AQS(三)条件队列(基于JDK 8)
1 介绍
参考: 和。
AQS 有两个队列,双向的 CLH 队列 sync queue 和单向的条件队列 condtion queue 。
前面已经介绍了利用双向 CLH 队列完成独占锁和共享锁的部分,本文只介绍 AQS 的条件队列。
对于这里的锁来说,有三个对应,lock.lock() 和 lock.unlock() 对应 synchronized,await 对应 wait,signal/signalAll 对应 notify/notifyAll。
- 调用wait方法的线程首先必须是已经进入了同步代码块,即已经获取了监视器锁;与之类似,调用await方法的线程首先必须获得lock锁
- 调用wait方法的线程会释放已经获得的监视器锁,进入当前监视器锁的等待队列(
wait set
)中;与之类似,调用await方法的线程会释放已经获得的lock锁,进入到当前Condtion对应的条件队列中。 - 调用监视器锁的notify方法会唤醒等待在该监视器锁上的线程,这些线程将开始参与锁竞争,并在获得锁后,从wait方法处恢复执行;与之类似,调用Condtion的signal方法会唤醒对应的条件队列中的线程,这些线程将开始参与锁竞争,并在获得锁后,从await方法处开始恢复执行。
1.1 Node
Node 是 AQS 的内部类,有着五种状态 waitStatus,用于 sync queue 中节点的前后指针 prev 和 next,内部线程 thread 和 nextWaiter。
- CANCELLED(1):表示当前结点已取消调度。当timeout或被中断(响应中断的情况下),会触发变更为此状态,进入该状态后的结点将不会再变化。
- SIGNAL(-1):表示后继结点在等待当前结点唤醒。后继结点入队时,会将前继结点的状态更新为SIGNAL。
- CONDITION(-2):表示结点等待在Condition上,当其他线程调用了Condition的signal()方法后,CONDITION状态的结点将从等待队列转移到同步队列中,等待获取同步锁。
- PROPAGATE(-3):共享模式下,前继结点不仅会唤醒其后继结点,同时也可能会唤醒后继的后继结点。
- 0:新结点入队时的默认状态。
此外要注意 WaitStatus > 0 暗示了就是 CANCELLED。
static final class Node {
// 同步队列节点中标识是独占锁还是共享锁
/** Marker to indicate a node is waiting in shared mode */
static final Node SHARED = new Node();
/** Marker to indicate a node is waiting in exclusive mode */
static final Node EXCLUSIVE = null;
// 下面是5种状态
/** waitStatus value to indicate thread has cancelled */
static final int CANCELLED = 1;
/** waitStatus value to indicate successor's thread needs unparking */
static final int SIGNAL = -1;
/** waitStatus value to indicate thread is waiting on condition */
static final int CONDITION = -2;
* waitStatus value to indicate the next acquireShared should
* unconditionally propagate
static final int PROPAGATE = -3;
volatile int waitStatus;
volatile Node prev;
volatile Node next;
volatile Thread thread;
// 不同队列的节点,含义不同
// 这里指的是condition queue中节点的下一个节点
Node nextWaiter;
在 ConditionObject 中,保存了 condition queue 的首尾位置 firstWaiter 和 lastWaiter。
public class ConditionObject implements Condition, {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1173984872572414699L;
/** First node of condition queue. */
private transient Node firstWaiter;
/** Last node of condition queue. */
private transient Node lastWaiter;
2 await
调用 await 的线程在调用 await 之前,会先执行 lock.lock()
,换句话说,这个线程会先尝试获取锁,如果简单尝试失败,会进入 sync queue 中,不断堵塞唤醒,唤醒后尝试,直到获取成功,此时该线程已经进入离开 sync queue,用 exclusiveOwnerThread 表示。
await 碰到中断会抛出异常,流程如下:
1 先检查线程是否中断,是则抛出异常
2 将当前线程包装为 node 放入 condition queue
3 释放 node 重入的次数,并把次数记下来,可以理解为是释放了锁
4 在循环中处理,park,等待中断或者 unpark。如果是中断,直接退出;unpark 需要继续检查是否已经从 condition queue 移动到 sync queue。
值得注意的是,如果已经被中断,由于 checkInterruptWhileWaiting 内的 transferAfterCancelledWait 可以保证在被中断的情况下节点转移成功,所以while循环中的条件检查的其实是节点被 unpark 的情况。
5 在 sync queue 尝试获取锁,成功后检查中断状态是否是 THROW_IE,并修改 interruptMode
6 如果 node 已经被取消,执行 unlinkCancelledWaiters
7 如果异常状态 interruptMode 不是0,决定是重置中断状态还是抛出异常
* Implements interruptible condition wait.
* <ol>
* <li> If current thread is interrupted, throw InterruptedException.
* <li> Save lock state returned by {@link #getState}.
* <li> Invoke {@link #release} with saved state as argument,
* throwing IllegalMonitorStateException if it fails.
* <li> Block until signalled or interrupted.
* <li> Reacquire by invoking specialized version of
* {@link #acquire} with saved state as argument.
* <li> If interrupted while blocked in step 4, throw InterruptedException.
* </ol>
public final void await() throws InterruptedException {
// 判断是否需要直接抛出异常
if (Thread.interrupted())
throw new InterruptedException();
// 新建一个节点,放入 condition queue 尾部
Node node = addConditionWaiter();
// 记录重入的情况,并释放锁
int savedState = fullyRelease(node);
int interruptMode = 0;
while (!isOnSyncQueue(node)) {
if ((interruptMode = checkInterruptWhileWaiting(node)) != 0)
// acquireQueued 不断尝试获取
if (acquireQueued(node, savedState) && interruptMode != THROW_IE)
interruptMode = REINTERRUPT;
if (node.nextWaiter != null) // clean up if cancelled
//搜索,去掉所有非 CONDITION 节点
if (interruptMode != 0)
// 决定抛出异常还是自中断
2.1 addConditionWaiter
新建一个节点,并把它放入 condition queue 尾部。
* Adds a new waiter to wait queue.
* @return its new wait node
private Node addConditionWaiter() {
Node t = lastWaiter;
// If lastWaiter is cancelled, clean out.
// 如果 t 被取消,则会去掉队列中所有取消的节点,重置 lastWaiter
if (t != null && t.waitStatus != Node.CONDITION) {
t = lastWaiter;
// 新建当前线程的节点,状态是 CONDITION
Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread(), Node.CONDITION);
// 下面的操作是将 node 放入尾部
if (t == null)
firstWaiter = node;
t.nextWaiter = node;
lastWaiter = node;
return node;
2.2 unlinkCancelledWaiters
* Unlinks cancelled waiter nodes from condition queue.
* Called only while holding lock. This is called when
* cancellation occurred during condition wait, and upon
* insertion of a new waiter when lastWaiter is seen to have
* been cancelled. This method is needed to avoid garbage
* retention in the absence of signals. So even though it may
* require a full traversal, it comes into play only when
* timeouts or cancellations occur in the absence of
* signals. It traverses all nodes rather than stopping at a
* particular target to unlink all pointers to garbage nodes
* without requiring many re-traversals during cancellation
* storms.
//把 condition queue 中所有状态不是 CONDITION 的节点都去掉
private void unlinkCancelledWaiters() {
Node t = firstWaiter;
Node trail = null;
while (t != null) {
Node next = t.nextWaiter;
if (t.waitStatus != Node.CONDITION) {
t.nextWaiter = null;
if (trail == null)
firstWaiter = next;
trail.nextWaiter = next;
if (next == null)
lastWaiter = trail;
trail = t;
t = next;
2.3 fullyRelease
在独占锁中,state >0表示有线程重入了该锁 state次,这里一次性全部释放掉。在 sync queue 排在 head 后面的线程会试着获取锁。
release 失败说明当前线程并不是记录的线程 getExclusiveOwnerThread,就会抛出异常 IllegalMonitorStateException。
release 会调用 tryRelease,以 ReentrantLock 为例,重写的 tryRelease 会检查当前线程是否是记录的线程,不是则抛出异常。
* Invokes release with current state value; returns saved state.
* Cancels node and throws exception on failure.
* @param node the condition node for this wait
* @return previous sync state
// 释放当前 node 全部重入次数,释放锁
final int fullyRelease(Node node) {
boolean failed = true;
try {
// 先将重入值记录一下,便于以后恢复
int savedState = getState();
// 一次性全部释放
if (release(savedState)) {
failed = false;
return savedState;
} else {
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
} finally {
// 失败状态变成 CANCELLED
if (failed)
node.waitStatus = Node.CANCELLED;
protected final boolean tryRelease(int releases) {
int c = getState() - releases;
if (Thread.currentThread() != getExclusiveOwnerThread())
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
boolean free = false;
if (c == 0) {
free = true;
return free;
2.4 isOnSyncQueue
判断 node 是否在 sync queue 中。
findNodeFromTail 处理尾分叉情况,尾分叉可以AQS第一篇文章。
* Returns true if a node, always one that was initially placed on
* a condition queue, is now waiting to reacquire on sync queue.
* @param node the node
* @return true if is reacquiring
final boolean isOnSyncQueue(Node node) {
// node 状态为 CONDITION 或者 prev 为 null
// 第二个条件是因为 enq 入队时会先设置 prev
if (node.waitStatus == Node.CONDITION || node.prev == null)
return false;
// 后面有其他节点,说明在 sync queue 中
if ( != null) // If has successor, it must be on queue
return true;
* node.prev can be non-null, but not yet on queue because
* the CAS to place it on queue can fail. So we have to
* traverse from tail to make sure it actually made it. It
* will always be near the tail in calls to this method, and
* unless the CAS failed (which is unlikely), it will be
* there, so we hardly ever traverse much.
// 否则是尾分叉,从尾查找过来
return findNodeFromTail(node);
* Returns true if node is on sync queue by searching backwards from tail.
* Called only when needed by isOnSyncQueue.
* @return true if present
// 从尾向前查找,如果找到了 node,说明肯定在 sync queue 中
// 如果找到了 null,说明查找到了头部,返回 false。
private boolean findNodeFromTail(Node node) {
Node t = tail;
for (;;) {
if (t == node)
return true;
if (t == null)
return false;
t = t.prev;
* Inserts node into queue, initializing if necessary. See picture above.
* @param node the node to insert
* @return node's predecessor
private Node enq(final Node node) {
for (;;) {
Node t = tail;
if (t == null) { // Must initialize
if (compareAndSetHead(new Node()))
tail = head;
} else {
// 先更新 prev
node.prev = t;
if (compareAndSetTail(t, node)) { = node;
return t;
2.5 checkInterruptWhileWaiting
park 有两种情况会解除,unpark 或者中断。
checkInterruptWhileWaiting 检查是通过什么方式来退出 park 的。如果刚才被中断了,则通过 transferAfterCancelledWait 判断需要返回哪种操作,是重置 REINTERRUPT 还是抛出 THROW_IE;没有被中断则返回 0。
transferAfterCancelledWait 的操作:如果中断时节点还在 condition queue,将 node 从 condition queue 转移到 sync queue,返回true。否则,需要等着调用 signal 的线程执行 node 从 condition queue 转移到 sync queue,成功后返回 false。
transferAfterCancelledWait 可以保证 node 从 condition queue 转移到 sync queue 成功。
/** Mode meaning to reinterrupt on exit from wait */
// 需要重置 interrupt,中断在 signal 之后发生
private static final int REINTERRUPT = 1;
/** Mode meaning to throw InterruptedException on exit from wait */
// 需要抛出异常,中断在 signal 之前发生,中断时节点还在 condition queue
private static final int THROW_IE = -1;
* Checks for interrupt, returning THROW_IE if interrupted
* before signalled, REINTERRUPT if after signalled, or
* 0 if not interrupted.
private int checkInterruptWhileWaiting(Node node) {
return Thread.interrupted() ?
(transferAfterCancelledWait(node) ? THROW_IE : REINTERRUPT) :
* Transfers node, if necessary, to sync queue after a cancelled wait.
* Returns true if thread was cancelled before being signalled.
* @param node the node
* @return true if cancelled before the node was signalled
// 可以保证 node 节点从 condition 到 sync 成功。
//中断发生在 signal 之后还是之前,如果是之前,即中断时节点还在 condition queue,返回 true
final boolean transferAfterCancelledWait(Node node) {
//如果CAS 成功,说明此时 node 还在 condition queue 中,
//(那么就将 node 从 CONDITION 里面取出,在这里没有执行,是在await 后面的
//并通过enq放入 sync queue
if (compareAndSetWaitStatus(node, Node.CONDITION, 0)) {
return true;
* If we lost out to a signal(), then we can't proceed
* until it finishes its enq(). Cancelling during an
* incomplete transfer is both rare and transient, so just
* spin.
//如果还没有进入 sync queue,让出时间片,
//等待其他线程的 signal 内的 transferForSignal
while (!isOnSyncQueue(node))
return false;
2.6 reportInterruptAfterWait
* Throws InterruptedException, reinterrupts current thread, or
* does nothing, depending on mode.
private void reportInterruptAfterWait(int interruptMode)
throws InterruptedException {
if (interruptMode == THROW_IE)
throw new InterruptedException();
else if (interruptMode == REINTERRUPT)
3 signal/signalAll
signal/signalAll 基本上差不多,区别是 signal 唤醒一个,signalAll 唤醒多个。这里指的唤醒是从 condition queue 转移到 wait queue。
* Moves the longest-waiting thread, if one exists, from the
* wait queue for this condition to the wait queue for the
* owning lock.
* @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if {@link #isHeldExclusively}
* returns {@code false}
public final void signal() {
// 先检查是否是当前节点持有锁
if (!isHeldExclusively())
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
Node first = firstWaiter;
if (first != null)
* Moves all threads from the wait queue for this condition to
* the wait queue for the owning lock.
* @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if {@link #isHeldExclusively}
* returns {@code false}
public final void signalAll() {
// 先检查是否是当前节点持有锁
if (!isHeldExclusively())
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
Node first = firstWaiter;
if (first != null)
3.1 doSignal/doSignalAll
doSignal 只转移一个节点,而 doSignalAll 会转移所有节点。
doSignal 如果调用 transferForSignal 失败,会继续处理下一个,直到成功或者到末尾;doSignalAll 不关心每一个节点是成功还是失败。
* Removes and transfers nodes until hit non-cancelled one or
* null. Split out from signal in part to encourage compilers
* to inline the case of no waiters.
* @param first (non-null) the first node on condition queue
// 在循环内的逻辑是,执行 firstWaiter = first.nextWaiter;
// transferForSignal(first) 如果成功,退出;失败继续执行下一步
// first = firstWaiter,即移动到下一个节点
private void doSignal(Node first) {
do {
if ( (firstWaiter = first.nextWaiter) == null)
lastWaiter = null;
first.nextWaiter = null;
} while (!transferForSignal(first) &&
(first = firstWaiter) != null);
* Removes and transfers all nodes.
* @param first (non-null) the first node on condition queue
private void doSignalAll(Node first) {
lastWaiter = firstWaiter = null;
do {
// 这里不断执行 Node next = first.nextWaiter;
// 以及 first = next;
// 并检查 fist != null
// 所以会转移所有的节点,且是一个个的转移
Node next = first.nextWaiter;
first.nextWaiter = null;
first = next;
} while (first != null);
3.2 transferForSignal
将 node 从 condition queue 放到 sync queue。成功返回 true。
从 condition queue 转移到 sync queue 需要两步,删掉 condition queue 中的节点,在 sync queue 中添加节点。注意第一步从 condition queue 删除的过程在 3.1 的两个方法中,这个方法只做了第二步。
* Transfers a node from a condition queue onto sync queue.
* Returns true if successful.
* @param node the node
* @return true if successfully transferred (else the node was
* cancelled before signal)
final boolean transferForSignal(Node node) {
* If cannot change waitStatus, the node has been cancelled.
// 不能改变,说明状态是 CANCELLED,返回 false
if (!compareAndSetWaitStatus(node, Node.CONDITION, 0))
return false;
* Splice onto queue and try to set waitStatus of predecessor to
* indicate that thread is (probably) waiting. If cancelled or
* attempt to set waitStatus fails, wake up to resync (in which
* case the waitStatus can be transiently and harmlessly wrong).
// 将 node 入队,将前一个节点返回
Node p = enq(node);
int ws = p.waitStatus;
// 如果前一个节点已取消或者是状态修改为 SIGNAL 失败,就会 unpark
// 在这种情况下,ws 可能暂时不正确,但不重要,因为即使 unpark 也需要重新
// 竞争锁,失败仍然 park。
if (ws > 0 || !compareAndSetWaitStatus(p, ws, Node.SIGNAL))
return true;
4 总结和使用
从 condition queue 移动到 sync queue 有两种情况:await 中 checkInterruptWhileWaiting 在被中断的情况下,会使用 transferAfterCancelledWait,该方法会保证移动成功,如果还没有移动,则自己尝试移动,否则会让其他线程的 signal 来移动;signal 中 doSignal 会执行移动操作,内部的 transferForSignal 只做其中一步,向 sync queue 插入元素。具体插入都是调用的 enq。
await 堵塞的是自己,而 signal 唤醒的是别的线程。await 堵塞后,要么被 signal 解除,要么被中断解除。
await/signal 在进入和退出的时候都是持有锁的。具体如下
- await在从开头到fullyRelease执行前,是持有锁的。
- await在从fullyRelease执行后 到 acquireQueued执行前,是没有持有锁的。
- await在 acquireQueued执行后到最后,是持有锁的。
- signal 一直持有锁。
最后是一个例子,使用 ReentrantLock 和 Condition 实现生产者消费者模型。下面有一个 Lock,对应两个 Condition,最多为100个。如果在生产时,队列已满,则放入 notFull 队列等待;如果在消费时,队列已空,则放入 notEmpty 队列等待。
class BoundedBuffer {
final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
final Condition notFull = lock.newCondition();
final Condition notEmpty = lock.newCondition();
final Object[] items = new Object[100];
int putptr, takeptr, count;
public void put(Object x) throws InterruptedException {
// 加锁
try {
// 队列已满,进入 notFull
// 如果被中断,while 会使得再次进入 notFull
while (count == items.length)
items[putptr] = x;
if (++putptr == items.length) putptr = 0;
// 唤醒 notEmpty 中一个
} finally {
// 解锁
public Object take() throws InterruptedException {
// 加锁
try {
// 队列已空,进入 notEmpty
// 如果被中断,while 会使得再次进入 notEmpty
while (count == 0)
Object x = items[takeptr];
if (++takeptr == items.length) takeptr = 0;
// 唤醒 notFull 中一个
return x;
} finally {
// 解锁
//执行 await 或者 signal
假设只有两个线程,生产者线程为 A,消费者线程为 B,两个线程开始工作。下面主要分析 A 的流程。
如果数组已经满了,A继续生产,先 lock.lock()
,这一步会拿到锁,可能直接拿到,也可能是先进入 sync queue 然后被唤醒拿到锁后退出 queue 后;在notFull.await()
,会执行 await 操作,先进入 condition queue,fullyRelease
释放锁并唤醒 sync queue 后续节点,被堵塞在 LockSupport.park(this)
处,等待中断或者唤醒,无论怎么样,退出while (!isOnSyncQueue(node))
时已经完成了 condition queue -> sync queue;接下来会在 acquireQueued
获取锁并退出 sync queue。
如果此时一直是 A 执行,说明没有消费,那离开 await 只能是中断,注意到while (count == items.length)
,A 会再次被 notFull.await()
等到 B 消费了之后,执行 signal,A 才能离开循环,并执行完最后的操作,lock.unlock()
会唤醒 sync queue 中后续节点。