You notice that a job in a chain has not completed on a nonconstrained RAC database. Which of
these are valid reasons why that might occur?
A. The job priority is 1 and the resource consumer group CPU emphasis allocation is a low percentage.
B. The job affinity is to a service and one node in that service is unavailable.
C. The job affinity is to an instance and that instance is unavailable.
D. There is no service affinity.
E. None of the above.
Since we've established that the RAC is not performance constrained,option A is
not valid-if the resource group were not able to obtain adequate CPU,this might be a
valid answer.Option B is not correct because service affinity guarantees that if one instance
in the service is available,the Scheduler will attempt to use it to run the job.If there is no
service or instance affinity,the Scheduler will attempt to balance the load across surviving