10 Small Habits of Less Stressed People 文章出自:www.positivityblog.com原文链接:点击查看“Unnatural work produces too much stress.”Bhagavad Gita“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”Sydney J. HarrisKeeping the stress away in life isn’t just about the big decisions and challenges like the career. Read More
posted @ 2012-06-07 22:37 hp+y Views(235) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
自己动手写压缩软件 作者: huzy 【 源码下载 :http://sourceforge.net/projects/hzyzip/ 】咳咳!!!首先,有点小激动,(*^_^*),写了两天两夜再加一个清晨的压缩软件“成功”通过啦!压缩了一曲劲爆的MV,再解压,然后边听边写……如有笔误,纯属激动!!!打这个“歪主意”很久了,就是没动手,前些天被偶那亲爱的哥哥给激了下,所以决心“玩玩”。经过偶的“高速CPU”规划了下,首先得准备好Huffman算法(算法是偶的强项,过去一年多,偶吃饱了就干这个,所以小... Read More
posted @ 2012-06-07 00:23 hp+y Views(6518) Comments(1) Diggs(2) Edit