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Land Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS),是NASA处理、生产和评估Suomi NPP-VIIRS陆地产品的系统。产品可能包括土地覆盖、雪覆盖、植被属性、水文属性、温度、反射率、反照率和火灾等。Land SIPS中集成所选产品的近实时算法,可在三小时内处理和交付这些产品,并通过NASA的Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS(LANCE)系统分发。


VNP14IMG (NASA Land-SIPS VIIRS 375 m 活跃火产品) 是基于I波段制作出来的(但是吧,这些波段当初设计的主要目标不是为了检测活跃火,而且吧,I4波段比较容易有像元饱和的问题),目前仍是一个试验(experimental) 。


VNP14IMG产品中的饱和像素通常有以下几种情况:1. 典型的像素饱和状态,这种像素被分配为名义饱和温度367 K。2. 当火灾信号大大超过通道I4的动态范围时,像素值将“折叠”并显示异常低的温度(🤔这是什么操作?反正用户手册里是这么写的)。不过这种情况,可以通过长波红外通道(I5)数据来协同验证。3. 是更具挑战性的情况:在机载数据聚合期间,达到饱和的本机像素与其他非饱和像素混合在一起,导致一级辐射信息受损。目前,在输入的一级数据中没有可用的质量标志来指示这些异常情况。

然后,用户手册中说:Nighttime detection. This is the period during which the VNP14IMG product is particularly responsive to heat sources thereby favoring plume detection. 夜间探测。这个时段,VNP14IMG产品对热源特别敏感,因此有利于烟团探测烟羽检测)[感觉后面会用到,先标记一下⭐]。


  • Level 2 (swath data, 幅宽数据),投影与输入L1数据类似,没有进行数据重采样或其他校正。

  • Level 3 (tiled data, 平铺数据集),使用预定的投影类型(如正弦投影)和固定像素大小(如500米)进行空间重采样和时间聚合(如8天数据堆栈)操作。

  • Level 4 (gridded data, 格网数据集),进行空间重采样从而获得符合气候模拟网格(CMG)产品(如0.25°×0.25°格网数据)。格网数据制作过程中会根据云遮蔽情况和采样频率(随纬度的不同发生变化)进行校正。

    根据数据处理级别和处理环境,产品命名不同。目前的产品包括:VNP14 (Level 2), VNP14IMG (Level 2)和VNP14A1 (Level 3)活跃火灾数据集。

VNP14IMG 8位火灾掩膜数据集

欲知操作详情,请见Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)文件:




AVHRR(Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)、MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)和VIIRS(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)均是传感器,空间分辨率在百米级别。三个传感器首次搭载卫星分别在:AVHRR (1978年), MODIS (1999年), VIIRS (2011年);星下点空间分辨率分别约为1km, 250m/500m/1km, 375m/750m。


AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)传感器已经发展了三代:AVHRR/1只有4个原始波段(可见光+TIR);AVHRR/2在1的基础上增加1热红外波段(11.5μm-12.5μm);AVHRR/3在2的基础上增加1中红外波段(1.58μm-1.64μm),1998年首次搭载在NOAA-15上。

AVHRR的星下点分辨率为1.1km。由于扫描角大,图像边缘部分变形较大,实际上最有用的部分在±15°范围内(15°处地面分辨率为1.5km),这个范围的成象周期为6天。搭载在极轨环境卫星 (POES, polar orbiting Environmental Satellites) NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)系列以及欧洲的MetOp卫星上。

基于该传感器数据制作的产品主要有:USGS制作的AVHRR NDVI composites和Global Land Cover Characterization(GLCC)[1]
首批1km全球土地覆被产品数据(IGBP-DISCover, UMD Land Cover classification)。


AVHRR/1 wavelength(μm) AVHRR/2 wavelength(μm) AVHRR/3 wavelength(μm)
0.58 - 0.68 0.58 - 0.68 0.58 - 0.68
0.725 - 1.10 0.725 - 1.10 0.725 - 1.00
3.55 - 3.93 3.55 - 3.93 1.58 - 1.64
10.50 - 11.50 10.3 - 11.3 3.55 - 3.93
11.5 - 12.5 10.3 - 11.3
11.5 - 12.5
Band Name Spectral Range (μm) Applications
Band 1 Red 0.58-0.68 Urban, vegetation, snow/ice, daytime clouds
Band 2 Near IR 0.725-1.00 Vegetation, land/water boundaries, snow/ice, flooding
Band 3A Mid IR 1.58-1.64 Vegetation, snow/ice detection, dust monitoring
Band 3B Thermal 3.55-3.93 Surface temperature, wildfire detection, nighttime clouds, volcanic eruptions
Band 4 Thermal 10.30-11.30 Surface temperature, wildfire detection, nighttime clouds, volcanic eruptions
Band 5 Thermal 11.5-12.50 Sea surface temperature, water vapor path radiance


Satellite name Launch date Service start Service end
TIROS-N 13 October 1978 19 October 1978 30 January 1980
NOAA-6 27 June 1979 27 June 1979 16 November 1986
NOAA-7 23 June 1981 24 August 1981 7 June 1986
NOAA-8 28 March 1983 3 May 1983 31 October 1985
NOAA-9 12 December 1984 25 February 1985 11 May 1994
NOAA-10 17 September 1986 17 November 1986 17 September 1991
NOAA-11 24 September 1988 8 November 1988 13 September 1994
NOAA-12 13 May 1991 14 May 1991 15 December 1994
NOAA-14 30 December 1994 30 December 1994 23 May 2007
NOAA-15 13 May 1998 13 May 1998 present
NOAA-16 21 September 2000 21 September 2000 9 June 2014
NOAA-17 24 June 2002 24 June 2002 10 April 2013
NOAA-18 20 May 2005 30 August 2005 present
NOAA-19 6 February 2009 2 June 2009 present
Metop-A 19 October 2006 20 June 2007 15 November 2021
Metop-B 17 September 2012 24 April 2013 present
Metop-C 7 November 2018 3 July 2019 present


  1. 云盖(Cloud cover)
  2. 云光学深度(Cloud optical depth)
  3. 云顶高(Cloud top height)
  4. 云最高温度(Cloud top temperature)
  5. 云类型(Cloud type)
  6. 叶面积指数(LAI)
  7. 归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)
  8. 海面温度(Sea surface temperature)
  9. 海冰盖(Sea-ice cover)


  • 气溶胶火山灰总柱(Aerosol volcanic ash Total Column)
  • 生物质(Biomass)
  • 云下降有效半径(Cloud drop effective radius)
  • 云冰有效半径(Cloud ice effective radius)
  • 综合水蒸气(IWV)
  • 土地表面温度(Land surface temperature)
  • 雪覆盖(Snow cover)


  • 气溶胶火山灰(Aerosol volcanic ash)
  • 地面的向下短波辐照度(Downward short-wave irradiance at Earth surface)
  • 火分子盖(Fire fractional cover)
  • 火辐射能力(Fire radiative power)
  • 火温度(Fire temperature)
  • 短波云反射(Short-wave cloud reflectance)
  • 土壤水分(Soil moisture at surface)
  • TOA的向上短波辐照(Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA)
  • 风(水平)(Wind (horizontal))


MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)有20个Reflective Solar Bands (RSB, No. 1-19, 26),16个Thermal Emissive Bands (TEB, No.20-25, 27-36),共36个波段。1999年搭载在Terra上,2002年搭载在Aqua上。

MODIS的产品系列就不过多介绍了,详见MODIS Web (


Band Wavelength(μm) Primary use Resolution(m)
1 0.620–0.670 Land/cloud/aerosols boundaries 250
2 0.841–0.876 250
3 0.459–0.479 Land/cloud/aerosols properties 500
4 0.545–0.565 500
5 1.230–1.250 500
6 1.628–1.652 500
7 2.105–2.155 500
8 0.405–0.420 Ocean color/phytoplankton/biogeochemistry 1000
9 0.438–0.448 1000
10 0.483–0.493 1000
11 0.526–0.536 1000
12 0.546–0.556 1000
13 0.662–0.672 1000
14 0.673–0.683 1000
15 0.743–0.753 1000
16 0.862–0.877 1000
17 0.890–0.920 Atmospheric water vapor 1000
18 0.931–0.941 1000
19 0.915–0.965 1000
20 3.660–3.840 Surface/cloud temperature 1000
21 3.929–3.989 1000
22 3.929–3.989 1000
23 4.020–4.080 1000
24 4.433–4.498 Atmospheric temperature 1000
25 4.482–4.549 1000
26 1.360–1.390 Cirrus clouds water vapor 1000
27 6.535–6.895 1000
28 7.175–7.475 1000
29 8.400–8.700 Cloud properties 1000
30 9.580–9.880 Ozone 1000
31 10.780–11.280 Surface/cloud temperature 1000
32 11.770–12.270 1000
33 13.185–13.485 Cloud top altitude 1000
34 13.485–13.785 1000
35 13.785–14.085 1000
36 14.085–14.385 1000


VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)主要有两类波段:5个I波段(imaging bands,星下点空间分辨率375m)和16个M波段(moderate-resolution bands,星下点空间分辨率750m);外加一个DNB波段,总共22个波段。该传感器搭载在Suomi-NPP和NOAA-20上。

基于这个Suomi-NPP VIIRS的数据产品吧,我找了一个链接,LP DAAC - Search (


Band Wavelength(μm) Description Resolution(m)
I1 0.6 - 0.68 Visible/Reflective 375
I2 0.85 - 0.88 Near Infrared 375
I3 1.58 - 1.64 Shortwave Infrared 375
I4 3.55 - 3.93 Medium-wave Infrared 375
I5 10.5 - 12.4 Longwave Infrared 375
M1 0.402 - 0.422 Visible/Reflective 750
M2 0.436 - 0.454 Visible/Reflective 750
M3 0.478 - 0.488 Visible/Reflective 750
M4 0.545 - 0.565 Visible/Reflective 750
M5 0.662 - 0.682 Near Infrared 750
M6 0.739 - 0.754 Near Infrared 750
M7 0.846 - 0.885 Shortwave Infrared 750
M8 1.23 - 1.25 Shortwave Infrared 750
M9 1.371 - 1.386 Shortwave Infrared 750
M10 1.58 - 1.64 Shortwave Infrared 750
M11 2.23 - 2.28 Medium-wave Infrared 750
M12 3.61 - 3.79 Medium-wave Infrared 750
M13 3.97 - 4.13 Longwave Infrared 750
M14 8.4 - 8.7 Longwave Infrared 750
M15 10.26 - 11.26 Longwave Infrared 750
M16 11.54 - 12.49 Day/Night 750
DNB 0.5 - 0.9 Visible/Reflective 750


[1]USGS EROS Archive - Land Cover Products - Global Land Cover Characterization (GLCC) Background | U.S. Geological Survey

[2]AVHRR: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - GIS Geography](

[3]Advanced very-high-resolution radiometer - Wikipedia

[4]MODIS Web (

[5]LP DAAC - VIIRS Overview (

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