对 Minecraft 的 Dynmap 做一些小美化


Dynmap 是 Minecraft 中以网页 Web 形式呈现地图的模组,和 BlueMap 等类似。我自己倒是 Dynmap 用多了感觉更习惯一些就一直用下去了,虽然如今 BlueMap 之类的确实更先进。


LiveAtlas 是 Dynmap 的第三方皮肤扩展,下载好后直接导入 dynmap/web 文件夹覆盖即可。


这是下载后的文件结构,从 repo 来看这个项目用的 Yarn + Vue,打开 index.html 看看。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="preload" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/raleway/v22/1Ptxg8zYS_SKggPN4iEgvnHyvveLxVvaorCIPrE.woff2" as="font" crossorigin="anonymous">
    <link rel="preload" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/raleway/v22/1Ptxg8zYS_SKggPN4iEgvnHyvveLxVsEpbCIPrE.woff2" as="font" crossorigin="anonymous">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no">

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	<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />

    <meta name="theme-color" content="#222222">
	<link rel="manifest" href="./live-atlas/favicons/site.webmanifest">
	<link rel="icon" href="./live-atlas/favicons/favicon.svg">
    <link rel=”mask-icon” href="./live-atlas/favicons/mask.svg" color="#cccccc">
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="./live-atlas/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png">

    <meta name="keywords" content="minecraft, map, dynamic, liveatlas" />
	<meta name="description" content="Minecraft Dynamic Map" />

    <title>Minecraft Dynamic Map - LiveAtlas</title>

    <!-- Remove this if you are using the servers config below -->
    <script src="./standalone/config.js"></script>

        window.liveAtlasConfig = {
        	// By default LiveAtlas looks for a dynmap standalone/config.js file
            // This configuration can be used instead to support Pl3xmap and Squaremap installations as well as multiple servers (external webserver required)
            // To configure multiple servers, see https://github.com/JLyne/LiveAtlas/wiki/Configuring-Multiple-Servers.

            // Example Squaremap internal webserver configuration
            // servers: {
            //   squaremap: {
            // 	   squaremap: window.location.pathname
            //   },
            // },

            // Example Pl3xmap internal webserver configuration
            // servers: {
            //   pl3xmap: {
            // 	   pl3xmap: window.location.pathname
            //   },
            // },

            // Example Overviewer configuration
            // servers: {
            //   overviewer: {
            // 	   overviewer: window.location.pathname
            //   },
            // },

            // Example Dynmap internal webserver configuration without using standalone/config.js
            // servers: {
            //   dynmap: {
            //     dynmap: {
            //       configuration: 'standalone/dynmap_config.json?_={timestamp}',
            //       update: 'standalone/dynmap_{world}.json?_={timestamp}',
            //       sendmessage: 'standalone/sendmessage.php',
            //       login: 'standalone/login.php',
            //       register: 'standalone/register.php',
            //       tiles: 'tiles/',
            //       markers: 'tiles/'
            //     }
            //   },
            // },

            // Example multiple Dynmap servers on external webserver configuration
            // servers: {
            //   creative: {
            //     label: 'Creative',
            //     dynmap: {
            //         configuration: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_configuration.php',
            //         update: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_update.php?world={world}&ts={timestamp}',
            //         sendmessage: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_sendmessage.php',
            //         login: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_login.php',
            //         register: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_register.php',
            //         tiles: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_tiles.php?tile=',
            //         markers: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/creative/MySQL_markers.php?marker='
            //     }
            //   },
            //   survival: {
            //     label: 'Survival',
            //     dynmap: {
            //         configuration: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_configuration.php',
            //         update: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_update.php?world={world}&ts={timestamp}',
            //         sendmessage: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_sendmessage.php',
            //         login: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_login.php',
            //         register: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_register.php',
            //         tiles: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_tiles.php?tile=',
            //         markers: 'http://dynmap.local/standalone/survival/MySQL_markers.php?marker='
			//     }
            //   },
            // },

            // These messages are used throughout LiveAtlas and can be translated here
            // If a message you want to translate isn't here, it is likely controlled by dynmap itself
            // see https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Configuration.txt
            messages: {
            	chatNoMessages: 'No chat messages yet...',
                chatTitle: 'Chat',
                chatLogin: 'Please login to send chat messages',
                chatSend: 'Send',
                chatPlaceholder: 'Type your chat message here...',
                chatErrorUnknown: 'Unexpected error while sending chat message',
                chatErrorDisabled: 'Chat is not enabled',
            	serversHeading: 'Servers',
                markersHeading: 'Markers',
                markersSearchPlaceholder: 'Search markers...',
                markersSkeleton: 'No markers exist for the current world',
                markersSetSkeleton: 'This marker set is empty',
                markersSearchSkeleton: 'No matching markers found',
                markersUnnamed: '(Unnamed marker)',
                worldsSkeleton: 'No maps have been configured',
                playersSkeleton: 'No players are currently online',
                playersTitle: 'Click to center on player\nDouble-click to follow player',
                playersTitleHidden: 'This player is currently hidden from the map\nDouble-click to follow player when they become visible',
                playersTitleOtherWorld: 'This player is in another world.\nClick to center on player\nDouble-click to follow player',
                playersSearchPlaceholder: 'Search players...',
                playersSearchSkeleton: 'No matching players found',
                followingHeading: 'Following',
                followingUnfollow: 'Unfollow',
                followingTitleUnfollow: 'Stop following this player',
                followingHidden: 'Currently hidden',
                linkTitle: 'Copy link to current location',
                loadingTitle: 'Loading...',
                locationRegion: 'Region',
                locationChunk: 'Chunk',
                contextMenuCopyLink: 'Copy link to here',
                contextMenuCenterHere: 'Center here',
                toggleTitle: 'Click to toggle this section',
                mapTitle: 'Map - Use the arrow keys to pan the map',
                layersTitle: 'Layers',
                copyToClipboardSuccess: 'Copied to clipboard',
                copyToClipboardError: 'Unable to copy to clipboard',

                loginTitle: 'Login/Register',
                loginHeading: 'Existing User',
                loginUsernameLabel: 'Username',
                loginPasswordLabel: 'Password',
                loginSubmit: 'Login',
                loginErrorUnknown: 'Unexpected error while logging in',
                loginErrorDisabled: 'Logging in is disabled on this server',
                loginErrorIncorrect: 'Incorrect username or password',
                loginSuccess: 'Logged in successfully',

                registerHeading: 'New User',
                registerDescription: `Enter your username and password, along with your registration code.

                        You can get a registration code by running /dynmap webregister in-game.`,
                registerConfirmPasswordLabel: 'Confirm Password',
                registerCodeLabel: 'Registration Code',
                registerSubmit: 'Register',
                registerErrorUnknown: 'Unexpected error during registration',
                registerErrorDisabled: 'Registration is disabled on this server',
                registerErrorVerifyFailed: 'The entered passwords do not match',
                registerErrorIncorrect: 'Registration failed, please check the entered details are correct',

                logoutTitle: 'Logout',
                logoutErrorUnknown: 'Unexpected error while logging out',
                logoutSuccess: 'Logged out successfully',

                closeTitle: 'Close',
                showMore: 'Show more'

            ui: {
            	// If true, player markers will always be displayed in front of other marker types
            	playersAboveMarkers: true,

                // Whether to enable the player list search box
                playersSearch: true,

                // Use more compact pre-2.0 player marker style
                compactPlayerMarkers: false,

                // Disable the map right click menu
                disableContextMenu: false,

                // Disable the markers button and list
                disableMarkerUI: false,

                // Custom URL to redirect to when logging in is required
                // This URL will need to handle the login process and redirect users back to LiveAtlas
                customLoginUrl: null

            // Config version. Do not modify.
            version: 1

        /* Theme colours */
        :root {
            --background-base: #222222; /* Foreground UI elements */
            --background-dark: #121212; /* Body/Splash screen/Shadows */
            --background-light: #363636; /* Scrollbars/inputs */
            --background-error: #771616; /* Errors */
            --background-marker: var(--background-dark); /* Map markers */

            --background-disabled: #555555; /* Disabled controls */
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            --text-base: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); /* Normal text */
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            --text-subtle: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); /* Skeletons/secondary text */
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            --text-marker: var(--text-base); /* Map markers */

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    <script type="module" crossorigin src="./live-atlas/assets/index.a82d2095.js"></script>
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        <svg id="splash__logo" width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 268.83 266.53" aria-hidden="true" fill="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)">
            <path d="M5.235.662C2.153.606 0 2.945 0 6.912v216.577c0 5.288 3.828 11.41 8.582 13.725l57.835 28.165c4.755 2.316 8.582-.078 8.582-5.367V43.434c0-5.288-3.827-11.41-8.582-13.727L8.582 1.544C7.394.965 6.262.681 5.235.662zm32.283 135.96c14.394 0 26.062 11.669 26.062 26.063 0 14.394-24.167 59.55-26.062 57.654-1.854 1.854-26.063-43.26-26.063-57.654 0-14.394 11.669-26.063 26.063-26.063zM202.388 1.013l57.833 28.165c4.755 2.315 8.583 8.437 8.583 13.726v216.58c0 5.29-3.828 7.683-8.583 5.367l-57.833-28.164c-4.755-2.316-8.583-8.438-8.583-13.727V6.38c0-5.289 3.828-7.682 8.583-5.367zM172.012.39c-1.051-.035-2.209.191-3.426.709l-68.342 29.053c-4.867 2.07-8.786 7.993-8.786 13.282V260.01c0 5.29 3.919 7.88 8.786 5.811l68.342-29.053c4.867-2.07 8.786-7.991 8.786-13.28V6.91c0-3.967-2.204-6.417-5.36-6.521zm-36.949 41.216c14.394 0 26.063 11.668 26.063 26.062 0 14.394-24.168 59.55-26.063 57.655C133.209 127.177 109 82.063 109 67.668c0-14.394 11.669-26.062 26.063-26.062z"/>
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        <svg id="splash__spinner" width="38" height="38" viewBox="0 0 38 38" stroke="#fff" aria-label="LiveAtlas is loading">
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            <span id="splash__error-message" role="alert"></span>
            <span id="splash__error-retry" aria-live="polite"></span>

        <strong>LiveAtlas requires JavaScript to work.<br />Please enable it to continue.</strong>

    <main id="app" aria-hidden="true"></main>

        window.addEventListener('load', () => {
            if(!window.liveAtlasLoaded) {
                document.getElementById('splash__error').setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');
                document.getElementById('splash__error-message').innerText = 'Required LiveAtlas files are missing or failed to load.\nPlease reinstall LiveAtlas.';
                document.getElementById('splash__spinner').style.visibility = 'hidden';

index.html 里面的内容都预留好了配置口,比如翻译信息、CSS,需要的话直接覆盖修改即可。以下是笔者自己的翻译信息:

            messages: {
            	chatNoMessages: '没人发信息喵。',
                chatTitle: '聊天',
                chatLogin: '只有登录了才能发消息喵~',
                chatSend: '发送',
                chatPlaceholder: '聊天信息输在这',
                chatErrorUnknown: '不知道为什么消息发不出去',
                chatErrorDisabled: '聊天未启用',
            	serversHeading: '服务器',
                markersHeading: '标记',
                markersSearchPlaceholder: '搜索标记',
                markersSkeleton: '当前世界没有标记点存在',
                markersSetSkeleton: '这个标记点是空的',
                markersSearchSkeleton: '无匹配结果',
                markersUnnamed: '(未命名标记)',
                worldsSkeleton: '没有地图被配置',
                playersSkeleton: '现在没人在线喵!',
                playersTitle: '单击以定位玩家\n双击以跟随玩家',
                playersTitleHidden: '该玩家在当前地图上隐藏\n双击可在玩家可见时跟随',
                playersTitleOtherWorld: '该玩家在另一个世界\n点击以定位到玩家\n双击以跟随玩家',
                playersSearchPlaceholder: '搜索玩家…',
                playersSearchSkeleton: '找不到匹配的玩家',
                followingHeading: '跟随中',
                followingUnfollow: '取消跟随',
                followingTitleUnfollow: '停止跟随该玩家',
                followingHidden: '当前隐藏',
                linkTitle: '获取当前坐标的网址',
                loadingTitle: '加载中…',
                locationRegion: '区域',
                locationChunk: '区块',
                contextMenuCopyLink: '复制链接',
                contextMenuCenterHere: '定位到此处',
                toggleTitle: '点击以切换此部分',
                mapTitle: '地图 - 使用方向键移动地图',
                layersTitle: '图层',
                copyToClipboardSuccess: '已复制到剪贴板',
                copyToClipboardError: '无法复制到剪贴板',

                loginTitle: '登录',
                loginHeading: '已有账户登录',
                loginUsernameLabel: '用户名',
                loginPasswordLabel: '密码',
                loginSubmit: '登录',
                loginErrorUnknown: '登录时出现未知错误',
                loginErrorDisabled: '登录已禁用',
                loginErrorIncorrect: '用户名或密码错误',
                loginSuccess: '登录成功喵!!',

                registerHeading: '新用户注册',
                registerDescription: `分别输入你的用户名、密码和注册码喵!

                        注册码需要在服务器中获取。在游戏中输入/dynmap webregister可以获得注册码。`,
                registerConfirmPasswordLabel: '确认密码',
                registerCodeLabel: '注册码',
                registerSubmit: '注册',
                registerErrorUnknown: '注册时出现未知错误',
                registerErrorDisabled: '注册已禁用',
                registerErrorVerifyFailed: '前后输入的密码不一致,笨蛋。',
                registerErrorIncorrect: '注册失败了,检查下输入内容的是否有误喵',

                logoutTitle: '登出',
                logoutErrorUnknown: '登出时出现未知错误',
                logoutSuccess: '已登出',

                closeTitle: '关闭',
                showMore: '显示更多'

CSS 也是按需修改,笔者还是比较喜欢浅色的()所以自己的几个站点风格都比较接近,感兴趣的可以去 repo 看代码。


笔者给卫星地图配置的域名是通过 CDN 的,服务商是腾讯云,反代总担心性能和带宽都不够,而且每次这么多图片请求压力也比较大,考虑到卫星地图看的人不多就上了 CDN。腾讯云国内流量是 19 元 100 G,用个半年没啥问题,每天顶多 100 M()

posted @   AurLemon  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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