摘要: SAP常用TCODE1 MMBE 查询库存2 CO01 生产订单创建3 ME2N-按采购订单编号 ME2B/ME2M/ME2C/ME2W 采购订单查询 清单范围ALV4 MB51 物料凭证清单 基本的出入库账都可以通过此报表查询5 MB52 显示物料的仓库库存 6 MB03 查看物料凭证7 MMCL 查库存,查股线加工厂 要好好研究下,老李吩咐8 MB31 1.收货 2.对应流程有:生产订单收货流程 2.常用移动类型:101仓库中的订单收货; 122按订单退货; 315.9 MB01 1.收货 2.对应流程有:采购订单收货 3.常用移动类型:10110 MIGO 万能收货,MB31/MB011 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-05-17 13:25 lyqandgdp 阅读(3071) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: [转]http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_How_to_use_the_new_CSS_syntax_in_Flex_4-15726.htmlHow to use the new CSS syntax in Flex 4ProblemCSS now provides a lot of features such as advanced selection or namespaces. Let's see how to use it.SolutionWe'll show a few ways to select and apply styles to 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-05-17 11:19 lyqandgdp 阅读(311) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: [转载]http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Optimize_a_Flex_application_using_deferred_instant-15826.htmlProblemI have a flex application containing custom components.How can I add them to my Flex Application and make sure it's optimized ?SolutionWe'll use the "deferred instantiation" whic 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-05-17 00:33 lyqandgdp 阅读(255) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑