.net core 认证 Authentication 授权 Authorization 补充篇 (1)
Tips:本篇已加入,.Net core 3.1 使用IdentityServer4 实现 OAuth2.0 --阅读目录 可点击查看更多相关文章。
接着上一篇 ID4 客户端模式(Client Credentials Grant 的实现,我们会发现运用起来好像很方遍,但是结尾的那些思考又有多少同学能讲的明白。
不知道大家还记不记得之前 IdentityServer4 介绍以及一些名词解释 文章最后有大致介绍 Authentication 和 Authorization 怎么区分,他们到底做了什么事情。
这篇文章我会深入刨析 Authentication 模型和原理。
我们先简单的回顾一下之前文章中,我对 认证和授权 的理解:
我们拿着门禁卡刷开自己的办公室,这一步动作就是 授权Authorization(验证这个门禁卡有没有刷自己办公室的权限),
这个门禁卡就相当于授权中心颁发的认证票据(.netcore 中称这种令牌为 Authentication Ticket 认证票据)
当你离职的时候前台会回收门禁卡,你将无法进入公司(这就相当于 票据的回收 Ticket Revoker)
要完全理解 认证,需要深入的刨析这个认证中间件
还记得 上一篇ID4 客户端授权模式 资源api输出的 User.Claims 吗?我们从他开始说起。
如果你有一些授权认证的开发经验,其实不难从字面上看出 User.Claims其实就是 这个用户的声明(声明就是 很多信息的组合 比如:姓名 ,邮箱,等等...)
我们通过 F12看到 ,这个User.Claims 的其实就是 ControllerBase 基类中的 一个属性 (ClaimsPrincipal)User 里的子属性, 获取 这个用户的 所有Claims
那么开始第一个知识点 我们看看这个User里到底有些什么。
上图描述了 三个类型的关系,ClaimsIdentity 可以理解为最终的身份最小单元。他的属性IsAuthenticated 取决于 是否有明确的 认证类型。
还有两个类 IPrincipal 和 ClaimsPrincipal ,我们可以理解为 最终用户,ClaimsPrincipal用户可以有很多身份 ,我们看下图描述的关系:
var identity1 = new ClaimsIdentity(authenticationType: "AT1", claims: new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "Benjamin") }); var identity2 = new ClaimsIdentity(authenticationType: "AT2", claims: new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "Benjamin2") }); var claimPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity[] { identity1, identity2 }); var claimPrincipal2 = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity1);
我们再 切换到之前的 ID4 实现的案例,我们看一下ID4 客户端授权模式下 最终体现出来的用户和身份是啥样子的
这个用户里面有一个identity 一对一的关系,再看一下认证的类型是 AuthenticationTypes.Federation ,并且有8个声明
{nbf: 1601621754}
{exp: 1601625354}
{iss: http://localhost:5000}
{aud: api1}
{client_id: client}
{jti: 36D4DF4DED77F00BC6EC52914B11D33B}
{iat: 1601621754}
{scope: api1}
nbf,jti,iat都是JWT的 一些特有属性这个之后专门为大家讲解。
我们从结果已经能透彻的分析出 认证的内容了,那么认证内部是怎么处理请求的呢?我们接着往下看,微软的认证都是基于票据的,那么还有一个知识点必不可少那就是认证票据
格式化内容包括序列化和加密都是通过SecureDataFormat基类继承,其中序列化通过 TicketSerializer完成,加密需要自定义实现IDataProtector
为了更形象的表述一个请求时怎么通过验证或者被拒绝的 有这3个类起了很关键的作用,源码地址:https://github.com/aspnet/Security
1. IAuthenticationHandler
AuthenticateAsync 是认证的核心方法
ChallengeAsync 作用是返回是否 401未认证
ForbidAsync 作用返回403 无权限
InitializeAsync 完成一些初始话工作
最终处理完的认证会返回 AuthenticateResult 具体内容如下:
我们可以自定义很多类 去实现IAuthenticationHandler接口,那么由谁去最终选择呢,那无疑就是这个认证处理的适配器了
我们可以根据认证的方案名 去具体讲各个请求转到不同的Handler的实现里去。
那么问题又来了,方案名我们怎么注册进去那就要看最后一个类了 AuthenticationSchemeProvider
方案名的注册 我们看一下这个代码:
.AddAuthentication(options => { options.DefaultScheme = "BenBearer"; })
AuthorizationOptions的注册后 AuthenticationSchemeProvider就有了一张完整的方案名与 AuthenticationScheme的关系,
那之后就可以通过 实现 IAuthenticationSchemeProvider的接口,
从上面的核心那段介绍可以看出 IAuthenticationHandler 的实现是最终的处理核心,那么netcore 从什么地方触发这些核心处理呢,
此块内容源码地址 https://github.com/aspnet/HttpAbstractions
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication { /// <summary> /// Implements <see cref="IAuthenticationService"/>. /// </summary> public class AuthenticationService : IAuthenticationService { /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="schemes">The <see cref="IAuthenticationSchemeProvider"/>.</param> /// <param name="handlers">The <see cref="IAuthenticationRequestHandler"/>.</param> /// <param name="transform">The <see cref="IClaimsTransformation"/>.</param> public AuthenticationService(IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemes, IAuthenticationHandlerProvider handlers, IClaimsTransformation transform) { Schemes = schemes; Handlers = handlers; Transform = transform; } /// <summary> /// Used to lookup AuthenticationSchemes. /// </summary> public IAuthenticationSchemeProvider Schemes { get; } /// <summary> /// Used to resolve IAuthenticationHandler instances. /// </summary> public IAuthenticationHandlerProvider Handlers { get; } /// <summary> /// Used for claims transformation. /// </summary> public IClaimsTransformation Transform { get; } /// <summary> /// Authenticate for the specified authentication scheme. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="scheme">The name of the authentication scheme.</param> /// <returns>The result.</returns> public virtual async Task<AuthenticateResult> AuthenticateAsync(HttpContext context, string scheme) { if (scheme == null) { var defaultScheme = await Schemes.GetDefaultAuthenticateSchemeAsync(); scheme = defaultScheme?.Name; if (scheme == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultAuthenticateScheme found."); } } var handler = await Handlers.GetHandlerAsync(context, scheme); if (handler == null) { throw await CreateMissingHandlerException(scheme); } var result = await handler.AuthenticateAsync(); if (result != null && result.Succeeded) { var transformed = await Transform.TransformAsync(result.Principal); return AuthenticateResult.Success(new AuthenticationTicket(transformed, result.Properties, result.Ticket.AuthenticationScheme)); } return result; } /// <summary> /// Challenge the specified authentication scheme. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="scheme">The name of the authentication scheme.</param> /// <param name="properties">The <see cref="AuthenticationProperties"/>.</param> /// <returns>A task.</returns> public virtual async Task ChallengeAsync(HttpContext context, string scheme, AuthenticationProperties properties) { if (scheme == null) { var defaultChallengeScheme = await Schemes.GetDefaultChallengeSchemeAsync(); scheme = defaultChallengeScheme?.Name; if (scheme == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultChallengeScheme found."); } } var handler = await Handlers.GetHandlerAsync(context, scheme); if (handler == null) { throw await CreateMissingHandlerException(scheme); } await handler.ChallengeAsync(properties); } /// <summary> /// Forbid the specified authentication scheme. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="scheme">The name of the authentication scheme.</param> /// <param name="properties">The <see cref="AuthenticationProperties"/>.</param> /// <returns>A task.</returns> public virtual async Task ForbidAsync(HttpContext context, string scheme, AuthenticationProperties properties) { if (scheme == null) { var defaultForbidScheme = await Schemes.GetDefaultForbidSchemeAsync(); scheme = defaultForbidScheme?.Name; if (scheme == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultForbidScheme found."); } } var handler = await Handlers.GetHandlerAsync(context, scheme); if (handler == null) { throw await CreateMissingHandlerException(scheme); } await handler.ForbidAsync(properties); } /// <summary> /// Sign a principal in for the specified authentication scheme. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="scheme">The name of the authentication scheme.</param> /// <param name="principal">The <see cref="ClaimsPrincipal"/> to sign in.</param> /// <param name="properties">The <see cref="AuthenticationProperties"/>.</param> /// <returns>A task.</returns> public virtual async Task SignInAsync(HttpContext context, string scheme, ClaimsPrincipal principal, AuthenticationProperties properties) { if (principal == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(principal)); } if (scheme == null) { var defaultScheme = await Schemes.GetDefaultSignInSchemeAsync(); scheme = defaultScheme?.Name; if (scheme == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultSignInScheme found."); } } var handler = await Handlers.GetHandlerAsync(context, scheme); if (handler == null) { throw await CreateMissingSignInHandlerException(scheme); } var signInHandler = handler as IAuthenticationSignInHandler; if (signInHandler == null) { throw await CreateMismatchedSignInHandlerException(scheme, handler); } await signInHandler.SignInAsync(principal, properties); } /// <summary> /// Sign out the specified authentication scheme. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The <see cref="HttpContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="scheme">The name of the authentication scheme.</param> /// <param name="properties">The <see cref="AuthenticationProperties"/>.</param> /// <returns>A task.</returns> public virtual async Task SignOutAsync(HttpContext context, string scheme, AuthenticationProperties properties) { if (scheme == null) { var defaultScheme = await Schemes.GetDefaultSignOutSchemeAsync(); scheme = defaultScheme?.Name; if (scheme == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultSignOutScheme found."); } } var handler = await Handlers.GetHandlerAsync(context, scheme); if (handler == null) { throw await CreateMissingSignOutHandlerException(scheme); } var signOutHandler = handler as IAuthenticationSignOutHandler; if (signOutHandler == null) { throw await CreateMismatchedSignOutHandlerException(scheme, handler); } await signOutHandler.SignOutAsync(properties); } private async Task<Exception> CreateMissingHandlerException(string scheme) { var schemes = string.Join(", ", (await Schemes.GetAllSchemesAsync()).Select(sch => sch.Name)); var footer = $" Did you forget to call AddAuthentication().Add[SomeAuthHandler](\"{scheme}\",...)?"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemes)) { return new InvalidOperationException( $"No authentication handlers are registered." + footer); } return new InvalidOperationException( $"No authentication handler is registered for the scheme '{scheme}'. The registered schemes are: {schemes}." + footer); } private async Task<string> GetAllSignInSchemeNames() { return string.Join(", ", (await Schemes.GetAllSchemesAsync()) .Where(sch => typeof(IAuthenticationSignInHandler).IsAssignableFrom(sch.HandlerType)) .Select(sch => sch.Name)); } private async Task<Exception> CreateMissingSignInHandlerException(string scheme) { var schemes = await GetAllSignInSchemeNames(); // CookieAuth is the only implementation of sign-in. var footer = $" Did you forget to call AddAuthentication().AddCookies(\"{scheme}\",...)?"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemes)) { return new InvalidOperationException( $"No sign-in authentication handlers are registered." + footer); } return new InvalidOperationException( $"No sign-in authentication handler is registered for the scheme '{scheme}'. The registered sign-in schemes are: {schemes}." + footer); } private async Task<Exception> CreateMismatchedSignInHandlerException(string scheme, IAuthenticationHandler handler) { var schemes = await GetAllSignInSchemeNames(); var mismatchError = $"The authentication handler registered for scheme '{scheme}' is '{handler.GetType().Name}' which cannot be used for SignInAsync. "; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemes)) { // CookieAuth is the only implementation of sign-in. return new InvalidOperationException(mismatchError + $"Did you forget to call AddAuthentication().AddCookies(\"Cookies\") and SignInAsync(\"Cookies\",...)?"); } return new InvalidOperationException(mismatchError + $"The registered sign-in schemes are: {schemes}."); } private async Task<string> GetAllSignOutSchemeNames() { return string.Join(", ", (await Schemes.GetAllSchemesAsync()) .Where(sch => typeof(IAuthenticationSignOutHandler).IsAssignableFrom(sch.HandlerType)) .Select(sch => sch.Name)); } private async Task<Exception> CreateMissingSignOutHandlerException(string scheme) { var schemes = await GetAllSignOutSchemeNames(); var footer = $" Did you forget to call AddAuthentication().AddCookies(\"{scheme}\",...)?"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemes)) { // CookieAuth is the most common implementation of sign-out, but OpenIdConnect and WsFederation also support it. return new InvalidOperationException($"No sign-out authentication handlers are registered." + footer); } return new InvalidOperationException( $"No sign-out authentication handler is registered for the scheme '{scheme}'. The registered sign-out schemes are: {schemes}." + footer); } private async Task<Exception> CreateMismatchedSignOutHandlerException(string scheme, IAuthenticationHandler handler) { var schemes = await GetAllSignOutSchemeNames(); var mismatchError = $"The authentication handler registered for scheme '{scheme}' is '{handler.GetType().Name}' which cannot be used for {nameof(SignOutAsync)}. "; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemes)) { // CookieAuth is the most common implementation of sign-out, but OpenIdConnect and WsFederation also support it. return new InvalidOperationException(mismatchError + $"Did you forget to call AddAuthentication().AddCookies(\"Cookies\") and {nameof(SignOutAsync)}(\"Cookies\",...)?"); } return new InvalidOperationException(mismatchError + $"The registered sign-out schemes are: {schemes}."); } } }
最终服务的注册中会把 IAuthenticaitonServer的实现 AuthenticaitonServer ,IAuthenticationHandlerProvider的实现,IAuthenticationSchemeProvider的实现注入进去。
最后 认证的中间件AuthenticationMiddleware所作的是事情就是当请求路过这个中间件的时候,拦截处理返回,并将一些信息附加到HttpContext上。
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