

      可想而知,多半是不恰当的数据类型引起的,于是对代码进行调整,在MSDN发现有这样一段描述,引起我的注意:64-bit Applications


Many assemblies run identically on both the 32-bit CLR and the 64-bit CLR. However, some programs may behave differently, depending on the CLR, for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Structs that contain members that change size depending on the platform, for example, any pointer type.

  • Pointer arithmetic that includes constant sizes.

  • Incorrect platform invoke or COM declarations that use Int32 for handles instead of IntPtr.

  • Casting IntPtr to Int32.


posted on 2012-04-13 14:53  Bean.Hsiang  阅读(979)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报