音标: /naʊ/
起源: 来自古英语“nū”。
本义: 当前时刻。
引申义: 立即或当下的状态。
类比义: 现在的时刻。
1. I'm busy now. (我现在很忙。)
2. Let's start now. (我们现在开始吧。)
3. Now is the time to act. (现在是行动的时候。)
4. I'll be there in a moment. (我马上到。)
5. What are you doing now? (你现在在做什么?)
6. Now that you mention it, I remember. (既然你提到了,我想起来了。)
7. He is now living in New York. (他现在住在纽约。)
8. This is now the standard procedure. (这现在是标准程序。)
9. We need to address this issue now. (我们现在需要解决这个问题。)
10. Now or never! (机不可失,时不再来!)
音标: /təˈdeɪ/
起源: 来自古英语“tō dæge”。
本义: 说话当天。
引申义: 现代或当前的时代。
类比义: 当今或现今。
1. Today is Monday. (今天是星期一。)
2. What will you do today? (你今天要做什么?)
3. Today's weather is nice. (今天的天气很好。)
4. This is a problem we face today. (这是我们今天面临的问题。)
5. I received a letter today. (我今天收到了一封信。)
6. Today, technology is advancing rapidly. (今天,科技正在迅速发展。)
7. Let's plan something for today. (我们今天计划些什么吧。)
8. Today's events are historic. (今天的事件具有历史意义。)
9. I feel great today. (我今天感觉很好。)
10. Today is the day we make a change. (今天是我们做出改变的日子。)
音标: /ˈjestərdeɪ/
起源: 来自古英语“ġeasterdæg”。
本义: 过去的那一天。
引申义: 过去的时光或回忆。
类比义: 往昔或昨日。
1. I saw her yesterday. (我昨天见到她了。)
2. What did you do yesterday? (你昨天做了什么?)
3. Yesterday was Sunday. (昨天是星期天。)
4. I felt sick yesterday. (我昨天感觉不舒服。)
5. The weather was bad yesterday. (昨天天气不好。)
6. Let's talk about yesterday's meeting. (我们来谈谈昨天的会议吧。)
7. I wish I could go back to yesterday. (我希望我能回到昨天。)
8. Yesterday is history. (昨天是历史。)
9. I received your message yesterday. (我昨天收到了你的信息。)
10. Yesterday's news is no longer new. (昨天的新闻已经不新鲜了。)
音标: /təˈmɔrəʊ/
起源: 来自古英语“tō morgen”。
本义: 未来的那一天。
引申义: 未来的希望或计划。
类比义: 明日或未来。
1. I'm leaving tomorrow. (我明天要离开。)
2. What are your plans for tomorrow? (你明天有什么计划?)
3. Tomorrow is another day. (明天又是新的一天。)
4. I'll finish it tomorrow. (我明天会完成它。)
5. The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. (天气预报说明天会下雨。)
6. Let's meet tomorrow morning. (我们明天早上见面吧。)
7. I can't wait for tomorrow. (我等不及明天了。)
8. Tomorrow never comes. (明日遥遥无期。)
9. I have an exam tomorrow. (我明天有考试。)
10. Tomorrow is the day we take action. (明天是我们采取行动的日子。)
音标: /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/
起源: 来自古英语“morgen”。
本义: 一天的开始部分。
引申义: 开始或新的开始。
类比义: 晨曦或黎明。
1. Good morning! (早上好!)
2. I have an appointment in the morning. (我早上有个约会。)
3. The morning sun is bright. (早晨的太阳很明亮。)
4. Let's start our day in the morning. (我们早上开始新的一天吧。)
5. I enjoy morning walks. (我喜欢晨间散步。)
6. The morning coffee is essential. (早晨的咖啡是必不可少的。)
7. Morning exercises help me stay fit. (晨练帮我保持健康。)
8. The morning traffic is heavy. (早上的交通很拥挤。)
9. I prefer morning classes. (我喜欢早上的课。)
10. The morning sky is clear. (早晨的天空很晴朗。)
音标: /ˌɑːftərˈnuːn/
起源: 来自“after noon”。
本义: 午后。
引申义: 中午之后的时间。
类比义: 下午
1. Let's meet in the afternoon. (我们下午见面吧。)
2. I have a meeting in the afternoon. (我下午有个会议。)
3. The afternoon sun is warm. (下午的太阳很温暖。)
4. I usually take a nap in the afternoon. (我下午通常小睡一下。)
5. Afternoon tea is a British tradition. (下午茶是英国的传统。)
6. The afternoon classes start at 2 PM. (下午的课下午两点开始。)
7. I feel sleepy in the afternoon. (我下午感觉有点困。)
8. The weather is nice in the afternoon. (下午天气很好。)
9. Let's have lunch in the afternoon. (我们下午吃午饭吧。)
10. The afternoon traffic is lighter. (下午的交通比较轻。)
音标: /ˈiːvniŋ/
起源: 来自古英语“ēfnung”。
本义: 傍晚。
引申义: 下午之后的时间。
类比义: 傍晚。
1. Good evening! (晚上好!)
2. I work in the evening. (我晚上工作。)
3. Let's go out in the evening. (我们晚上出去吧。)
4. The evening sky is beautiful. (傍晚的天空很美。)
5. I like evening walks. (我喜欢傍晚散步。)
6. The evening news is on at 7 PM. (晚上七点新闻。)
7. I prefer evening classes. (我喜欢晚上的课。)
8. The evening breeze is cool. (晚风很凉爽。)
9. Let's have dinner in the evening. (我们晚上吃晚饭吧。)
10. The evening is calm. (晚上很宁静。)
音标: /naɪt/
起源: 来自古英语“niht”。
本义: 黑夜。
引申义: 睡眠时间。
类比义: 夜晚。
1. Good night! (晚安!)
2. I sleep at night. (我晚上睡觉。)
3. The night sky is full of stars. (夜空繁星点点。)
4. I work the night shift. (我上夜班。)
5. Let's watch a movie tonight. (我们今晚看电影吧。)
6. The night is dark and quiet. (夜晚黑暗而宁静。)
7. I enjoy night walks. (我喜欢夜晚散步。)
8. The night life in the city is vibrant. (城市里的夜生活很活跃。)
9. I prefer night classes. (我喜欢夜间的课。)
10. The night brings peace. (夜晚带来宁静。)
音标: /ˈriːsntli/
起源: 来自拉丁语“recens”。
本义: 不久前。
引申义: 近期。
类比义: 最近。
1. I have recently started a new job. (我最近开始了一份新工作。)
2. She recently got married. (她最近结婚了。)
3. There have been recent developments. (最近有了一些新发展。)
4. I bought a new car recently. (我最近买了一辆新车。)
5. He recently returned from vacation. (他最近从度假回来。)
6. I have recently finished reading the book. (我最近读完了这本书。)
7. There have been recent changes in the company. (公司最近有一些变动。)
8. I recently met an old friend. (我最近遇到了一个老朋友。)
9. The project was recently completed. (这个项目最近完成了。)
10. I have recently learned a new skill. (我最近学了一项新技能。)
音标: /suːn/
起源: 来自古英语“sōna”。
本义: 不久后。
引申义: 马上。
类比义: 快速。
1. I will arrive soon. (我很快就到。)
2. The event will start soon. (活动很快就要开始了。)
3. He will recover soon. (他很快就会康复。)
4. We will leave soon. (我们很快就要走了。)
5. The package will arrive soon. (包裹很快就会到达。)
6. I'll be back soon. (我很快就回来。)
7. The sun will set soon. (太阳很快就会下山。)
8. We'll know the results soon. (我们很快就会知道结果。)
9. I can finish this task soon. (我很快就能完成这个任务。)
10. The movie will start soon. (电影很快就要开始了。)
音标: /ˈleɪtər/
起源: 来自古英语“lātra”。
本义: 更晚些时候。
引申义: 以后。
类比义: 晚些时候。
1. I'll see you later. (待会儿见。)
2. We'll discuss this later. (我们以后再讨论这个。)
3. Finish your work and we'll go out later. (完成工作后我们待会出去。)
4. I'll call you later tonight. (我今晚晚些时候给你打电话。)
5. Save some for later. (留一些以后再吃。)
6. I'll address your concerns later. (我会稍后再处理你的顾虑。)
7. Let's talk about it later. (我们以后再谈。)
8. I'll join you later. (我稍后加入你们。)
9. I'll pay you back later. (我以后还你。)
10. We'll plan the details later. (我们以后再计划细节。)
音标: /ˈɛərliər/
起源: 来自古英语“earlīr”。
本义: 更早些时候。
引申义: 之前。
类比义: 提前。
1. I arrived earlier than expected. (我比预期的早到了。)
2. We discussed this earlier. (我们之前讨论过这个。)
3. He finished his work earlier today. (他今天早点完成了工作。)
4. I spoke to her earlier this morning. (我今天早上早些时候和她谈过。)
5. The store opens earlier on weekends. (周末商店开得更早。)
6. I had breakfast earlier. (我早饭吃得比较早。)
7. We had a meeting earlier this week. (我们这周早些时候开过会。)
8. I submitted my report earlier. (我提前提交了报告。)
9. Let's start earlier tomorrow. (我们明天早点开始吧。)
10. I left earlier to avoid traffic. (我提前离开以避免交通拥堵。)
音标: /bɪˈfɔːr/
起源: 来自古英语“befōran”。
本义: 之前。
引申义: 在...之前。
类比义: 先前。
1. I went to the store before coming here. (我来之前去商店了。)
2. Make sure you save your work before you exit. (退出前确保你保存了工作。)
3. She studied law before becoming a judge. (她成为法官之前学过法律。)
4. I ate breakfast before leaving home. (我离开家之前吃了早餐。)
5. You should turn off the lights before you leave. (你离开前应该关灯。)
6. I used to live in Paris before moving to London. (我搬去伦敦前住在巴黎。)
7. He trained hard before the competition. (他在比赛前刻苦训练。)
8. I read the instructions before starting. (我开始前读了说明。)
9. She looked both ways before crossing the street. (她过马路前左右看了看。)
10. I had never seen such a beautiful view before. (我以前从未见过这么美丽的景色。)
音标: /ˈɑːftər/
起源: 来自古英语“æfter”。
本义: 之后。
引申义: 在...之后。
类比义: 随后。
1. I will call you after the meeting. (会议后我会给你打电话。)
2. Wait after the storm passes. (等暴风雨过后再等。)
3. She went to college after high school. (她高中毕业后上了大学。)
4. I'll clean the room after dinner. (晚饭后我会打扫房间。)
5. He started his business after losing his job. (他失业后开始了自己的生意。)
6. I'll visit you after I finish work. (我下班后会去看你。)
7. She cried after hearing the news. (她听到消息后哭了。)
8. I'll review the notes after the lecture. (讲座后我会复习笔记。)
9. They celebrated after winning the game. (他们赢得比赛后庆祝了。)
10. I'll think about it after I have more information. (我有了更多信息后再考虑。)
音标: /ˈdjuːrɪŋ/
起源: 来自古法语“durant”。
本义: 在...期间。
引申义: 在...持续期间。
类比义: 在...过程中。
1. She worked during the day. (她白天工作。)
2. We talked during the break. (我们在休息时间聊天。)
3. He studied during his free time. (他利用空闲时间学习。)
4. I slept during the flight. (我在飞行期间睡觉。)
5. They danced during the party. (他们在派对期间跳舞。)
6. I read a book during my vacation. (我度假期间读了一本书。)
7. We played games during the gathering. (我们在聚会上玩游戏。)
8. She exercised during her lunch break. (她午休期间锻炼。)
9. I watched a movie during the weekend. (我周末看电影。)
10. They worked together during the project. (他们在项目期间一起工作。)
音标: /ˈsɪns/
起源: 来自古英语“sēnce”。
本义: 自从。
引申义: 从...以来。
类比义: 自...之后。
1. I haven't seen her since last year. (我从去年就没见过她。)
2. He has been living here since 2010. (他从2010年开始住在这里。)
3. I have known him since childhood. (我从小就知道他。)
4. She has been studying hard since the beginning of the semester. (她从学期开始就一直在努力学习。)
5. I have been waiting since morning. (我从早上开始就在等。)
6. They have been married since 1995. (他们从1995年开始结婚。)
7. I have been exercising since last month. (我从上个月开始锻炼。)
8. She has been working here since she graduated. (她毕业后就一直在这里工作。)
9. I have been learning English since I was a child. (我从小就开始学英语。)
10. He has been busy since early morning. (他从一大早开始就很忙。)
音标: /ʌnˈtɪl/
起源: 来自古英语“tillan”。
本义: 直到。
引申义: 到...为止。
类比义: 直到...时。
1. I will wait until you arrive. (我会等到你来。)
2. We will stay here until tomorrow. (我们会待到明天。)
3. He worked until late at night. (他工作到深夜。)
4. I won't leave until you come back. (你回来之前我不会离开。)
5. She will study until she understands the material. (她会学习到理解材料为止。)
6. They will keep the store open until 10 PM. (他们会让商店营业到晚上十点。)
7. I won't give up until I succeed. (我不会放弃,直到成功。)
8. We will continue this project until it's finished. (我们会继续这个项目直到完成。)
9. I'll wait until you're ready. (我会等到你准备好了。)
10. They will talk until they resolve the issue. (他们会一直谈到解决这个问题。)
音标: /waɪl/
起源: 来自古英语“hwīl”。
本义: 在...期间。
引申义: 当...的时候。
类比义: 在...的同时。
1. While I was cooking, the phone rang. (我做饭的时候,电话响了。)
2. While she was sleeping, I cleaned the house. (她睡觉的时候,我打扫了房子。)
3. While we were waiting, we played games. (我们等的时候玩了游戏。)
4. While it's raining, we'll stay inside. (下雨的时候,我们呆在屋里。)
5. While he was away, I took care of the pets. (他不在的时候,我照顾了宠物。)
6. While studying, take breaks to relax. (学习的时候,休息一下放松。)
7. While driving, always wear a seatbelt. (开车时,always wear a seatbelt.)
8. While I was reading, the power went out. (我读书的时候,电停了。)
9. While you're here, let's have lunch together. (你在这儿的时候,我们一起吃午饭吧。)
10. While the weather is good, let's go for a walk. (天气好的时候,我们去散散步吧。)
音标: /fɔːr/
起源: 来自古英语“fōr”。
本义: 为了。
引申义: 持续一段时间。
类比义: 为了...的目的。
1. I waited for an hour. (我等了一个小时。)
2. She has been working for five years. (她工作了五年。)
3. We have been friends for a long time. (我们是多年的朋友。)
4. He has lived in Paris for ten years. (他住在巴黎有十年了。)
5. I have known him for a while. (我认识他有一段时间了。)
6. She studied for the exam all night. (她为了考试学习了一整晚。)
7. I have been saving money for a trip. (我一直在攒钱去旅行。)
8. They have been married for twenty years. (他们结婚二十年了。)
9. I have been practicing for the competition. (我一直在为比赛练习。)
10. She has been waiting for her friend for ages. (她等她的朋友等了好久。)
音标: /baɪ/
起源: 来自古英语“bī”。
本义: 通过。
引申义: 到...时。
类比义: 依靠。
1. I need to finish this by tomorrow. (我需要明天完成这个。)
2. She will arrive by tonight. (她今晚会到达。)
3. The project must be completed by Friday. (项目必须在星期五前完成。)
4. I will have it done by next week. (我下周会完成它。)
5. He will be here by 5 PM. (他下午五点前会到。)
6. The deadline is by the end of the month. (截止日期是月底。)
7. I'll be ready by the time you get here. (你到的时候我就准备好了。)
8. The package should arrive by tomorrow. (包裹应该明天到达。)
9. I'll submit the report by Friday. (我会在星期五提交报告。)
10. The meeting will end by 4 PM. (会议将在下午四点结束。)
音标: /ˌθruːˈaʊt/
起源: 来自“through” + “out”。
本义: 在整个期间。
引申义: 在...的整个过程中。
类比义: 全部期间。
1. Throughout the day, I felt tired. (一整天我感觉很累。)
2. Throughout history, there have been many wars. (历史上有很多战争。)
3. Throughout the movie, the tension builds up. (整部电影中,紧张感逐渐升级。)
4. Throughout the year, we have different holidays. (一年中有不同的节日。)
5. Throughout the journey, we encountered many challenges. (在整个旅程中,我们遇到了很多挑战。)
6. Throughout the night, the rain kept falling. (整晚都在下雨。)
7. Throughout her career, she achieved great success. (在她的职业生涯中,她取得了巨大的成功。)
8. Throughout the project, we faced various issues. (在整个项目过程中,我们面临各种问题。)
9. Throughout the book, the theme is love and loss. (整本书的主题是爱与失落。)
10. Throughout the centuries, this tradition has been preserved. (几个世纪以来,这个传统被保留下来。)
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