condition_variable> // std::condition_variable
#include <chrono>

using namespace std;

namespace {
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool ready = false;

void print_id (int id) {
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);              // 这里必须使用unique_lock
  while (!ready) {
    cv.wait(lck);                                     // 这里会阻塞
    cout << "thead " << id << " notifyed..." << endl; // 被notify后才能执行
  std::cout << "thread " << id << '\n';

void go() {
  this_thread::sleep_for(1s);             // 观察是否会被抢占mutex而阻塞(不会!)
  // std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);  
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mtx);   // 这里unique_lock或者lock_gurad都行
  ready = true;
  // cv.notify_one(); // 只有一个cv.wait(lck)线程会被notify,这里因为所有10个线程都在join,会导致死锁
  cv.notify_all();    // 所有cv.wait(lck)线程会被notify

void ConditionVariableTest()
  std::thread threads[10];
  // spawn 10 threads:
  for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
    threads[i] = std::thread(print_id,i);

  std::cout << "10 threads ready to race...\n";
  go();                       // go!

  for (auto& th : threads) th.join();


std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
while(!ready) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
cv.wait(lk, [](){ return ready;});



  • 在notify之后才执行wait调用
  • 可能会导致一直wait阻塞除非再次notify
void print_id2 (int id) {
  this_thread::sleep_for(2s);                           // 当前线程在notify发出之后才被执行
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);                // 这里必须使用unique_lock
  while (!ready) {                                      // 避免虚假唤醒
    cv.wait(lck);                                       // 这里会解锁并阻塞
    cout << "thread " << id << " notifyed... " << endl; // 被notify后才能执行,并重新获得锁
  std::cout << "thread " << id << '\n';


  • notify线程没有加锁
  • wait线程调用wait()之前被抢占,导致阻塞


  • notify和wait线程都正确加锁
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;

mutex mt;
condition_variable cv;
bool ready = false;

void foo() {
  lock_guard<mutex> lg(mt);
  ready = true;
  cout << "foo" << endl;

void bar() {
  unique_lock<mutex> ulk(mt);
  cv.wait(ulk, [](){ 
    return ready; 
  cout << "bar" << endl;

int main() {
  thread tf(foo); // output: foo
  thread tb(bar); // output: bar
  return 0;

  • 模拟唤醒丢失
void foo() {
  // lock_guard<mutex> lg(mt);    // step 1: 移除这里的锁
  this_thread::sleep_for(500ms);  // step 2: 让bar先执行进入wait
  ready = true;                   // step 5: foo恢复执行,给ready赋值
  cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
  cv.notify_all();                // step 6: foo发出notify

void bar() {
  unique_lock<mutex> ulk(mt);
  cv.wait(ulk, [](){
    bool flag = ready;            // step 3: 模拟wait调用执行一半的场景
    this_thread::sleep_for(1s);   // step 4: 将时间片让给foo
    return flag;                  // step 7: bar获得执行权,继续执行wait(),但已经错过了foo的notify
  cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;



  • wait中的线程在收到notify_all的信号之后,会都被唤醒并继续执行操作
  • 在生产者消费者场景下,临界区资源是有限资源
  • 线程被唤醒时,可能资源已经被其它线程用完了,继续执行不满足执行条件

A spurious wakeup happens when a thread wakes up from waiting on a condition variable that's been signaled, only to discover that the condition it was waiting for isn't satisfied.


To allow for implementation flexibility in dealing with error conditions and races inside the operating system, condition variables may also be allowed to return from a wait even if not signaled


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;

mutex mt;
condition_variable cv;
bool ready {false};

void foo() {
  this_thread::sleep_for(500ms); // step 1: 让bar线程先执行并进入wait等待
  lock_guard<mutex> lg(mt);
  ready = true;                  // step 3: 获得锁,并生产共享资源
  cout << "foo" << endl;
  cv.notify_all();               // step 4: 通知所有bar线程

void bar(int id) {
  unique_lock<mutex> ulk(mt);
  cv.wait(ulk, [id](){           // step 2: bar线程获得执行并进入wait,并且会调用一次lambda函数
    cout << "thread " << id << " waked up" << endl; // step 5: bar线程收到notify,并执行lambda函数
    return ready;                // step 8: 其它幸运线程在step5一起被唤醒,但是没有得到资源(虚假唤醒1)
  cout << "bar: " << id << endl; // step 6: 某个幸运的bar先进入临界区,输出bar
  ready = false;                 // step 7: 幸运线程消耗掉共享资源

void spurious_notify() {         // 模拟系统的虚假唤醒
  while(true) {
    cv.notify_all();             // step 9: 再次唤醒所有wait线程,但是他们已经没有可用资源(虚假唤醒2)

int main() {
  thread tf(foo);
  thread tbs[3];
  thread ts(spurious_notify);
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) tbs[i] = thread(bar, i);
  for(auto &t: tbs) t.join();
  return 0;

/* output
thread 2 waked up
thread 0 waked up
thread 1 waked up // 第一次三个bar线程进入wait,并执行lambda输出

foo               // foo线程获得执行,并生产共享资源,发出notify
thread 0 waked up // bar线程0被唤醒
bar: 0            // bar线程0消耗掉了共享资源
thread 1 waked up // bar线程1被唤醒
thread 2 waked up // bar线程2被唤醒

thread 2 waked up // bar线程1再次被唤醒
thread 1 waked up // bar线程2再次被唤醒

thread 2 waked up
thread 1 waked up

thread 2 waked up
thread 1 waked up

thread 1 waked up
thread 2 waked up

thread 2 waked up
thread 1 waked up

thread 1 waked up
thread 2 waked up


  • unique_lock到wait调用之间会进入临界区锁定状态
  • wait调用不满足条件判定会继续等待下一次notify,并且释放锁
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;

mutex mt;
condition_variable cv;
bool ready{false};

void foo(int id) {
  while(true) {
    this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);    // 避免释放资源后立即枪锁
    unique_lock<mutex> ul(mt);
    cout << "foo " << id << ": win the lock" << endl;
    this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);    // 观察会不会被抢锁(已lock,不会)
    cv.wait(ul, [id](){
      this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);  // 观察会不会被抢锁(已lock,不会)
      cout << "foo " << id << ": begin checking the status" << endl;
      this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);  // 观察会不会被抢锁(已lock,不会)
      cout << "foo " << id << ": checking the status" << endl;
      return ready;                   // 判定结束后没有资源会释放锁
    cout << "foo " << id << ": consumed the data" << endl;
    this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);    // 观察会不会被抢锁(已lock,不会)
    ready = false;                    // 消费资源后释放锁

void bar() {
  while(true) {
    this_thread::sleep_for(1s);       // 让wait先跑
    // lock_guard<mutex> lg(mt);      // 就不和wait抢锁了
    cout << "press any key to notify all: ";
    string buff;
    getline(cin, buff);               // 手动控制notify
    ready = true;

int main() {
  thread t1(foo, 1);
  thread t2(foo, 2);
  thread tb(bar);
  return 0;

foo 1: win the lock               // 第一次foo1先获得锁,wait false之后就释放了锁
foo 1: begin checking the status
foo 1: checking the status
foo 2: win the lock               // foo2获得锁,wait false之后就释放了锁
foo 2: begin checking the status
foo 2: checking the status

press any key to notify all:
foo 2: begin checking the status  // foo2收到notify,上锁并消费数据,然后释放锁
foo 2: checking the status
foo 2: consumed the data
foo 1: begin checking the status  // foo1收到notify,但没有数据可消费,然后释放锁
foo 1: checking the status
foo 2: win the lock               // foo2进入新的循环,获得锁,进入wait,然后释放锁
foo 2: begin checking the status
foo 2: checking the status

press any key to notify all:
foo 2: begin checking the status
foo 2: checking the status
foo 2: consumed the data
foo 1: begin checking the status
foo 1: checking the status
foo 2: win the lock
foo 2: begin checking the status
foo 2: checking the status

press any key to notify all:



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