vconfig in linux

% vconfig
Expecting argc to be 3-5, inclusive.  Was: 1

Usage: add             [interface-name] [vlan_id]
       rem             [vlan-name]
       set_flag        [interface-name] [flag-num]       [0 | 1]
       set_egress_map  [vlan-name]      [skb_priority]   [vlan_qos]
       set_ingress_map [vlan-name]      [skb_priority]   [vlan_qos]
       set_name_type   [name-type]

* The [interface-name] is the name of the ethernet card that hosts
  the VLAN you are talking about.
* The vlan_id is the identifier (0-4095) of the VLAN you are operating on.
* skb_priority is the priority in the socket buffer (sk_buff).
* vlan_qos is the 3 bit priority in the VLAN header
* name-type:  VLAN_PLUS_VID (vlan0005), VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD (vlan5),
              DEV_PLUS_VID (eth0.0005), DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD (eth0.5)
* bind-type:  PER_DEVICE  # Allows vlan 5 on eth0 and eth1 to be unique.
              PER_KERNEL  # Forces vlan 5 to be unique across all devices.
* FLAGS:  1 REORDER_HDR  When this is set, the VLAN device will move the
            ethernet header around to make it look exactly like a real
            ethernet device.  This may help programs such as DHCPd which
            read the raw ethernet packet and make assumptions about the
            location of bytes.  If you don't need it, don't turn it on, because
            there will be at least a small performance degradation.  Default
            is OFF.

----->   在eth0接口配置两个vlan  如果没有加载模块会自动加载8021q模块
vconfig add eth0 11
vconfig add eth0 21

----->   设置参数 REORDER_HDR (默认就是)
vconfig set_flag eth0.11 1 1
vconfig set_flag eth0.21 1 1

----->   查看一下
cat /proc/net/vlan/eth0.11
cat /proc/net/vlan/eth0.21

----->   改接口启动配置文件
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0.11
perl -pi -e 's/DEVICE=eth0/DEVICE=eth0.11/g' ifcfg-eth0.11
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0.21
perl -pi -e 's/DEVICE=eth0/DEVICE=eth0.21/g' ifcfg-eth0.21

perl -pi -e 's/IPADDR=/#IPADDR=/g' ifcfg-eth0
perl -pi -e 's/NETMASK=/#NETMASK=/g' ifcfg-eth0

----->   手工切换 这时需要更改交换机配置
ifdown eth0;ifup eth0;ifup eth0.11;ifup eth0.21

----->   设置下次启动自动加载 8021q 模块
echo VLAN=yes >> /etc/sysconfig/network
posted @ 2011-01-27 14:06  BloodAndBone  Views(1447)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报