IBM DB2 LUW DBA Tutorial -- Instance creation


声明:此随笔为在youtube上学习‘ IBM DB2 LUW/UDB DBA Tutorial for Beginners' 课程笔记.



1. Add user id(Use root on system):

  useradd -d /home/db2inst1 db2inst1

  passwd db2inst1

  create some users like db2inst1

  alkesh, db2inst3

2. Check the DB installation information:


3. Go to db2 folder

  cd /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/

  cd /instance

  ./db2icrt -h (help to create a new instance)

4. Create instance

  ./db2icrt -u alkesh db2inst3

5. Check logs(db2icrt.log.xxxxx)

  cd /tmp

6. Login as instance owner

  su - db2inst3

7. Start instance


  --db2stop [stop instance]

  ps -ef | grep db2sysc [db2sysc: db2 system controller]

8. Create a database


CPU, I/O, memory

1 instance: 1 database

1 instance: 2 database (DATABASE_MEMORY)







9. Drop instance

  db2ilist [ list all instance]

  db2idrop -h

  db2idrop db2inst1  

10. Check global registry

  db2greg -dump



posted on 2020-07-13 17:52  画扇2020  阅读(113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报