共指消解——Coreference Resolution
Coreference Resolution
Coreference Resolution: find all the words that refer to the same entity in the world.
antecedent / anaphor: 先行词与回指。a term (anaphor) refers to another term(antecedent). For example, Pronouns! But not all noun phrases have reference (like everyone)
Cataphor: 后行词与后指。antecedent出现在后面
Mention Detection
Part-of-speech(POS) tagger
Named entities
named entity recognition(NER) system
Noun phrases
use a parser
Deal with bad mentions
- train classifier to filter out spurious mentions
- Keep all mentions as candidate mentions and in final discard all singleton mentions (not have coreference with anything else)
Avoid traditional pipeline system
- train classifier specifically for mention detection
- end-to-end model (Mention detection and co-reference resolution simultaneously)
Coreference Models
rule-based (Hobbs Algorithm, make a tree)
mention pair
mention ranking
Neural Coreference Model
1 D Convolution feature.
Character-level convolutional feature and word2vec , sliding spans as candidate inputs
Learn Character-level representations for POS tagging, BERT