
The user HR receives the following error while inserting data into the TTK table:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table HR.TTK by 128 in tablespace SMD
Upon investigation, you find that SMD is a small file tablespace. Which three action would allow the user
to insert data? (Choose three.)
A.Add a data file to the SMD tablespace.
B.Add a data file to the temporary tablespace associated with the user HR.
C.Resize the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to make it larger.
D.Alter the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to grow automatically.
E.Change the segment space management for the SMD tablespace to automatic.

1、增加一个文件:ALTER TABLESPACE lmtbsb ADD DATAFILE '/u02/Oracle/data/lmtbsb02.dbf' SIZE 1M;
2、改变原来数据文件的大小:ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/u02/oracle/rbdb1/stuff01.dbf' RESIZE 300M;
3、设置自动增长:ALTER TABLESPACE users ADD DATAFILE '/u02/oracle/rbdb1/users03.dbf' SIZE 10M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 512K MAXSIZE 250M;

posted @ 2017-12-14 14:24  巴啦啦大魔王  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报