To accomplish user-managed backup for the USERS tablespace, you issued the following command to put the database in backup mode:
While copying the file to the backup destination a power outage caused the instance to te minate abnormally.
Which statement is true about the next database startup and the USERS tablespace?
A. The database will open, and the tablespace automatically comes out of the backup mode.
B. The database will be mounted, and recovery must be performed on the USERS tablespace.
C. The database will be mounted, and data files in the USERS tablespace must be taken out of the backup mode.
D. The database will not be mounted, and you must restore all the data files for the USERS tablespace from the backup, and perform recovery.
在数据表空间在备份模式时,实例被异常关闭,重新启动会报错,而数据库会在 mount 状态,必须执行ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP 后表空间才能脱离备份模式,数据库才能 open。