bzoj 1002 找规律(基尔霍夫矩阵)
//By BLADEVIL var n :longint; a, b, c :array[0..100000] of longint; w :array[0..200] of ansistring; i :longint; function plus(s1,s2:ansistring):ansistring; var len :longint; i :longint; s :ansistring; begin fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); len:=length(s1); for i:=1 to len do a[(len-i) div 4+1]:=a[(len-i) div 4+1]*10+ord(s1[i])-48; len:=length(s2); for i:=1 to len do b[(len-i) div 4+1]:=b[(len-i) div 4+1]*10+ord(s2[i])-48; if length(s1)>len then len:=length(s1); len:=(len+3) div 4; for i:=1 to len do begin c[i]:=c[i]+a[i]+b[i]; c[i+1]:=c[i+1]+c[i] div 10000; c[i]:=c[i] mod 10000; end; inc(len); plus:=''; for i:=len downto 1 do begin str(c[i],s); if c[i]<1000 then plus:=plus+'0'; if c[i]<100 then plus:=plus+'0'; if c[i]<10 then plus:=plus+'0'; plus:=plus+s; end; while (plus[1]='0') and (length(plus)>1) do delete(plus,1,1); end; function jian(s1,s2:ansistring):ansistring; var len :longint; i :longint; s :ansistring; begin fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); len:=length(s1); for i:=1 to len do a[(len-i) div 4+1]:=a[(len-i) div 4+1]*10+ord(s1[i])-48; len:=length(s2); for i:=1 to len do b[(len-i) div 4+1]:=b[(len-i) div 4+1]*10+ord(s2[i])-48; len:=(length(s1)+3) div 4; for i:=1 to len do c[i]:=a[i]-b[i]; for i:=1 to len do if c[i]<0 then begin c[i]:=c[i]+10000; dec(c[i+1]); end; jian:=''; for i:=len downto 1 do begin str(c[i],s); if c[i]<1000 then jian:=jian+'0'; if c[i]<100 then jian:=jian+'0'; if c[i]<10 then jian:=jian+'0'; jian:=jian+s; end; while (jian[1]='0') and (length(jian)>1) do delete(jian,1,1); end; begin read(n); w[1]:='1'; w[2]:='5'; for i:=3 to n do w[i]:=plus(jian(plus(plus(w[i-1],w[i-1]),w[i-1]),w[i-2]),'2'); writeln(w[n]); end.