LOJ#2244. 「NOI2014」起床困难综合症

$n \leq 1e5$个位运算操作,$m \le 2^{30}$,问$0-m$中谁进行完所有操作值最大,输出这个最大值。



 1 //#include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #include<cstdio>
 4 //#include<time.h>
 5 //#include<math.h>
 6 //#include<set>
 7 //#include<queue>
 8 //#include<bitset>
 9 //#include<vector>
10 #include<algorithm>
11 #include<stdlib.h>
12 using namespace std;
14 #define LL long long
15 LL qread()
16 {
17     char c; LL s=0; int f=1; while ((c=getchar())<'0' || c>'9') (c=='-') && (f=-1);
18     do s=s*10+c-'0'; while ((c=getchar())>='0' && c<='9'); return s*f;
19 }
21 //Pay attention to '-' , LL and double of qread!!!!
23 int n,m,a,b,x,ba;
24 int main()
25 {
26     n=qread(); m=qread();
27     a=ba=(1<<30)-1; b=x=0;
28     char c; int v;
29     while (n--)
30     {
31         while ((c=getchar())!='A' && c!='O' && c!='X');
32         if (c=='A')
33         {
34             c=getchar(); c=getchar();
35             v=qread(); a&=v; b&=v; x&=v;
36         }
37         else if (c=='O')
38         {
39             c=getchar();
40             v=qread(); b|=v; a|=v; x&=ba^v;
41         }
42         else if (c=='X')
43         {
44             c=getchar(); c=getchar();
45             v=qread();
46             for (int i=0;i<30;i++) if ((v>>i)&1)
47             {
48                 if (((b>>i)&1)==0 && ((a>>i)&1)==1) x^=1<<i;
49                 else if ((b>>i)&1 || ((a>>i)&1)==0) a^=(1<<i),b^=(1<<i);
50             }
51         }
52     }
53     int tmp=0,ans=0;
54     for (int i=29;~i;i--)
55     {
56         if ((b>>i)&1) ans|=1<<i;
57         else if (((a>>i)&1)==0);
58         else
59         {
60             if ((x>>i)&1) ans|=1<<i;
61             else if ((tmp|(1<<i))<=m) tmp|=1<<i,ans|=1<<i;
62         }
63     }
64     printf("%d\n",ans);
65     return 0;
66 }
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posted @ 2018-07-12 11:21  Blue233333  阅读(261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报