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Which two options are used to enable the connect-time failover feature? (Choose two.)


A. Use only the first address.

B. Try one address, selected at random.

C. Try each address, in order, until one succeeds.

D. Try each address, randomly, until one succeeds.

E. Use each address in order until destination reached.

Answer: CD

 About Connect-time Failover
The connect-time failover enables clients to connect to another listener if the initial connection to the first 
  listener fails. The number of listener protocol addresses determines how many listeners are tried. Without 
  connect-time failover, Oracle Net attempts a connection with only one listener. The default is on.

  Tnsnames Parameter: FAILOVER 
  (failover=on) is default for ADDRESS_LISTs, DESCRIPTION_LISTs, and a set of 
  DESCRIPTIONs., therefore, you do not have to specify it explicitly.


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