Delphi SynCrtSock TWinHTTP


/// a class to handle HTTP/1.1 request using the WinHTTP API
// - has a common behavior as THttpClientSocket() but seems to be faster
// over a network and is able to retrieve the current proxy settings
// (if available) and handle secure https connection - so it seems to be the
// class to use in your client programs
// - WinHTTP does not share any proxy settings with Internet Explorer.
// The WinHTTP proxy configuration is set by either
// $ proxycfg.exe
// on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 or earlier, either
// $ netsh.exe
// on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 or later; for instance,
// you can run either:
// $ proxycfg -u
// $ netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie
// to use the current user's proxy settings for Internet Explorer (under 64-bit
// Vista/Seven, to configure applications using the 32 bit WinHttp settings,
// call netsh or proxycfg bits from %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 folder explicitely)
// - Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) is targeted at middle-tier and
// back-end server applications that require access to an HTTP client stack

///使用WinHTTP API处理HTTP/1.1请求的类
// -具有与THttpClientSocket()相同的行为,但似乎更快
// - WinHTTP不与ie共享任何代理设置。
// WinHTTP代理配置由两者之一设置
// $ proxycfg.exe
// Windows XP和Windows Server 2003或更早版本
// $ netsh.exe
//在Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008或更高版本;例如,
// $ proxycfg -u
// $ netsh winhttp导入代理源=ie
//使用当前用户的Internet Explorer代理设置(64位以下
// -微软Windows HTTP服务(WinHTTP)是针对中间层和

比THttpClientSocket 要更快,经过测试确实要快一些



TWinHTTP.Create('htpp://XXXX','443',True);  //最后一个参数 是否为 https连接


FApiHttp.Request(APIVersion+API_AccesToken, 'POST', 0,'',Body.AsJSon,'application/json', OutHeader, OutData);


//2.方法 POST GET...

//3.KeepAlive is in milliseconds, 0 for "Connection: Close" HTTP/1.0 requests






函数返回 HttpStateCode


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