




 1     int n = 10;
 2     int * pt = new int;
 3     int & rn = n;  // 变量名
 4     int & rt = *pt;  // 解除引用的指针
 5     const int b = 20;  // 不可以给b赋值,但可获取其地址
 6     // b = 21;  // error
 7     const int * pb = &b;  // ok
 8     const int & rb = b;  // 不可以给rb赋值,但可获取其地址
 9     // rb = n;    // error
10     const int * prb = &rb;  // ok





1     int x = 10;
2     int y = 11;
3     int && r1 = 12;  // 常量
4     int && r2 = x + y;  // 表达式
5     double && r3 = std::sqrt(2.0); // 函数返回值



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 double f(double tf) { return tf/20; };
 6 void main()
 7 {
 8     double tc = 10.5;
 9     double && rd1 = 100.01;
10     double && rd2 = 1.8 * tc;
11     double && rd3 = f(rd2);
12     cout << "tc Value And Address: " << tc << "  " << &tc << endl;
13     cout << "rd1 Value And Address: " << rd1 << " " << &rd1 << endl;
14     cout << "rd2 Value And Address: " << rd2 << "  " << &rd2 << endl;
15     cout << "rd3 Value And Address: " << rd3 << "  " << &rd3 << endl;
16     cin.get();
17 }
18 // run out
19 /*
20 tc Value And Address: 10.5  003FFAE4
21 rd1 Value And Address: 100.01 003FFAC8
22 rd2 Value And Address: 18.9  003FFAAC
23 rd3 Value And Address: 0.945  003FFA90
24 */



2.1 为何需要移动语义?


  1 // 例1:只有复制构造函数
  2 #include <iostream>
  3 using namespace std;
  5 // interface
  6 class Useless
  7 {
  8 private:
  9     int n;          // number of elements
 10     char * pc;      // pointer to data
 11     static int ct;  // number of objects
 12     void ShowObject() const;
 14 public:
 15     Useless();
 16     explicit Useless(int k);
 17     Useless(int k, char ch);
 18     Useless(const Useless & f); // regular copy constructor
 19     ~Useless();
 20     Useless operator+(const Useless & f)const;
 21     void ShowData() const;
 22 };
 24 // implementation
 25 int Useless::ct = 0;
 27 Useless::Useless()
 28 {
 29     ++ct;
 30     n = 0;
 31     pc = nullptr;
 32     cout << "default constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 33     ShowObject();
 34 }
 36 Useless::Useless(int k) : n(k)
 37 {
 38     ++ct; 
 39     cout << "Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 40     pc = new char[n];
 41     ShowObject();
 42 }
 44 Useless::Useless(int k, char ch) : n(k)
 45 {
 46     ++ct;
 47     cout << "Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 48     pc = new char[n];
 49     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 50         pc[i] = ch;
 51     ShowObject();
 52 }
 54 Useless::Useless(const Useless & f) : n(f.n) 
 55 {
 56     ++ct;
 57     cout << "copy constructor const called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 58     pc = new char[n];
 59     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 60         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 61     ShowObject();
 62 }
 64 Useless::~Useless()
 65 {
 66     cout << "destructor called; "; 
 67     cout << "deleted object:\n";
 68     ShowObject();
 69     delete [] pc;
 70     cout << "objects left: " << --ct << endl << endl;
 71 }
 73 Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
 74 {
 75     cout << "Entering operator+()\n";
 76     Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
 77     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 78         temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
 79     for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
 80         temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
 81     cout << "temp object:\n";
 82     cout << "Leaving operator+()\n";
 83     return temp;
 84 }
 86 void Useless::ShowObject() const
 87 { 
 88     cout << "Number of elements: " << n;
 89     cout << " Data address: " << (void *) pc << endl << endl;
 90 }
 92 void Useless::ShowData() const
 93 {
 94     if (0 == n)
 95     {
 96         cout << "(object empty)";
 97     }
 98     else
 99     {
100         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
101             cout << pc[i];
102     }
103     cout << endl;
104 }
106 // application
107 int main()
108 {
109     {
110         Useless one(10, 'x');
111         Useless two = one;          // calls copy constructor
112         Useless three(20, 'o');
113         Useless four(one + three);  // calls operator+(), copy constructor
114         cout << "object one: ";
115         one.ShowData();
116         cout << "object two: ";
117         two.ShowData();
118         cout << "object three: ";
119         three.ShowData();
120         cout << "object four: ";
121         four.ShowData();
122     }
123     cin.get();
124 }
126 // out
127 /*
128 Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: 1
129 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 004A4910
131 copy constructor const called; number of objects: 2
132 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 004A4958
134 Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: 3
135 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 004A49A0
137 Entering operator+()
138 Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: 4
139 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 004A49F0
141 temp object:
142 Leaving operator+()
143 copy constructor const called; number of objects: 5
144 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 004A4C50
146 destructor called; deleted object:
147 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 004A49F0
149 objects left: 4
151 object one: xxxxxxxxxx
152 object two: xxxxxxxxxx
153 object three: oooooooooooooooooooo
154 object four: xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooo
155 destructor called; deleted object:
156 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 004A4C50
158 objects left: 3
160 destructor called; deleted object:
161 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 004A49A0
163 objects left: 2
165 destructor called; deleted object:
166 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 004A4958
168 objects left: 1
170 destructor called; deleted object:
171 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 004A4910
173 objects left: 0
175 */



 1 Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
 2 {
 3     cout << "Entering operator+()\n";
 4     Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
 5     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 6         temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
 7     for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
 8         temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
 9     cout << "temp object:\n";
10     cout << "Leaving operator+()\n";
11     return temp;
12 }



1 Useless::Useless(const Useless & f) : n(f.n) 
2 {
3     ++ct;
4     cout << "copy constructor const called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
5     pc = new char[n];
6     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
7         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
8     ShowObject();
9 }





2.2 移动语义是什么?


  1 // 例2:复制构造函数 与 移动构造函数
  2 // useless.cpp -- an otherwise useless class with move semantics
  3 #include <iostream>
  4 using namespace std;
  6 // interface
  7 class Useless
  8 {
  9 private:
 10     int n;          // number of elements
 11     char * pc;      // pointer to data
 12     static int ct;  // number of objects
 13     void ShowObject() const;
 15 public:
 16     Useless();
 17     explicit Useless(int k);
 18     Useless(int k, char ch);
 19     Useless(const Useless & f); // regular copy constructor
 20     Useless(Useless && f);      // move constructor
 21     Useless & operator=(const Useless & f); // copy assignment
 22     Useless & operator=(Useless && f); // move assignment
 23     ~Useless();
 24     Useless operator+(const Useless & f) const;
 25     void ShowData() const;
 26 };
 28 // implementation
 29 int Useless::ct = 0;
 31 Useless::Useless()
 32 {
 33     ++ct;
 34     n = 0;
 35     pc = nullptr;
 36     cout << "default constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 37     ShowObject();
 38 }
 40 Useless::Useless(int k) : n(k)
 41 {
 42     ++ct; 
 43     cout << "Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 44     pc = new char[n];
 45     ShowObject();
 46 }
 48 Useless::Useless(int k, char ch) : n(k)
 49 {
 50     ++ct;
 51     cout << "Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 52     pc = new char[n];
 53     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 54         pc[i] = ch;
 55     ShowObject();
 56 }
 58 Useless::Useless(const Useless & f) : n(f.n) 
 59 {
 60     ++ct;
 61     cout << "copy constructor const called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 62     pc = new char[n];
 63     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 64         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 65     ShowObject();
 66 }
 68 Useless::Useless(Useless && f) : n(f.n) 
 69 {
 70     ++ct;
 71     cout << "move constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 72     pc = f.pc;       // steal address
 73     f.pc = nullptr;  // give old object nothing in return
 74     f.n = 0;
 75     ShowObject();
 76 }
 78 Useless & Useless::operator=(const Useless & f)
 79 {
 80     if (this == &f)
 81         return *this;
 82     delete []pc;
 83     n = f.n;
 84     pc = new char[n];
 85     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
 86         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 87     return *this;
 88 }
 90 Useless & Useless::operator=(Useless && f)
 91 {
 92     if (this == &f)
 93         return *this;
 94     delete []pc;
 95     n = f.n;
 96     pc = f.pc;
 97     f.n = 0;
 98     f.pc = nullptr;
 99     return *this;
100 }
102 Useless::~Useless()
103 {
104     cout << "destructor called; "; 
105     cout << "deleted object:\n";
106     ShowObject();
107     delete [] pc;
108     cout << "objects left: " << --ct << endl << endl;
109 }
111 Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
112 {
113     cout << "Entering operator+()\n";
114     Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
115     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
116         temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
117     for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
118         temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
119     cout << "temp object:\n";
120     cout << "Leaving operator+()\n";
121     return temp;
122 }
124 void Useless::ShowObject() const
125 { 
126     cout << "Number of elements: " << n;
127     cout << " Data address: " << (void *) pc << endl << endl;
128 }
130 void Useless::ShowData() const
131 {
132     if (0 == n)
133     {
134         cout << "(object empty)";
135     }
136     else
137     {
138         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
139             cout << pc[i];
140     }
141     cout << endl;
142 }
144 // application
145 int main()
146 {
147     {
148         Useless one(10, 'x');
149         Useless two = one;          // calls copy constructor
150         Useless three(20, 'o');
151         Useless four(one + three);  // calls operator+(), move constructor
152         cout << "object one: ";
153         one.ShowData();
154         cout << "object two: ";
155         two.ShowData();
156         cout << "object three: ";
157         three.ShowData();
158         cout << "object four: ";
159         four.ShowData();
160     }
161     cin.get();
162 }
164 // out
165 /*
166 Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: 1
167 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00224910
169 copy constructor const called; number of objects: 2
170 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00224958
172 Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: 3
173 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 002249A0
175 Entering operator+()
176 Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: 4
177 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 002249F0
179 temp object:
180 Leaving operator+()
181 move constructor called; number of objects: 5
182 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 002249F0
184 destructor called; deleted object:
185 Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
187 objects left: 4
189 object one: xxxxxxxxxx
190 object two: xxxxxxxxxx
191 object three: oooooooooooooooooooo
192 object four: xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooo
193 destructor called; deleted object:
194 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 002249F0
196 objects left: 3
198 destructor called; deleted object:
199 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 002249A0
201 objects left: 2
203 destructor called; deleted object:
204 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00224958
206 objects left: 1
208 destructor called; deleted object:
209 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00224910
211 objects left: 0
213 */













2.3 C++11如何支持移动语义?






1. 右值引用让编译器知道何时可使用移动语义。

比如,上面的示例中对象one是左值,与左值引用匹配,而表达式one + three是右值,与右值引用匹配。

2. 为自定义类编写移动构造函数,使其具备所需的行为能力。



示例1. 只有赋值运算符函数

  1 // 只有复制赋值运算符
  2 #include <iostream>
  3 using namespace std;
  5 // interface
  6 class Useless
  7 {
  8 private:
  9     int n;          // number of elements
 10     char * pc;      // pointer to data
 11     static int ct;  // number of objects
 12     void ShowObject() const;
 14 public:
 15     Useless();
 16     explicit Useless(int k);
 17     Useless(int k, char ch);
 18     Useless(const Useless & f); // regular copy constructor
 19     Useless(Useless && f);      // move constructor
 20     Useless & operator=(const Useless & f); // copy assignment
 21     ~Useless();
 22     Useless operator+(const Useless & f)const;
 23     void ShowData() const;
 24 };
 26 // implementation
 27 int Useless::ct = 0;
 29 Useless::Useless()
 30 {
 31     ++ct;
 32     n = 0;
 33     pc = nullptr;
 34     cout << "default constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 35     ShowObject();
 36 }
 38 Useless::Useless(int k) : n(k)
 39 {
 40     ++ct; 
 41     cout << "Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 42     pc = new char[n];
 43     ShowObject();
 44 }
 46 Useless::Useless(int k, char ch) : n(k)
 47 {
 48     ++ct;
 49     cout << "Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 50     pc = new char[n];
 51     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 52         pc[i] = ch;
 53     ShowObject();
 54 }
 56 Useless::Useless(const Useless & f) : n(f.n) 
 57 {
 58     ++ct;
 59     cout << "copy const called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 60     pc = new char[n];
 61     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 62         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 63     ShowObject();
 64 }
 66 Useless::Useless(Useless && f) : n(f.n) 
 67 {
 68     ++ct;
 69     cout << "move constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 70     pc = f.pc;       // steal address
 71     f.pc = nullptr;  // give old object nothing in return
 72     f.n = 0;
 73     ShowObject();
 74 }
 76 Useless & Useless::operator=(const Useless & f)
 77 {
 78     cout << "copy assignment operator= called;\n";
 79     if (this == &f)
 80         return *this;
 81     delete []pc;
 82     n = f.n;
 83     pc = new char[n];
 84     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
 85         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 86     return *this;
 87 }
 89 Useless::~Useless()
 90 {
 91     cout << "destructor called; deleted object: "; 
 92     ShowObject();
 93     delete [] pc;
 94     cout << "objects left: " << --ct << endl;
 95 }
 97 Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
 98 {
 99     cout << "Entering operator+()\n";
100     Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
101     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
102         temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
103     for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
104         temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
105     cout << "temp object:\n";
106     cout << "Leaving operator+()\n";
107     return temp;
108 }
110 void Useless::ShowObject() const
111 { 
112     cout << "Number of elements: " << n;
113     cout << " Data address: " << (void *) pc << endl;
114 }
116 void Useless::ShowData() const
117 {
118     if (0 == n)
119     {
120         cout << "(object empty)";
121     }
122     else
123     {
124         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
125             cout << pc[i];
126     }
127     cout << endl;
128 }
130 // application
131 int main()
132 {
133     {
134         Useless one(10, 'x');
135         Useless two = one + one;  // calls move constructor
136         cout << "Object one: ";
137         one.ShowData(); 
138         cout << "Object two: ";
139         two.ShowData();
140         Useless three, four;
141         cout << "three = one \n";
142         three = one;           // automatic copy assignment 
143         cout << "Now Object three = ";
144         three.ShowData();
145         cout << "And Object one = ";
146         one.ShowData();
147         cout << "four = one + two \n";
148         four = one + two;       // automatic move assignment
149         cout << "Now Object four = ";
150         four.ShowData();
151         cout << "four = move(one)\n";
152         four = std::move(one);   // forced move assignment
153         cout << "Now Object four = ";
154         four.ShowData();
155         cout << "And Object one = ";
156         one.ShowData();
157     }
158     cin.get();
159 }
161 // run out
162 /*
163 Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: 1
164 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00794910
165 Entering operator+()
166 Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: 2
167 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 00794958
168 temp object:
169 Leaving operator+()
170 move constructor called; number of objects: 3
171 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 00794958
172 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
173 objects left: 2
174 Object one: xxxxxxxxxx
175 Object two: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
176 default constructor called; number of objects: 3
177 Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
178 default constructor called; number of objects: 4
179 Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
180 three = one
181 copy assignment operator= called;
182 Now Object three = xxxxxxxxxx
183 And Object one = xxxxxxxxxx
184 four = one + two
185 Entering operator+()
186 Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: 5
187 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 007949F0
188 temp object:
189 Leaving operator+()
190 move constructor called; number of objects: 6
191 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 007949F0
192 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
193 objects left: 5
194 copy assignment operator= called;
195 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 30 Data address: 007949F0
197 objects left: 4
198 Now Object four = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
199 four = move(one)
200 copy assignment operator= called;
201 Now Object four = xxxxxxxxxx
202 And Object one = xxxxxxxxxx
203 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 10 Data address: 007949F0
205 objects left: 3
206 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 10 Data address: 007949A8
208 objects left: 2
209 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 20 Data address: 00794958
211 objects left: 1
212 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00794910
214 objects left: 0
216 */


示例2. 有赋值运算符函数,有移动赋值运算符函数

  1 // 有复制赋值运算符 且 有移动赋值运算符
  2 // useless.cpp -- an otherwise useless class with move semantics
  3 #include <iostream>
  4 using namespace std;
  6 // interface
  7 class Useless
  8 {
  9 private:
 10     int n;          // number of elements
 11     char * pc;      // pointer to data
 12     static int ct;  // number of objects
 13     void ShowObject() const;
 15 public:
 16     Useless();
 17     explicit Useless(int k);
 18     Useless(int k, char ch);
 19     Useless(const Useless & f); // regular copy constructor
 20     Useless(Useless && f);      // move constructor
 21     Useless & operator=(const Useless & f); // copy assignment
 22     Useless & operator=(Useless && f); // move assignment
 23     ~Useless();
 24     Useless operator+(const Useless & f)const;
 25     void ShowData() const;
 26 };
 28 // implementation
 29 int Useless::ct = 0;
 31 Useless::Useless()
 32 {
 33     ++ct;
 34     n = 0;
 35     pc = nullptr;
 36     cout << "default constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 37     ShowObject();
 38 }
 40 Useless::Useless(int k) : n(k)
 41 {
 42     ++ct; 
 43     cout << "Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 44     pc = new char[n];
 45     ShowObject();
 46 }
 48 Useless::Useless(int k, char ch) : n(k)
 49 {
 50     ++ct;
 51     cout << "Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 52     pc = new char[n];
 53     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 54         pc[i] = ch;
 55     ShowObject();
 56 }
 58 Useless::Useless(const Useless & f) : n(f.n) 
 59 {
 60     ++ct;
 61     cout << "copy const called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 62     pc = new char[n];
 63     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 64         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 65     ShowObject();
 66 }
 68 Useless::Useless(Useless && f) : n(f.n) 
 69 {
 70     ++ct;
 71     cout << "move constructor called; number of objects: " << ct << endl;
 72     pc = f.pc;       // steal address
 73     f.pc = nullptr;  // give old object nothing in return
 74     f.n = 0;
 75     ShowObject();
 76 }
 78 Useless & Useless::operator=(const Useless & f)
 79 {
 80     cout << "copy assignment operator= called;\n";
 81     if (this == &f)
 82         return *this;
 83     delete []pc;
 84     n = f.n;
 85     pc = new char[n];
 86     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
 87         pc[i] = f.pc[i];
 88     return *this;
 89 }
 91 Useless & Useless::operator=(Useless && f)
 92 {
 93     cout << "move assignment operator= called;\n";
 94     if (this == &f)
 95         return *this;
 96     delete []pc;
 97     n = f.n;
 98     pc = f.pc;
 99     f.n = 0;
100     f.pc = nullptr;
101     return *this;
102 }
104 Useless::~Useless()
105 {
106     cout << "destructor called; deleted object: "; 
107     ShowObject();
108     delete [] pc;
109     cout << "objects left: " << --ct << endl;
110 }
112 Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
113 {
114     cout << "Entering operator+()\n";
115     Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
116     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
117         temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
118     for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
119         temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
120     cout << "temp object:\n";
121     cout << "Leaving operator+()\n";
122     return temp;
123 }
125 void Useless::ShowObject() const
126 { 
127     cout << "Number of elements: " << n;
128     cout << " Data address: " << (void *) pc << endl;
129 }
131 void Useless::ShowData() const
132 {
133     if (0 == n)
134     {
135         cout << "(object empty)";
136     }
137     else
138     {
139         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
140             cout << pc[i];
141     }
142     cout << endl;
143 }
145 // application
146 int main()
147 {
148     {
149         Useless one(10, 'x');
150         Useless two = one + one;  // calls move constructor
151         cout << "Object one: ";
152         one.ShowData(); 
153         cout << "Object two: ";
154         two.ShowData();
155         Useless three, four;
156         cout << "three = one \n";
157         three = one;           // automatic copy assignment 
158         cout << "Now Object three = ";
159         three.ShowData();
160         cout << "And Object one = ";
161         one.ShowData();
162         cout << "four = one + two \n";
163         four = one + two;       // automatic move assignment
164         cout << "Now Object four = ";
165         four.ShowData();
166         cout << "four = move(one)\n";
167         four = std::move(one);   // forced move assignment
168         cout << "Now Object four = ";
169         four.ShowData();
170         cout << "And Object one = ";
171         one.ShowData();
172     }
173     cin.get();
174 }
175 /*
176 Useless(int k, char ch) constructor called; number of objects: 1
177 Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00204910
178 Entering operator+()
179 Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: 2
180 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 00204958
181 temp object:
182 Leaving operator+()
183 move constructor called; number of objects: 3
184 Number of elements: 20 Data address: 00204958
185 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
186 objects left: 2
187 Object one: xxxxxxxxxx
188 Object two: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
189 default constructor called; number of objects: 3
190 Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
191 default constructor called; number of objects: 4
192 Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
193 three = one
194 copy assignment operator= called;
195 Now Object three = xxxxxxxxxx
196 And Object one = xxxxxxxxxx
197 four = one + two
198 Entering operator+()
199 Useless(int k) constructor called; number of objects: 5
200 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 002049F0
201 temp object:
202 Leaving operator+()
203 move constructor called; number of objects: 6
204 Number of elements: 30 Data address: 002049F0
205 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
206 objects left: 5
207 move assignment operator= called;
208 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
209 objects left: 4
210 Now Object four = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
211 four = move(one)
212 move assignment operator= called;
213 Now Object four = xxxxxxxxxx
214 And Object one = (object empty)
215 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 10 Data address: 00204910
217 objects left: 3
218 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 10 Data address: 002049A8
220 objects left: 2
221 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 20 Data address: 00204958
223 objects left: 1
224 destructor called; deleted object: Number of elements: 0 Data address: 00000000
225 objects left: 0
226 */



 1 Useless & Useless::operator=(Useless && f)
 2 {
 3     cout << "move assignment operator= called;\n";
 4     if (this == &f)
 5         return *this;
 6     delete []pc;
 7     n = f.n;
 8     pc = f.pc;
 9     f.n = 0;
10     f.pc = nullptr;
11     return *this;
12 }



移动构造函数和移动赋值运算符使用右值。如果想要强制移动,即要让它们使用左值作为实参,可使用运算符static_cast<>将对象的类型强制转换为Useless &&。





Good Good Study, Day Day Up.

顺序 选择 循环 总结

posted @ 2016-12-25 23:10  kaizenly  阅读(3649)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报