1::720::3::978300760 1::1270::5::978300055 1::527::5::978824195 1::2340::3::978300103 1::48::5::978824351 1::1097::4::978301953 1::1721::4::978300055 1::1545::4::978824139
12::M::25::12::32793 13::M::45::1::93304 14::M::35::0::60126 15::M::25::7::22903 16::F::35::0::20670 17::M::50::1::95350 18::F::18::3::95825 19::M::1::10::48073
305::Ready to Wear (Pret-A-Porter) (1994)::Comedy 306::Three Colors: Red (1994)::Drama 307::Three Colors: Blue (1993)::Drama 308::Three Colors: White (1994)::Drama 309::Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker (1994)::Drama
(1)启动IEDA,新建Scala工程--配置Project SDK与Scala SDK--新建包--导入Spark依赖包(File--+Java--选中Spark安装目录下jars文件夹下所有文件)--新建Scala Class--将代码复制到代码编辑区--Edit Configuration--Application(Name,Main Class,Program arguments(输入数据文件所在目录))--Run movieALS。(这个程序跑起来日志同样太长,用之前的方法仅显示Error级别的日志)
Got 1000209 ratings from 6040 users on 3706 movies. Please rate the following movie (1-5 (best), or 0 if not seen): Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): 2 Fargo (1996): 1 Sixth Sense, The (1999): 5 Princess Bride, The (1987): 4 Terminator, The (1984): 3 Toy Story (1995): 1 Gladiator (2000): 0 Blade Runner (1982): 5 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988): 2 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975): 2 Abyss, The (1989): 3
Training: 602251, validation: 198919, test: 199049 RMSE (validation) = 0.8800459390646345 for the model trained with rank = 8, lambda = 0.1, and numIter = 10. RMSE (validation) = 0.8721775968513282 for the model trained with rank = 8, lambda = 0.1, and numIter = 20. RMSE (validation) = 3.7558695311242833 for the model trained with rank = 8, lambda = 10.0, and numIter = 10. RMSE (validation) = 3.7558695311242833 for the model trained with rank = 8, lambda = 10.0, and numIter = 20. RMSE (validation) = 0.8775399600881826 for the model trained with rank = 12, lambda = 0.1, and numIter = 10. RMSE (validation) = 0.8712666782228532 for the model trained with rank = 12, lambda = 0.1, and numIter = 20. RMSE (validation) = 3.7558695311242833 for the model trained with rank = 12, lambda = 10.0, and numIter = 10. RMSE (validation) = 3.7558695311242833 for the model trained with rank = 12, lambda = 10.0, and numIter = 20. The best model was trained with rank = 12 and lambda = 0.1, and numIter = 20, and its RMSE on the test set is 0.8688556104046699. The best model improves the baseline by 21.97%. Movies recommended for you: 1: Anatomy (Anatomie) (2000) 2: Bandits (1997) 3: Welcome to Woop-Woop (1997) 4: Across the Sea of Time (1995) 5: Down to You (2000) 6: Window to Paris (1994) 7: In the Mouth of Madness (1995) 8: Fall (1997) 9: Zachariah (1971) 10: Six-String Samurai (1998) 11: If Lucy Fell (1996) 12: Fifth Element, The (1997) 13: Faraway, So Close (In Weiter Ferne, So Nah!) (1993) 14: Steal Big, Steal Little (1995) 15: What Happened Was... (1994) 16: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990) 17: Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life (1997) 18: Guantanamera (1994) 19: Big Blue, The (Le Grand Bleu) (1988) 20: Coldblooded (1995) 21: Eighth Day, The (Le Huiti�me jour ) (1996) 22: Mother Night (1996) 23: Matrix, The (1999) 24: Loss of Sexual Innocence, The (1999) 25: Chambermaid on the Titanic, The (1998) 26: Wisdom (1986) 27: Beautiful Thing (1996) 28: Fight Club (1999) 29: I Am Cuba (Soy Cuba/Ya Kuba) (1964) 30: Once Upon a Time... When We Were Colored (1995) 31: Dune (1984) 32: Julien Donkey-Boy (1999) 33: Postman, The (1997) 34: Total Eclipse (1995) 35: Gladiator (2000) 36: Leather Jacket Love Story (1997) 37: Lost Highway (1997) 38: Bewegte Mann, Der (1994) 39: Splendor (1999) 40: Babyfever (1994) 41: Love Serenade (1996) 42: Hamlet (1996) 43: Ghost in the Shell (Kokaku kidotai) (1995) 44: After Life (1998) 45: But I'm a Cheerleader (1999) 46: Committed (2000) 47: Blue in the Face (1995) 48: Taffin (1988) 49: Perfect Blue (1997) 50: Cross of Iron (1977) Process finished with exit code 0