# #作业1
# 猜年龄,可以让用户猜三次!
age = 25
user_guess = int(input("input your guess"))


age = 25
count = 0
while count <3 :
user_guess = int(input("please enter an age:"))
if (user_guess == age):
print ("Corrcet!")
elif (user_guess < age):
print ("smaller!")
print ("bigger!")
count +=1



# #作业2
# 猜年龄,每隔三次,问他一下,还想不想玩,y,n


print("You have only 3 chances!")
age_of_oldboy = 56

count = 0
while count <3:
guess_age = int(input("Guess Age:"))
if guess_age == age_of_oldboy :
print("Yes,you got it.")
elif guess_age > age_of_oldboy:
elif guess_age < age_of_oldboy:
count +=1
if count == 3:
countine_confirm = input("Do you want to contonue?")
if countine_confirm !='n':
count =0
print("Log out!")



# #作业3
# 用户登录程序 ,编写登录接口
# 输入用户名密码
# 认证成功后显示欢迎信息
# 输错三次后锁定




import os



count = 1


name = "tom"


passwd = "123456"


while True:


    guess_name = input("please input your name: ")


    guess_passwd = input("please input your password: ")


    if guess_name == name and guess_passwd == passwd:






    elif count >= 3:


        os.system("sed -i '/tom/s/bin\/bash/sbin\/nologin/' /etc/passwd")


        with open('/etc/nologin.txt','w'as f:


            f.write("Your account is locked")




        print("Your account is locked...哈哈")






        print("try agin..")


        count = count + 1



count = 0 #记录用户输入密码的次数 flag = 1 #标志位 lock = [] user_pass = [] username = input('please input your name:') #读取黑名单的内容 f = open('black_mingdan','r') lock_file = f.readlines() f.close() #将黑名单文件内容作为列表元素追加到列表中 for i in lock_file: line = i.strip('\n') lock.append(line) #若输入的用户名在黑名单中,如果在则给出提示信息:用户已经被锁定,请联系管理员。 if username in lock: print('User %s Have Been Locked.It is not allow to login,please contact Administrator.' %username) else: #输入的用户名不在黑名单中,则提示用户输入密码信息 while True: count += 1 passwd = input("please input your password:") f = open('user_information','r') user_file = f.readlines() f.close() for i in user_file: user_pass = i.strip().split() #判断输入的用户名==user_pass[0] and 密码==user_pass[1],如果相等,则提示欢迎信息并退出循环,如果不相等则 #结束本次循环 if username == user_pass[0] and passwd == user_pass[1]: print('welcome user %s login !' %username) flag = True break else: continue #若flag为真,则用户名和密码输入正确跳出整个循环体,反之,若用户输入密码错误的次数为3,则给出提示信息:用户已经被锁定 #并将username追加到黑名单中 if flag is True: break else: if count == 3: print('User Have Been try 3 times,Have Been Locked') lock_file = open('black_mingdan','a') #lock_file.write('Have Been Locked User:%s\n' %username) lock_file.write('%s\n' %username) lock_file.close() break


posted on 2017-03-27 18:12  Baby&Lady  阅读(233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报