1 package main 2 3 import ( 4 "fmt" 5 "html/template" 6 "net/http" 7 "strings" 8 "log" 9 _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" 10 "database/sql" 11 ) 12 13 type WebMux struct{ 14 } 15 16 func (p *WebMux) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request){ 17 switch r.URL.Path{ 18 case "/": 19 sayHello(w,r) 20 return 21 case "/login": 22 login(w,r) 23 return 24 default: 25 http.NotFound(w,r) 26 return 27 } 28 } 29 30 func checkErr(err error) { 31 if err != nil { 32 panic(err) 33 } 34 } 35 36 func sayHello(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request){ 37 r.ParseForm() 38 fmt.Println(r.Form) 39 fmt.Println("path:",r.URL.Path) 40 fmt.Println("scheme:",r.URL.Scheme) 41 fmt.Println(r.Form["url_long"]) 42 for k,v:=range r.Form{ 43 fmt.Println("key:",k) 44 fmt.Println("val:",strings.Join(v," ")) 45 } 46 fmt.Fprintf(w,"Hello,welcome to Go web world!") 47 } 48 49 func login(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request){ 50 fmt.Println("method:",r.Method) 51 if r.Method=="GET" { 52 t,_:=template.ParseFiles("gtpl/login.gtpl") 53 t.Execute(w,nil) 54 } else { 55 r.ParseForm() 56 fmt.Println("username:",r.Form["username"][0]) 57 fmt.Println("password:",r.Form["password"][0]) 58 59 //连接数据库 60 dbConnStr:="xoops:xoops@tcp(ubuntu_tst:3306)/xoops?charset=utf8" 61 db,err:=sql.Open("mysql",dbConnStr) 62 defer db.Close() 63 rows,err:=db.Query("select * from auth_user where password=? and username=?",r.Form["password"][0],r.Form["username"][0]) 64 checkErr(err) 65 if rows.Next() { 66 var username,password,usercnname string 67 rows.Scan(&username,&password,&usercnname) 68 fmt.Fprintf(w,"Hello,%s",usercnname) 69 } else { 70 fmt.Fprintf(w,"Ooooops!Invalid username or password.") 71 } 72 } 73 } 74 func main(){ 75 //http.HandleFunc("/",sayHello) 76 //err:=http.ListenAndServe(":9090",nil) 77 mux:=&WebMux{} 78 err:=http.ListenAndServe(":9090",mux) 79 if err!=nil { 80 log.Fatal("ListenAndServe:",err) 81 } 82 }