I. 前言
II. 基本时间类词
- Because light travels at approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, energy from the sun reaches the Earth’s surface in a little over 8 minutes, or 500 nanoseconds.(因为光的速度大约是每秒299,792,458米,所以从太阳到达地球表面需要略超过8分钟,或500纳秒。)
- Atomic clocks can measure intervals of time as small as a few nanoseconds.(原子钟可以测量几纳秒的时间间隔。)
- A computer CPU cycle lasts around 10 nanoseconds.(计算机CPU周期大约持续10纳秒。)
- A striking rattlesnake can move in a microsecond.(响尾蛇可以在微秒内迅速移动。)
- A car traveling 60 miles per hour covers a distance of 88 feet in a microsecond.(以60英里/小时的速度行驶的汽车,在一个微秒内覆盖了88英尺的距离。)
- The theory of relativity states that time can stretch and shrink by a few microseconds under extreme conditions.(相对论理论表明,在极端的条件下,时间可以弯曲和缩短几微秒。)
- A camera’s shutter speed can be as quick as 1 millisecond.(相机的快门速度可以快至1毫秒。)
- The average human eye blink lasts about 100-150 milliseconds.(人类眼睛平均一次眨眼大约持续100-150毫秒。)
- It takes a human brain approximately 250 milliseconds to process visual information.(人脑大约需要250毫秒来处理视觉信息。)
- It only takes a few seconds for a lightning bolt to reach the ground.(闪电击中地面只需要几秒钟的时间。)
- An athlete running 100 meters can complete the race in fewer than 10 seconds.(一个跑100米的运动员可以在10秒以内完成比赛。)
- The average person takes around 7 seconds to fall asleep.(普通人入睡需要大约7秒钟的时间。)
- Most shower timers are set to five minutes to conserve water.(大多数的淋浴计时器设置为五分钟用来节约水资源。)
- A microwave oven can heat up food in just a few minutes.(微波炉可以在几分钟内加热食品。)
- It takes around 2 minutes to brew a cup of coffee.(冲一杯咖啡需要大约2分钟的时间。)
- The meeting was scheduled for a quarter past two in the afternoon.(会议定于下午两点一刻。)
- The game started at quarter to nine in the evening.(晚上8:45分比赛开始。)
- The train departs every quarter hour from the train station.(每隔15分钟火车站就有一班火车出发。)
- The movie starts at eight o’clock in the evening and runs for two hours.(电影晚上八点开始,持续两个小时。)
- The bakery opens at six in the morning and closes at ten at night.(面包店早上六点开门,晚上十点关门。)
- The flight was delayed by three hours due to bad weather.(由于天气恶劣,航班延迟了三个小时。)
- There are approximately 24 hours in a day.(一天有大约24小时。)
- I usually get up at six in the morning and start my day.(我通常早上六点起床开始新的一天。)
- The deadline for this project is in three days.(这个项目的截止日期是在三天之内。)
Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天
- There are seven days in a week.(一周有七天。)
- I usually have my days off on the weekends.(我通常周末休息。)
- The meeting is scheduled for next week.(会议定于下周。)
January - Jan. 一月 February - Feb. 二月 March - Mar. 三月
April - Apr. 四月 May 五月 June 六月
July- Jul. 七月 August - Aug. 八月 September - Sept. 九月
October - Oct. 十月 November - Nov. 十一月 December - Dec. 十二月
- There are twelve months in a year.(一年有十二个月。)
- My birthday is in the month of October.(我的生日在十月份。)
- The company usually releases its financial reports every month.(公司通常每月发布财务报告。)
- Spring is the first quarter of the year.(春天是一年的第一季度。)
- Summer usually starts in the second quarter of the year.(夏季通常在一年的第二个季度开始。)
- Sales usually increase in the fourth quarter of the year due to the holiday season.(由于节日期间,销售通常在年的第四个季度增加。)
- There are 365 days in a year.(一年有365天。)
- I have been working at this company for over ten years.(我已经在这家公司工作超过十年了。)
- The Chinese zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle.(中国的生肖是基于一个十二年的周期。)
- The 1990s was a decade of economic prosperity.(上世纪90年代是一个经济繁荣的十年。)
- Many fashion trends from the 1980s are making a comeback.(20世纪80年代的许多时尚潮流正在复出。)
- The company experienced significant growth during the past decade.(公司在过去十年中经历了显著的增长。)
Chinese Zodiac
- The Chinese zodiac is based on the lunar calendar.(中国的生肖是基于农历制定的。)
- The year of the Rat comes before the year of the Ox.(鼠年在牛年之前。)
- People born in the year of the Dragon are said to be intelligent and brave.(生肖为龙的人据说聪明勇敢。)
- The 21st century began on January 1, 2001.(21世纪始于2001年1月1日。)
- The industrial revolution of the 18th century had a profound impact on society.(18世纪的工业革命对社会产生了深远的影响。)
- The world has seen many scientific and technological advancements in the past century.(过去一个世纪世界已经看到了许多科学技术的进步。)
在这个章节,我们将为您介绍英语中最基本的时间类词:last, ago , over/past, before / after。这三个词经常被用于描述过去的时间,但它们有着不同的含义和使用方法。
1. Last
Last 通常用于表示上一个时间段,例如 “last week”(上周), “last month”(上个月), “last year”(去年)。请注意,last 和 past 的区别在于,last 侧重于描述完整的时间段,而 past 侧重于点状事件的过去。下面是一些例句:
- I saw him last month. (我上个月见过他。)
- The last time I saw her was two weeks ago. (我上次见她是两周前。)
- It's been raining for the last three days. (过去三天都在下雨。)
2. Ago
Ago 用于描述时间点的过去,通常用于“时间 + ago”的形式。例如,“an hour ago”(一小时前), “two days ago”(两天前), “last week ago”(上周)。请注意,“time + ago”的用法不包括昨天。下面是一些例句:
- I finished my homework two hours ago. (我两个小时前完成了我的作业。)
- She left for Paris two weeks ago. (她两周前去了巴黎。)
- We met at the party a month ago. (我们一个月前在聚会上见面了。)
3. Past
"over" 和 "past" 均可表示过去或完成的时间。"over" 更偏向于结束或超越某个时间点或事件。Past 的使用方式与 last 相似,但它强调的是过去发生的事情与现在不再存在的关系,侧重于时间的流逝。例如,“past life”(前世), “past century”(上个世纪), “past experiences”(过去的经历)。所以说,“over”指的是时间的结束,而“past”指的是时间的流逝。
- The party is over (派对结束了)
- The deadline for the project is over (项目截止日期已过)
- The storm is over (暴风雨过去了)
- The meeting ended 10 minutes past the hour (会议于整点后10分钟结束了)
- It's already past midnight (现在已经过了午夜了)
- Time has gone past so quickly (时间过得这么快)
- In the past, people didn't have smartphones. (过去,人们没有智能手机。)
- I regret some of the things I did in the past. (我后悔我以前做过的一些事情。)
- We can't change the past, but we can learn from it. (我们不能改变过去,但是我们可以从中吸取教训。)
4. Before / After
Before 和 after 都是表示时间先后顺序的时间类词。Before 意为此前,而 after 意为之后,比如 “I finish work at 5 PM before I go home”(在我回家之前,我会在下午五点结束工作), “Let's grab a coffee after the meeting”(会后我们去喝杯咖啡吧)。请注意,before 和 after 常与其他时间类词搭配使用。下面是一些例句:
- I had breakfast before I left the house this morning. (今天早晨在离开家之前我吃了早饭。)
- She arrived at the airport after the flight had already taken off. (她到达机场时航班已经起飞了。)
- We need to finish the project before the deadline. (我们需要在截止日期之前完成这个项目。)
III. 高级时间类词
1. Already
Already 表示事情在过去某个时间已经发生了,比如 “I already ate lunch”(我已经吃过午饭了), “He already graduated from college”(他已经从大学毕业了), “The flight has already taken off”(航班已经起飞了)。请注意,“already + 动词”的结构表示过去某个时间点已经完成的动作。下面是一些例句:
- They've already seen that movie. (他们已经看过那部电影了。)
- She's already done her homework. (她已经做完了她的作业。)
- Have you already made plans for the weekend? (你已经计划好周末了吗?)
2. Ever
Ever 是一个疑问副词,用于询问在某个时间内是否曾经做过某事,比如 “Have you ever been to Paris?”(你去过巴黎吗?), “Have you ever tried sushi?”(你尝试过寿司吗?), “Has he ever been arrested?”(他曾经被逮捕过吗?)。请注意,“have/has/had + ever + 动词的过去分词”的结构常用于构成疑问或否定句。下面是一些例句:
- Have you ever traveled alone? (你曾经一个人旅行过吗?)
- Has she ever been to Europe? (她去过欧洲吗?)
- Have they ever tried Mexican food? (他们尝试过墨西哥食品吗?)
3. Just
Just 通常表示刚刚过去的时间,例如 “I just finished my breakfast”(我刚刚吃完早饭), “He just called me”(他刚刚给我打电话了), “I just saw that movie yesterday”(我昨天才看那部电影)。请注意,just 可以用来强调动作的完成,也可以用来描述即将发生的事情。下面是一些例句:
- I just finished reading this book. (我刚刚读完这本书。)
- He just left the house. (他刚刚离开了房子。)
- Can you wait for me? I just need one more minute. (你能等我吗?我只需要再等一分钟。)
4. Recently
Recently 表示最近的时间,比如 “I recently started learning French”(我最近开始学法语了), “She recently got a new job”(她最近找了一份新工作), “Have you recently moved to a new place?”(你最近搬到了新地方吗?)。请注意,recently 强调的是一段时间范围内的近期事件。下面是一些例句:
- I haven't seen him recently. (我最近没见过他。)
- Recently, I've been trying to eat healthier. (最近我一直在努力吃得更健康。)
- The company recently announced a new product. (公司最近宣布了一款新产品。)
5. Once / Twice
Once 和 twice 都表示动作发生的次数。Once 表示仅仅一次,比如 “I only have to take this medicine once a day”(我每天只需要吃这个药一次), “She only visited Paris once”(她去过巴黎一次)。而 twice 表示二次,比如 “I brush my teeth twice a day”(我刷牙两次一天), “They went to the museum twice this week”(他们这一周去了两次博物馆)。下面是一些例句:
- I only flew on an airplane once in my life. (我一生只有一次坐过飞机。)
- She met him for coffee twice last week. (她上个星期和他见面喝咖啡了两次。)
- We only saw the movie once, but it was enough. (我们只看了一次电影,但已经足够了。)
- The building was formerly a school, but it has been converted into a museum.
- The company has a poor reputation, but formerly it was respected in the industry.
- This was formerly a small village, but now it has become a bustling city.
- I had never heard of that author previously.
- She took a class on computer programming previously, so she has some experience in it.
- Previously, this area was known for its vineyards, but now it has become more urbanized.
- I woke up earlier than usual today.
- We need to leave for the airport earlier to avoid traffic.
- He agreed to meet me earlier in the day because he had another appointment later on.
- The factory is a bygone era; it has been closed for years now.
- Many people think that chivalry and knighthood are bygone concepts.
- Bygone technologies, such as typewriters and rotary phones, are now only found in museums.
IV. 结论
【推荐】国内首个AI IDE,深度理解中文开发场景,立即下载体验Trae
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步
· winform 绘制太阳,地球,月球 运作规律
· TypeScript + Deepseek 打造卜卦网站:技术与玄学的结合
· Manus的开源复刻OpenManus初探
· 写一个简单的SQL生成工具
· AI 智能体引爆开源社区「GitHub 热点速览」