Processing math: 100%

[POJ1850] Code

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K
Total Submissions: 10411   Accepted: 5005


Transmitting and memorizing information is a task that requires different coding systems for the best use of the available space. A well known system is that one where a number is associated to a character sequence. It is considered that the words are made only of small characters of the English alphabet a,b,c, ..., z (26 characters). From all these words we consider only those whose letters are in lexigraphical order (each character is smaller than the next character).

The coding system works like this:
• The words are arranged in the increasing order of their length.
• The words with the same length are arranged in lexicographical order (the order from the dictionary).
• We codify these words by their numbering, starting with a, as follows:
a - 1
b - 2
z - 26
ab - 27
az - 51
bc - 52
vwxyz - 83681

Specify for a given word if it can be codified according to this coding system. For the affirmative case specify its code.


The only line contains a word. There are some constraints:
• The word is maximum 10 letters length
• The English alphabet has 26 characters.


The output will contain the code of the given word, or 0 if the word can not be codified.

Sample Input


Sample Output




因为题目要求每一位都必须是递增的,而且每一个数字只能出现一次 ,那就意味着我们只要确定了有哪些字母,这个字符串也就唯一确定了;
设字符串长度为n, 我们就可以求出长度为1~n-1的方案总数;
对于位置i,我们可以填的字母范围是从上一个字母到这一位字母,开区间,即(str[i-1], str[i]);
我们设这一位选择的字母是ch, 那么我们的方案数就是C[26-ch][n-i-1],就是我们之后的所有字母都要大于ch, 所以可以选择的变成了26-ch个,然后我们已经填上了第i位,所以我们还需要选择出来的字母个数为n-i-1。
所以 ,我们得出 : 第i位的方案总数是 ∑(ch f str[i-1] to str[i]) ΣC[26-ch][n-i-1]。
最后,我们把小于n位的方案总数, 加上n位的方案总数, 再加上1就是答案;

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

int C[27][27];
int ans;

int main()
    string str;
    cin >> str;
    int n = str.length();
    for (register int i = 1 ; i < n ; i ++)
        if (str[i-1] >= str[i]) return puts("0"), 0;
    C[0][0] = 1;
    for (register int i = 1 ; i <= 26 ; i ++)
        for (register int j = 0 ; j <= i ; j ++)
            if (j == 0) C[i][j] = 1;
            else C[i][j] = C[i-1][j-1] + C[i-1][j];
    for (register int i = 1 ; i < n ; i ++) ans += C[26][i];//n位之前 
    int last = 0;
    for (register int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++)
        int in = str[i] - 'a' + 1;
        for (register int j = last + 1 ; j < in ; j ++)
            ans += C[26-j][n-i-1];
        last = in;
    cout<<ans + 1<<endl;
    return 0;


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