SQL SERVER 递归查询实现BOM多阶报表
--向下递归 with temp (OrgId,ParentId,OrgName) as ( select OrgId,ParentId,OrgName from Org where OrgId='01' union all select a.OrgId, a.ParentId,a.OrgName from Org a inner join temp on a.[ParentId] = temp.[OrgId] ) select * from temp
--向上递归 with temp (OrgId,ParentId,OrgName) as ( select OrgId,ParentId,OrgName from Org where OrgId='0405' union all select a.OrgId, a.ParentId,a.OrgName from Org a inner join temp on a.[OrgId] = temp.[ParentId] ) select * from temp