
Another DBA issues a shutdown abort command on a database on which you were running an online backup. What will happen when you try to restart the database?
A. Oracle will automatically take the datafile out of hot backup mode, generate a warning message, and then open the database.
B. Oracle will automatically take the datafile out of hot backup mode and then open the database.
C. Oracle will generate an error when trying to open the database, indicating that a datafile is in hot backup mode.You will need to correct this error before you can open the database.
D. The database will open with the file in hot backup mode. You can restart the backup at any time.
E. The datafile in hot backup mode will be corrupted and you will have to recover it.

  Oracle will generation an error indicating that a datafile is in hot backup mode.You will need to issue the alter database end backup command to make sure all datafiles in hot backup mode are no longer in hot backup modes.You can then use the alter database open command to open the database.

注:热备时被其他DBA shutdown abort,然后open不了数据库,报错。只能在mount下把hot backup模式的表空间退出hot backup模式,然后open数据库。

posted @ 2017-11-08 15:32  巴啦啦大魔王  阅读(75)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报