Model Meta options

Some Available Meta options:

  If abstract = True, this model will be an abstract base class.


  If a model is defined outside of an application in INSTALLED_APPS, it must declare which app it belongs to.



  The name that will be used by default for the relation from a related object back to this one. The default is


  The name of a field or a list of field names in the model, typically DateField, DateTimeField, or
IntegerField. This specifies the default field(s) to use in your model Manager’s latest() and
earliest() methods.


  Defaults to ('add', 'change', 'delete'). You may customize this list, for example, by setting this
to an empty list if your app doesn’t require any of the default permissions. It must be specified on the model
before the model is created by migrate in order to prevent any omitted permissions from being created.



  The default ordering for the object, for use when obtaining lists of object


posted @ 2018-09-29 17:16  BurgundyRed  阅读(105)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报