

Exchange - Add Owner of Distribution Group

2019-04-12 14:13 by 努力学习的小熊, 380 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: User Interface: PowerShell: If we don’t use parameter BypassSecurityGroupManagerCheck, we will see below error. Check distribution group owner again. 阅读全文

Exchange Online Mailbox Restoration

2019-04-03 11:04 by 努力学习的小熊, 440 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: User Account is already deleted in AD.User Mailbox is already deleted in Exchange. 1. Connect to Exchange Online service in Windows PowerShell command 阅读全文

OUTLOOK - Unable to Delete Meetings

2019-04-02 15:59 by 努力学习的小熊, 496 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: Error Information: Resolved: Get-MailboxFolderPermission MeetingRoom_1001:\Calendar Reference:Add-MailboxFolderPermissionGet-MailboxFolderPermissionSe 阅读全文