delphi dev cxbutton 如何实现自定义各种状态的颜色,包括去掉边框
function TcxSpeedButtonOptions.NeedDrawParts: Boolean; begin Result := not CanBeFocused and (Transparent or Flat); end;
procedure TcxCustomButton.InternalPaint;
function NeedDrawBorder(AState: TcxButtonState): Boolean;
Result := (LookAndFeel.SkinPainter = nil) and
(not SpeedButtonOptions.Flat or IsDesigning or ((AState <> cxbsDisabled) and
((bisHot in InternalState) or (AState <> cxbsNormal)))) and not
(LookAndFeel.NativeStyle or (LookAndFeel.Kind = lfOffice11));
procedure InternalDrawButton(R: TRect; AState: TcxButtonState; AColor: TColor; AIsMenuButton: Boolean = False); begin if SpeedButtonOptions.NeedDrawParts then begin if NeedDrawBorder(AState) then begin Painter.DrawButtonBorder(FCanvas, R, AState); InflateRect(R, -Painter.ButtonBorderSize(AState), -Painter.ButtonBorderSize(AState)); end; FCanvas.SaveClipRegion; try FCanvas.SetClipRegion(TcxRegion.Create(R), roSet); if not SpeedButtonOptions.Transparent or ((AState <> cxbsDisabled) and (not (bisHot in InternalState) and (AState <> cxbsNormal)) or ((bisHot in InternalState) and Painter.IsButtonHotTrack)) then Painter.DrawButton(FCanvas, R, '', AState, False, AColor, FCanvas.Font.Color, WordWrap, True) else cxDrawTransparentControlBackground(Self, FCanvas, ClientRect); finally FCanvas.RestoreClipRegion; end; end else Painter.DrawButton(FCanvas, R, '', AState, True, AColor, FCanvas.Font.Color, WordWrap); end; procedure TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter.DrawButton(ACanvas: TcxCanvas; R: TRect; const ACaption: string; AState: TcxButtonState; ADrawBorder: Boolean = True; AColor: TColor = clDefault; ATextColor: TColor = clDefault; AWordWrap: Boolean = False; AIsToolButton: Boolean = False); var AFlags: Integer; begin with ACanvas do begin if ADrawBorder then begin DrawButtonBorder(ACanvas, R, AState); InflateRect(R, -ButtonBorderSize(AState), -ButtonBorderSize(AState)); end; if AColor = clDefault then Brush.Color := ButtonColor(AState) else Brush.Color := AColor; FillRect(R); if ATextColor = clDefault then Font.Color := ButtonSymbolColor(AState) else Font.Color := ATextColor; Brush.Style := bsClear; with R do // for compatible with standard buttons begin Dec(Bottom, Ord(Odd(Bottom - Top))); if (Bottom - Top) < 18 then Dec(Top); end; if AState = cxbsPressed then OffsetRect(R, ButtonTextShift, ButtonTextShift); if Length(ACaption) > 0 then begin AFlags := cxAlignVCenter or cxShowPrefix or cxAlignHCenter; if AWordWrap then AFlags := AFlags or cxWordBreak else AFlags := AFlags or cxSingleLine; DrawText(ACaption, R, AFlags, AState <> cxbsDisabled); end; Brush.Style := bsSolid; end; end;
object Button1: TcxButton
Left = 424
Top = 401
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Menu_1'
TabOrder = 13
LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False
LookAndFeel.SkinName = 'SideNav'
SpeedButtonOptions.Transparent = True
然后重写一个painter, skinmae 指定一下'sidenav'就可以了
uses Windows,Types,Graphics, cxGraphics, cxLookAndFeelPainters; TSideNavPainter = class(TcxUltraFlatLookAndFeelPainter) public function LookAndFeelName: string; override; function LookAndFeelStyle: TcxLookAndFeelStyle; override; procedure DrawButtonBorder(ACanvas: TcxCanvas; R: TRect; AState: TcxButtonState); override; end; { TSideNavPainter } function TSideNavPainter.LookAndFeelName: string; begin Result := 'SideNav'; end; function TSideNavPainter.LookAndFeelStyle: TcxLookAndFeelStyle; begin Result := lfsSkin; end; procedure TSideNavPainter.DrawButtonBorder( ACanvas: TcxCanvas; R: TRect; AState: TcxButtonState); //不要边框 function GetBorderColor: TColor; begin Result := ClNone; end; begin if AState = cxbsDefault then begin ACanvas.FrameRect(R, GetBorderColor); InflateRect(R, -1, -1); ACanvas.FrameRect(R, GetBorderColor); end else ACanvas.FrameRect(R, GetBorderColor); end; initialization cxLookAndFeelPaintersManager.Register(TSideNavPainter.Create); finalization cxLookAndFeelPaintersManager.UnRegister('SideNav');
第二种方式: 按以下设置,然后设置SkinName 跟上面的一样,不需要处理DrawButtonBorder .原理是因为有 LookAndFeel.SkinPainter 就不会画边框
object Menu_cy: TcxButton
Left = 0
Top = 54
Width = 161
Height = 50
Caption = #24120#29992
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -16
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = False
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = Menu_cyClick
Align = alTop
Colors.Normal = 13199402
Colors.NormalText = clWhite
Colors.HotText = clWhite
Colors.Pressed = 9915936
Colors.PressedText = clWhite
Colors.Disabled = 9915936
Colors.DisabledText = clWhite
LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False
LookAndFeel.SkinName = 'SideNav'
OptionsImage.ImageIndex = 0
OptionsImage.Images = cxmglst_NavImage
OptionsImage.Margin = 12
OptionsImage.Spacing = 12
SpeedButtonOptions.GroupIndex = 1
SpeedButtonOptions.CanBeFocused = False
SpeedButtonOptions.Flat = True
SpeedButtonOptions.Transparent = True
OnMouseEnter = Menu_cyMouseEnter