Image Based Lighting In UE3

"IBL"全称为"Image-based Lighint",是一种伪装全局光照的方法.使用该方法可以获得较好的视觉效果并且可以达到实时渲染的目的.

关于算法方面,可以看看GPU Gems的第19章。主要思想就是,我们可以认为在封闭环境下(比如房间),环境贴图中包含了"空间内的GI"信息,所以我们可以很方便的使用cubemap计算出某个像素周边的GI权重并应用于计算结果.




GPU Gems, Chapter19

Schlick, Christophe. 1994. "An Inexpensive BRDF Model for Physically-Based Rendering." Computer Graphics Forum 13(3), pp. 233–246. This article presents the Fresnel equation approximation widely used throughout the graphics industry—so widely used, in fact, that some programmers mistakenly believe the approximation is the Fresnel equation.

Paul Debevec provides a number of useful IBL tools and papers at Paul Debevec Home Page

Ramamoorthi, Ravi, and Pat Hanrahan. 2001. "An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps." In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001. This article on diffuse convolution using spherical harmonics is available online atAn Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps

posted on 2017-04-19 13:14  Meta.Grfx  阅读(792)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
