[POJ 1008] Maya Calendar C++解题

Maya Calendar
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions: 62297   Accepted: 19221


During his last sabbatical, professor M. A. Ya made a surprising discovery about the old Maya calendar. From an old knotted message, professor discovered that the Maya civilization used a 365 day long year, called Haab, which had 19 months. Each of the first 18 months was 20 days long, and the names of the months were pop, no, zip, zotz, tzec, xul, yoxkin, mol, chen, yax, zac, ceh, mac, kankin, muan, pax, koyab, cumhu. Instead of having names, the days of the months were denoted by numbers starting from 0 to 19. The last month of Haab was called uayet and had 5 days denoted by numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The Maya believed that this month was unlucky, the court of justice was not in session, the trade stopped, people did not even sweep the floor.

For religious purposes, the Maya used another calendar in which the year was called Tzolkin (holly year). The year was divided into thirteen periods, each 20 days long. Each day was denoted by a pair consisting of a number and the name of the day. They used 20 names: imix, ik, akbal, kan, chicchan, cimi, manik, lamat, muluk, ok, chuen, eb, ben, ix, mem, cib, caban, eznab, canac, ahau and 13 numbers; both in cycles.

Notice that each day has an unambiguous description. For example, at the beginning of the year the days were described as follows:

1 imix, 2 ik, 3 akbal, 4 kan, 5 chicchan, 6 cimi, 7 manik, 8 lamat, 9 muluk, 10 ok, 11 chuen, 12 eb, 13 ben, 1 ix, 2 mem, 3 cib, 4 caban, 5 eznab, 6 canac, 7 ahau, and again in the next period 8 imix, 9 ik, 10 akbal . . .

Years (both Haab and Tzolkin) were denoted by numbers 0, 1, : : : , where the number 0 was the beginning of the world. Thus, the first day was:

Haab: 0. pop 0

Tzolkin: 1 imix 0
Help professor M. A. Ya and write a program for him to convert the dates from the Haab calendar to the Tzolkin calendar.


The date in Haab is given in the following format:
NumberOfTheDay. Month Year

The first line of the input file contains the number of the input dates in the file. The next n lines contain n dates in the Haab calendar format, each in separate line. The year is smaller then 5000.


The date in Tzolkin should be in the following format:
Number NameOfTheDay Year

The first line of the output file contains the number of the output dates. In the next n lines, there are dates in the Tzolkin calendar format, in the order corresponding to the input dates.

Sample Input

10. zac 0
0. pop 0
10. zac 1995

Sample Output

3 chuen 0
1 imix 0
9 cimi 2801

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions: 62297   Accepted: 19221


上周末,M.A. Ya教授对古老的玛雅有了一个重大发现。从一个古老的节绳(玛雅人用于记事的工具)中,教授发现玛雅人使用了一个一年有365天的叫做Haab的历法。这 个Haab历法拥有19个月,在开始的18个月,一个月有20天,月份的名字分别是pop, no, zip, zotz, tzec, xul, yoxkin, mol, chen, yax, zac, ceh, mac, kankin, muan, pax, koyab, cumhu。这些月份中的日期用0到19表示。Haab历的最后一个月叫做uayet,它只有5天,用0到4表示。玛雅人认为这个日期最少的月份是不吉利 的,在这个月法庭不开庭,人们不从事交易,甚至没有人打扫屋中的地板。

因为宗教的原因,玛雅人还使用了另一个历法,在这个历法中年被称为Tzolkin(holly年),一年被分成13个不同的时期,每个时期有20天,每一 天用一个数字和一个单词相组合的形式来表示。使用的数字是1~13,使用的单词共有20个,它们分别是:imix, ik, akbal, kan, chicchan, cimi, manik, lamat, muluk, ok, chuen, eb, ben, ix, mem, cib, caban, eznab, canac, ahau。注意:年中的每一天都有着明确唯一的描述,比如,在一年的开始,日期如下描述: 1 imix, 2 ik, 3 akbal, 4 kan, 5 chicchan, 6 cimi, 7 manik, 8 lamat, 9 muluk, 10 ok, 11 chuen, 12 eb, 13 ben, 1 ix, 2 mem, 3 cib, 4 caban, 5 eznab, 6 canac, 7 ahau, ,8 imix, 9 ik, 10 akbal ……也就是说数字和单词各自独立循环使用。

Haab: 0. pop 0
Tzolkin: 1 imix 0
请帮助M.A. Ya教授写一个程序可以把Haab历转化成Tzolkin历。


日期. 月份 年数



天数字 天名称 年数


Sample Input

10. zac 0
0. pop 0
10. zac 1995

Sample Output

3 chuen 0
1 imix 0
9 cimi 2801





 1 /*
 2 poj 1000
 3 version:1.0
 4 author:Knight
 5 Email:S.Knight.Work@gmail.com
 6 */
 8 #include <cstdio>
 9 #include <cstring>
10 using namespace std;
11 struct _stru_HaabDate_
12 {
13     int NumberOfTheDay;
14     char MonthName[10];
15     int MonthIndex;
16     int Year;
17 };
18 struct _stru_TzolkinDate_
19 {
20     int Number;
21     char NameOfTheDay[10];
22     int Year;
23 };
24 char HAABMONTHNAME[19][10] = { "pop","no","zip","zotz","tzec","xul","yoxkin","mol","chen",\
25                                "yax","zac","ceh","mac","kankin","muan","pax","koyab","cumhu","uayet"
26                              };
27 char TZOLKINDAYNAME[20][10] = {"imix", "ik","akbal","kan","chicchan","cimi","manik",\
28                                "lamat","muluk","ok", "chuen","eb", "ben","ix","mem","cib","caban","eznab","canac","ahau"
29                               };
30 //返回HaabDate日期距离世界开始的天数
31 int CountDaysToWorldBegin(_stru_HaabDate_ HaabDate);
32 //通过已知的距离世界开始的天数,转换某Tzolkin的日期
33 _stru_TzolkinDate_ CovertToTzolkin(int DaysToWorldBegin);
34 int main(void)
35 {
36     int CaseNum;
37     int i;
38     _stru_HaabDate_ HaabDate;
39     _stru_TzolkinDate_ TzolkinDate;
40     int DaysToWorldBegin;
41     //获得用户输入
42     scanf("%d", &CaseNum);
43     printf("%d\n", CaseNum);
44     for (i=0; i<CaseNum; i++)
45     {
46         scanf("%d.%s%d", &HaabDate.NumberOfTheDay, HaabDate.MonthName, &HaabDate.Year);
47         //printf("%d %s %d\n", HaabDate.NumberOfTheDay, HaabDate.MonthName, HaabDate.Year);
48         //计算Haab日期距离世界开始的天数
49         DaysToWorldBegin = CountDaysToWorldBegin(HaabDate);
50         //转换成Tzolkin日期
51         TzolkinDate = CovertToTzolkin(DaysToWorldBegin);
52         printf("%d %s %d\n", TzolkinDate.Number, TzolkinDate.NameOfTheDay, TzolkinDate.Year);
53     }
54     return 0;
55 }
56 //返回HaabDate日期距离世界开始的天数
57 int CountDaysToWorldBegin(_stru_HaabDate_ HaabDate)
58 {
59     int i;
60     int Result;
61 //计算HaabDate日期是该年的第几个月,从0开始计数
62     for (i=0; i<19; i++)
63     {
64         if (strcmp(HaabDate.MonthName, HAABMONTHNAME[i]) == 0)
65         {
66             HaabDate.MonthIndex = i;
67             break;
68         }
69     }
70     Result = 365 * HaabDate.Year + 20 * HaabDate.MonthIndex + HaabDate.NumberOfTheDay;
71     return Result;
72 }
73 //通过已知的距离世界开始的天数,转换某Tzolkin的日期
74 _stru_TzolkinDate_ CovertToTzolkin(int DaysToWorldBegin)
75 {
76     _stru_TzolkinDate_ TzolkinDate;
77     TzolkinDate.Number = DaysToWorldBegin % 13 + 1;
78     int DayNameIndex = DaysToWorldBegin % 20;
79     strcpy(TzolkinDate.NameOfTheDay, TZOLKINDAYNAME[DayNameIndex]);
80     TzolkinDate.Year = DaysToWorldBegin / 260;
81     return TzolkinDate;
82 }


posted @ 2014-01-19 10:21  玩物尚智  阅读(2106)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报