(哈希表,滑动窗口,栈) lintcode 646
class Solution { public: /** * @param s: a string * @return: it's index */ int firstUniqChar(string &s) { // write your code here vector<int> cnt(256, 0); for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++) cnt[s[i]] ++; for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++){ if(cnt[s[i]] == 1) return i; } return -1; } };
A 和 B 互为 anagram 的充分必要条件是 : A中每个字符出现的次数 = B中每个字符出现的次数
class Solution { public: /** * @param s: a string * @param p: a string * @return: a list of index */ //sliding window + hash vector<int> findAnagrams(string &s, string &p) { // write your code here // 返回所有同构串的首地址 vector<int> ans; vector<int> cnt(256, 0), cnp(256, 0); if(s.size() < p.size()) return ans; for(int i=0; i<p.size(); i++){ //统计每个字符出现的次数 cnt[s[i]] ++; cnp[p[i]] ++; } if(cnt == cnp) ans.push_back(0); //sliding window for(int i=p.size(); i<s.size(); i++){ cnt[s[i]]++; //增加右边 cnt[s[i-p.size()]] --; //减少左边 if(cnt == cnp) ans.push_back(i-p.size()+1); } return ans; } };
class ValidWordAbbr { public: /* * @param dictionary: a list of words */ unordered_map<string, int> abbr; unordered_map<string, int> dict; ValidWordAbbr(vector<string> dictionary) { // do intialization if necessary for(int i=0; i<dictionary.size(); i++){ string w = dictionary[i]; dict[w]++; //统计字符串的个数 //abbr dictionary 统计每个字符串缩写的个数 if(w.size() <= 2) abbr[w]++; else abbr[w.front()+to_string(w.size()-2)+w.back()]++; } } /* * @param word: a string * @return: true if its abbreviation is unique or false */ bool isUnique(string &word) { // write your code here if(word.size()<=2) return abbr[word]==dict[word]; else return abbr[word.front()+to_string(word.size()-2)+word.back()]==dict[word]; } }; /** * Your ValidWordAbbr object will be instantiated and called as such: * ValidWordAbbr obj = new ValidWordAbbr(dictionary); * bool param = obj.isUnique(word); */
class Solution { public: int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) { unordered_set<int> map(nums.begin(), nums.end()); int ans = 0; for(int i=0; i<nums.size(); i++){ if(map.find(nums[i]) != map.end()){ map.erase(nums[i]); int pre = nums[i]-1; int next = nums[i]+1; while(map.find(pre) != map.end()){ map.erase(pre); pre--; } while(map.find(next) != map.end()){ map.erase(next); next++; } ans = max(ans, next-pre-1); } } return ans; } };
首先在栈中加入空串,这样可以将b和c情况合为一种情况,如:()) 这样会判断为 ‘ ’ 和 ) 不匹配,返回false
class Solution { public: /** * @param s: A string * @return: whether the string is a valid parentheses */ bool isValidParentheses(string &s) { // write your code here //栈 vector<char> stack; stack.push_back(' '); //压入空字符,作为dummy 0 for(char w : s){ if(w == '(' || w == '[' || w == '{') stack.push_back(w); else if(w == ')'){ if(stack.back() != '(') return false; else stack.pop_back(); } else if(w == ']'){ if(stack.back() !='[') return false; else stack.pop_back(); } else if(w == '}'){ if(stack.back() !='{') return false; else stack.pop_back(); } } if(stack.back() != ' ') return false; return true; } };
class LoadBalancer { public: int p; vector<int> array; unordered_map<int, int> mp; LoadBalancer() { // do intialization if necessary p = 0; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); } /* * @param server_id: add a new server to the cluster * @return: nothing */ void add(int server_id) { // write your code here if(mp.find(server_id) == mp.end()){ //mp中没找到对应元素,插入 array.push_back(server_id); mp[server_id] = p; p++; } } /* * @param server_id: server_id remove a bad server from the cluster * @return: nothing */ void remove(int server_id) { // write your code here if(mp.find(server_id) != mp.end()){ mp[array[p-1]] = mp[server_id]; //将mp里array最后一个元素,对应的位置更新为mp中key为server_id对应的位置 array[mp[server_id]] = array[p-1]; //将array中server_id的位置用array的最后一个元素替换 array.pop_back(); //删掉array的最后一个元素 mp.erase(server_id); //删掉mp中的 server_id p--; } } /* * @return: pick a server in the cluster randomly with equal probability */ int pick() { // write your code here return array[rand()%p]; } };
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【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步